Just In Middle Life Mn Harold Tracey Dies After Lengthy Illness The death at Mr Harold Tracey at Minesing Station at Royal vic ioria Hospital Barrie on Wednes day Oct allowed rim and lrying illness Although Just in her 01th year that lite had been lived lor others and calls or the tribute that she was wondertul wile and mother and will be also greatly missed by all oi her relatives She possessed lovely Christian char acter and despite her suilering had always cheery word for her many visitors daughter 01 Mrs Gertrude El liolt and the late Stephen Elliott her maiden name was Charlotte Sylvia Elireda Elliott Born on Oct Id 1909 at Edcnvale her child hood was spent there Later she at tended normal school in Toronto then took up nursing and recein traininggin Guelph and Branuord Alter her marriage in l942 she resided at Minesing Station and was qualiï¬ed school tcacher and registered nurse Mrs nacoy was ll member of the United Church was active in the WA The Home and School Association and Mines ing Station Sunday School omciuting at the iunoral on Fri day Oct at the Pethiek Funeral Home Barrie was Rev Veals oi Minesing United Church Relatives lriends and neighbors were present irom Minesing and rurrounding area and number also came tram Bradford Pelerborough Toronto Malton Drillia and Elms vale Many flowers were an evidence of the estermin which she was held Marlin Burial wad In Minding Union Cemetery andpauheaura were no mett cavanaugh Norman Bartholo mew Ivan Cormack Colin Stewart Maurice Jones and flmey Melan hereto mourn her palsinl Ire her huhmd Harold Tracey mouth Station two children Linda 10 nanold and Dwight who is eight her mother Mrs Gertrude Elliott Barrie brothers Herbert oi Malton Norman ot Pelerhorough and James or Barrie her sisters are Mrs George Wood Violet at Toront Mrs John Beltrey Grace or Brad lord and Mrs Ken Bowles Doreen at Barrie McNiven Dies Collingwood Hospital Resident 0f Sunnidule levlng been in poor health lor some lime the death at Russell Alexander McNiven occurred on Tilsday Oct 18 at the Gr id Hospital Collinwood Funeral service was held at the late residence on Oct 21 with Rev DCVack to Stayaer otlleinting interment was in Stayner Cemetery The pallbearers were Nathaniel Arnold Burnileid Arnold Lloyd Pridham Clarence Mitchell Elmer French and Allan Legnle The late Mr Mchven was born Avril 1890 in Sunnldale where he spent his life arming lie was good neighbor always giving hand when needed belt to mourn the posing ot kind brother and uncleare Eliz abeth who was at horn with him Mrs Archie Moore orenee oi Staynet and Isabel of Toronto one brother Frank of Sunnidalejilve nieces and tour nephews Friends and reladives attending the iuneral from distance were from Newmarket Dalston Coi 1ingwood Barrie and Toronto srrclezro SERVICE Attoin ng Age ofv86 Mrs Sarah Wisemon Dies At Her Home in Barrie Conï¬ned tobedlor the past 18 months Mrs Sarah Wiseman pass ed away on Tuesday Oct 25 1955 abher home Mulholland Street Well advanped inyears she was born on March lo 1889 at Mid hurst and had been in declining lllllllll rrrrvrsmll Every Installation supervised by our technician Mflllilllfll REFRIGERATION do 118 DUNLOP ST Phone 2059 GETTING YOUR CAR WINTEBIZED iltisfime Change Tile5 LET us snow you rm snowAND Milo mes iilslones Tire Service 29 MAPLEIAVE ma service PHONE 3922 health or some time The tumor Miss Sarah Turner she was daughter of theJate Jamc and Elizabeth Wright hrrn er and most of her Lite was spent in Barrie Her husband the late Frank Wiseman well known Barrie business man died on December 18 1944 Surviidng oi the arnily are five children Mrs Laurltz Eigaod Mrs Sydney Just in Mrs James Hart and James Alfred Wiseman all of Barrie and Mrs Charles Wiseman New melt There are also Wn sisters Mrs Waller Percival and