Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1955, p. 3

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Min Mabel Ali Gray Edgar Resident Pam After an illness Oahleldly Oct25 lmnlflq Ilflael Mice Gray McDonald 5L passed away at Royal Victortr Hos pital Barrie allowing mart lll non Miss Gray war the youngest dam or the late Mr and Mrs Walter Gray who were or many ygrn residents at which is In the early pioneer trictat this section of Slmcoe County Surviving of the iamfly are three brothers Edgar ot Barrie Thomas in Orillia and Walter of Peterbor augh There are atso own siners Mrs Booney Edgar and Mrs Hermon Barrie The funeral was on Thursday OcLJZi tram the Pcthiclr Funeral Home Bayifeld Street with Rev James Ferguson minister st An drow Prousytsrian Chu Barrle otitclatlng Pallbearers were six nephews David Hewson Toronto Donald Gray Orillln Ross Gray Barrie Roy Gray Hawkestono Robert Burrlll Orlllia and Alvin Taylor Orillia Interment was in Edgar Cemetery James Russell Stewart Passes In Illinois Bell Telephone Manager The communities 01 Dalston ad gar and others along the old Pene tang Road have sent out many who were raised in that area and their connections may he iound in many part of Canada and the Unrtgd states The allowing intormntion calnos tromihquimalt ac regarding the death iii native son or Dalston James Russell Stewart on Friday Oct at Glen Ellyn lilinois He was horn in 1378 at Dalston and attended public school there and later Barrie Callcgiate and was graduate at Ripon College son of the late Mr and Mr James Stewart he had returned at ircquent intervals to Barrleto visit relativcs and renew acquaintances in this area He issurvived by his widow Mrs Clara Dulles Stewart and by three sons Russell Jr Ralph and Donald and his sister Mrs Harris Elizabeth 01 Victoria BC There is also nephew Clarence Brown oiDaiston Dalston Native Son At Coilingwood 13 Years F33 McCleary Dies Funeral garvice was held on Man day Oct 21 1955 at two oclock in the atternoon at the Lloyd and Steckley mneral Home or Francis Buttcrfleld McCleary firmer Bcl hone Co an manager Estimation writ diedat his home Currie aural Todayat tayner Earl Stanley Currie president at Canadian Kodak Co was buried this afternoon at two oclock at Stayner where he was born Years ago He died at aheart at tack on Sunday at his residence Georges Road Torontou Mr fir and Mrs George Elliott and Jill Earl Elliott In at Toronto Wheri in town It It iendedthe UnltedgChiuch owl WW gt Danny am Mr an Era no and son John at Smudiwere Sun day xuertr at Mr and Mail McFadden Mr and Mrs William Paterson ofchurchlll were Sands nests oithe latters rirler gal Ma garet Patersan and brother Tharnn ASunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Aliert Kelli were Mr and Mrs Clarence Dunlap and ramil and the owners mothe Margaret Kcll oi Stayner Guest on Sundaywlh Mr and Mrs David Evans were Mrs Erl ltlr Maxwelland 56 Ian Barrio Newmarhet visitor Mr nd Mrs Normanrcampbeil and Mrs OLewls were visitors with Mr and MrsWilliam Kidd at Newmarke during the week Iteturn to Town Mrs Fred Ciarkson former resident has returned to town and is makinghcr home with Mrs Glass Alllatoa van Mrs Mchrvey oi Allistan is guest withher sister Mr Moninnan and Mr Monkman ma Lara current Mr Currie Joined the Kodak Company in 1912 and apart several years in the billing and service de partments ln lBSiuhe was assistant to the president In 1941 he became director and assistant general manager He had been president since 1945 During World War One Mr Cur rie served in the Royal Flying Corps He was amcmber oi Knox Presbyterian Church Shamrock and Krngsway Masonic lodges the Scottish Rite and MoomConsistory He is survived by his widow il brother William Currie and two sisters Mrs William Pow ell and Mrs Ramsey Tomato LONGLASTING ICE Many of North Americas moun tain glaciers are at least 4000 years old MANY LANGUAGES The constitution at india recog nizes languagesinoluding Hindu as the official language Wellington Street East here on Friday Oct 28 after prolonged illness Mr McCleory and his