Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1955, p. 9

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APriviiege and Duty To 128 room fume for Aunt Em or some shaving soap for uncle Chester sure we were broke for few geeks into the newyear but we expected And we had more of the Yuletme spirit ASisf Legion Poppy Fund It is now the time of year when the Can adian Legion seeks to raise funds throughuum that Mend ours who muggy an 5816 Poppies and WENhi nounced last week that she has finished her So it is good time to clear up my nus Christmas shopping and now can sit back understanding the pubic may be harboring and lal with regard to the funds raised through the Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign Herc Changes Are are the three main objectives To honor the men and women of our Ten years from now Clo President Wal communities who laid down their lives in ter Reuther says this continent will be on fourday 32hour week Lete look at some the service of our country and enabled us to of the business effects of sucha work week carry on our lives under democratic govern redlction suggests The Financial Post ment To pmvde emphymem mnlmei Since the end of the war and particularly in the last five years we have built lot and crippled veterans who manufacture of new roads in Canada We have built poppies wreaths etc lot of new cars We have also built literally To have sufficient surplus after pur chflsmg the Wreath and Poppies to be in Scores of thousands of newgarages and ser vice stations for these new cars position to care for needy veterans in the next campaign locality until the Mile have built new hotels and expanded old ones We have added motels restaur ants theatres schools churches libraries even feWnew museums We have opened new parks playing fields rinks developed new summer resort territory and stocked few streams with fish Monies accumulated from campaign are kept in separate fund and are used solely for the comfort and help of the sick and needy veteran whetherhe or she is mem ber of the Legion or not Thehpltippy campaign does not enrich any Fan new In doing all this many observers basing their opinion on past periods of national growttkn may tlhinkwe have provided amply extent of this service depends on the ener on new elsum Ten years from now may he bushes concerns and mg pub they will find that we have lost begun to do he in this community lt 50 gt Each branch lives up to its motto Berl vice through its poppy campaign The Not Too Convincing There is no question about the serious fin anclal plight or many mushrooming munic ipalities faced with providing the new schools new streetsrand other local services that go with fast climbing population But one gets little weary with these everlast ing comparisons of municipal provincial and federal government revenue Back in the faroff days of 1930 the pro vincialgovernments got 20 of the total tax take of Canada the municipal govern mentsfgot shade less than 40 and Ottawa justa fraction more Todpythe promose taking about lW themunic lpalities about 12 andthe federal author mes over10 Every YERrithe Christmas season as it is At first glance that may look like retty gxgfiggnepoflmercial circles becomes longer rawideal for the junior partners Butpmuch sum an thetrend continues we may has happened since 1030 principally the hasnew ourselves with yearlong mostexpensive war this world has everwit Vnessed And the major expense for that war and the enormously heavy defence measures that have followed come out of federal not provincial or municipal revenues Church Attendance Almost all Canadians consider themselves members of church but surveys show that about 60 really do attend services re uiarly says The Financial Post Of the million persons who listed themselves as pRoman CatholicsEdwin the 1951 census some 80 are found in churchregularly 9f the six million Protestants some 40 to 50take an active or periodic interest in church affairs and services While twice as many Catholics go to church each Sunday And Slire enough on Nov withthe Protestants put twice asmucliln the collec leaves still on the trees and the autumn 01 plate When they d° mime contribu flowers still blooming in many palgs Drum tion averages $30 per yearfrom each active country the squeaky1uvemle yoldes map adult Protestant peddle somany of these records camepl ing across the air waves wi the newest disclosure of what want for Christmas Week by week fgom now to Dec 25 the numbers of these songs will mount and will be replayed by so many different disk jockeys that any resemblance betweenthc Santa Claus of our childhood and the mod ern jazzedupwersion will he ininame only There mustbe some possibly more than we believe who approve of this modern approach to the Christmas season but there are many who yearnfor thegood old days when the planning and the excitement were reserved at least forthe Christmasmonth of December nail the run of Christmas we have too is the last minute rush the dash to he drug store on Christmasevefor some per fiiltc hectic flxomincr JIAII Published Moniqyf sdc lson SggElJnarrie ontario Csnada mmwm From now untl November 11 Legion men will be seeking donations and it is to be hoped their plea for funds