Mrs Pierce oi Barrie and 17 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren Two Sons of Mr and Mrs Wise To Time To switch To Winter treads get your ear ready tar easier driving this winter get many and road treaih of TRACT0N NEW STYLING SAFETY lBATURlZS ON 1956 DODGE Dpswept rear tenders high light the new Flight Sweep Stylingon the new 1956 Dodge cars now being introduced across Canada There is choice of six Item treatstem William Mulligan and attended gt Visitor in Town Mr and Mrs Prank Duke To ronto were recent weekend guests or Mr andMrs Stanley Hubert Cvuesls of last week with Mrs Wilkinson were Mrs Rachel Handy and Mrs Minerva Mathews To ronto Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Donnell were Mr and Mrs Farts Donnell and daughter 01 To ronto Visited Ila Bellevlfle Mr and Mrs Ira Wilson and son Donald were weekend visitors at Belleville visiting their daughter Joan who isin twining at hom pital there Huntsville Visitor Mr and Mrs Jack Finlay and family Huntavlue were recent weekend visitors with the latters parents and Mrs McMas ter and Mis lrene master Thllraday Visitors Mr and Mrs Robert Whrdlaw and son Paul or Woodbridge Mrs Mil on Reynolds and Mrs Ervln Rey nolds oi Beeoon were Thursday vis itors with Mr and Mrs John Faria Back from Holidays Mrs Glass returned home Tuesday evening alter spending everal weeks in Winnipeg with her son and daughterinlaw Few Days with Slater ande SmitILSDEDt man are also deceased Clifford Frank Wiseman gave his lite tor the Empire in the ï¬rst world war and youngerson George Wise man died in 195 The iuneral was held on Friday October 28 from the Pethick Fun eral Home Hayfield Street where V312 service was conducted by Rev coil Brenn Centraiwnltea Church with which the late Mrs Wiseman was affiliated Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery and the following were active pallbearers Herbert Justin Lee Hart William mam Terry Wisenlan Peter Wisanan and Roy Urry Lovely floral tokens were ram relatives and friends and rum Rebecca Lodge Central United Senior WA and also the Junior WA Harta Garage and from the Cornmissarlat Stafl at the RC5 of CamP Borden Relatives and lticads were pres ent from town and district and al so Mr and Mrs lL Wiseman of North Arlington New Jersey Mrs Lauritz Elgood or Malvern Long Island Mrs Astle and Mr and Mrs Gordon Percival Toronto Mr and Mrs George Parker Weston Mn and lies Mbd Arthur Creemore Miss Emma Somerville Siayne mediocr donlhormun and Mr and Mrs Howard Cole and family Midland Visiting Parents Mr and Mrs Robert gtMilne of Newmarket visited fol re days with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Perkins Mrs Maxwell of Dalston iled on Friday with her parents Mrs Robert Mllnev home of her brothe sister Mr and Mrsslt Maxwell Dalston Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Ollie Perkins and Diane of Big Bay Point were Sunday visitors with Ollies par ents Mr and Mrs gem wfln at the top and safety door our hard cw day with his sister and bro therinlaw Mr and Mrs 11 Schaah SI Catharina Mrs Charles Watson home after spending two Niagara Falls visiting relative Hunting Trip JamestrnoId and Charles De clcco of Goa were on hunting trip north and the ï¬rst morning the 15th in Va hallhour bagged two moose Weekend VIIIMH Miss Velma Simmons at Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Ward Simmons Fowl supper The ladies at Pinkerton and Coaltstown Anglican churches are preparing tor their annual turkey dinner in the town hall on Novltl Institute Mtefln The November Institute meeting will be on Thursday evening at the town halL This meeting is on citi zenship and education and the earl veners Mrs Trotter and Mrs Pagg and the committee have arranged an interesting meeting WA Monitor The Presbyterian WA are holding