we crame Died Edna Died It hit home Hume on Nov ll Wink Elisha ï¬rmer in his Nth year beloved husband of Mel Deon Funenl service Nov ll United Church WMB no regular monthly meeting of St Johns United diureh WMS wu held on hiesday at the home at Mrs James Beardsau with mem bers and one visitor praent The prsident opened the meetan with reading entitled Servnrll God All reputed lhe Lords Prayer in unison Mrs Simpson had charge at the Bible study hymn was sung Severn members took part in reading the scripture Mrs Dope had charge or the cur rent events the topic being For ward Mrs uugheed gave amout line on the supply work asking each member to make ll quilt block Mrs Simcstm gave it roading on Stewardship Mrs Maurice Bell gave the study book on our ditlerent kinds of lnlt dlan lives whichrwas very interest ing Several letters were read one tram Elmvale Presbyterian score tary inviting thejt Johns group on Novï¬il nttheir regular meets in Severalbooks were read and discussed and the meeting closed with the Miwah benediction after which Mrs Webster rind Mrs Beardmil served reircshments Elect LOBA Ofï¬cer Following delicious ton on Tues day the rollowing nuicers were neil went Saturday in Toronto In or Ind libs Lloyd Copeland end Mr and Mrs Funk Robert left to holiday in Bennudn Back tron Milli Lloyd Ritchie asweli enoth to cane home utter spendingthe week in Penetnng Genenl Hospital Deer Hymnthy Deepest sympathy no out to the reltlvu Vnnd lriends the late Willi hlrner Velenu Banquet Delieimn wellomwned turkey plemy 011W vegetable and nil the trilrunintlmt go to mnkeri dinner topped with enough mouth watering pie was the order on Fri dny evening in the Legion Hall There were we present tor the din ner at pm The indies oi Wyclilie Church prepared this wonderiul meal PHELPSTON Visiting Friend Mr and Mrs Murray Long Mimico visited Mrs Coyrie and Mrs Sheppard Weekend At Cottage Mr and Mrs Tamilsom Mi chael nnd Roberln at Toronto spent the weekend at their cotton Mr lbmlisoli has just returned mm siwieeks tnur oi the southern elected tor Elmvnle IDEA Past Worthy Miaress Sister Laura Turner Worthy Mistress Sister Nun Bowman Deputy Mistres Sis ter Irene Alien Rec Secretary Sister Ella Archer Fin Secretary Sister Bertha Graham lr Deputy Mistress Sister Beulah Bell Chap lnin Sister Olive Manning Guard lan Sister Elie Whethnm of Cl Sister Glndys Rowle Sr lecturer Sister Marnie Green 2nd Lec turer sister Mae Elliott Pnnist Sister Beulah Bell Inner Gunnd Sifler Daisy Murphy Outer Guard Sister Ann Rowley 2nd Com Sis ter Rose Perkins 3rd 00m Sister Irene Rowley 4th Com Sister An nie Rowley 5th Com Sister Nellie Crewson Auditors Sisters Gladys Wiley Ann Rawley Fetty Hens lnun Sick Com Sisters Olive Manning NenBowmnn Irene Ai 129 WmtngflmL On Sunday morning at St Johns United ChurchRev Armstrong or Kimbourne Park Church Tav mnto conductedtho service in the absence or Rev Dr Reynolds who exchanged pulpits Bonney Jean daughter of Mr and Mrs Smith WE bnptized Rev Mr Armstrongs sermonwas Gods Rainbows He told 01 many kinds ot rainbows such as hope storms mornl and social also spir itual strands the Christian church religion gandi peaqe pt the world Rainbow of promise that no more floods over all the 12111th very impressive message Weekend Visitors min and Mrs Aivin Pinch spent the weekend withreiatlves at Ayi mer Verdun Jordan of Toronto renew ed lrlcndshlps here during the week Mrs Alvin Archer and Miss Me mie Greenlaiw visited with Mr and Mrs Maurice Contis littersun Mt andMrs Lorne Beardsall of Toronto spent the weekend with the Iormers parents Mr and Mrs Verne BeardsalL Mrs Faragher at Toronto spent the week with her sister Mrs Scott Mr and Mrs Cecii Tinney Miss Aun Ritchie and Murray McCon