Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1955, p. 7

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6101 minors mr SAL RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 19 WNN 5111231 nil pro rty must be sold immed lately in house was raked by our ofllce hr 812111000 ut as the owner requires substantial down Iflat it has bégnlhdirliliulthto 14 is property pr ce as been lowered to much less than what it cost this owner Seven roam brick excellent condition Flrst floordining room living room large modern kitchen 2nd flourthree large bedrooms and hath Third floorone large finished bedroom Brand new rams ed air all rurnace Situated on large well tread lot in Allandale Aakin price on this property is $950000 First mortgage $5000 11 you me Interestedin good house at very Iow price we sug gest you look at this one todu and make us an alter Call Russell Car so 1451 or evenings 6161 HERE IS BUY Choice split granite Modern storey and hair six rooms and bathroom This is first class home and the price is greatly reduced or cash grunge money available Call ddcn 2451 PENETANG STREET $2000 down room slucco bun low large bedrooms Large 1v lng room Some hardwood floors iece bath In need or some re pars but priced right Cull Blake Freure 2451 LELEVEN NHA HOMES Three bedroom brick bungalows under construction Lurgc living rooms modern piece tile hath rooms Full basement Forced air all heating Laundry tubs These homes will be mody to move on or beiore the end oi this year For iurihrr inlermntidn call muse QCarson 2451 or evenings dial SUMMERWINTER HOME One of the finest cottages at Min cis Point Five rooms and bath Fully winterized Spici and span inside and out Andfully lumlshlt EdAbOll 100 met lrorn the best part 01 the beach by private lane Full price $9500 out halt cash Cull Mr Fadden 2451 INNISFIL STREET 00000 down room brick bun silow excellent condition Oak liners piece huth Hntair nil heatv ing Recreational room in baseman Garage Side drive Full price 510 30000 Call Blake Freure 2451 FOUR LARGE LOTS Just out 01 town in residential area There is very good chance that this property will be taken in the town in the near ruturc Full uskln price $250000 cashCall Russel Carson 2451 or ewnlnzs ACRES LAND LARGE Dorm On 111 hwny 11 north or Barrie 132 Icet rrfintage by 680 lest Additlonul 75 feet frontage available Duplex or nine large rooms Separate kit Chen and bathrooms Many extras $15005will handler Call Faddm 2451 HIGHWAY 92 1500 down Nice bedroom bunga low with modern living room and kitchen and dining space piece bath Attached garage Slde drive Bargain at $450000 Call Blake Freure 2451 BETTER HOME IN CHOICE LOCATION Six roam spliklevel home over looking the lake on plaice Street Large living room dining room kitchen and three bedrooms Full divided basement Forced air all heating Laundry tubs Attached garage Full asking price $10500 Reasonable down payment arrang ed to suit purchaser Call Russell Carson 245i orevenings 6161 CLOSE TO JIOSPITAL 4bedroom bungalow Only months old Beautiful condition Call Rus sell Carson 2451 or evenings 6161 SMALL OHURCImrL FARM 10 miles irom Barrie on Highway 11 there is an excellent small garden Iarm Six room insul brick house water and pressure system hydro small ham now set up for chick ens Full price $920000 $4000down payment Call Russell Carson M51 or evenings 6101 STOREY SLHALF STONE HOME ifirirsz floorkitchen dining room bedroom living room modern ice bath and floortwo large edroums full basement Hot air heating Laundry tubs Across the street from the bus shop Full price $1090000 Down payment $300000 Call Russell Carson 2451 or even ings 6161 WONDER VALLEY miles from Barrie on Highway 11 Modern six room house VLA approved Three acres oi land Gar age Fust floorliving room All lng room kitchen Second 1100 three large bedrooms Full has ment Forced air oil heating AI therear the property There is nice creeklwhlehhnsplenty of fish and is excellent for swimming insthe summer Cali Russell Carson 24L or evenings 0161 mm smurf moAmoN Modern fire roof