will receive gen erous response World War One World War Two Korea theyeoostrthiscountry dearlrorifsfish hood and womanhoodboth in lives laid down and bodies malmed and crippled contribution to the poppy campaign is small sacrifice for the freedo en RUShing the Season Most of us havent given muchthou ht to Christmas but ipthecoming week well et is oh thing else an0991mm any It wasiseptemheh when the won from up thestreet came around with kills samples of Christmas cards and wrapping SEES He delivered them Just after Thanke At that he was on are the ladies of days ahead or phonograph recOrd com anies decided this year not to rush the seagon they would wait until November to put their new Christmas records on the market OiiNiONS OFVOTHERS lérn Wheat Calgary Herald it is too early to begincrying disaster about West ern wheat farmers in general but nobody could argue falrly thatthe wheat situation is good Boiled down to its very simplest terms the situ ation is this lxCanade at this moment has vast amount of wheatsomething over 900000000 bushels made up of lastyesrs bigcsrryoverand lb cars new crop one of the biggest in histdry The elevatorstorage lac ties are plugged and there is very little roommto which to put this years crop Otbe big wheatproducingnations are also in heavy surplusposition 74 Importing nations are in no hurry to buy 25 good many farmers are or may soon be wheat poor in that they have lots of wheat but very little money Lumensir newsman Th ageVNetFald ABCCircblulion Thréelillonlhs 7303 Al illedwithlme Au Circulatlons subject to dud govenm rd WEDNESDAYNOVEMBER9 1955 when Im bulbch takeA cookie Exemn Feature Am Nov 55 To tbeEdltor Thaliatie Eradiner Dear Sh 1n the midst bf our bustling busy lives in which great bimonth 8nd to Ine lirekl CANADAS WHEATBOARD By lewrs mallow Canada has minions of bushels of wheat in storage All theelcvatou arc choked full and great quantities are packed in barns or piled in pyramids in open fields At fim sight the average Canndian might remrd suchbounty as great credit to the tannerswho produced it and commend the government for its providence in garneringso esscn tlal foodstuff for future Joseph did in ancientEgypt to provide for sevenyear famina which he formaw was coming But there is nothing prophetic or prol vidcnt in the Canadian govern monts gigantic accumulation of wheat The farmers certainly he no such ideas lnproducing it their sole ldeawastwselltheproducto their laborjssoon aspmsibldatre profit Why then is it not sold but allowed to pile up in useless stor age Wheat Board has stored and priced lsclf out of the market Personally lrnow nothing about the growlng or the mar ketlng ofwheat but one need not be farmer or gnln sales man in knowyllut the secret of success lnmy businus Is in the old motto of null profitd and quick refurns If after the last war the government had con tinned to control other indus tries fix prided buy up Ind store anay all euiplus manu fnclnred goods What me this denuntry would have beenin by nowi But the manufacturers were permitted to return to free ehlerprlso and the free market The contrast between the econ iocondi onoftb Prairiefarm MntLthst blower hrngdus tries today is striking exam in of the diflference between soc allsm pod free enterprise The virtual socialization of Wistern agriculture In the first place the farmers are not permuted lo sell their wheat on Ibo open market they must sell and have llltldy old it to the National Whell 30 which pay them cash deposit ndellvcry The Wheat Board the sole marketing agency Ind QAMIecent yumbeen gt dolumoregmflng lhlnlclllnr Why Because the wheat Im porting countries will not or cannot pay the price at which the board ls willing to sell Hence the surplus mounting ion carryover for this year of over billion bushels The purpose of the Wheat Board to which the farmers agreedwas to control andstabilizc lhe price by withholding the grain from the market until it could obtain proper price Prevlmély when the wheat was sold on the free mar ket through the Winnipeg Grain Exchange the price of wheat dif foredfrnm day to day but it was usually soid andthere was little or no surplus surplus of any commodity 31 ways means reduction in price whileascamity inbound to result in her prices That is the nat ural eitfect of the law of supply and demand and it is in an attemptto control and evade that law that the has led that industry info deed end while the freedom of other in Thercdre contrary views as to what the government should do to dtsposcofjts vasthosrd of eat it certainly cannot be sold at to rlltolfule find to it foranofheryear would leave siorage space for next years crop which would further depress the market The best statusTent have read on the situationwns made by Stanley Jones president ofthe Winnipeg Grain Exchangein which he pro posed that conference he held of represe tive specialists ln agri cultural fieorycpracfiee and mar keting practising farmers repre sentativ of departmean of gov ernment ofllclals of the Wheat Board and members of the grain trade He said The problem of surplus and its disposal is one which affect not only agriculture but involves thewelfare of every cltlzenofcan ada and the solution can only be found ass result