CANADAS IOP WINTER TIRE Firestone TOWN coumnv United States Home For Weekend Miss Bernadette Marley oi Dor onto was home tor the weekend Open night at St Patricks school was attended by most oi the para ents Dr Laurie oi Barrie gave it very informative address on pre ventative care andmedicines Wedding Congratulations Congratulations to Willred Mur phy and Marie Sexton who were married in St Patricks Church last Saturday Also to Gerrard Moran and Frances MncDorlnld Paul BEr tram and Lois Dixon who were married recently Back From Detroit Mrs William MacDonpld and Mrs John Minnings have returned home alter viisting two weeks in Detroit working At calrdonin Michael Marley has gone to Cale donia to work or Brennan Con structian Co Ingl Ilflo Sunday liar be united uremia conventionere lied to have the lesion turnip with then Rev 81va lair Ioplt hear choir new lovely Inlhfln Love The hard Jails munIII It plenum evenin wu spent at he home at Mr and Illa urns Churdfilll when the United Church choir went to give them hones wnrnllnl end else make present ation in gntitude onltuthl sinmoe in the eholr belon her montage Muralnut presumed the gift alter which both Ruth Ind George renlied suitably tasty lunch win served Service Al For Hall TheLeglon held their Nov 11 service in the Forestry Hell Mid burst good attendance of Boy Scouts members of the Legion and irienfl were present Rev Veal gave splendid address Miss Mayra Knapp oi Minulng sang beautiful solo My Own Dear land Alter theyservlce all pro ceeded to the Vesprn cenotnphWn Springwnter Park Alter the min ute or silenoe our wreath were pieced at the Tooth the cenotépli Mrs Blitz oi Midhurst presenting the wreath in honor at the Fallen George Johnston MPP read the names of the men who served in both wars Mr Venisoilered the prayers it was most impressive ceremonY 4gt HOLLY 0n Holiday Ronald Collum is on holiday with relatives ht Englohart nnnilnr vicatlon Don Eulmer is enjoying vacu tion hunting at Sturgeon Frills Huntley Visitors Mr and Mrs Pnnle end John ny were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Downing Buy In Hnmllton Mr and Mrs Brimstin spent Friday in limnilton uncaring Visit Mr and Mrs Brown were Bmcdbridxe visitors on Sundey Weeks Bunting Waiter and Pnul Schesenmp ore spennding week hunting iii Soult Ste Merle First Meeting The girls held their first meeting on their dressmaking course in Holly chmcl basement Monday evening Seven girls were present including lifetime service by youreompelent neiglr borllood dealer Mung nice MI eineluding Vanan guarantee and ndlusiment policy that proiedtyou onywhereinCunodooodlha U$tr DRIVEA IOTlAsk oboutthe revolutionary Super Willnrd Weoiherrnorter llsfheronlyrbottéry flint odiush its power grammaticallyfor winter starting for summer drivingi aritheturnofokeyl MM unattached Dema oudedthemenloihernnotlre Lennier ItCDWWSII Indy ant Wnrdwlimmy wveeiriooe Gellint Bette We on pleased to report tliet Mr William Charles end Mr John olhliey are improving alter their recent illnesses Weekend Mr end In Cecil Few nut hunting Orville snd Harold mung spent law days hunting at Flst Rock Falls and returned with deer Smithy Visitor Sunday visitor with Mr Ind Mrs Omney were Mr and Mrs Timothy Bechtel and family of Huntsville Sliver weaning Vlsitors with Mr and Mrs Rob ertsnn who eeleorzted their silver wedding anniversary on November l2 were Mr and M5 Leslie Heuhn ill Kitchener Mr andddrs Harold Cunninglnmrol Elorn Mr and Mrs George Cunningham of Clinton Mr Mrs Fmdtvliunt Seniorth and Mr rind Mm Mn money 01 Brus sels Mr and Mrs Ed lticWottcrs spent Saturday in Toronto Bank non nunt Herb Ridnut returned mm the hunt on Sunday night Guild Meeting The Guild met irt Mrs Charles Rohbins on