lugsuumnnnm ath stmditgtiyitigs til my Gen Congntulntions to Mn rge Alvin who celebrated her son birthday anniversary on Friday Nov Goat At Churchill Members at the Stroud United WMS were gussts the Churchill society last Tuesday alternoon when very enjoyable time was spent together Weddin wishes Congntulatlons to Bert Hunter of Strand and Min Barbara Red mIn oi lciento who were mIrrled on Saturdlyi Oct 29 in SL Chad Anglican Church Toronto gt Toronto Visit Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt David and Keith visited Toronto triends on Sunday hour Mr and Mrs Robinson at British Columbia tire guests or the former sister here Mrs Graham Small Conducted Inglewood Service Rev Wanless conducted anni velsary services at Inglewood on Sunday Mr Kenneth Gray con ducted the Sunday evening church service here preaching wonder tull sermon on Gods powerlul min or ty White Gilt Service With on attendance 01 HQ the United Sunday School held White gilt service at their regular meeting on Sunday morning Nov The theme at the entire service was Remembrance and us re Mount ST LOUIS Iniloween Party Halloween party was held at the school on Monday afternoon with prizes awarded as loliaws best ladies costume Douglas Trou ghton fancy couple Patsy King and Shirley Belunger most comical couple Peter King and John Pot tagc costume with most character istlc idea David Pottage Prizes al so went to Susanne and Mary Pot tage Mory Rose King and Jean Troughion Mrs Miller served candles and apples Visiting School Hawthorne school children under the supervision of Miss Barihosh visited at our school oanridayaf ternoon andvplaycd an ex up if rrsamorolbixll Attended Banquet Mr and Mrs Frawley at tended the banquet and social even Ing in connection with the Com munity Lite Cnnierencc at Big Chief Lodge on Thursday evening parquet at Bond Head Mr and Mrs Thitiault King and Peter and Mr and Mrs William Miller motored to Bond Head on Thursday evening and attended the Trustees and Ratepayers banquet A5 Peter is the winner the 1954 public speaking contest he gave his speech Newlyweds Honored very pleasant evening was spent at the hall on Thursday when it large crowd was present to honor Mr and Mrs Donald McNabb upon their recent marriage The early part or the evening was spent in euchre Mrs Harold Wallaceand Craig Hunter being the prize win ners Dori Wine than read an address and Walter Boyd Rod Black and Fraser Campbell presented them with setup and table and an oc casionai chair Donald and Shirley thanked their friends very littingiy or the lovely gins Following lunch Jack Websters orchestra provided music or danc ing nail ii soothing cooling lull Kgdfiergeéiption positively ielievu nw red itchcaused by enema urns nipirriuunnrhunnsolhuhcnunubles Greaseless staining Etsziaibxé MA oney sr mliflmeznht lot amnion STOPPED m1 dflflcd gum at gun will be sent to the folks it gland Like Manitoba apessin pp ChristmIs iron the Sunday School pupils here North To Illa large numberor our bunting enthusiast thesone north to their several camps We wish them Ill good their and rue return WES News ï¬le November meeting of the Presbyterian wars met It Mrs RHuzhes on Wednesday Nov The meeting openediwith call to worship singing oi hymn Ind praya er by the president Mrs Campbell Minutes were read and approved The president commented on the Input mm urnDwiebt Italon prepared splendid paper on innl inking eachJetterbtthe word Ind tannertint number or thing beginning rwitb each letter Jar whiehwelbouid bethlnflul over ohé hundred bleainzx in all Stat lnl Whore Thenkuiviog we in the Bible omen timu At llzlnkslivinx time is it just hi meal of which we think or is it the manylbieninn inde country minI Imam thankoiterlng meeting in Alimdale and expressed regrets that no one was able to attend St Pauls Also reported on the conlerence held in Allandale and told at presbyterlnl held in Collingwood in September All those having reports were asked to have them for the Decem ber meeling to be held at Mrs John Cowans motion by Mrs Hand and Mrs Watson that co mit tee of Mrs Cnmpbel Mrs NelsonMls 0an prepare the programs or the coming year was passed Thank Yous were read or expressed train the family of the late Mrs Constable Mrs William Storey William Besse and Mrs Wil loughby or flowers and chocolates sent motion was carried td thruster the bank nccouni to the Credit Union Bank otStroud Thnniugtvlng Meeting The meeting then took the form of thanksgiving meeting Opening with hymn the president then spoke of the mepning of Thanks giving as apbears in the dictionary We should all give thanks as our Heavenly Father gave the great gm of His son Roll call was answered by some thing tor which we are thankful The scripture reading Psalm 113 was taken by Mrs Hand followed by prayer by Mrs Mayes num ber of praise selections in rotation were read by each member present Ottertory prayer wa taken by the president An en oyable solo Thunksgiflny Prayer was sung hYJVlrsiahn£qwan splendid paper on Thanksgiv ing was read by Mrs Gibbons stating How much we had for which Io be thankful some of which are the church the Bible family and friends and harvest The occupants of the Mayflower when they land ed on this continent