brick store with roomapa ment above not water oil heating In excellent condition Full rice $1200000 Down pa merit 00000 Call Russell Carson 2451 or evening am REDUCED From $1150000 to $0900 DOWN PAYMENT $3300 Balance like right Storey and half rug brickhal block from Codring ton Stipublimschool First flour large kitchen living room bedroom ngIbath Splicortlfl flcoorvltvzo large roo an abuse space Full mgemcnt yFiat air heating Lai lo allRussell Carson 2451 evening 161 we lem YOUR WITH CANADAS LARGEST humans LlsTlNos moiOils RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 10 mm 33 HENRY 3mm Modern room bulllaw yen old will room buemant apart meat Se rate entrancesnnd lep Irale by rn metels Forced air all heating Call Russell Canon ml or evening 6191 FAMILY MANS HOME Firlt floorin living room diu lng mm an nrl floor one 131 master com three smaller rooms Lars modern hathoorn Hot nlr oil he Large lot Three blocks from the centre or Barrie Call Russell Carson 2451 or evening 5181 WE LISTINGS CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS Consult Ridour ON ALL REAL rsiwrc Whether Buying or SeIling RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LTD REALNRS Richard Fadden Branch Manager HENRY moms moms My REALTORS $2940 DOWN NHA RESALE $12500 spacious attractive brick bun alow on large lot In one 01 Barr cs finest residential areas Close to playground school and bus service Month payments or $7721 which inc udes interest principal and taxes Large living room ramily slur dlnlng room lovely kltchm with plenty cup boards threa piece bath oi heating $2500 DOWN DUPLEX Full price $10000 four rooms and bath upstairs threclarge rooms and washroom on main floor brick building oil heaunf No Cum bcrlnnd St immed pie possessmn Exclusive Listing will Comp $1595 DOWN NEW BUNGAIDW $10895 Five room brick home with bread air oil heating ready inr occupancy on the 30th November monthly payments or $5409 plus toxes Henry Elrlck 8c Michie EenlEstntE 15 Owen Street Phone 5503 evenings 3551 or 5200 10120 NOWREADY FOR OCCUPANCY New NilA bedrooms all modern reaiurcs Fullprice $10000 do ayment $1295 Carries for $65 teresi principle and taxes Ph 3186 6487 20 FOr Complzte REAL ESTATE SERVICE ConsuIt HENRY ERICK 6r MICHIE Realtors Buying or Selling Moltgtlgelroohs National Housing General Insurance Owen st Barrie Phone 5583 Evenings 3551 5200 2294 1695 35 SLEssoR REAL ESTATE OFFERS CODRINGTON ST AREAquite new smrey brick veneer room home with unnbgtructed view liv ing room dinette and very modern kitchen two bedroomsand untl ished space for two additional be rooms minimum down payment $30000 THIS 15 THE HOME tors family bedrooms kitchen dining room living room Good garden This ls near three factories Full price $9 00000 with $500000 dawn INCOME PROPERTY close to business section and schools You will always be sure of Substan tial Income rrorn this 14 Room Home Priced right at $10000 with 55000 down Terms can be arrang ed LOTS LOTS LOTS We have large number otglats in new subdivision Melrose Ave area these lots are 601150 RIJ SLESSOR gt REALTOR 5Clapperton St Goodwin Rep Phone 5034 Phone 4334 10125120 WOULD YOU LIKE to see Pearl Harbour of Canada You remEmber that dont youlvflelp prevent de struction here by volunteering hours weekly as member or the Ground Observer Corps Phone 5916 10425118 $2000 FULL PRICE Well built little threeroom modembome in good highway location three miles south of Burle and well pavedgdriveway Warm comfort able house in winter Phone 6307 Charles Rogers Realtor Sterling Trusts Bldg 10115lt120 CODRINGNN district yearold spotlessly kept rufi brick 3bed room bungalow healing real tile bathroomrand kitchen storm windows and tullsmodem uip merit Ownertranslbrned from ar riex 1gnulatte red but ailrmtor qucf ssessan eya ce Pbone F3337 Charleav Realtor Sterling Trusix Bligh 10i25126 COOKSTOWN $18000Solld brick home on acre or beautifully treed groundellrg lanwu withblgyearl an addi anal outings on th Fine conditiodjomy Manager and size bedrooms mamwrs musician mm Ilium IInB Blonds