Wednesday November At runners Convention Mrsfloberlsnn attended the Tea ehcrs Convention in Toronto on Monday Home with Deer Angus RatIn returned from the deer hunt on Saturday with deer Mr and Mrs Chnrles Hounsome spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Clifford Gardiner Penotang its the one Carrillo AMTdew IlnwrdWIllnToi onlothllveekntgndinxlneetiny oltlte ledenlBolrdolWomenl rivme Inudllmtzlmordcnhnmot Ormgevillo spent the weekend with her parentl Mr nod Mrs Deeeer Emu Oil Friend Alymer Campbell Huntsville gelled on triendlhere int Sutur ny All Vlllt and Mrs Russell Sage Nel son Howard and Glenn Ipent Sun day with Mr and Mn rold Gil ehrilt Alllrtgn Fun Forum The Fnrm Forum met on Huntley night at Mr er3 Russell anx with on attendance at thirteen ihEiSubject dispussednvns 19 cal government eliectiv Next Monday night the Edenvole brunch at the Federation oi Agriculture will meet in the hall discussion will be held on Some ï¬refighting equipment or the neighborhood Everyone is invited to attend Weekly Euchn At the weekly eucllreheld in the hall last Wednesday night the prize winnerswere Mrs Ernie Ball tor the indies and Fred an for the men +1 TRY AN mum WANT AD MY munevil Ilia Putin lAUI MU Mfl Mindll mending few fly in Toronto withrela liven Weekend with rural Miss Joan Krel our junior leather Bpfllt the weeltend with her parents in Sanaoil Yearly Collection The local Orange Lodge mnde its yearly onlleotion tromdoor lo door or the True Blue Orphanage All were very xenorous and collected 34 bars or potatoes 51 bogs obno plu and vegetables and as crates oi apples and vegeublu The boys oi the lodge are truly grnicful to all who helped in this good cause From Uxblldgc Jerry Cooper and triend at 11x bridge visited Bill Prwhot over the weekend Trip In normr qu and Mrs ClhrkeVCruwlord motored to Buflnlo or avisii over the weekend gt Uchkend Gdeat Miss inreen Johnsto llVlllliSlftlll DRUG sroire WI PICKUE Glamourous riew styll brings glamour 456 Bnyfleldmext to noble Amy pnuvxn 10m PBESCRMION Dial 3537 so i0 Acousllcon 3Ironsistot HEARING AID illBoy wrnmu Slimyour ml is llnoll OiiVDIIElll William in Pullout mttouwmolioi llo mm can lot In Monlll omuinnmmrtu mm tourney Spatial Mention MUpiliuis out more wins union unwindmost retiring to tunlam autism mammalian FREE HEARING AID DEMONSTRATION WELLINGTON HOTEL MONDAY NOV 21 pm In MIDLAND GEORGIAN noun NOV 22 INVORILLlA oneivrrmm norm nov 23 This bemonstratlon wlllhe Conducted by Mr Meyers ACOUSTICON The worlds First and Oldest Mikkel oi Electrical nearing Allin sheet the the lvowrpriiced field Smallwonderthzltthis flashinglééuty has caught so many eyes Just look at those long low racy liliestltifairly cotixesyou on To new adventrlréjdn thevConadlarl road hinder ï¬lehood theres new gives real nuthotity heres new higher brqué that lulndles hills like Willard snzsz mm panels Fendersswaep human and skywavd allduliinglllllald with digitize 0IIlleI wIISOII than slant down In dull reverse auzla or mudialls monthly and quietly nn hm moment Pnttlum an nowhndlnrgrt Ilntnv driving monies exciting new lashion on the mail is the raklslr Drivinglluslpressnhullo new FlightSweep styling oi Dodge rear quarter gas amigo Nonsetiipranysh tleverwith drive Truly auiomgiicjiuslihulian transmission Is availahlo inal lmodolatoexlracosi illusion Torin licounlry hm immenmcnmnrrnv causal CORPORiVIlON the longest iiwmomiest mrln the Ilalziain allsevles improved Six loo lg because it IS blglpoiizols priced ï¬eldtl in powertoolliawmnls poweltul IOWN COUNTRY RES And bath Ines have highturqnelor snapplelgela Available in VTUBE or TUBELESS WHITE SIDEWALLS he glamour and go ofthe natal or AL BLACK Forward Lookgtbnalo oz yourhdrnétply DodgeDe Soto devotes5