wile had come to reside in Barrie six years ago allowing his retirement on Oct 851949 Betare going to Ceiling waod as manager in line he had been manager or the Bell Telephone Company in st Thomas and had been in division and district entices in Hamilton and London He first Joined the company in Montreal at her rcturning tram overseas duty with the Canadian Army durins World War Born at Norwood he was the son of the late Rev John Wilson Mc Cieary and Matilda Butterfleld His father was an Anglican minister who served in parishes in the Unit ed States in the States of Michigan and lNew Jersey and in Pctcrtor ougli and other Ontario centres QUEER sunvrvoits The tailless Manx cats or the Isle at Man are descendants oi cats washed ashore with the Spanish Armada ln lstlB him unisI HELPvow His first church was in Simcoe Cou ty at the Batteau when he bulttthe rect ry at Duntroon now occupied by Mr McClearys grandfather was also an Anglican minister at Hast ings After attending Trinity College School at Port Hope Mr McCicary AW Downer entered the Union Bank at Nur woodl When he joined the army during World War he was branch manager at Sydenham He went overseas with the 33rd Battery in has returning to Canada at the end of the war Besides his widow the tanner Valerie Carrothers otLondon he is survived hy daughter Mrs rrott Valerie and granddaugh ter Michael of Barrie and three sisters Mrs Harold Harding Lil and Mrs Alex MscColi Faye of Camfipbellord and Mrs Humming Mary of Montreal Fund or hunting and tishiagMr Mccissryhad also played rugby tennis and golf in his younger days and was keen boxer when he wa at school He was osunportsr ad the Cori servatlve party and belonged to NDlond Masonic Lodge No 223 He was an ardent Anglican Always actively interested ln civic athlrs he had belonged tOlhe Kiwanis Club in st Thomasand London and was active in the Pro gress Club in Collingwood He took shading role in civic imprwflnent and tawnplanning with the Board at Trade while he wasa resident tlier During World War II one of nterests was the sea cadet movement Heserv as an orflcer with theCollingwood corps Mmian Read andRev Sherring TrinityAnglican Church condilcted the funeral service Pall bearers were angdon Hinds William Lloydand Monfld of Barrie and Ern est OTooleand Clare non of Col Haywood lhtemient vraslnBarrle va Cemigg in addfti rt many flowers nd cards and messages or sympathy Waldo JAN VFW spams Heads and relatives and Bar rteand oliingwood churc orgni rations therewere floral tr ates tram the Telephone Pioacers AmericaCtmniplain Council Bet Telephone wood Moiaylfilve the local thldreh Aid Society gt Woodmnid Tomlin fiollln ers Morrisonvof Alliston the guest at hErdfluflilIEl Mrs Bert Mtirphy WMS Mutiny at Allllton Delegates from Cookstown Unit ed Church whoatlended the WMS sectional meeting in Allistdp on Wednesday week ago were Mrs Willis Corrigan Mrs McFadden Mrs George Farts and Miss Florence Campbell Attended Convention Mrs Gordon Patton and Mrs Hubert Lemon attended the area convention at Banlean Tuesday NW Weekend in Toronto Mrs lhOmas Mayes spent the Weekend in Toronto with relatives Mr and Mrs Kidd spent the Weekend in Toronto visiting relatives Visited in Regina Add McMasten at Cooks intro thown was the honored guest at the claim as Old asys and Girls annual banquet Oct ll in Westminster United Church Rea gin Sask Mrs McMnstcr assist edwith the musical part or the DPDErarn also gave recigiion aodjivas thf mitten ver mfiflPlfinistjgflsmih 91 rig er sonwhohad travelle est dlsthnce Haliowaen outscért good crowd of children par ents and their relatives attended the Halloween par1y Dn Ma day 30°dele Bllly Thompson grade Lyra girls lrt Beverley Mankmln 2nd Nancy Colrisen boys Don 1d Wilton and Brian McKllllcan cou ple Larry Cause and Nancy Cor rigan grade 3and girls Dianne Crawtord in Dixon Glass 2nd boys Judson Fisher and Jimmy Rogerron coupler Sandra Simon and John French grades and girls Patricia Nixon and Carol illdey bo Wallace Smithand Peter Reed couples Marie Culé and James Sweet grades 17 and girls Eleanbr Jennett