Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1955, p. 4

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memMONDAY NOVEMBER 71055 en lam WANTED wt mm mm Number um 1955 oatutc at nounI Ailm at has uu hauntI warmest mien Mhlmflmmmvumflfe Aw REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED In Barrie and surroundin districts FOR SALE RUBBER STAMP monoORDER 1WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE so DUNIJOP ST 78811 DICTATING Join reliable active orgaoiutlon that is selling three million dollars prpperty un salesmcn em ployed Ollices in Toronto Orange Apply in at country and city nually 23 successiu villeitnd Owen Sound person or by letter Kelly Real Estate 1101 Lakcshorc Road IORONIO 14 Ph Broadway 94 Ph 595 Junior Matriculation or to Iarm able Good employee reply by to CL 11790 ORANGEVILLE 1125127 SECRETARY sucrotaryitor Advertising in Toronto Ample opportunl in tive licono should have pp better and ears experience Ontario no ground would be helpful Artistc and writing ability desir sulary and generous benefits Applicants should letter stating qualifications Personnel Department United Cotoperatives oI Ont 20 DUKE STREET TORONTO ONTARIO CHOREltMAN Idr mixed Single 1153113 still WAITRESES experienced Prysons Grill 1127129 Inrmin 112712 EXPERIENCED lied laster apply Allisio Alliston oo 1421427 STENOGRAPIIER with shorthand TorontoDominic lzBfiu wanted Prcicrably ruli beneiits Apply 1123 li RELIABLE COUPLE to live home Woman to look Phone 4308 after pm SERVICE Statlon attendant Good wugcs and conditions must Phone 5384 Jackson Motors Ltd 1120127 TEACHER wanted tor private night class in Mathematics and mar Phone 22121 stroud lences Good wages ert Willson Phone 28r22 GIRLS FOR concession Barrie Arena Evening workApply to Box 95 airliner WOMANTO kce for our old chll act on to one child All enetang St essential phone 2079 or 5085 EXPERIENCED cook General block Irom bus line HamiltonToronto Lambert Sn 93th Line South Oakvllle Ont II25127 JOBS HIGH pay All Trades Fare Paid Canada the Islands So th Amcrlca US Write Dept 81N alt Information Newark NJ USA 1127 CAPABLE cookgeneral Fund at own room Liberal time off Directly in bus line HamiltonToronto Reply Mrs Fearmay 208 Colborne St 1125127 HOUSEKEEPER Reliable woman to live in with older couple wlll rooms and bath Chral res onsib ity planning and prep iton of meals Other duties light Box so Barrie Examiner tlzsizil YOUNG MANJJVEI4215i0r oil corn pally clerical training Must be wi ling worker and have chaufleurs llcencg Good opportunity for ad vancement Reply stating education and past experience in detail to Box 98 BarrieExamiller 1127128 MEN AND women wanted for sales work in Barrie and campBorden commission rtunity for advance ment get on business for yourself no layctts make good money all the time Our salesmenare mak adult Liberal time cit Reply Mrs tional Employment 1020 Broad children char weekly Oakville have ow are district Good bonus uppo Tel log between 5500 and soot month Write to Box amlner for ersonal Start work Within one POSITIONS WANTED WILL GIVE day care to children Enquire 231 2126128 given to orlrs whilo mother works Dunlop St KI efficient clay care fchid while own mother 2126127 THIRD CLASS stationery Central Phone 4953 eer liable wants work distr Examiner ran Apply Box 87 Barr Ether SOFTWOOD LIVESTOCK FOR SALE weeksvold Phone 4326 9176127 edya ou Weeks Phonc 353713 9127 123 sctwszwrrn pigs 10 daysold FIGS ro YORKSHIRE sows slabs cut an aod delivered 12 cor Hard wood slabs 518 card Phone 2938 o127laa Ear 91 Barrie interv week 1126127 eng mi WOOD FOR SALE 10le STOVE lengthwm deliv er Also 44L oak BDBrZI 0126127 length anagcr ty for in nltcr home Gram 1125127 OD DAIRY man All conven Apply Lamb Cookstown 1126128 booths at part time Barrie EX 1126v127 house and care Live in 10 liIZZII lGIRb enwOMANror aenerai 01 Ilce work Typing