WllIYou ThisPiloilito 453 lt tillday tor every mmHnpodsiuSexrtlï¬ where they tried mu odleg Grand Prairie min Hummi which VII well laced with lrlnlt whiskey and Pom with whivwd trommthere lament 1° minnioh one at their pin rtMiln tor the salamipong o1 sleein willloo do Vlnlll mic wild dl ImSupper the etcrnll in flleir hext rtops were Piss where they climbed the Xuiiheizht nitther rumour leaninu tower and Rome where the Willa his win the hthest at my place in the world zenerour 15 per cent to the hotel mu pin on 13 per cent service eimué on their bill They took in such lamous silhtl in the Eternal City Is the Col iseilm the Arabian le nndst Eaters Flvo Cent lo Hill Their entry into Asia will by my oi Turkey in Istanbul ono oi the oldest and busiest cities in the world they made the trip irom one continent tothe other tor live cent bocause the city He partly in each Separated by the Bosporus StrnlL why was one the most de lightinrrountrie they visited sold the speedier Although they did not ike the food in each country hey wore delenninedto eat the the native dishes but Turkish desserts were the only spe clnlAles at that pflit of the world that they enjoyed They could notgci used to cheese and soup or breaktagt holicooked lamb and another great favorite boiled goats eyes you oppreclote our tine tree grenedxhan most ms the drin country where we live peace fgeJï¬mï¬lfgneflï¬m witbioiu neighbor she told her ey saw some lumen themore innit Inld birds ï¬ï¬fï¬ï¬lmd 125 Therershould he annnual eon urgen puma henna pegmk lest bliWBE51wmunities which with mud hilt troupe or done SIM by bail storm in bean gttwmh=ï¬ded mm and only by Ch contest will it ever hhk narhkd be established which town or vii loge can truthiully report the iarglt Wham the Eu est huiistonu remnmke OnLl They one home by way ol Observer titanium Bangkok Hon Knox ind Japan ilnding the Burmese lentle and charming nlthouzh the lovely leinty 8nd helutltully clothed women Spoiled the whole thing by smoking big ï¬st cigars and aiehing glimpses ot the pink wateriillea bid as dinner plates bvorito ï¬heyflew over the suucui list Delore British contxoli wu lined on their way lo tbeliuly Loomwhere they walked thrth the Garden Gethlernune 1n Jer usalem climbed the Muunt oi Dilvélhd 1011de the VII Dol ores to meddon Seoulchre The loined the constant throng tiling Into the Chumh at the Nativlt at Bethlehem cod travelled no to Jericho to see the reunion of the walls thlt came tumbling down Along the yellow windlnl Jordan River they stood on the spot where Christ washaptized Among the iew disappointments DID YOU SEE THE Aug AZING NEW CAR OFFER 0N PAGES Ive practically given up baking since started buying Dutch Pantry Home Bakedrlostries etc even rhokids say their cookies are just like Mother makes gt WC IRELAND DFC CD com mands 419 Squadron which returned to North Bay airbase recently says Men in our squudron know the importance of the Job the civilian volunteers do partic ularly as it applies to our operations over this sparsely settled north country We Travelled Around are impressed with their efficiency both in actual emergency conditions when crews have been in trouble and in simulated con ditions when aircraft have been sent out to get reports We hope they will con tinue to operate efficiently and it possible on larger scale Smulglln Suspect They saw their first camels in Turkey and later rode them out to the Great Pyramid oi Cheopa in Egyptwhere they stood inathe shadow oi the Sphinx Mlss Wal lace had brought along with her curved camel that was sou venlr at her trip Because otthe unusual household ornoment she will Nor GIVE us TRIAL our sermon is GOOD BAKING key which