8THE BARRIB EXAMINER MAY NOW 13 HELP WANTED FIRST CLASS BODY MAN rop wager Usual employee beneï¬ts Arm 111m GODFREY HALWIG MOTOR COMPANY Lumen HON 1244 llaZlsii sALEs REPRESENTATIVE Permanent Position Largo Moving Storage Company requires Sales Representative immediately for Barrie and Dist rict Applicant must have car VIIEitnblishnd Business Higher Than Average Income Reply giving telephone number to Box Barrie Examiner 1131133 LETTER CARRIERS $2400 $3060 Post of ice Department BARRIE Ontario Further particulars avnilnblc on posters displayed at the Post Dillon and Nntiunnl Employment Service Application iorms avmloblc them at should be filed yith the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto NOT LATER THAN NOVEMBER 28 1955 132 DIVISIONAL SALES MANAGER This ad is directed to the man who wishes to hire and train his own Stat We have the most exciting consum er olier ever shown to the son ndian Public well llnnnced and planned pro gram will be arranged tor you Salesmans commission are the highest paid in the field It you are thegroan owerequire youwilt re ceive an override commission on all Sales Advertising paid tor Full arroperation in your plans Men will be added to your stall as you progress Write to Box Barrie Examiner in dotdll glvmg age ex perience etc 1130132 WAITRESSES wanted Preiernbly experienced Full beneï¬ts Apply Prysons Grill 1123 WOMAN tO look alter children and years while mother works Apply 15 Eradtord St 1131132 GOOD DAIRY man All conven iences Good wages Apéily Lambert Willson Phpne 28122 oolcstfgzniaz WANTEDRegistered Nurses for general duty Apply Superintend ent St Andrews Hospital Mid land Ontario 112m1 HAIRDRESSER Must be good all und operator Good salary to the ht person Apply 45 Dunlon or phone 2950 1131132 HOMEWOEKERS needed at once Ior baseball Sewing App Launch Wellinger 100 Victoria Street Barrie hone 5317 ll32134 LOCAL ANK re uires junior clerks to train astel ers iind clerk with some experience as business machine Operator Please reply to Box 14 Barrie Examiner 1132135 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper Cap able or takingcharge of local or iice On application please state age qualiï¬cations experience and salary expecbed Apply Box Ex airliner 11231 EAWLEIGH Business nowopen in Barrie and simcoe County Trade well established Excellent opport uni Full time Write at once Rawleighs Dept KlZBlBB Monte realPQ 1132 MONEY WANTED Due to expansion our oil requires salesmen or saleswomcn and man ager We are looking for ambitious men and women to represent our food service in rrie and sur rounding territory We Offer com mission salary and bonus But on ly to those who are interested in igher than average earnings Phone Mr Kirton 5066 1131132 FOR SALE GREKN HOUSB approximately Aha ilg tree to be removed mm illlDimlo St Hart l00 Bradford 71814 RANGETIE tabletop element with oven $1000 also assorted beds tables etc make otter Phone pro 2th Mr Gibson 7131132 WALNUT DINING room suite nieces Phllco radio $15 New white flannel trousers size 31 Lark ash sitter Phone 4305 7132 COMBINATION electric Ind coal range with is links oi stove pl and wall guard in excellentc dition Telephone 6454 7151132 PiGDONS Selling whole flock Fans Rollers iind Tumblers From 75c to $250 each Apply 33 Alfred SLAllandale phonetlM 7132133 NORGE SPACE heater Good con dition Also three oil drums Cap liclt 5D 111 40 1111 25 gal $55 wil lam teDhens Phelpston 7131l33 TOYS MADE Orders taken im mediately and are on display in window on the 50 sidcraad Innis lll Phone 6808 Albert Widdm7 BURNER Gurney electric range electric Thor washcr Lconard re trigcrntor cu it All new condi iion Apply Lowe Painstvllekiaz OUNG BEEF government inspect ed by the quarters Fronts 30c hind quarters 40c Delivered any where Apply Box 77 Barrie Exam iner 47124135 TYPEWRITERS