and shorthan Permanent position plus Barrie Apply to Box 82 Barrie 2125127 REFINED woman experienced as rece tionist nurse companion to Inv id or will care for small child ic Exam 2125130 EQUIPMENT Reconditioned Guaranteed DICIAIIIONE EDlPllonr AUDOGRAPR SONOGRAPH DICTAIING ASSOCIATES 53 Gerrard St EMpire 41594 WHY PAY RENT New and used mobile home trailers tor sale Lower doivn paymcnts Five years to pay Fully insured Stans Car Sales ANGUS Phone 832125 71 00105 GILSON IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION FURNACES Scethe new Gilson Package Unit Forced Air Heating with oil 5YEAR GUARANTEE GILSON WASHERS 10 year mechanism guarantee RANGES REFRIGERATORS TERMS ARRANGED BALFE C1 SON 12 Bayilcld St Phone 3003 7116128 THIS CHRISTMAS USE Robinson Hardware LAYAWAY PLAN TOYS roams DOLLS VEHICLES POWER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE And MAKE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EASY BUY EARLY ON OUR LAYAWAY PLAN 31 DUNLOP STREET 7120t1 QUEBEC HEATER Price 51000 Phone 4380 7127 USED IRON Fireman Stoker Ap an Valley Taxi Barrie Illatl LARGE FRIG Apply Mr Ramsay 10 Morro Loop Camp Borden 7125127 CEMENT Off car or delivered Phone Lefroy Elevators 28W roy 7127 FESS OIL space heater good Con dition Reasonable Phone 181r2 ElmValc 7127 HOME FREEZERS gtDirect from factory With or without food sup ply Phone 5339 llfiti 51 DUMP rlmcx tor hire with driver Also gravel tor sale Apply do Maple Ave 7125tt USED GOODISON hammer mill Apply Gordon Blakely Egbert Phone Ivy 4rd 7126120 ty washing machine stainless steel Phone 5992 or 0622 7127129 CHRISTMAS trees torsale in Mus koka Phone Utterspn 7121 Briese RR Utterson 6428 LADYS FULL length gray station wagon coat Size 1518 $16 Also baby stroller $2 Phone486l 7127 1952 GLENDALE trailers 22 Gas ably priced Apply Strnud 20r12 7126128 BARN asxsil steel rout orl halt Also 10 heav dut jointerAp ply Box 99 narrie xaminer 7127429 GILSQN gravit hotair turnaeo and pipes 22 re pot Used only Seasons 3100 as rugetSt phone 4003 7126127 ADDING Machines and Typewrit 2115319 rentals repairs simeoe Business Machines 00 Toronto SL phone 4824 YOUNG BEEF government inspect ed by the quarters Fronts one hard quarters toc Delivered any whsr Apply Box 7o Barrie mam 7134135 Now FOUR shin Russian grey Thirtyfive dollars 288 Ma IeyIS one 03 load an Phone Toronto 7lE128 Robinsonlslardutare PRINCESS BETH cook stove Beat stove refrigerator heater Reasan mu squirrel nccklpieceold Age pelil PROPERTY Eon RENT amt Drury mum am fits1W 300 furnished Important R001 have piece bcthJtho IV 7011 1513113 GARAGE FDR talc Can he need It 100 Blake street Iiil2 FURNISHED mom Board ll delt aired Phone 1512 FURNISHED bed littin central Phone 5082 110014 house bedroom Phone wagon Belch WI 1513121 lt FURNISHED lilht housekeeping rootax $5000 monthly 3m 151 27 BELLE EWART winterized hour os and room Phone Latroy 39 15121 ROOM basement abutment Priv ate entrance Apply 201 Dunlc St 151 128 $100 HEATED unlurniahcd cm duplex Available Dec Phil 2190 1512011 ROOM FOR rent suitable for bus iness girL Separate bath Phone 2734 1512 FURNISIIED bedroom Suitable 101 business lady or gentleman Phone 3438 15125121 ROOM apartment unlurnlshed pioco bath Apply 114 Blake SL phone 3704 151204 noon apartment in npnrtment building modern central 580 Phone 3364 Rooms unturnishcd adults onl business con la pretcrrcd Appy 39 Worsley lslzadzs WELL FURNISHED bedroom suit lady or gentleman Close to down town Phone 0161 151th ROOMS furnished heated Bath Adults Abstaincrs Apply Ill lnnls Iil St or phone 5790 15127 Llollr housekeeping room Suit able tor working gris Centrally located Phone 1452 15127120 ROOM sell contained artment centrally located Private nth Uri Iurnished Phone 6442 alter 15127129 WINTERIZED cottages Furnished miles Irom Barrie Ap ly to ruin quuno Resort Shanty ay phone Oro ztil 15127129 WINTERIZED