of the combined thinking of all directly and indir eell concerned such meeting could devise prac Lical and workable means of mov ingCanadae wheat intonthe mar ketsaf theworl NonOperqling ildilwuyiunions Séek 25 Wage IncreaSef Now North Bay Nugget The nonoperating railway em ployees of Canada will seek 25 per cent Wage increase when they en ter into negotiations with the ra ways Frank viii Hall chairman of the negotiations committee for the 15 nonoperating railway unions in Canada with 170000 membership outlined what the union will eek when he spoke before Ontario Northland Railway lodge at the Bmtherhood of Railway clerks in North Bay recently In addition to the wage increase the unions will seek health and welfare plan for employees The unionswillalso ask that all non operating trades be given eight sta tutory holidays yearly Mr Hallsaid that the prosperity of the workers was in the interests of the railways Competition for workers was increasing he warn ed and if railways wereto continu He quoted hnarbltrator in pre vious wage negotiation as saying that the government should subsi dize railways so that wageseo be keptin line with other industry Mr Hall lashed outat the gov ernment for what he termed im posed arbitratian in railway wage dispute Underlawwo ve lberlghtv to strike but the government says we cdnnot strike We say to the government You must give us something to compen eaten lorl We dont trust arbriiration un der conditions which exist today Mr Hall said And dont think we shouldbe requ to arbitrate under present cond ions Nils cg About 800 persbns gathered here for the solemn benedictionof the new $200000 wing Lot Sacred Heart University to get top calibre employees then they had to meefthe conditions in other industries Workers in durablegoofi indqu irles had received wage increases ofo 18 toldtfi cents per hourslnce lh nonoperating rail employees were gmoteditheir previous wage increase in 1952 Bytbe uni arbi nation arrived thefigure might higher Munll and ti union had chumted that bozo perfieen qu increase wouldautumn ada uliways some 31000 009 eoniiaued JncreaaenLbesnspeaker id 91 belng modem er ear rt Hebehevchhat slateqnen It present sit mund the eoniennce table It Genevavto try and iron out some concrete solution for the whole peace of the World Nov lil again burl down upon counselling up to stop and pause awhile and remember those who fought and made the supremencrl lice in the defence of their country The idealism of freedom foam Weiwand Freedom from Fear have still to be realized the dreamsglfl better world that beckoned than are still no nearer or further away than hitherto the hopes that in spired them have not been fulfilled but hope that eternal has not grown dim it helps stimulate men of goodwill and stir themlo action The road ahead to achievement is long hard steep and toriuols with obstacles enirenchedcvery inch of the way Yet dreamers and ideal ist alike with patience pcrsevcr ancc and unconquereble courage continue the ascent to attain on ited World Brotherhood that all may live in harmony and peanut LEBT WE FORGET Shall we keep faith with our heroes who sleep in the bosom of Europe for so cost ly Peace Where now is the torch they held up on high Lighting theway for brave men to die What of those ideals they fought to defend Grlle courageously right to end What of their lives that they gave so that we MigbLlive with our loved ones happy and free Wasitinvain Noienougnofthis talk Theres one way before us just one road to walk And that is with freedom wherce she may lead if threatened by jealousy hatred and greed The Our hearts are part then of that glorious hand Whercthe forces of Christ freedom must stand Readysandvwilling what might speeches of war againsthuman right Nonwe havenot forgottenour sons pledge anew Like their fathers before them Llleyll see this thing through Barrie TV Channel For The Maiariiv NoiThe Minority dEdgehul brlve name Nov i955 and Mid To The Editor The Barrie Examiner EQ feel am spbaking fonthe majority of TV viewers in this districtnot the minority And also may say slsofeel my reply it citizens reply mm are 17500 in Barrie now and many more thousands in Simone County We arerln the fringe area here In Barrie proper and we with many hundreds of other viewers did not get clear picture from Buffalo Absolutely nothing comparable to our present Channel lf TV was so good before why have many thousands ofsets been installed since the inception of Earries own TV station must definitely repeat Buffalo was not received clearly before CKVRTV came on the air And that also is perfectly straightforwardw Quality in TV does notrate ahead eyesight once lost cannot be replaced Mr Greenwood says there were other choices of locationsbeipgan electrical engineer with the firm that did the preliminary work for Barrie TV Why then nt it est ablished by the engineers With whom Mr Greenwood is associat ed her now lgr Greenwood is quitenaiveJn say ng heerloes not believe that real problem in many bmpltnls1 discussions combined to promote firstzboepuldvputilop Section ZlPages to 14 MRS CHARLES McLEAN WENT ONTARlOdlosPlTAL ASSOHATlON our hospital tbrcugh the minds and helrtg of over 2500 personsattending the recent On lario anplldl