analyst LISTING museum 101m LARGE ONE STOREY 300MB 31560110 down mamiv or this huedroomhlmguownereiaa home that most 1e are loo or 11111 two autihll big dreams plul smaller bedroom which is as lsrfie most ordinary bedrooms the ving room is 1119 with abundance or wall ror hlaeiaf of your furniture lrilrh en Is urge With the inlet in built ia cupboards es it olsohu din ing area on living room The basement is poured concrete with steel beam construction forced all oil heating laundry lulu This home has ve nice front veranduh with plan ers box Ind overhanging real We cmslder this the best uy in Blrrie today It $1200000 bow monthly paymenu of cover our interest princips an taxes zen by appointment Call 5298 on me GROVE STREEI AREA $900000 full price Three bedroom one and hair storey home only years old Large down payment required and about $5000 per month carries the mortgage and the taxes Call 529i anytime BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LACEYS NOOBLIGATION PHONE 5298 HOMES IAm COWERCIAL sum PROPMTIES rigours REAL ESTATE HAVE AT ALWIMES NHA Financed lnedroom Bun galows Good choice larger modern homes Centrally located older homes Duplexes and income Propertils Small businesses Farms Lois ia Barrie Lots outafic of Town It pays io check with us when planning to buy or will PHONE BARRIE 0331 ANYTIME DAY 01 EVENING CHARLES ROGERS REALTOR STERLING TRUSTS BLDG BAREIE lolzou ROOM house in Letroy lorsale $2500 Vacant Nov 15 ply by mall Elwood Broome gle muse WWII 111123128 HOUSE miles north or Barrie 01 Hwy 11 near school church bedrooms living room modern kitchen piece bath but and cold water on tap Oil furnace Terms Hastings Phone On 373 15120127 NEW MODERN du 19x Each ap artment has separae entrance large bedrooms living anddinlng kitchen piece tiletbathrourn Hot water heated Close to school and bus sto Substantial cash payment re uire For lurther iculars cal Barrie K510 HILLCREST school area Splen did three bedroom bungalow rug brick combined living and dining room modern kitchen and bath Oak flooring garage with overhead doors See this soon other line homes throughout town lol im mediate possesslon Contact Marshall Representative Coutts Realtor Owen StreeL Dial 2485 Even 2502 10125126 ACRE SMALLthd1ng Just three miles from centre or Barrie high and dry Highway location in pretty surroundings Threebed room hnuse with all conveniences mlly equipped cosy and warm ne owner since new in 1940 first time circled for sale Well ylorth seeing at price of 11000 complete Phone 6387 shares Rogers Realtor Sterling Trusts Building ONLY THREE left fall possession $1400 down NHA home Fully in sulated latest design 011 tired furn ace spacious living room built in kitchens bedrooms with ample clesetstilcd bathrooms deep base ment for future recreation room Monthly payments less than rent Contact Marshall Represent ative Couttsufiealior Owen Street Dial 2485 evening 2502 16125126 cnlcxs HUNTEhs organ the pew De kalhAchlclrs3e livability more eggs of better quality and lower feed cost Order now More for your money with Dekalb chicks Phone 53r5 Siroud Hunters Poul try Farm 241111361 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING and alterations Childrens wear specialty Work guarantee For information Phone 51204 2353 INSULATION We use number rock wool the blowing method Without charge or obligation we will give an estimate any guaranteed Terms 20 down fivevper cent on write or phone ScattJli 211 Mlneslng Auvtite Insulatlo rep 5123135 LOST AND FOUND LOST Pair Veye lalses in Al lziandale area Ph er cent alume FOUND Sum or mode nesday evenin aroun sPrwne 0179 17 IJOST year and III dheiler Whlte held no hornl Rod wlth white stomach Cancersion 14 Cbokrtown Contact Alee Blaskie lanai ED YOU EVER hear of the most ngerouarmllel ItLtllemllell1 the right abo you You can readlthat ln ith on Wed pm 120 0124120 gt 16125126 All work er Phone43517 YOlm EULLERBrush dealer ran 93 17126 10 ELECTRICMOTOR SERVICE New Motor revision wdnpsus HAROLD HART $15ch M01815 53 Owen at Pb 54 LEARN TO WELD An Welding