house Army peri sonnei preterrod Transportation available Apply Kelly phone 23w Lelroy 15127129 MODERN room self contained npnriment Separate laundry Two blocks from downtown Available Nov 15 Phone 2043 15151517 BEDROOM brick house newly decorated central garage may sublet Immediate ossesslon Rep Examiner ly to Box 93 Barre 15126128 WINTERIZED cottages year around 23 bedrooms inside con vmiences Apply Iaok Michelson Joan and Mosley Wasagn Beach phone 154 15110 ROOM modern bun alow or rent City conveniences and Strourl district Adults only App Michael Vurkow mile south or stroud on Highway ll 1542641 MODERN hot water heated bollA room uportmentio rent Electrical ly Acquippcd separate garage and cellar Centrally located Apply Sophia St 15127128 ROOM house hydro runnin water Lot concession 11 Gwiliimbury Twp Immediate 1105 session Phone Cookstowri 43rl3 James Curry RR Bradlord fi15126128 ROOM apartment Available now Water heated Eve convenience Free water Local te ephone Bread milk and mail delivery Adults limit child Terms reasonable Hwy 27 mile south Allnndale Ph 2147 or 2116 127 SUPERIOR secondfloor apartment centrally located unfurnished four rooms and bath separate entrance suitable Inr two or three adults $9000 per month includingvgarage available immediately He El rick Michie Realtors hone 5533 15128127 TelG arsr STOCK KENTUCKY red base and blue tickrsmale hounds lie cars old and three 10 months App Lloyd Apto Phone Elmvale 3112 ssllatt FRIIIT VEGETABLES POTATOES Deliveredor at the form Apply Fred Dobson Phone 815r22 211124129 CAREOTS CABBAGE turnips Ex cellent for winter storage Buy by the bushel and save Will deliver Hillcrest Gardens Phelpston Phone Elmvale 57r14 20124182 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Pli 648 for Ph 6331 We also sell pipes beams angles gt channels and reinforcingrodé INDUSTRIAL IRON AND NIETAL Duolop St Fémdfl leneA6331 or 6487 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS no SCRAP IRON METALS ms RIDES RAGS Baum mamas LIVE POULTRY our rib117 Hull 11 Itsrue dont imp newbmneinnmictornlearl write 2lilac flabJun aloof rice some Down Payment Eran little less Brand new tchen 10 12 mm look at that for do in new hml Very she living room bedrooms 20 square net4 place bathroom Poured coocrete JoanaLion oil Tartan 511mfildum on land Ill IM tluo lit call To de tails scans you cant buy house over the telephone Call or In at Palatineht to SEE Lairit will sell troll on sight Have you ever noticed those mld flogged or perhaps little older people around town with no ap parent means or support but come rain or shine cod times or bed the always have kind loo about them CHANCES THEY OWN INCOME PROPERTY Heres your chance to Ict into an income propcrt tor or low as $2000 down maybe as who knows till we give them an oilerl Home to already duplexod and will biting an Income or 120 month or more Full price 10900 Same smart bu or can grc this let lt pay for rail and then they too will have no apparent means of support Why not you Big For $1500 DOWN InistrcudSolid Brick7 huge roomsFull Price $6300 ALLANDALE $4700 FULL PRICE Semidetached and needs little decoratms but lots at room for thc FULL ACRE BEAUTIFULLI LANDSCAPED On town sewers and wpter immaculate very well built storey and hall house 32100 Dawn $8600 Full Price Roaming House Size 01 Small Hotel In the centre at townonly asking 93500 Could pay Ior itself In years COUNTRY PROPERTY AND HOUSE $0000 lull price 19 cons of land hardwood bush Good room house piece bathKitchen 10x10 miles from Barrio COTIAOES COIIAGES Priced rig From Shanty Bay to Washago each from $1000 full price with down meat 01 $1000 on to $10000 price This is the time or year get them right Some winterized Why rentl ACRES With garage and well$100 down Eull price $1100 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Cement building with 764 feet all Highway 27 