Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1955, p. 9

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Goocl Wiring Is Essential moonm OCT mSeven out at ten Canadian hcanes have weak or dangerous wiring occordins to lurvq lust completed by Elec trical Contractor or Canada the Canadian business magazine This weak wiring is the cause many tires which have resulted in heavy loss at life the magazine reports Eelctrlcal tires in list out Cuildl $103 millions the largest known fire loss horn any Single cause In addition the wiring systems in many homes are now so overloaded that many laborsaving appliances cannot be used Reporting on the results at the lurvey in ittOctober Lune Elec trical Contractor estimates that to clean up the wiring mess could cost the country billion dollars The wirin survey is maxim na tionwide investigation of the pro blunt on record it covered the entire electrical industry and brought concerned comment from nationallcadcrs in the industry dilanager of the Canadian Ade quote Wiring Bureau Thompson said The menace ot wcak wiring is not only the dam age it does its an fact that use public is generally ignorant or apathetic about the state at its wiring Hardly day passes Thompson added that newspapers do not carry stories telling of deaths in tires attributed to laulty wiring Commenting on the survey pres ident of the Canadian Electrical Manulacturcrs Association Turner said The industry knows that Canadian wiring is in poor SINKLAUNDRY TRAY OBTAINS SLIDING COVER An innovation in some of the latest types of sink and laundry tray nomination is movable cover that slides easily without lilting along the entire length of the fixture says the Plumbing and Healing Industrils Bureau Titus when either compartment is in use the drainboard can be moved lino an immediately adjacent posi on SEAL THE STAINS Scal grease stains on wallpaper with shellac before you repaper it you dont the grease stain will come right through the new paper Cr It And Meeting The Home and School Associ nilon will meet in SS No 17 Vespra on Nov at oclock Roll call travel suggestion Convener Mrs Frankcom Hostesses Mrs Percy Mnrx Leslie and Mrs Alfred Sut Back From nospurl James Craig and Mrs Ficldhouse are home alter short stay in the Royal Victoria Hospital Mr ircad well is still hospitalized Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Burns and Doug las of Carrie Mrs Nina Watlic and Miss Evans visited with Miss Mabel Watiic on Sunday Party For Class Mavis Coulis treated the Prim rry Class at iheSunday School to Halloween party Saturday after noon in the Sunday School room large number of children attend ed and reported good time Clothing For Hamper All children are asked to bring their good used clothing to Sunday School on Nov and Nov iii hamper will be there for then to deposit the gilt to the needy child ren ot Korea and Germany The adults may leave their don atlons any time before Nov 30 Good Halloween Halloween has been enjoyed for another year There were no org anized parties for the children this year leaving the evening free for the usual shcliouts wonder which the childrm enjoy mosta party crua tree evening GRENEEL Dance And Plantation Quite number attendedithe pre sentation and dance at the com munity centre Saturday night for Mr and MrsCharlie Nugent and family During the evening Harry Parr read an addess Bill Ford and Ernest Harris presented Mr and Mrs Nugeut with an electric coffee percolator and electric toaster Linda Harris and Lorne Scott pre sented Beth Margaret Jimmy and Grant with ball point pens oube traitor the community Both Mr and Mrs Nugent replied thanking all for the lovely giftsr aeven cables or Euchre Seven tables were on hand at the weekly cuchrepriday night Prize winners were Mrs Jefleries Angus Mrs Stan McLean Barrie Lone hand prize waswunbe Stan McLean Barrie Federation Meeting SimcoeFederation Agriculture llip Chart meeting Ivy Halli Tues day November at 815 Special speakerr Ray Hergoit films Ladies pieasebringluooh operatlgm in Convalesclug crewman is now Convalesc lng with his daughter MrsV Jennett Thornton alter hisgrecéot nanis Hospltal our speedy recb Program How to Figure Paint Required For House Job lot of people run into troutile in painting their homes because they havent figured belore they started Slut howmuch paint they would actually need By the time they get haltway through they decide thlt the 10b is taking too much pain and mating too much money What lot or them do then is to switch to some cheap offbrand