Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1955, p. 17

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TOWN By JANE M13 Valerie Dexter daughter of Mr and Mrs Dexter at An gus celebrated her birthday at see this yeararidnll because lileilfl school teacher Valerie who has been on the suit the Roan Can adian Air Force School at Camp Borden tor the past three years is now teaching at the Canadian Army base in Soest Germany She sailed noun Quebccflity and on the way over the captain of the Homeric at right in the picture with Valerie discovered through telegram o1 congratulations trorn her parents that she was celebrat ing her birthday She sent her par ents this shipboard photograph of the surprise party held in her hon or minute of Barrie Collegiate lnstituteVltilerie taught at Crumble Hill School inksa Township for three years before her stint at Borden From all reports she is immensely Woying her over seas experiencc take back yourluink An oh servant rind fashiondnindcd visitor to the Royal Winlei Fair rum Barlt rie suggests that the moment when other line furs will xriously chal lenge Inin as the only fur of fash ion may soon be here Mink was remainiy worn at the opening of the itwr she reports In ram it was so uniform out it was pleas ure almost reliet to designers eye to note sprinkling at other allmeng furs She saw some very nice grcy bmudtnils low blue foxes some beautiful ermine shortmots both white and champagne colored and 01 course dyed Jackets and capes But mink bad it All mutations were represented as well as wild and ranch mink right back to the brown which the eye now rejects as awful and wonders how it could ever reach the market Among all the vurinonns or sloies capes and capestoies fingertiplength coat or platinum caught my eye but ihe surprbe piece of the evening tor us was long stole otfirlfl VWIRE mink with the glitter diamonds challenge indeed to any other ur wnh the establishment com mittee on imigrntion the Catholic Womens League at St Marys Par ish has taken definite step to wards helping tn guideand direct new neighbors from across the ocean in establishing their homes and becoming welcome part of our community Particular atten aiion wiiihe directed to the imminmv 21 An interesting film em cd bydlscussion AROUND mnts most diKIcult problem in stnnge environment hisstruggie with new language recreation and citizenship Women of the league will visit new arrivals in the community Ir muge to put them in touch with their pastor and encourage them to enroll in English and civics classes Help also will be altered toynmi mnts who have been here or longer time without acquiring citi zenship by impressing upon them the great advantages of becoming Canadians Mrs Healey league president hiu appointed Mrs Robéii Cliflon as chairman of this committee Mn Hellrun has been rinin ed chnimnn of committee onso eial action and social wellzire which wiii cooperate with the Childrens Aid Society by helping to find Catholic mater and adoptive homes for Catholic words Mrs Hell it would like to hear from tiny tholic families whownuld iclllte to make it home or Catholic ild Preparations are well underway tor the big annual twoday Christ mas bazaar in be hold NDvmnber 30 and December leoturing spec inuy handmade baby clothes and knitwean smiled toys and doll bassincttes home bdking nnd candy and ti reel oldatimc country store The Donor will lie open alternoon and evening on both days St Josephs Auditorimn MEETINé NEXT WEEK Baxter Home and School Associa tion will hold its monthly meeting onufluesdaeroW22arB30cpmr The program will be on Health under the corwenership 01 Mrs Bruce Edgar The speaker will be public health nurse The women of the association are asked to bring iundh Hostesses ere Mrs Walkem Mrs Gor don Mrs Brown and Mrs Mo Mae iPRlNCE 0F WALES Prince ot Wales Home and School Association will hold its regular meeting in the school on Mondayl Hunierdeman Nup ais are Held orojriiefciiurch The marriage of Miss Barbara Joan Redmnn daughter 01 Mrr and Mrs Percy Redmon ouoranio to Robert Raymond Hunter Toronto son of Mr and Mrs John Hunter REiSlroud took place on Satur day Oct 29 1956 at fourhim oclock in the utternoon in St ChadseAnglicanWChurch in thr ronio Rev Dr Johnson at ticiotcd ut the ceremony and wed ding music was played by Mr Morris Glivon in marriage by her father the bride wiis wearing cocktail lcngth dress of ice blue crystaleua with single strand of seed pearls the gilt ot the groom and match ing blue sandals helmet style cup 01 nylon tuile studded with pearls and crystals hold her match lng fingertip veil and she was carrying shower noscgny or mass pink roses with rosebud streamers and maiden hair fern Her attendants were her sister Mrs Maurice Martin RR Stroud rasematyon of honor and Miss Mur ilyn Felton at Toronto ns brides maid