Margaret Cart boys Ron McKllilcan and Wilson Kell couples John Arnon and Eleanor Jennctc High school iris ElizabethanI and Valerie akamsn caunles Margaret Carr and Joan Vernon Adulis Japanese lady Erotic bridegroomMrs ames race Porter and second bride James Pharson couples two Jap anese Mrs limitey and Mrs Demo sweepstakes Wallace Smith walking doll 498 concert allowed with each school roam putting aura number or twou The Iirstgrade puplls or Miss Salamanil clan tour boys and ur glrla danced 5un dance The we number was threeactplay 1h Pinkerton school with Mrs Isabel Muir as teacher warms Hellman Mrs Miller at RoomIIdn Cooks town had twochoruses Out in the CornfiEid and 1Ama1itfle Pumpkin There were songs from Braden school with Mrs Nicfl oi as teacher Mrs Dermolt in Room IV class three couples dancy ed the MinueL Mrs Adams at ccdsr Grovc school hsd her class sing Halloween songs Rooms and ol Cookstown directed by Mrs Robert Riley putlon min airel show with John Amon acting as interlocutpr There were chor uses songs readings skit duets and jokes Besides prizes bag at candy was given to each child whether incastume or not The evening closed with The Queen Bowling vmgua Earl Gilroy Gremlins Smith Starlits 28 Doris McKa lican Harvesters 27 lcan Courts Hamnonlzers 75 Milan Beerto amid Eeeston Eli slngieslEarl 233 AnnMdnkman 227 mg triples Bud McKee 557 Kitty Gil my 562 High averagesBud Mc Firsson Miss Gambal Mia Team scores evening at the toivn hall his moors arses PINEAPPLE anti SeedlniNo TGRAPEFRUIT Fiorda Np amass monizers 31095 highstxlples Re rams 3035 Agp low EVERYDAYP335 save 2o save 109 vsiirmg SAVE 149 so 955 PEAK cosmonauts unfot gaicssnd Really owni Size 175s so cal No Bradford Msrri crown cr 5an TALK$ Kce 1827 Doris McKlliican 117 igh singles Har itute ladiér tolthe Winterl=air or carnival withcommittees to alter each at these Reportr wére given by thetrea llrer Mrs Kvsmiih sick visiting committee and hamtheifirltow eea concert on Monday night Mu Patton and Mrs Ignon attended the Institute converruon at Barrieon Mutinyand m1 Patton gave report Among the things or interest she spokeabout was recipe tor an institute gar den liverows peasltlve rows or squarh rive rows or lettucean ilve rows of turnips how or loba present at each meeting Your presence needed Prompt nestbe there on tlrne ls very lm portsat Preparatlon Whatevcr you defgiven carciui thought Perseverance Persevere to the end is greatvnecesslty Purity 11 you hover tale to 12112 is it true is it neediull Squash is re lerred to gossip is itvkind gt832 Very caretui lnditterence The person who comes to meeting and takes no intense Crltlclm Be sure you 1have somethingto criticize handbook Let us he true to our obligations Let us be loyal to our Institute and unssitishu Let us love one another Maybe there are hoaeove about love but per hapl we can ikefihcm There is always something llkeoble in everyone Turnlps firm up or meetings witha smie rho mao hehlnd tn smile alwalm sees something good In everyone lurn up with new ideas Turn upwlth new members This meetlnzi was on citizenship and education and the canvcner Mrs Trotter took thechair ond gave the current events They Were very unfortunate in their speaker torithe cvaniag so 1IE meeting was turned into oclal evening when the ladies played bingo and at the close or the even ing Mrs Trotter and her commitlt tee of Mrs Pei Mrs Emmy and Baker served lovely lunch Harvest iflrarrlrsgivlax Service laigeecroiwd2 attended file anitett church fingernailstrep railroad IliEA occasions Listedbelow arejust hree ot the mony styles lectiaa Hosrrss CHAIRS 22 rkrNcHigtkoviNc1A PLATFORM recurs Lettucer Follow thc morning lext lwu Can mflonelh £5121 at the ggneug Eartha coo ed tarp mennet demonsized tlieliiigmE eat need to cultivate the lplrttual lite given to each ear Inrronly vital tr taken into eternity in val Ifowl Same huge crowd attended the In null United Church owl supper on Wednerday evening Nov hunter around 70 cameme Toronto nunbers or the Cook towapld Bay Anoclatlonfothers 09 and The supper was followed by vallow concert