they had never visited little groups you are just right beiore FREE DELIVERY OEDEBS IN By pm DELIVERED seeing not gaining ï¬rsthand World in Luxury Thousand Dollars Continued irom page one away and romantic spots in the world Baghdad Babylon ls tanbui Pakistan Thailand Hons Kong and Jericho In the Holy Land spending oiten two or But no matter how distant or strange the country was that they were visiting they lound friend liness extended to them think that something we Can adinns will do little more 01 in the future is to mix with natives of the couniry when we are travelling remarked Miss Wol lace smile is passport to triendship and safety It you travel in closely knit knowledge at country and its people Currency ironblesi She and her companion new all the wily aroundthe world together they were on 15 dliltereut airlines They had their troubles with currency but worked out it system or translating nreign coins had been suspected of smuggling diamonds when she arrived in Hawaii on her way home Wrestlth Canal in Turkey they also saw an ex hibition ot the countrys great national sport wrestling mmeis comparable to our game hockey in popularity loid nutmeg their first earthquakes 510 in one night Their journey in that matdl lnlly overblnled cesspool iaaokhorom sr nlllillllllrllllll LIMITED SAME DAY 101 Dunlop app site Queens Hotel hutchPantry flannel Elntsjnre Tllflltiiylind Thomya over CELEB three weeks in countries like Tut andbills on the basis at the Call countrytwok them into the prim dlngllweenen lelNo liATONslludgel loronilwri PHYMENI Mlninmm Purchaso 1500 slams www Shop in Toylond Tomorrow Junior Engineers See these realistic Dump Trucks Hounloi runl llenvy Elllfle steel Eonstniiotlou SggllTrtilcrk with8 elvrv uy ru or run wheels Truck body 10 MinIs to my Pm tire declls in contnst in colours side action nee under 7500 dflignlnfl arrnunlunh gt idlinhlsunrlsriillnd 13 Months onPninhuelol 1500 and under zoom FOR IN ONE FUN HOUSE AND DECORATING moon Buddlnl Decortorn eon nlnt the and turn haul buckets at point nnun Arrive on Ill Iteel true GAY COLOUEFilL ALPHABETBLOCKS 33 3331 liliilliluï¬i WOODEN BLOCKS MP childrens rvllurlul Puntsv im mlh Innn Chirnetcrr nlul letters in WWW rind nunlmll Ill colouriullr embossed ln hrillilnt hlrmless Red Blue Green Ind Yellw lcnurrs on smoothly wooden blocks 24 Months on Purchases of moo and nnder loom lip in as months on rnrcunm oi 40000 and over on equitable carrying crime in mode or this ooeomodludm lllllmillizéll PictureTillie 98 vmnur mun new pictureaereenwhlch kilogramtel Tlnklettlnkie Tail Wiggles SonnyFlsii in sunny rolls olonn his wondenlmdr gnu seriou mnunud Vinyl Dllntio tall wlule nu ma dawn enlist wlmnlln inolloil Vs The Future Executives Speed Phone For Bill Deals lthe Nansen gunslrucuhn lr coloured Red nnnlua rlnira whnn you dlnl Each Mickey Mouse Auto Puddle Jlilnjler NM nun snuu PM unmellrfl wooden wheels rtroml lteel ulel thn clr ï¬lm putts en in Mickey mm with nlnmlnllerl picture tuhe with smell llvnln furoreher viewinn enioylrleut churll with the cascade tunn lul vnrolt dut tptntiohKetttnx por turmeric Ind the power trlnrlormor power aunnly lnl ion nienurn sneéhu iront nlaunted hill compillnee taunt on AC convenllnco outlet or your llmn Dbonlrlullttor nliycr nttlehrnent in rlchli linishea 5plr wood vencer Avorox hich deluxe model in Ben wide zzwi deep Budget Elan Telme 2990 Down Monthly Payments 1301 KALEIDOSCDPE ttmenrovon nouullr my rovolvlnl bend lonl metal interned ends trlnsnnrent Blu tlo eyehole cover Plornl medallistincl Each Carriages ush Aluminum chassis nylon Populs Helical spri sus tires withdoui Chromium oo vhual stunniapron Bed length aboui so Sil