taught Monday and 51May evenings Continuous elus inquire re our course and equip ment Andrade Sons PHONE larli Tm 511mm Alcoua Bushman 511512 FERGUSONREID FIoOr Service TILE PLASTIC WALL TIL rmsrs 391 root LINOLEUM FLOOR TILE 13¢ per Tilc ALI noon noon would mm nsrlmlrs BOX 53 BARRIE Phone 2018 Barric 19d 17 511 sracmmzap TRIM WORK IRWING HOLIer comma RECREATION ROOMS gt BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING PORCHES SHINGLING INDIA SERVICE BRUCE CAMERON BUILDER Phone 6382 cml FLOOR COVERING Amishbugs Floor Covering Linoleum IBuhbcr and Aspbslt Till Plank wnl 11hr imam Supplied Ind Med Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 210 Toronto Phone 518 and BARRIE SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Licensed Instructor inusl Control Car Phone 3710 llaayileld St Barrie 587110 EPLElTS ELECTRIC SERVICE Parts in stock tor moslapnllances PROMPT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES 147 Dunlap Street East side entrance PHDNEMflflm 5119157 EXCAVATING Leading lrucks Shovelwork TopSoil Gravel Sand Stone TilL Guthrie Construcfion PHONE 0R0 200 or shrimp ma WELLS DUG TILED OLD WELLS RECONDmONED Concretel tile for wells culvert ind storm sewers Weeping 019 SEPTIC TANKUNITS mphANDDISTALLED Air compressor work mmium roiwmm WORK 5455133 Whitney Concrete Products Alter hourr disi ms Orlllla in No 0mm m1 ma sm COLLECTIONS Nn collectionNo cl Credii Bureau or Barrie Phone M1752 48 Mary St 511 201 F017 Experienced Gardening bane 5758 Law DUIVD TRUCKtor hire with driv 5116 suxpplly your needs by calling Stroud lop Street can Mmonch AND Pu 11 Btenugraphy Barrie Business Cline 66 Toronto St Barrie Phone 4024 61301 1231300 Meombinlnzzwrvarsnul equipped to da custom comblnln Newl chiliii complct9wi scour kleeaxand straw spreader Also ply truckaandJ sin ienced open or rates Cbniact no hallo 33 FiosIwp and close to 5125120 PERSONAL WAVING YQUR HABAT HOME is mrassIONAL Cold Cream Wave Special $650 Complete morning special iPlnin shampoo and let $100 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY FOR APPOINTMENT DIAL mo WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 DUNLOP ST nAnnlz AllRACliVE widow of 50 desire to meet entlcman or means 0b icctmntr uny Box 111 Barrie Er nmlner 304le SECRETARY of 41 wishel to con tact protessioual or business man no phlcction to widower wntb child ren Oblect matrimony Box 01 Bar rle Examiner 301194 NEXT TIME BilOTHER World War 111 could be rlflht here Ground Observer Corp needl elv llian volunteers to prevent this Phone 5918 311125120 CHAS SIMMONS Marriage We are Agency 48 earSnxperience wishes to epninct adies xentlemm mm Ontario all agesydccupationil who are contemplating Matrimon PD Box 71 Dickens PO Winn PE 510119126 IF CONSIDERING marriage con sult Marriage Wellare Spec allst by mail Established 1500 Over 0000 clients rich and poor married al ready Scrurulouh secrecy Sims mans Box Dickens Post Ollice Winnipeg 30011 OLD AT 40 00 MANI YOURE CRAZY Thousands peppy at 10 Osiregt Tonic Tablets pe£up bodies lacking iron Forvrun wn reeling many men women call old Getacquainted size ml don All drusgists 128 YOUNG MAN must learn to dance by December 18 Will pay $200 er hour to girl who will prov d2 music place practice and in struction Apply stating name and telephone numhrr to hex 04 Bar rle Examiner 301211 tereelltor pilots to defend the coun try you love 01 course you would You can do exactly this as vol unteer member or the Ground Db scrvcr Corps by honing 5318 right away You are idly needed 305125120 WOULD YOU HELP RCAF jetin wickcr FARM FOR SALE hieACRE FARM Only Miles from Harrie 18800 $10000 cash 100 acres clay cam 50 bush and pasture with stream room brick house city cdnveniences Double garage New implement shéd bank barn water PressureNear school 100 Acre Farm $5000 $1500 cash 45 acres sult ablc for Christmas trees Balance rolling gusture withsiresm room lrurnn ouse Good water supply Only miles irorn Barrie SLESSOR REALTOR Percy Ford Representative PHONE 5534 0125127 jELLWOOD BLACK REALTOR RR25HAN1YBAYV