Suitable for restaurt ant Couldnt miss or servic ftlltlofl An all company shoul you ge orng ere PR CE $9000 AGORDONSTOUTTI Real Estote Brokers Dunlap Street East Phone 2413 Anytime 151274129 Barrie MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW Living room bedrooms and large kitchenrOiIrheatrResldvntlalarea Leaving Barrie reason tor selling Apply Box Barrie Examiner 16127175 VFor AComplete REAL ESTATE SERVICE Consult HENRY ELRICK 8c MICHIEE Realtors Buying or Selling Mortgage Loans Natlonal Housing prenatal Insurance Owen St Barrie Phone 5583 Evenings 3551 5200 2294 logos13s lect their Sabina ma notmo 4mm BEFOREYOU BUY TRY LACEY NO OBLIGATION RHONE 5298 orAmn GORDON STOUT LIMITED nest rotate broken Dunlap street mt Phone 2m Anytime SOLD OUT in the last two weeks we have told every modern type hour we had listed over 90000 AND ING LIST 017 CLIENTS WANT ING MODERN BEDROOM HOM ES FROM 51000030411000 AND BUILDERS HOME OWNERS you have it home or homes in the above category and you wont notion please ccntoct us WE HAVE ING Forulc sales action list with the bro er with the customers WANTED WANTED rine homes at all description GORDON STOUTT LIMITED Real Estate Brokels Dunlop Street East Phone 2413 Anytime 10127129 TWO HOUSES One rooms with both collar and preSsurc system One our rooms sink and water Phone 3426 10127 ROOM house in Letroy or sale $2500 cash Vucnnt Nov 15 Apply by mail Elwood Broomc Eagle House Weston 10123128 wc sinr HAVE wAtr STOMERS WAIT T0 Box Barrio MWM Phonem smlS ELECTRIC MOTOR 510ch at LEARN TO WELD weldln tau ht Honda and on nouayclus Arc Inquire re our courses and equip ment Andrade Sons PHONE 10r14 1111 II STROUD Alcouu Beach Road 611542 FERGUSONREID Floor Service TILE PLASTIC WALL TIL rFlRSIS 30c loot LINOIEUM FLOOR TILE 13¢ per Tile ALL TYPESFIDOB WALL TILE FLOOR SANDING FREll mm BOX 53 BARRIE eiionu ms Barrio 19114 Ivy sllt soccmmznn TRIM WORK momma nousns comm RECREATION ROOMS BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLI NG PORCHES Slrmoimo mum SERVICE BRUCE CAMERON EUELDm Phone 6382 Isntt ltOuSE miles north of Dorrie In Hwy 11 near school church bedrooms room modern living kitchen piece nth hot and cold water on tap Oil furnace Terms It Hastings Phone Oro 37 18120121 Accommodation Wanted 0R ROOM house Unturnished Heated Apply Sgt Profltt 12 SDB Cam Borden Phone 303 between sari 11120120 PERSONAL ATTRACTIVE widow 01750 deslru tomeet entlcman of means mony Box 62 Barrie aminer 30419123 lr CONSIDERING marriage cun suit Marrla Wellare Specialist by mail Established 1906 Over 6000 clients rich and poor married al Scru uious secrecy Sim ready Dickens Post Ottlce 3007tt ns Box Winnipeg MORTGAGES WANTED FIRST or second mortd gage money on good 100 acre arm close to Barrie New house good buildings 10 acres bush Anyone interested contact Box 88 Barrie Examiner 42125127 AUTOMOBILES Buying OrLSélIinzg We flnaflcfl late model carrantl trucks Very reasonable rates With complete insurance STEVENSON ALL OF INSURANCE PHONE 5201 05 DUNLOP 51 BARR 13112 ROGERS REALESTATE HAVE AT ALL ms NHA Financed aBedroorn Bun galows Good choice at homes Centrally located older homes Duplexes nnd Income Properties Small businésses Farms Lots lnBarrie ILots ouuide of Town It pays to check with us when largor modern planning to buy or selll PHONE BARBIE 6337 ANYTIME DAY on EVENING REALIQR STEALqumUSTS BLDG 1A GORDONSTOUIT Real Estate Brokers DunlapStreet East Battle Phgne 2413 Anytime We are advertising this home by table ctatoesv 105 or ha at 45 Banlie 91 nest 4de on Phone 853r13 CHARLES ROGERS MODEL FORD sedan in good condition ABest otter Apply 74 Grove St 151126127 1948 CHEVROLET reconditioned motor Gone about 1600 miles 45 Apply Lloyd Apto one Elm vale 9r12 itsmu ARMY TRUCK and snow plough ideal for laughing laneways etc High and ow racks and tire chains 114127128 1953 GMC 11 ton pickup with new tires and