paint and the final re suit is not often so good The amount paint required sbape but this survey coulimuthe worst fears lt emphasines the need or every person in the coun try to be Hold the dangers of weak wiring in homesand in dustryf The survey revealed industry estimates at wiring inadequacy All sections of the electrical bus incss estimated that 7036 per cent all Canadian homes were poor ly wired The estimaieut wiring inadequacy for industry and com merce was whopping 5964 pcr cent Electrical manufacturcla dis tribuiors inspectors contractors firc marshals and utility execu tives were covered in the survey Almost without cloutmien they pointed to public ignorance as the chic reason for the existence at the Problems Until the public is made aware at the hazards that stem from weak wiring We can expect little improvement was typical com ment President of the Canadian Elec trical Distributors Association William chnilais saidCanndas electrical distributors are vitally concerned with good wiring With out it power is wasted and many appliances cannot be used orwill not operate ctflcientiy Speaking from the electrical contractors viewpoint organiza tion chairman of the cahtraciors national association Lucien Trom biay said Electrical contractors across Canada have great difli culty in oonvinciug the public that bad wiring can he wasteful and dangerous To improve wir ing ln the home is to benefit the whole nation as the survey shows Page president of the util ities Canadian Electrical Associa tion commented This survey couiurns my beliebthat wiringin milfions Quadinnhomes is poor and often hazardous Its shame that so many of these pea ple cant take advantage at the many wonderful electrical apoli anccs now on the market 15BliliDINGr Hillsng sire at the house thequxrnbu or costs and the typedmflace you are painting It will also depuld on the kind of palm you use Ms easyenough to film out the number at square feet of ourlace you have to cover simply mul tiply the width of etch wall by its height and then add toletber if your house is covered with wood siding you can expect gallon at point to cover between 450 and 500 square feet on the first coat On second coat gallon should cover about 550 square feet Nowif your house is ered with wood shingles gallon on the firatcoat will cover only about 350 square teet and about 400 square feet on the sew and coat lt you have asbestos Siding and use an asbestos shingle siding themIll knelt Holly diureh Ill tilled to ity 01 Sunday tor its Nth mainss srynerviecl¢vlcxailonBA 511 of thtown VII in Burton Avenue United church choir under the direction of Daniels provided special music tor the occasion Lovely baskets oi flowers and plants decanted the church Mmlnrownsndlaulsotlor onto were visitors with Mr and Mr Ande over the week lfl Mr and Mrs as lAugheed and tamiiy at Toronto visited the form er mother over the weekend Prom Barrie Mr and Mrs Bert Schladt an tamllycf Barrie were Sunday vis itorswith the Bootieya Attended Anutvumry Mr and Mrs Sim and Bet ty of Toronto Ittendédunnlverslry service and visited with relatives on Sunday paint look for coverage about 200 squarefcot pergoilen on the first coat and about 400 square feet for the second coat paint suitable for use on brick siding will give you about the same cov erage The reason you get such poor coverage on wood shingles asbestos and brick is because these surfaces are more porous than or dinnry wood siding and they quickly absorb much at the paint from the first coat The second coat does better Burn BETTER AND SAVE Silncoe Block COMPANY LllVliTED 115 Tiffln St en 2335 Cleaning Meetbx The WA had housccicaning meet ing on Thursday After cleaning HAVE You HAo YOUR WIRING CHECKED RECENTLY lF NOT ior Sulelys Suite Call WiiiiWili ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring Repair Work Lighting Fixtures anrnomzan lltiEiiIAl Ssso outso OIL BURNERS SALES tr SERVICE PHONE 3230 Shop 54 Sophia St Res 193 Baytield St s7 WINTER WEATIlER WILL SOON BE HERE lrs TIME 59R sroaMs scar 5179 ii FITTEP We have experienced stall to measure your home tor custom built doors and windows andwe are happy to submit quotation or thése in WW6 and aluminum without any obligation on your part Quality storms and scrocnsavc you ness of your home We have weatherstrlp plug in stock Jean in for your requirements WE CANaRRANGE BUDGETHTERKMS ON YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENrS moneyand add to the smart ALWAiS AT YOUR SERVICE ALL WAYS tirlr 0utar19 lbesc will be an open district