PHONE BARRIE 0092 100 ACRES north Simone splen did room stone house nearly new hip roof barn maple sugar bush With syrup making equipment spring inbush with water piped to iéflsbggi hard surfaced road price 100 ACRES Fios Twp all level and best or land splendid buildings only $11000 wltlrtsmall payment and the balanceat interfist 100 ACRES very best of som age school and highway the buildings are in very good condition 100 ACRES south of Conkstown in real tall wheat section room house with v3 cold water flowing we good Vbuyat only $14000 See our list beoreyou buy all our listings are exclusive and we cer tainly have good assortment of arm in SimcoeCoulity 8120 this is 100 ACRES lair buildings Thornton way Priced Iosell réason slcknm 150 ACRES lovely land realgood set up of buildings close to Thorp ton Make good dairy tarm 133 ACRES four miles from Barrie 2nd growth bush 20 clear good spot or trailer campLor lodge rrire $3500 150 ACRES tobacco land 30 bush and pasture right in Slmcoestn hacco belt creek crosses term $15 000 57000 down loo ACRES real good stock Iarin good buildul 14 acres heat seeded $35 terms near buildings lovely 000 halt cash Phone Ivy 111211 or erize THIS IS WHAT bu Au waiting loréppeiiing 04 xi piece both hot and mnred as gruel 95 ACRES near hi way real good ace to livej$l4 mink poultry mile wet and Steiner Sale at 9111 sharp reserve Jerry ouglalinouttumori Websdag gull Auction grain poultry and munhum ettecta 1hr Robert fluency It not am an township Sale It 1130 pm Telnu ash Jer Coughlin auctioneer 122130 NOTlcaTo CREDITOBS rum nil111m nr the mute GWRGE PARENT llte ar the Village of Beeion Retired Farmer deceased NWCE is hereby given that all Creditors and othersbav tng any clclms list the said tate or the late rte Parent who died on the 13th day at Anna wbon ron an mm 510 will deliv er All 011 out 01817 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND 01 HERS 5R Wound With An en Inc are In camprue aim or their claimsto the which on or below the Twelfth December AD 1055 that which date the Executor wi db trihute the aunt or the Estate bavia regard onl to the claims or eh htan 11 have notice and will not be responsible or any other mwAnr 38er em has Sanction street M3313 muscular the Executor 123129 ed 11155 at Baotou in the Province Ontario arc requirLd to sen urns to the undersigned on or berme the lfith day or November 195 with ma particulars in writan cl their clfliml AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said date the axe utor will proceed to diltrlbllIE the assets at the said estate havln regard only to the claims whlcfi they shall then hlve hld notice DATED at rri this 17th ti October 19551 Mume WILSON Barristerl 10 Barrie Ontario Sollclion ror the Executor Auch0N SALE Of Household Furniture The undersigned has received in struction from the Estate of the late sARAH JANE STEPHENS Ar 41 1an 5r Allondole SATURDAY NQV at pm slurp to sell the lollowing Eleqtric ran cite cod as new electric hot plate cacti1c Philco radio space heaters drop lea table small kitchen table large kitchen table rocking chairs kitchenchairs kitchen stool arm chair Idnvenport good as new cabins bullet dinin table ulilghl boo case desk combined small tables mg room end table acket heatcr table lamp lvin roomcllairs wicker book Stu untique hall chair ches terfield sold pillows oleums space mats hall tree runner linoleum tor hall lledroom druiser bedroom suite complete extra mattress wicks bedroom chairs 3piece bedroom suite complete in poll repair electric adding mac ine Remington Rand Thor washing and writing machine electric radio book case electric kettle hot plates iron in board beds readl electric kiécflen black etures lot or dishcs glass set plateg ass mir ror ahlique china cabinet elect rie motors rug fixs rug 8348 pictures and many other artlcles too numerous to list Terms Cash Clerk Doug Stephens lmr COUGELIN auctioneer anne mama iron EXPERT REPAIR worn rllrllcll morons soon honor plasma DEALER 75 Bradiord st PHONE 5071 Hill 111011105 By £0 NURSING cnow rm