newrpaint job with de luxe cab in excellent condition Apply Simons Motel 8w No 11 Phone Barriefillfl RR shanty Ray 13127128 FARMS rait SAL only 1011105 1110111 Barrie $18800 $10000 cash 100 acres clay loam 5o bush and pasture with strc room conveniences Double garage New implement shed bank barn water pressure Near school 100 Acre Farm $5000 s35001tash 45 acres suit able tdr Christmas trees Balance rolling trams ouse Good water supply only miles RJ ram Barrie brick house city gamut with stream room FLOOR COVERING Armstrong Floor Coventill Linoleum Rubber and Asphalt 1110 P121 Wall 1110 unadul Supplied and Iiitall ed Free Ettlmctec WOLFENDEN 210 Toronto St Phonc 6155 it BARRIE SCHOOL OF SAFEDRIVING Ucenscdlnstructon Dual Control Can 17 Baylield St EPLE ELECTRIC SERVICE Parts in stock lordnost appliances PROMPT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES I47 Dunlop Street East side entrance PHONE 044134 511945 EXCAVATINGA Loading Trucks Shovelworx Top Soil Gravel Sand stone Till Guthrie Construction PHONE 030 260 or mutual cats 56513 wELLs DUG TlLED OLD AWELLS RECO ONED Concrete tile for wells worn and storm sewers Weeping tile SEPTIC TANK IN ITS MADE AND INSTAuED Air Compm work mm RATES rott wmmn WORK Products Arter hour out 7216 Drill RR No2 0111mm DlAL soot BIo Whitney Concrete COLLECF IONS No collectionNo chprge Credit Bureau of name Phone 53 48 Mary St 5ilztt FOREipeticnced Gardenia hone 575325 L070 currentch orAlitre with drivf Pbonodafil 5ilstt so mar one 11 llll lop Street mo 5171 27 Announcement he been nude that Copeth linur Mull lnMid land It Worth to be known or Pflllhury CamdLJho prominent United states million Iiim purcllus ed the Midland burlten several years no cm clamsr In maxll week time at Inner Anglican Church Orilllr will have new organist Gerald Death nounccd death II eomlni tram Nee pnw Manitoba to take the posi tion Ale he is knownu an accomplished pianist and teacher voice as does his wife Acting or ganlrt since lut February tr Mrs Lockwood wife at the rector GOES TO mAWA HQ LtgtCol Noble M37 CD head of the Candlao Schooltor Millt itary Intelligence at Camp Borden for several years has been posted to AnnyAlQ at Ottawa as 650 Plan and Training in the director ate He is succeeded at Borden by Major 11 Hermie GD who come ram Prairie Commnnd LtCol Noble better known as fat 1n the lield at sports was one ot the leading goiter in the county renorAnoplsnlms itlzcma Induction serviccforRev GI Brightling ABA BPHE LTh new rector or All Saints nnd St James Anglican Churches in Pcnotangul shenc was held last Friday Rt Rcv Il Wilkinson and MA DD pishop of Toronto conducted the serviccmsslstedby Ven LighthournfOBE MA DD Shanty Bay Archdeacon or Slmcoé tincl other clergy MANAGER BOTH YARDS Norman Walton manager or Mid land Shipyards tor several years has been named manager both the Midland and Colllngwood yards and willtake up residence In Col lingwood Total stall DI the Idle Mid land yards at present mnsists ot few watchmen It Is anticipated there may be more repair work on ships in Midland harbor this win cr EAST SWCOE BUR DEAN liev Lockw rector at St James Anglican Church Orillla has been elected Rural Dean at East Strum succeeding Rev Mat son Iormcrly o1 Elmvalc The 5va cinl meeting or nominations was 16 at St Marks Church Mld an GUTIIRIE Fedentlon Grain Guthrle Federation Group will meet in the Community Hall on Tuesday evening Nov of 830 Art Owen will give talk on live stock This the Itrstmoeting of the winter season Everyone is welcome ROOM coARcAA ROOM AND BOARD tor gentle men Phone 0757 121264127 ROOM on room and board Cen tral Apply Robindale Inn 51Blake St Phone 6741 12111 ==a LOST AND rouno LOST Gra Maltese kitten monthsmldw iperl like racoon Phone 4082 17127 RED IIEIFER 14 months old stray cd from lot 14 con Vespra Ap ply brnest Partridge astria 17127123 LOST year and half oldheiler White