ï¬rst uttered wlz iiiilivrli For Prompt Codrteous Service woman5944 he Delivery Within so rruu 24 MONTHS TO PAY BUY UNDER in BUD ET PLAN Up to $200000 for home improve aliliviiii liilViBEii ourm omen Burialan 56 ELLEN ST HARRIS liltalvttt Siiiiiii column desmiw You dont looklor great deal tint eonmodity known as spo ï¬ghting circles because there isnt as rule much nl it to be looked or usually there are plaintive cries from the loser that he was robbed circumstances So it wasa refreshing change as we sat Archie Moore after he hadbeen flstspl Rocky Marcianoatllew Yorks Yankee Stadium and hear him say have no excuses The in everybody enjoyed the light then very in thé dressing room of voters hanunered into defeat by the better man won happy gt This mustihe the champion had landed gt Moore lost like gentleman complained that Marciano ud butter Moor which is pussihle and had hit him law twice in tilenlntli round in pain said Johnson anwlngiiheruiyunhu imagination We askedMoore it low blows had bothered him hit me low once or twice but not her the slightest difference to the result Moorewasrhar merenso badly in the eighth that for rdlello mission entered the rln hl tic to quit what answer to this had been iWhy told him thatchampionshlps are ritre of the ring to small if uni ever on everyinillit ButF Moore adde herd enoughflor mo reeord of sorts certainly precedent Old Ar rhie heroof more than100 nights as he tnlked was alternately pressing an icebag to swollen right eye and rubbing the lumps on his head and neck where the sovagedpwnward smashes of in prize or outlocked or the victim or tr Chaille Julian imi Arohie screamed out blows and theydidnt ke said Moore fv lend askedth to Emerson Third Convert your present rnaceto OH with reco Bend Ind MnBruee CowIn Mxlmd may of such cheerful disposi or Doubts tinn Mr and Mn John CowII Conmtulltions to Cpl George Mr Ind Mn Campbell Ind md Mrs MuFlrlnne or Sukltoan Edwin Headway at Blrrie am on the birth ot dIughter in the 16 the iunerIl in St Clthnrineo an RV Holnitll Barrie ion Nov Friday Oct conducted Cpl mcrullne arrivéd to spend Ross niolmon mlnilter viking Fine Qualify ToneonTono and 12 foot Widths Deep wool and rayon pile Sturdy Axminster back Beautirul scroll deal design anon Price square yard Rich colours oi Grey on Wine Grey on Green or twotone Grey gt Brdudioomg Deepuut5v Ailwan Pile 9anriizinorwmrhs This sturdy woven Wilton tiualltyï¬ll wool andloam will glveyour rooms smarthndluxurlousappearancc and should provide years and years at wearv harmonious shades or Mushroom or Grey available by lhe yard wall town or rug sizes SAMPL RUGPRICE Enjoy Reliable WorryFree HebringiSysieml convert yourheating system to oil and avoidback breaking turnace tending thermostat cantmis house heat lungAiifE heavy duty motor sellpriming fuel unit aluminum lightweight tans eomplete with 300 gaitiank and controls GDcycle current lnstalied EATON cash Price eloh Has rapid without trouble Womens Institute will the community hall on Thursday Nov 11 It on under thenoo veoerslxlp Cltixensbip Ind lduca tion binH Beeiby Ind Mrs Cmuublenoll all to be showered by whlt responsibility the we or With Automotie Timer and Pump day Nov Weekend Will was In Hester Beynon otiliin Midlilm spent the weekend iiil relotivea and lriendr in Burrlend Stroud Mr and Mrs George Mullaon Ind Clmi lpent the weekend with onto EAlONS own brand again brings you quality and value note the line lectures Double Tub construction Oilset Gyrahor notion 2Way ernger Release Value Wringergead Gleaming White enameued tub with Blue and chromiumplated trim BATON ensh Price each 1696 DOWN l8 nionthlypoyments of 960 aniprletyiiota AfltOmatic tableware end rig Manufacturer of Dis hwashers 3A Housevilfeo ream come true Clean ll iiwaterldnse ls pressured twice through the wash arm Wisteria continually strained liiiclieii lliil Exclusivc wash arid rinse action Electrically heated air quickly dries table ware TimeSaver 35 mins including drain ing and lilllng The Gravity Drain Mo Separate Model Porcelain Enamel Exterior Each stickydoods lipstick toughgrease removed Model to install under existing CounterTop Ea 51Th91New vacuum Cleaner Here mm Vociium Cleaner Bargain lhatn Rolls overldoor sills on rubber disc wheels without scratchingVor tipping Carries all is fleahing was in separ ate moron back ofihencarriage st disposelltop and toss out Speed Sak no dust bag to empty Has aivlsuol power dial or control at suction DSIetQ Cleans wool rugs cotton rugs and drapa snuggly into corner of closet EATON singular lyrics is built tos new squareshapu tojnt For weightingnanshag Rifles and ammunition 51 Shirts fsiiiiliiiuioiiï¬ Model so Puln Commute humid iiiliviiefurimitsiu bIrr inu Note Siioer gnu uliai lteei lens moot tut New choke barrel nortormuico st cook ch pper rack raises or lowers aSysllding racks facilitate stacking dirty 49000 éwaveriyt Polishers spe lolly Pr érii llave Spark ng Floorsi Why re yourself oht handpolishing dull floor surfaces Let EADONS Waverley Floor rgusher do thework or youths budgetéprlced forayoui eonvenleuce too Two brushesrotating ln op osite directions ivé high polishing action fwodetachabletelt butting padsiglve high gloss Mr Ind Mrs Leon Carrie in liar