meeting the Tedernion olm mlture at ivy Onnnnail day Nov at an pm when mum ted talk will be gi xon tatm problems by Ray Hzrgott Provincial deldman Ladies In re quested to bring rush mash My 01 Community The sympathy at the community extended to Mrs Harry partial in the death or her brother Pratt ol Tomato Tarpontug For Trek The himtcrs at the district are preparing for their annual trek incrtbward We wish themllutk Attended Special Bunion Rev Bcvsn Monks and Mr 31 Jcnnett attended the special session of Synod in connection with the election of Sufingeu Bishop of the Diocese was completed short meeting was held with Mrs Dyer presiding and Mrs Colluln as secretary Twelve ladies were present Roil call was answered by each repeating strip ture containing the word Than giving Mrs Cochrane thanked the mem hcrs tor catering at her daughters wedding Correspondence dealing with miss sionary work was read and it was decided to give the Sunday School up to Stator Christmas treats The November mating will be at Mrs Bulmcrs on November Bfltwiil be mtslonary meeting andthe roll call will be scripture containing the word hcud Lunch assistants are Mrs Sriglay and rs Bentley Mrs Kelsey and rs it Loughced served dainty lunch after the Mizpoh Benedic tion was repeated Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Kenwcll of New Toronto visited with the Jack Ken wells over the weekend Visiting Relatives Mr and Mrs Brimstin wcrc Sunday visitors with relatives in Toronto Overnight vuit Mrs ole and Johnny of Newton RobiLson were overnight visitors with the farmers sister and bmthcriniaw Mr and Mrs Downing on Monday Patient In Hospital Mrs Leighton is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs William Gortat and Murlene and Mrs Sbewart of Aur ora and Mr and Mrs Bruce Brown and Bradley ot Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Brown Welcome To Community We welcome Mr and Mrs Baine nd children to our com munity Position In Barrie Dorls Elliott naming position with theBcil Tciophonc Company of Barrie lrom Stood Mr and Mrs Frank Graham of Stroud visited Mr and Mrs Graham recently Visitors with Charles Campbell on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Jones and Beverly and Harvey Campbell of Toronto and Mac Fer guson of Stroud Change Post Weare rsorryitorloserourmail man all success to his successor Dalton Slassor gt a¢y clowEs Sunday Visitors Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs re Rev and Mrs andlraura of Manolt Mr andMrs Campbell at Toronto stopped ovcr Monday and Tuesday atthe laiters parents en route to Ottawa Mr and and Herbie Eldon Black Bill Foxmead Visited at the same home allso Mr and Mrs From Hurricane Still Not Filled mule Lance gt On the anniversary of Hurriune Hazel acme comers visited Wym botwvod Beach and micro dumb hundedtostilltindtheerlter hole in Pine Ave Road which Tiny Council had assured would be filled in during the summer For the put yeu traffic was re routed by long detour and com plalnta were numerous Mr Ooultei ol Noam who lost his cottage and lot when they were washed into the bay did not receive one nickel in compensation or insurance Now he wishes to fill in his lot in order to build next spring but Cannot do so because of the huge hole in the road Mrs McMahon has not been able to use her garage Another cotuger could not rent his cottage tor tbs very same reason The senior residents or the beach asked Tiny Council over several years for some improvement to the Old Sixth Linc wooden bridge which has now been replaced with someweculvert Most other traces of the hurricane havoc have disappeared other lotl have been tilled in and dam aged cottages raised or removed but the hole in the road is still there LEFROY Week in Toronto Mrs Susun Paul spent week in Toronto recently visiting with some of her tamily Guest for Weekend Mary Louise Sheldon was guest of her friend Janice Lynn Rowat in Orililu or the weekend Week withMnthcr Mrs Emil Cheliak and baby of St Catherincs spent week with her mother recently Infection in kg William Noble or 55 Calgurian will be borne for while with infection in one leg Weekend At Victoria Ilarbor Colin Jack and Howard Thornton spent weekend at Victoria Har nor Institute Meeting Indies dont forget the Institute mccting Tuesday evening Nov at 315 sharp Roll call to be answer ed with on exchange of recipes The home economics and health conveners Mrs Gilmore and Mrs Donald Farrier are planning on having cooking demonstration Bob Eesse Frank and Jimmie of Guthrie Business mn Mr