head no horns Red with white stomach Concesssion 14 Cookstown Contact Alec Blaskle Ccokstown 17120127 AUCIIQN SALES Everylhulsdxy at 130 pm Elmvnle Community Sales Arena Phone Whitton 102 Elm vale SEEM Tuesdz No Auction sale of arm stock plements hay and poultry tor Wiulam Gilchrist miles west and 2mlles south of Stayner Sale at pm sharp No reserve crry Coughlin auctiglsielearb Wednesday Nov 18 Auction sale of Iarm stock implements hay grain poultry and some household attests tor Robert Mooney at Lot Con Essa township Sale at 1230 pm sharp fretms cash ry Coughlin auctioneer Saturday Nov v19 Auction sale of high class and modern household furniture for Joseph Jeroultat 79 Dundonald Street Barrie Sale at pmshcrpTcrms ccsh Jerry Coughlin Aucdoneqr 127132 Funeral Today Dr Game Tanner gt Former Simcoe MIP rorruer liberal we tor amulet ran Dr Garnet moi3 dlcdlridn ylaflinlomntoufletal HospitaL He had practised medi cine inllidhnd 11112101 Dr Tanner barn in Scrum charter president or Mldkisfi X1 wants Club and one at the hacker or Midiads rim Iki lump built In 1m He leaves liir widow the runner Jessie Finch ot Salnil daughter Mrs thlilGIllllher of Toronto and two zrmdchlldren tunera1 ser Vice will be held today or two oclock at St Pauls United Cburch Midland with interment at Luke vlew Cemetery Itonci ro owns Pumant to the rovirlons or the Mechanic Lien Act 950 1060 Chapter 227 Section 48 the under signed will roll the toilowinz cm to cover towing and storage charges alter it has appeared In three is sues at The Boyle Examiner 1940 Oldsmobile El la bcr 303919 licelfllcet um moo Prefect urlnl rthodontic 9° 1940 Plymouth P9 licence 212035 KITCHENS ammo Essa ltood porno ltrfim smcoz comm rowqu l1 MAY CONCERN TAKE NOTICE THAT the Non Jury Sittings ol the Supreme Court tor discounty ol Slmcoe will be hglden in fliefiggégyousc 33$ mmencmg BEN 14 1955 at 130 pm MR JUSTICE STEWART presiding 1311th November 1955 DRURY Sheri County or Simone rowusmr or INleRll Clerks Noticeof Posting Of valElis LIST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that have complied with Section 01 the Voters List Act 1951 and that hove posted up at my attire in the Municipal iBuildIn Stroud on the 4th day cINchm 1955 the list of all personsentltled to Vote in sald Municipality on Muni cipal actions and that such list remans there mr inspection I1 WV su ANIS llcltlidlr an upon all vot ers to take immediate proceedings to have any ommlsslons orerrors corrected cccordin to law the last day or appeal he lig the lathday of November 1955 figtsed this 41h day of November Als lRErON Clerk gt 127 CLERKS NOTICE or rlltsr POSTING or VllIEIIS IIST Votersv Lists Act Section 12 Formal Voters List 1955 Municipality of The frown ot Barrie County or Slmcoe Notice is hereby givenzthntl have complied with Sections or the Voters Lists Act and than have posted up at my office at Municipal Building 34 Collier Street Barrie on the 3rd day of November 1955 the list or an persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Mun icipal Elections and that such Ilst remains Iherclor inspection And hereby Fall upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any ermrs or omissions cor rected according to law the last day for appeal being the 17th day or November 1955 Dated this 3rd day or November 1955 srltAuGuAltl Town Clerk lNiA InowchlPricesAinYetlrs utprieesihat are competitive our retaining same high quality that has made Purina famous over the put 60 years CIHOW jBy jhpiioiohne kink $2201 THIS IS WHAT you havebeén waiting forOpening an opportung ityfor man who do notliavetoo much inon gt Phttne Bradtcrd IIlzoln sbel Brunszoo Ton Discount WA mtcow Simmons CHOW comm IcédltolRATE Iced BARRItE ram SUPPLY PIIRINAV cnows run myosrdcit AND rooming suitor nAlnyi FARM EQUIPMENT either Forecast Mondayth atu iy CKBB

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