Modatlon conven ilon in Toronto has lust had good look at the hospitals primary function good patient care This does not mean of course that for 382 days in the year your hospital has ignored this important feature it does mean however that for three full and busy days trustees administrators nurses Ind other important hospital people includ lng manbers from 135 hospital auxiliaries have sat down to pool their accumulated knowledge and discuss their mutual problems with firm determination to see that everything possible is done in our hospitals to ensure the best possible patient eareai the lowut possible cost This annual convention is not Lime devoted to fun and frolic no backpatting session where only our accomplishments are reviewed It is serious group where among other things members of the large hospital family ask themselves the questions they have been hearing lrom thepeople in their camshum flies throughout the year It is lime of searching analysis and earnest endeavor to try and find the answers at least in some of the questions Special sections such as nursing dlctclics pharmr Icy medicalrecord librarians ae counting huslxaes and womens auxiliaries devoted many hours to their particular function in rela tion to flood patient care In the general sessions three important functions were pinpointed for dis cussion what does the patient exp what does the doctor provide These questions led to survey of hospital accreditation which has to do withofficial approval of the standards of service re quired to be rendered by all delt partmenis communications ovary and the generalland specific stifer measures to ensure protection for the patient at all times All which the patient occupies To the hospital personnel good pa lient care is the result of efficient sevicefromevery department of the hospitaL Good patient care does not metal mean clean bed with nursing service and meals provided by the nursing and diet etic staffs It lnvolves every de partment of the hospital from the admitting office to the boiler need whatcan thehusphalf mad Wage pauses In other words good pellent caredoes not lust happen Itll the result 01 consisntplannlng and supervision and it com money to provide it The concern over hospitallullon costs is not restricted to ihe pa tients who receive the eereltu the constant concern of hospital wees Ind athninlslrators who spend long hours Around the board room table and in committee meetings devising ways and means to keep costs to the absolute mlnlt imum with service maintained at the highest maximum of cliiclency The science of unedleine made tremendous strides in last decade New techniques new drugs new operative procedures new equipment all these add lo better treatment and quicker recovery than ever before The hospital must move with the times It must Provide the equipment and facilities for these modern ieal miracles to be perform raise its hospital rates seldom in creases the revenue beyond the exprnscs of maintaining the ser vices the hospital More often the increaz only dccrease an OD crating deficit Here perhaps emerges one all the most difficult problems which your hospital has to face On the one hand from the people comes the cry that hospitaliulion costss are too high On the othep hm those responsible for the hospital operation repeatedly ask now can we meet the increasing cost of providing fhe best in patient care Hospitals do not create the econ omlc and social conditions which surround them Shorter hours in rising costs for equipment and supplies thesu are all controlled by forhes out side the hospital Except in few cases where hospital is en dowed to meet these increasing demaan the hospitalhas only the relcolic which comes from the patients they serve additional assistance mcnt liants milan coal ofindigent pa From 011 total revenue be tween dogmaro per cent must wages leaving only smith on tion of revenue for allotbere Hospitalstherefore usllydepelld on donationsund be quests to DHKlIBSE new or ran ovate old eq pmen People point with understand able pride io the wellvequlpped hospital which they have helped to build But bricks and mortar and the most modern equipment do not make hospital gt Hospitals are people cltizens who contribute to help build the room foreach hash definite part to play in the care which is given to patients gt It is the Boardsresponslbilit¥ as trustees of the public to make certain that the hospital is equip ped and ready to meet every emergency and it is the admin bars ac theta de partmenlrare bordinate into smoothly broadening unit of ser vice whefinrhoi bospital governments who assist with the peoples money those who serve in the hospital and lastly that large group winchin cludes all of the tathers the people who are cared for by the hospital ft is when all these grvups work continually together that the hos pital really become of the community Its your hospital chem wen customer says Channel awas Itheonly one that could be allotted to our station Methinks he and Mr Snelgrove will lion that out wauldlike gt10 at jour provmclalism militate Against home and local in uy your but hes geeihom ndhizw lb culation your many people is audience was vitalagt

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