wwwa yynwrm wmwmvry warn maLmsec 2Bageg 9m in us zr llan Dickey Grade aslrs advice his teaehcr Miss Margaret Smith nhaut the lde he is horrowlnglrom his school libraryg IIMIVSS M91 BMW Children Mark at It Bar 10 every Tuesday morning Here she tells it story to grouii bile Lihramvlsits the llhrary at King Edward School KSVARE FOB READ meyflare storehousgs waiting and willing to be ransackedby inquiring minds They deepen our understanding of human re lationships and they giveus gt proper perspective on our selves and our place inthe world Children do not read for these reasons but it is because of these things that theyshould be given access to good books This week Young CanadaBo Week is being belebrated across the country iorthe seventh time Along with other libraries the Barrie Public Library is putting particular emphasis on childrens reading at this time to stimulate the reading of good literature by our boys and girls an at King Edward is so that he can rnake another loan iron the library is when she makes her weekly Rickie Davis eight Grade3 pupil Nineyear ld Joanne Feltishas hard time deciding amongthe hrlghlly colored picture llmqks little girl iriight likeShes in Grade at KingVEd