Theircucirtniiiength dress es were of shrimp pink crystalette and they were wearing matching shoes and shrimp pink gathered headdresses They carried nosegays of yellow roscs dotted with white carnations and blue pom pom mums Maurice Martin was groonisnan and the ushers were Ted Hunter or Strdud undztiboii Ry otiordnui reception followed ntr Glenview Terrace ioronto where the mother of the bride Mivedin coclotail lentflh suit of aqua militia Wearing matching accesorlu and ceer come Thegroorng moths erwho also received was Innavy crepe with powder blue accessories and pink corsage Loafing on wedding to North Bay the bride was wearing or tweed and cashmere emunble skint ofvblack rod and white tweed with royal bluegweater under watrot derrbluecashmcre Her eccessories were black and she wns wenring caisoge otyellow carna tions On their return Mrnnd Mrs Hunterire mnhingtheir home immigration wiii beshown roiiow ROBINSON HARDWAREExtends To You This Official Imitati To The conducted by Mrs bowls of the Sunbeam corporation Fri also iiov 18819 gt J10 arm 19 5iPll Bothpaya Mrs Lewis will demonstrate Sunbeams cflleele line or household appliances and Sunbehma newest pro doct the Automaticilryer Exclusi larger Bowlfit boaters All dlé mixture goesinto and through themyour bandsaié always free to add ingredients Saves tiring at Work Mixes meshes whips befits Vglirs blends folds two in Timout Noting thg outfittownqu at thewcdding were Mb nd liars5 Kalrli of Rochester NEW orb Mn Smith at StoneyCreék an Mr nnd Main Hunter or Hunts ville snow AT column The rqpublimoi Colombia has knowtipped mountain standing alr most on the equator APELE EXPORTS KNOWN BC jSofor this season 176 cnrloads at British Columbia apples have been amp ped to the gtUnited States Most went to Florida and Calliomi heavy trultaproduclng Eleni utm EarlyrvNiavVeiiiiJeif Nupfials areleld in Central Church mmnu of mu Earle Joan mrdfllflllf runner In Nam Elem of 511mm IDIHIVO Canon non In Dori Canon at Smithl 511340 plan OISIW November ms at oclock in the allemoon in Cent United Church It Barrie RIV CBCil Brenn officiated at the ceremony and wedding music arrived by the church organist Warren Machn alno ec eompaniedthesoioixt rLflisbop Givcn in marriageby her tether the bride was weorlng gown white satin nude on orinceuc linv ea withhconlcev$yoke and god eta The yoke wu trimmed with peer beodln and horlieoddress ot lace and nun hadpenri trim ming She ca encode bou quet at white rnunirlnd red rue buds Her attendants were her liner Mrs Charles Hamill Balmu matron of honor and Mia Murial lillou Newmarkct as em ownawere at fftéflelfl flyieq with kneck linu indignant andth and full Waltzlength iklrta with unoreued pleats ljlxe matron olhonor was inred in had indlealhen on her matching headdreswlnd the bride mlidwuzln midnight blue with red undertoneslhcro were rhine stoneson her matching hcnddrea Bothattendonts wore pearl neck laces Indcairings Pilot Qflicci Frank Carson of Claresholm Alberta was grooms man and the ushers were Charles Hamill otBelnund Thomas Hickey Thornton reception followed at the tin lied Church hall with dance later inJha evening ntibornton Orange Hun Receiving the gudsu the molhér oithe bride was wearing on orchid ya in blue Huinominated navy accessories having an nweddtng trip to Gnveohuntlhuethcy will in win Mullahathe bfl wearing Dialmix wit ith white nun hLoune and blacketu aorta Keroorugo was of copper Among the outpoWn guest at the wedding were Mrs Beatrice Edge olrSmltbl FailI Mr and Mrs Moore oi Port Perry Poul Davldwn at Smith Falls and Don ald meten otWinghani CentraiSejniorWA Wil Hold Banaar On December AH for bazaar to be held on the mernoon 91 Wednasday Dec were made at the November meeting at the Senior Womanx sociltlon of central United Church The munberl gathered at the home Mrs Wiggins on Sunni dale Road this month There were present in well in several vis itors The WA will he in charge of the evening service this Suiidly Nov 20 when RevWA Hunnishtt oi the Fred Victor Mission llumnto will meals MrsC 1r Brenn wile of the min Lstcr extended nn inviution to metthen to holdtheir December meeting at her home The president Mrs fr Jory presided at meeting which opened with TheLords Prayer re peated in unison devotional period was conducted by Mrs Knupp reading trom the Bible chapter 14 John vanes to 15 The theme lrothand the light Minutes or the last meeting were read by thesecretory Mrs James and tho treasurers report was gIVen by MrsPanv The meeting closed with the am the way the awnav up wwr mmmflmmmfv myu 9113 the north shore oéutéiemst intice varhug mFifli Ind ior dair lithium of 3501 unit laminar ere Miwnhbenediction Retrdniienh were nervedby the W101 Wiggins and assistants 52 Your mourn jfllltjldAKERS iilllillli Tonight 8Oi

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