oiflce machines portables adding machines cash registers shim and service Gosney ll Frontes 5L Barrie phone 4115 Box 253 Smith Cor onu representative 780t1P FRIGIDAIRE range 3burner deep well fryer large oven New condi tion Also kiddie car dolls 2111b and ShooFiyer rocker All renson able Also baby carriage Very cheap Phone 6389 7132 FITZGIEBONS steel hot wate bouef No at with expansion tank and 50 gal boiler and stand Fess oil burner with automatic controls Also some hot water radiators 95 Real bargain Royal Victoria os pitnl Superintendent Phone 5951 132 NEW and used reconditioned pi anos televlaio and electric church organs year guarantee Phone Elmvulei Brll Frank Ken nedy Phelpston miles north Barrie on 27 Highway and one mile east 758 45F USED MATERIALS Good iurn ace hot water radiators automatic drnit controls and lumber battleship linoleum doors win dows and frames basins tops steel shower Cabinou electric wirinlr light ï¬xtures large fluorescent ï¬xtures pipe all sizes also soil pipe and connections Phone 5082 or 6718 7126129132135 1952 TRAILER home trailer 31 long Duotherm oil furnace Propane gasraugc elect rric refrigerator piece bath chairs and tab complete kitchen bed room and living room Sleeps adults Ready to move into ply Sid Lewis Body and Fender Otk 2213 Hurontariu Street Collin wood or phone 542 23 80132 ACME ELECTRIC range 4hurnerr heavy duty three sectional settee single continental bed studio couch pair mahogany sin le sized beds and springs West ghouse and General Electric radio floor models Northern Electric combin atiOn table model RCA Victor ta ble model radio GE ironer lu size excellent davleno Chesterï¬eld chrome ch rs white enamel kitchen cabine uu size walnut bed with spring and mattress also dresser to match Several nice china cabinets and book cases Modern walnut vanity kitchen set pieces Large assortment oi books and encyclopedias carpets and several rugs Jones Used Furnish ings Essa Bond Allandale hone 6261 132 TELP WANTED AREYOU satisfied with your pres ent income and chances for ad vaneement it not investigate the moneymaking possibilities and Se cure future that could be yours as an independent Watkins Dealer Sell nationally advertised products necessities for home bnd farm No investment it you have car and are between25 and 55 years at age write today to Dept b5A THE WATKINS Comm 350 St Roch Street POSITIONS WANTED WILL GIVE day care Week days to babies in my homePhone 5054 WILL GIVE day care to children in own home Apply 281 gDunlop West 2130132 MAN WANTS work Full urpart time Reply to Box 18 Barrie Ex aminer 2132 iiiirEs r011 iiiiiEicoiliiiiiis Deadline ior Copy530 p111 week day preceding is ADIEIS 1441 as Tomorrow TO OEFICE word minimum 80oF PHONE 3414 Following consecutive insertions an wordmluinium 60c CASH RATE 33 Word minimum 60 Followlng consecutive insertions 2a word minimum misr on Him wmr onneo 40a dtothls orflce 25o up Glendale for use RUBBER STAMPS Mmemamas WEAY fiHS BOOK ORE WHY ZPAY RENT New and used mobile home trdilcrs or sale Lower down paymzhta Five year to pay Fully insured Steins Car Sales Angus Phone 332125 7loolus popes TODAY gusuraiuou raxncj OILS STOVE GFURNACEI Meter Tank Truck delivory withTlcket Printer siMcoE PETROLEUM EDSONWICE naprietor Phone 2563 Jim aruEe Driver Salesman Iliisur THIS CHRISTMAS USIE Robinson Hagdwaré LAYAWAY PuAN TOYS TRAINS 90th vnmcuazs rowan TOOLS summon APPLIANCE KITCHENWARE MAKEcllRisrMAs SHOPPIqu may any EARLY ON OUR MYiAWAYELAN RobinsonHardWaré 3t DUNLOP STREET CHRISTMAS Phone 3149 CEMENT Leiroy Elevators Phone 23W Leiroy 7132134 MOFFAT Electric Cher ries broils etc Phone 4276 1132 MODERN SFiece dining room suite Good condit on Phone 2909 7i32 TOP SOIL and used Lumber Dennis Moran phone 290 TREES rmasrorrr washing meehlné an only months $75 Phlone 22 NEW BED chestarfleld