in the church Organ music war played hy 1A Arnold both at the concert aad the time at waltlngflor the dinner Violin mum was glwen by Mr Arnold accompanieddiyficv Kel logg at thenlano and piano and awan music 50 Slidu were bvuttiul gardens around Earle byA Cocltburn at Barrie Wo solos were rendered by James Thomp son accompanied by Mrs Jessie Greene both of Bradford Quite number at the guests visited friends and relatives around the village that evening non soouiaronp Rass Social Group fillet at the home at Mrs CRanaay an Oct 26 with 18 members and five guests presem1he prepldent opal ed the meeting with r61ng The Lords Prayer in unison Minutes were read including two link you notes Reportswere given the pot luck supper by Mrs Eildey whelfecbveryoae had the urual good time Mrs Batters ported re her Christinas cards an has more on handpzand anyone wishing cards to get in touehwith er presentation at lovely cup and saucer Wflgth1ld¢ to one at the active members Mrs Don othy Johnson whirls leaving their home inflection Th waa presented by MrsBat limit WWI An outstanding seleolt tion li style to suit everyone all on dis play in ourrshoWroorn Cholce oovers host of colors to John lelhgst ad Edwin Myers have torm aportnerahlp or the practice wnt ion Col lier Street Barrie harsher infiarrie or about two years Mr Livingston nslrtlntrmn attorney and Mr Myers associated witttthg law tinn of Stewart Ehten and Mclhlrk Prior to coming wBarrle Mr Myers war public trustee for pe lot and was with Canada lLlfe In surance Company as estateiand tax consultant Hewas born in Mit chell Ontario and served with RCNVlhdang the war He lives slim nirvana in Barrie with his on and two daughters and is member at the Barrie Lian Club TudarLodge AF and AM Ml Barrie Country Chm andthe Barrie Oflicers Men Mr Livingston pracllsod law in Alliston for short time before coming to Barrie as assistant crown attorney for the County or Simcqe He was born in Toronto served with the RCNF during the war and now lives in Barrie with his family Both partners are graduates oi Osgoode Hall University oi To ronto and members oi Collier St Untied Church one for Mrs Chaperlhi and one or Mn Fred McMillan or Toron The next meeting will be held at the home olMra Norman Campbell on Nov Lunch or served by the hostess assistedby Mrs Campheil Mrs Dermott listn Braden Mrs Allen and Mrs Halt Sunday Visitor Mr and Mrs Fred Downey at Allistan and Mr and Mrs mory Hill Barriewere recent Sua day guests with Mr and Mrs At her Gllroy United Churches Rally On Monday Nov ill therewiil he rally at the United Chumhes Simone Prsehytery in Cooks tawn United Church at which the Moderator oi the United Church or Canada the Right Rev Dr George Darcy will spealr The evening will begin with ban quet pramto which eacho the charges or thcPresoytery are in vitea tinsend slxpeople Thisle he dollarre by servicevjot or Nswssf FLOOR LAMrs 1495 to 3500 SMARTTAstE LAMPS 795 to 3250 LoervBoubom LAMPS gestured for your se SEAT Modemlstlc stylesin viiought Chrome or Brass each omplete orsx LAMPS 295 to 85 each shin open to all in thenchurch auditorium at 515 Combined Menrial service On Sunday afternoon last the three churches of Cookstowri corri blned in Memorial Service Id the alien at two world wars and at the Korean War This service was held in st Johns Anglican Church and the rector Canon Chapcrlin was in charge assisted by Douglas Fox at the Presby terian Church and Rev Kelv 03 ot the United Church The sermon was preached by Rev Clpmin Downer MP and Speaker at the Ontario Legislature Mr Downer tonnerly resided in Cookswwn and it was ror him day for renewing old acquaint amc Led by the Air Force Bandhom Camp Borden the Legion paraded to the Church and also to the Cenotaph following the service Wreaths were laid at the Cello mph the names of the fallen were read by Bert Marwoodthe Lait Post and Reveille were rounded and We mlnutes silence observed 0n FridayNov 11 the belts at Cooksiown will tail to two minutes tram Ll to 1102 an irrom 1095 ifroin 535

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