nay BEST rorc oaruAN PIGS 10 best to start orphan pigs on rift Chowin the dryform even though they may squeal or ap pear to be on starvation strike helore starting to eat Many ed are herniated to start orphan pigs on Nursing Ch ow Our experience at the Purina Research Farm shows that thisonly creates more prob lems since the liquid ration creams chilling and sanitation problem and pigs also resist antchrom gruel to dry ration at later date eep freshclean water available on Beginning igs should he inflerodBaby llg ow inadditlon to dry Nursing Chow and water Duringthe second ee 1201201 lin Purina Nursing the emmd week ks they should have none in 0mm Pursuant to the revisions or the Mechanics Um £50 1000 Chapter 221 Section 40 the uncle signed will sell the lollowiu car to cover towing and storage urges alter it has appeared in threeis sues or The Barrie Examiner 1910 Oldsmobile Eight aerial num ber 303910 licence 05700 1950 Prefect serial number F4930 ClA licence 7000011 1940 Plymouth PLD licence 1124135 KITCHENSGARAGE 118 Elm Bond Burl CKVRTV CHANNEL may NOV 43th Bum Boom 4455rna11 Fry lelcs 530 Howdy Daddy aroo Western Theatre 030 News 040 Weather 345 Sports 700Tahlnid 130 Bob Cummings Show Elli Wayne and Shustcr 830 Pluuflb Family 900Music 55 930 Star Stage 1000 Cavalcade at Sports 1045 Sports Magazine 1100 CBC News SATURDAY NOV 156 Big Four netball Toronto VS Ottawa 500 Wild Bill Hickock 530 Disneyland GNMr Fixit 0145 Behind Ilhe Scenes 700 Burns and 1m 730 Holiday Ranch 300 Stage Show 830Honeymooners 900 On finerI BJONIHL Hockey 1045 King Whyte Show 1100 CBC News 1110 1954 Grey Gup Game SUNDAY NOV 115 Playtime with Jerry 130 Country Calendar 200 Big Four Football Montreal vs Hamilton 500 Childrens Magazine 000 Explorlng Minds 830 Father Knows Best 700 Your Star showcase 730 News Magazine 800 Ed Sullivan Show 900 Four Star Playhouse 930 Showtime 1000 Folio 1100 CBC News We are building our stores on GenevaThEatre rlghtda the right you are looking rarwnrd rhriving town msnmarmllllill 5mg Agassi clamorly marked will race nudesaim ed Solicilou or the residence or thelli£ JANE CRAWFORD hunished It Or Station Ontrib up to the 15th day 01 November AD 1965 Terms cull All tenders must remainin euect until 46 hours alter the close tendering Highest or an tender not necessarily qc te For inlomiation md inspec tion telephone Graham On 152 or George Peamll Barrie 4301 mm MOLMN Duniop Street but nude Onkrio Solicitors lol the Executor of the James Crawlord blatc 1201110 lloln llull ANY CAR llntll You See The Teri rllic Buyon Page $32000 SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO In all fulmm to our com petition we are not listing all Ihe prices on our stock as they Ire so ridiculously law But here no rew 1953 Pontiac lassrnrd 1952 Chev Fnrdor 1949 Ford 1952 Anrlls 1955 Buick Hardtop all power cqulpmpnt only 3000 mll es 1050 Ford Tudor radio M41100 miles 1954 FordWordnr 14000 miles 1955 Mcrcury black summ transmission 1055 Ford on new 1951 Pontiac Pordnr A1 1952 Chev Fordor radlnAl 1951 rind Custom Folliar ra dlo really sharp 1951 Ford custom Fordnr bluk 1950 Meteor mlllo 37000 mll rs 1m Mercury 194 Ford 15 Buick 1950 Ford ton me can 1A Inn We are null plying 1555 trade1n prices or alll used can dealt in on1956 Ford and Monarch Farmers would do well to In allowances oanew soc our 800 Ford Tractors at 11355 pricv hANNh moron 5111125 slrnroe Countys Highest Traders Sillyner 0nlulio PHONE 194 ToBui¢mm Street in Orllliayopposite the ass section size approximaIEly 14 Irontage x75 depth These stores can be leased or bought put to branching out choose this Mail all enquiries to Boll BI 1111111111 EXAMINER giving phone number and advertiser will annual appointment 19m for all our Rania srmcrrx CONFIDENTIAL inquire about our high trade Illmun my lull run build our SOMETHINGINEWIII1101112015111111101110 11ill Yoafliauwalilli or in yrur If la mun on mm you out an down minm hump 9n luflnilud nn snéelally d5 lied 90 hour rumm us madam nn nun ria

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