and match ing chair Reasonable Phone 4528 7132 LADIES WHITE flgure skates size 331 Excellent condition Phone PLAYPEN $4 expansion gates 50c eachvESEcclesSt Phone 5263 1132 MEDIUM SIZE Quebe heater also an annex both in good condition Phone 5769 7181132 GOOD CHEER wood and coal cook stove In good condition Phone 5710 71 ONE HORSE mowing machine In good condition Price reasonable Phone 4731 HUDSOlk seat cost so lens Good co itlon Apply box 20 Bar rie Examiner ilazuss HOME FREEZERS Direct iroln lactog With or without food sup ply hone 5339 71131 51 DUMP TRUCK tor hire with driver Also gravel ibi sale Apply 60 Maple Ave 7125 MEDIUM SIZE Beech range Burns coal orwo Reservoir Good con dition Phone 3848 7132 OAK DINING room suite Bullet to 12 and six chairs in good on dl ori Phone 5215 7131 PRINCESS Born cook ty washiri machine Phone 599 or 6622 SPACE HEATER $45 Oil stove $55 ply Frank Ladoucer 26 Bradford treet 1131132 animalris in audition Porcelain oven ite porcelain top 25 Phone 11543 sz PIANO MAROON studio colich lc ox Also hot wateri at eat er Ph 3179 after WHEN BUY WHICH IMEORTANTPQ on no minognumhifw re Obie firm whoguoron be rid their soles FER EiNC Tioizis fuliii Oil the above requirements arid more l954 ELYMQUiH sAon gsEDAN twotone Evergreen and Vermont SpotloéA really attractive looking cur in Air conditioning that class order Air Conditioned heater in signals 1953 DESOTO New mans sonnx GLASS TORQUE CON VERTER HANDSOME BLACKSEDAN 1953 DODGE REGENT coupasaisloa AND rumor TWO main LOVELY CONDITION meouOuour 195 PLYMOUTHSEDAN INPITCAIRN BLUE OWNED CAREFULLY DRIVEN BY INSURANCE 195i PLYMOUTH COACH ANOTHER VERY Nico CAR mm ORDER SURFBLUE 1930 DODGE SEDAN mm nacoubmouno sEAr comma COLOle MARQON Moron new 1950 DODGE SEDAN WITH VERY LOW MILEAGE NEW BEAT COVERS BLACK 1950 DESOTO SEDAN WIIKRECONDIIIONED ENGINE FINV SHED IN BLACK AND EQUIPPED WITH RADIO JJs 1950 CHEVROLET coach FOR THIS YEAR ms GREY 1950 SPECIAL DELUXE PLYMOUTH aims one HAS BEEN 1950 PONTIAC smaNxmreismONAuv LOW mailman rm ATTRACTIVE manila WELL LOOKED AFTER SINCE NEW AND WE nwriE YOU TO ADMmE ITS SPOTLES CONDITION INTERIOR AND GENERAL All these cars are oliered with 30 day warranty many have attractive extras and ï¬nance terms over period or 24 months can be quickly and easily arranged WINTER CLEARANCE BARGAINS $44900 5446001 $4490 ISALL WERE ASKING FOR EACH OF THESE 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN NEWLY PAINTED GREEN 1949 FORD TUDORJSEAT COVERS NEW BLUE PAINT 194913013131 HALF TON EXPRESS MORE LOW PRICED SPECIALS 3°2 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Dodge Coach 194$ Eeld Tudor 1351 Austin Sedan 1948 Studebaker Sedan 1949 Ford Tudor 1946 Dodge Sedan 1949 Dodge Coach 1949 Plymouth sodan ONLY $29500 $39500 $29509 $395410 $29500 $29500 $19500 $595op $64500 usEO TRUCKSOF QUALITY READY EoRWORi 1950 DODGE TON EXPRESS BLUE 1952 runaways TON 0111 AND CHASSIS NEW 325 x2o 32 miles MOTOR nogouprrlONm 158 we 951111117111011121 TONCABAND meals 116 DEMONSTRATIONS GUADLY GiVENf OU lusED CAR Loris OPEN URDAYS UNTIL9pm ALLCARS AND TRUCKS AREPROPERLY NTERizED AND CAREFULLY hazCHECKED PHONE 597+ FRI UNTIL 10 pm SAT Adults lbpnc Johnna Thornton or phone 3938 stainers NICE CLEAN turn innistll St notion realism emu ON prury mm 5m 1511 yawn rumished rooms Phone rated 15 31131 hism Dom cum winteflicd nim khan Panda 5253 1548 ROOM uuhirnhhcd rtan fluted Metal isms ROOM ultmntiined apartment 15132 APARTMENTme an CONTAINED rooml and Apply 34 Wolsleyst lslu COMPLETE tarnished house or winter mmmhehohosizi KleinI FURNISHED hadsitting room with rangeite Centre Phone up immediately 45+ ROOM house ior ll months Av Iilable immediately Phone 2735 was FURNISHED bedroom Sulublï¬tor one ortwo Very central Phone 115131 8100 HEATED uuturniah mode em duplex Avallahlo Dec Phone mo 151291 as