zeroes is snowius FiNALTWO DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY commons summit 230 pun PLUS CARTOON FOX NEWS AND 20 MINUTES OF EVENINGS mums 75c TAX INCLUDEDV HER TREATS MATINEES ADULTS 500 TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALLTIMES 25c TAX INCLUDED STARTS THIS MONDAY Evening Shows 6501ondr9 pm MGMS LOVETHRILLER Fllmtfl In Pans lCINEMASCOPEI ANNE BAXTER STEVE FORREST SIMUNE RENANI NAURNE llYNAC VliiilR FRANBEN msz in COLOR and EN RTAINMENT LFRIDAY AND SATURDAY chrmuous SATURDAY 230 pm Shannen 16 Brazil but no danger to dung GLENN FORD aWFAM ERCsAilMCCE lillNilfllCiiii ill1ND Willi Welltill it NMAM CARTOON NEWS AND POLO PONTES gt STARTS THIS MONDAY ACTIONANDVDANGER RIDES TIE WAVES MAUREEN OHARA ANADA io costumes that v35 TONIGHT AI limo Hamilton us Nora the young wile submits once more toIhe will of her domineering husband played by Art Todd we welcome Miaend Mrs Alvin Patton and family who havemov ed into Everett last week to live in the late Mrs Crosbies home which Mr Patton purchased Few naya In Barrio Mr and Mrs Joseph Gordon are spending few days with Mr and Mrs Doug MoClean of Barrie Mr and Mrs McClean are proud parents of newly Barif baby boy Mrs Nellie Moore of Toronto is spending low days at her home here mt lrip On Saturday OcL 19 the CNR train between Becton and Culling woodtmade its final trip large number passengers boarded the train at various points along the line to have the pleasure at having the last ride on the train Forrner conductors and éxpressrnen accom panied the train At Creemore very large crowd gathered to bid farewell and placed wreath on the back coach enscribed Fare well and Fond Remembrance tram the Town of Creemore At Elv erztt another crowd gathered wifli some passengers taking their last ride on this train Among the folks to take the train from Ev erett was very likeable gentle man Wood tanner Reeve or Essa Township This train will be greatly missed all along the branch but weth look forward to greater achievement which the future holds for us Gale Time here was again time at the RCEME Sergeants Mess Hall on Saturday night Oct29 at Camp Borden or the special occasion their HalloWeen oelebpation very large crowd attended and we couldnt begin to explain the var everybody and all are to be congrat ulated for their wondertul success We might also mentian that who ever decorated the héil for this occasion deserve much credit and also to the stall who prepared the delicious dinner The Pine River By LOBNE nanny Nomlnatlon Prosme With nominations only iew weelis away there has been little discussion in Goldwater district an fur regarding municipal election prospects Vfloldwateriï¬eeve An drew Dunlop will likely be back in the field Councillor Victor Turner says he will run again but intentions of other councillors in this village are not yet known It is considered likely there will be race for the Matchedash Reeveship this yearnLeslieBorA row has been Reeve of the Town shlp or number of years One vacancy is cerï¬in to occur on Medonte Council when Conn cillor Victor Jobustone retires He has taken position in Orillia and resi there and will not be up or rteelection he states Reeve Fisher Ganton piqMcdonte will very liker offer his services again Comment in County Council cir 01857 is to the effect REEVe Gan ton may be top prospect as Warden tor Simcoe County in 1956 he is returned to the Reeveshl of Medonte Ready For Deer Hunt when the deer hunting season opens November there will again be Jarge number at Coldwater and district men tryingtheir luck on the runways Preparations are underway for departure by this weekend Arthur Cornell Goldwater Lloyd Dunlop of Moonstone and Lloyd Taylor ofN rth River will be with yr ranyinearnavar headi ed by Gordon Leatherdaie at er illla anLinciudlng Bruce and Jack Leatherdale Orilh Leathers dale North Bay Pele Milligen how onhlsway homeiram ser vice overseas with the army Sheppard of Goldwater vi hunting from his boat on the north shore inddies with him Lyan Gray and Mr and Mrs Knowlngflio is dying Torvnldelayedrhy bon Thompson tells Nora that he loveslher Shannon is cookfor the hunters Several members of the Kitchen ramiiywiii go with others to Moon on Includedwill be lim Kit chen and Ed of Goldwater Don and Tom Kitchen of Orillla Elli Putter Orillla and Fred Talbot