and Mrs Black made business trip last Friday to George town and Woodstock W1 Meeting The regular Institute meeting be hnld Monday evening Nov insteadof previously announced Nov at Mrs Bidwclls Attended Funeral Mr Bidwell and Mr and Mrs Bldwell of Cmighurst attended the funeral of Thomas Gravestone in Orillia on Wednesday illiam Newton But we wish Now if you had nine cents in one pocket and eleven cents in the other what must you have somebody elsea pants on Why mmmmnuarmm 554 celdweler meme loans may Celebrities Si my ruident of Warminlter tor manyyesrs and one the best known older citizens in the district Mrs Adah Mick celebrated her 91 birthday at Orilli on October21 Born in Walnut Mrs Mick look up weaving at an early age and kept busy at the loom until year ago Products her were purchased by tourists many of them found their way as gifts tronl missionary societies no church workers in far corners of the world Mn Mick suffered stroke few months ago which im paired her health but has not lost her interest in life Her husband Henry Mick passed away 12 years ago Show Picturu of Visit During the past summer when lardens or flower lovers were vis lted William Wylie and Jack Ti pins iooknicuim andaLthc meet ing of the Horticultural Society in the Courthouse slides made of these views wen shown Mrs Clarke reported that the society had recoiyed the govemrnrhl grant for $145 Arrangements were made to obtain 450 tulip bulbs each for Waubausbnce Union Church and Goldwater Cemetery motion was passed thanking memberswa had donated or plantcd bulbs it Shinton of Midland will tilt asked to speak on his impressions as judge of the flower show at Cold water Fair when the November 24 meeting is held in Wautnuahcnu Unexpected Find stencil used by JackTippings grandfather John Tipping in the latters grist mill on the Old Barrio Road near Orillia and which is said to be about l50 years old has turn ed up unepectedly Barrie road resident JMar tin called on Jack Tipping at his Caldwater store recently and hand ed him the metal stencil it was used tor imprinting the mill pro TBOND HEAD Oshawa Visit Mr and Mrs William Sutherland and family also William Brothel visitcd in Oshawa and Bowmanvilie on Sunday Mrs Orr and Mrs radley accompanied Mr and Ms Lisk and Edwin to Guthrie on Sunday to the UnitEd Church anniversary to hear RovMcCuaig or Kingston formerly of Tonenham The hall committee catered to banquet for the School Trustees and Ratepayers Association of Sim coeCounty on Thursday evening Successful Dance TheAngiimnYoungiPeople held very successful masquerade dance in the bail on Saturday evening llsllowc eu Party The flailnween party sponsored by the Girl Guide ILA was real success list of prize winners will be found in Guide News on your promise to repay iOANS ducts said he had found it It gravel lpit near his home whenbe was 12 years old Mr Martin is nail 70 John Tipping Sr met an untimely death white ltill in his early thir tiu when he Contracted pneumonia at the grist mill lbe mill owners son Jacks lather opcnted slam in Drillla belore letting up busi ness in Goldwater Qulal urllowecn No etcusive damage was reported following Halloween pranks in Goldwater Monday night Many windows in the village were mark ed with soup but otherwise the ecle bljation was considered one of the most orderly in the memory lo cal residents Mect To Open Tenders meeting of the Rink Commis aian was act or Nov to open tender or operation at the rink this winter This week there has been grcatly increased activity by men and ma chines at work constructing tn new pubiicichooL Thc stakes surveyors use to mark land boundaries have way of disappearingand that can mean whole survey has to be done over again But now them ancwaiiaiuminumslake tha stough for time and weather and playful animals to handle it wont rust rot or weaken And two barbs opcu outatrlghtaugicsmndcrground to prevent in being rooted out by cventhe most muscular bear Its Canadian invention made of Canadian aluminum by Canadiancompanyxto mom typically Canadian problem ALUMINUM COMISANY OF CANADA LTD ALCAN Seasonal expanses car or home rcpulrl shopping expmo innit 50 051000 loans made without eudonen Fast oneday service Simple requirements Up to 24 months to repay Phone or domain today forlast friendly servioel iousrnoln Home 29 Punlcp snwm oeoiid tioorjpbouo 5529 IA ONT murmurIa lodusduytndmdxvhflm mm osuia samba llluheog St Bulllend our picu mt Ii lakesoXO to mgkeiie iasiiesi ILAMB CURRY

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