one 2734 1512111 ROOM self ontained apartment 4pleee bath heated Modern Phone 00 lhlSZlal unrmutisnko nom ha ren Apply lilo Gallic Shel noons 15131 ROOM iurnished apartments Irate entranceVacant Nov Phone 3140 433 ROOMa artment in spam bulldlng adorn Centre 80 Phone 3354 15132 FURNISHED bedroom Adui Very central Apply 59 Worday iii43 1s BELL EEWART ll winter houses ovandvtmomo $35 onth Phone Lelroy an 30 sale vP anty Boyhood 1571321133 SINGLE furnished room in new noon in ishod phone 2010 Available private home Privileges desired 193 Duckworth St 151112 BASEMENT artment and bath 1111 intake month Prime 6906 15 11 noon tarnishedapartment fis Nochildren Phon 984 W+7307 evenings 15151132 431001111 apartment in Leiroy Oak floors Runnin water $4000 month 1y Phone Leiroy lslallsz HOUSE ersonni relr red Trans lino avallliblg Ph Kelly Leiroy 15132lai AP uniornished three rooms bplece ail1 oApplly 114 Blake St phone 3704 82 noomiurnished ectrie rstova and oil heated TWO HEB roamed pa ant Adults Phone 5368 Apply ill John Street 151512 ROOM bungalow lnStroud On highway iully modern immediate possession Dwight Nelson Stroud 115131182 ROOM apartment Private ent rance heated and hydro supplied AvoilableDec Phone 6168 154131132 midis no 23315 or apply 15 lshed pigs HOUSE IN tlucountry about mile at Barrie Available how on oueiuy inti ODERN room untude Ap ormcot Sell conning ice bath ricotcmwukin tsunce In tan centre Phone 15710431 FURNISHED room apartment Upstairs Heated No children Near bus stop Business pcogle preter Phone was alter pm loan112 5100M winta cotton Hot told water3 piECB both Oil heat It ply second house aulait outoh unmwrrvulitll Street 15i12133 lag electr COMFORTABLE roomï¬aeli contain both Suit chug Cumberlvnd Dee1r Also bale straw Phone Orn CGE Also one AdlflLt Flcnle 5131 decorated Close furnished cdroo Phone 50 MODERN roomcd brick house on bail nearColleaiato Avail able Dec Applicants lease stole rank ltion 12 Bor tie Ppy 15131132 APARTMENT large rooms un rurnirhed private entrance private both business cou le grekried one as rent 00 roan otter pm 57S ll5lBi132 ROOM modern brick bungalow or rent Cit conveniences Gara Stroud distr ct Adults onlyApp Michael Yurkow 21 iullescuih oi Stroud on Highway ll Phone 13m lblwlu ra WE HAVE tuxlitahed bachelor ap artment kitchenette suitable tor adult coup Alm attractive ground floor too out unturn val Apgly Owen St Phone 2488 151 11811 Bouillon Opportun as FlNA SERVICE Station inr lease in Barrie area Write ioPlewman 199 Bay Sire oronto ESTAEESHED nIrucirln center or prced to soilslipply Eoxl lrlie Examiner 2913 134 HOUSE GARAGE Snack Bar 011 heated All lacilities Angus Apply to Sparling or James Webb phone 8801 Home 2Flallad BEAUTY PARLOUR in Stayner Excellent opportunity or someone who wants wellcstablished hus iness Equipped tor operators Phone tayner tailor 2641 even lugs 29132i85E LIVES ocxroa sat VEAL CALVES Also Hoistein heller phone era as 9131132 10 WEANED PIGS Asply Mc Cann Utopia Phone r2 Ivy 94132133 HOLSTEIN coWs lie in Decem ber Aply tainton New Lowell €071 is PIGSluweeks old 20 Cliiford Webb Phone struud 15114 2912111 business rim isan and aunroom =ctric1ri sportinan rooms heated New al 110 Essa Road 15132 00 apartment gt to schoo 15131133 gtROOM bungalow winterized in Belle Ewart on lake running water ApplyErnie Natteer Phone Lelro in 151311 ROOM tumishedPepanmmt 512 per weexdinligudéililg heaéhlsiglatsang WE one psi1e 1513 inqu apartment Bedroom mod kitchen ll rath Private entrance drouud ilevel Phone 11122 15132 SINGLE AND double room Light housekeeping it re erre business people one Imill ROOM brick bungalow oil in emconveniences Kemp en eldt Available Dec 2994 1H131139 FULL INSULATED threerooineu house and garage 13th Concemion Vespia township SeeMrs Victor Bowers liriZDISSF FURNISHED bedroom in