Fesertonw we Orla Bannerman and Frank Gleadall will hunt near Brace bridge Mr and Mrs George Klngsbop ongh and Cliff Woodrow will be using the Kingsborough cottage on the Musquash River as base operations Jae Eolyea Keith Robinson and party will encarnp at the Boiyea cottage at the Musquash Narrows Dbrlund Potter and Reg Potter 01 Rosemount and party will 10 cate near Flat Rock on the Mus uuash party heading for Manitoulan where the season opens on the 15th will include Harry Cuwan Frank Durniord Nonnan Dum ford Tom Barber and Andrew Dunlop Mrs Ward oerarrie spent mind fmaturlty Noras little world comes She sees her husband clearly tumbling down about her ears for the ilrst time HILLSDALE Lovely Gflt At St Andfewfs Prsebyflerian mulch Smithy DaVld Mur phy dedicated two lovely collec tion plates The gift was given to the ohurcthy Miss Marion Martin at Second Line F105 Trip to New Yorklsrtato Mr and Mrs Jack Rumble went on motor trip to New York State and other places In Toronto mr and Mrs any Trew are spending Some time in Toronto Back rout naneymnon Mr and Mrs James Short are back train their honeymoon and are staying with her parents Mr and Mrs George McFadden They leave Thursday for their new America Announces few days with Mrs George Muir Ronnie Judy and Jean Swiltzer spentSaturday With their grand parents Mrand Mrs Switzfr Crown Hill 55 No teacher and pupils held their Hallnween party Friday evening veryzpieasant evening was enjoyed by all present playing games etc unchwasscrvcd Mrs Albert Stoneis patient the Penetang hospital and Mrs William Richardson is also pa tient there All wisba speedy recovery welcome to Community We welcome Mr and Ms Flern ming and children to our burg They have purchased the Sunoco station here lorrnerly owned by taro home in Portage LsPrairie Man2 itoba From colllnwood In Mrs Lloyd Turner of Calling wood is spending few days with Miss Mabel Turner Attending Weaning Among those attending the Stott and Mantln wedding in Saturday were Mr and Mrs Robert Ham iltDn and Rosalind at Hamilton Mr and Mrs LeslieBell of Stoney Creek Mr and Mrs Roy Martin of Weston Rev and Mrs Moore of Rexdale and James Martin and Donald Malta and Min Kay McKay ot Barrie Miss Maggie Hamilton Mrs Robert Martin Sn oi Mrs Buchanan of Goldwater Mr and rs Earl Turner 01 Allandale Mr and liars Janiestun of London and Mrs Dick Slack offMarr fllc Society for the Preservation and encouragement or narh Mud no Rainy River Chamber 01 Can meme roamed the exhibition Mr Mn had the head dhphnd on led with other exhibits and 1mm deer tact and alto come tire lm Décember 26 loBe Holiday Not Boxing Day OTTAWA milMonday Doc to Will be statutory holiday this year but not because it is Boxing Day an oiliclal or the state secretarys department said The reason Dec 26 will be holiday is thatfederal legislation provides that when Christmas bill on Sunday the allowing day is holiday lhe oiticial calmer is no te deral statute designating Boxing Day as national holiday However when Christmas does not all on Sunday Boxing Day sometimes is declared holiday by municipal dcclllnlian municipality this year he said also could declare Tuesday to be Boxing Day and observe it as holiday it was matter or each municipality to decide All merchants and business rinn oi the Town of Barrie are request ed to suspend business tram 0a tol ptn on November 1th 1955 duringthc Remembrance DaySer View in memory of those who gavu their llves in delenceot our coun try STEAUCiHAN Town Clerk didnt expect tovcross that cow with avm each Now whos gonna pay or this The Farmerthe Driver orvare they both INSURED Strange things happen so your INSURANCE re quires expert study illustration Beeps msr For Insurance 01AM KINDS I5 panicn stls nui Ian Shop voltarm sing at ed the funeral of Mrs Neilly ford Ha on Wednesday last Rambler suppliedflé music Percy Shannon of MdonstoneMrs Mr and ma Schandlen or the oecaslon wish to thank FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE motored to Lindsay the sergeants and stall erectam Mrï¬ and Mrs Lou Neilly Jr lor the murlisy they receiv WWW io Lindsay tn140nday while playing their dam Attended rarer41 Etluhre innen new Mrs Rosettelily attend Dont target the euchre inG arena rnenaeeuna Presents onnrmc moment tut cousin Mrs Ted Tait at lsllngton AN EXAMINER AD nisiiiitr 1tzgttrtutr aluminum