quiet tiome Central todowntown FBV Appl 15 KempenteidtD between an 1513241 shedyhented Rind wimriiflvlim ma Almiil mer one 9153131132 iuent floor all Laun Phone LARGEhOHEEKEEpinI roo rlow rent Vtoelderly lady ex change or keeping schoo use girl while mothervworks 1111in 13 Phone zezi 1513 sement 154132 lFhone NiNEiEXmA good young sale Apply Mrs Jean Sin mile southeas LINERS ehoice Yorkshire pigs Week oldfieedingWEILA Snil del llione holrs Craigburst 9132 HOLSTEIN HEIFERlresh heitar colt also cow all vaccinated Cecil Sutton Shany Bay Phone Om 4013 elslm 1011sz bnara 451 months old Dam qualiï¬ed in advance reg lstrg Also younger liner Phone 418 gt 9132 YOUR CHOICE of three lyoung Holstein bulls eady or service One from Bond oven Steamer Cru saderist lit the Royal and All Ca adieu last year and undeteotedthls eigszrh°llinm 3us9v ere yes on are Iron High Dams Brothel Son Eeetori 484 BEAUTY Counsellor gitts priced 1rd 30cgtu seen at it Frederick Streetorp one Mrs Mary Prince 6365 3012311 BACHELOR FARMER with farm ully electrlfladpnd equiolflï¬d 800d ci Wishes to CRAZY Thousands peppy at 10 Ostrex Tonic rTabletspep up bodies lacking iron For rundown teellng imanymen women coil old Get ï¬ï¬guluted size only6 TmltlgusiaDEnvlvNSarmlsï¬h din EC null tabluh 1906 lid 0verll elicn icheendvp marriedol ready Sciu ous secrecy Sin nons Box Dickens Pos Oiiice Wintiipeg 800 7t lto 80 your th TV your lScasqna rulingng nield 3110 gorahl iimityed to oémation now at suyhnsai Motor Trucks Barri HIGHEST PRICES PAID 1dr seem an no Barranan Pawi We also Icll pipes begins unites channel and reiniorcinl INDUSTRIAL RON ANDMEIAL Utmlop so roam Fhoiie 6331 Drum Barrie Metal Shlvogo nmunsnv mummmamrm HIDE mos 1311mm live POULTRY Mill Imsciiiiu ILNVEIDPd mime ailm MAX PUSHKOFF mrcowm SIG ï¬nd Oltica 294 CRILDS DVERSHOES Size lVi or in boyPhone 6365 3113 BALEH Y1 Timothy ondallugg 9132 WANTED Garage to rent in vie it ot Grovc and Newton Phon 3131132 URGENT Toronto Stair orders Contact Murray Crawshatv Phone 5241 313l132 USED ROOFING stcéi wanted Any quantity Apply Fred Laws Elin vale 75r32 between and 3111132 an H135 moo osrm ilsb houses Must be reasonable Write Pahquona Ee aori Shanty Bay or phone Org2132 STORAGE SPACE torir tan truck Barn garage or what have you in Barrie or vicinity Phone 43237 For STOUW Action call GOR DON STOUT LIMITED Real Est ate Brokers Dunlop St phone 13 anytime Brlilltt PACIFIC TYPE stciim b0 er 5000 EDR Bin teed sicker Also uildlng that would house Hart International lit182433 == TENDERS TENDERSF buid sits Lot slge 71xWilla21¢ceilellltE location Highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted Otter closes Dec Lynn Pmstcn 255 Sixth Street Co lingwood 26129135 Accommodation Wanted W71 adults With na children Box 15 Barrie Eiramiuer uiszm WANTED to buy or rent Curatori able rhome suito to or lamily of within 10 miles radius of Barrie Please state when available to Box 16 Barrie Examiner 1124132 AUTOMOBILES NO DowN PAYMENT Bring in an honest face on any one of our AI Used Clrs Bradford Sales and Service Phone Lou Robinson Bradford 95 or Barrie 4855 Iii132438 SCRAPPING lSO CARS Serve yourself and save dollars Any gless $100 startersL generate Ors carburetors doors sprltl steering gears heaters seal eams 3300 radiators tr missions 510 and up zooms tor spleAll parts exchange BORDEN AUTO wnncxms highway so Phone 310 ring or 114181138 Buying Or Selling we llnance late model aarii and trucks Very reasonable rates with complete surence STEVENSON ALL TYPES 015 INSURANCE PHONE 5201 95 DUMBO ST BARBIE iaénzn Autumn Specials 54 Austin A30 52 Nash door 60 Hillman door 51 Prerecc4door 49 meteor door 48 Morris door 47Wlllys Station Wago ViAii MOTORS HUDSON HILLMAN 32 195l ANGLIA Body andtiresln good condition Motor needs Iomd work $10000 Apply or write Glen 50 Mary St Baniise