turned eks at their meeting at Mrs Trotterls an Tuesday Nov Visited in Toronto Mr and Mrs ME Maiadden spent last weekend in Toronto with Mr and Mr McFadden Mrs Kidd spent law days in Toronto this past week visitï¬lg relatives Mm Sarah Slight has returned home after visiting relatives in To ronto confined to Bed pave McMaster is cont ed to bad tor aev alwéeka heart condition Memorial Service The Cookstown annual memorial service will be held on Nov at St Johns Anglican Churchqg 230 pm The parade led by the Band or Cm Borden will he tram the Veterans Hall at two oclock to the church The service will be taken by Rev Downer or Dunironn who willvbe assisted by the three local ministers Following the ser vice they will parade to the mem orial cenotaph where another short service will be held at 330 The public are invitedto these services Nursing mime Visitors Visitors during the woek alt nus sel Nursing Home with Mrs George Parkswere Mrs George Mayer at Bengough Sask Ogle Coleman oi Limerick called on Mrs Perks and ted his sister Mrs Farrier tor few days Mr and Mrs Herbert Graham 01 Brad ford Wlih Mrs Whimsides on Monday were Mr and Mrs Cecil Whitesides at Toronto Mrs Er win had as her guests on Thursday Mrs Wren and Mrs Kerr of Alliston Harold Russell of Schem herg visited his mother Mrs Russellnn Thursday Mm Kemey of Toronto visited at the Russell nursing home during the week Improved in 7th EmmiWm Is ableto be up and around again verymuc un proved in healtli otter heirgconfln ad to bed forseVéral weeks with heart ailment gt Toronto Visitara Miss Marjorie Eldridge Eifrorontn spent the weekend with newsman Miler Eldridge Visitors who attended the thanks giving service at the United Church on Sunday Oat 30 were John Arn old or the Ontario College at Art Toronto who spent Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs Lorne Arnold lmvale Guests Sunda guesiswlth Dr and Mrs Harry Le dlay weredohmot To ranto Mr lid MrsMilt Traize and daughter Betty 01 Elnrvale new suburban series Advanced salary and mechanical textures include mittée new Blahbutton control tor Dodge Power Flite automatic transmission new lifeguard Doris McKillican to don banquet at Bond Read Thurs day 011 21 when Dr bung locks improved tallreaching headlights and seat belts parents Mrsrnn ura Barrie Jehb and other relatives in town Drnry ram Vlalton Mr and Mrs MollMr d1 Dmry Forest with Mr and Mrs United Church Thanksgiving aerr vice MrsWilllarn MeGarvey oi Allia ton wentsunday with her sister Mrs Ia Monkmdy and Manhole Mr and Mrs Robert Wardlaw and soil ul ol Woodhrldgewith the parents Mrand Mrs John Iarootn with Mr and Mrs Arthur Glass Mr WilsonKellStayncr was Sunday guest with her sonAlbert Kell and Mrs Keli Mrs Frank Robertson Chmu hill spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Anthur motion Guests 1mm Barrie Mrs Merrick oi Barrie will guest on Sunday with her sister Mrs Mart and Mr ME Master Mrs Maxwell and Ella Barrie spent Sunday with her sis ter Mrs Dave Evans Douglas Flldey who has haen with the Royal Bank here or some time lett for London on Monday where he has been transferred Mr and Mrs Fiidey and Mr and Mrs Ken Fildey spent Sunday inIxmdon Iirn Fildéy at Toronto called on his parents Mr and Mrs Fildey duringthe weekend Bowling Dearne keport Earl Gilroy Gremlins 28 Doris MeKillican Harvesters Jim Smith Starlets 23 Jean Coutts Harmonizers Mirna Beeston Yankees 18 Jack Beeston Redrams im Smith manna Lloyd Hughes 619 587 Team scores high singles Har vesters 1074 high triple Harmon izers 3016 WMS Meeting director 01 the Educational march eat the College at Edu all was the speaker Ailodes Dinner rum Six members at Beater Home and announceencloses attended the Barrie and District Council Com Horne and School Forum on Monday Oct 24 In Codringmn Public School vanes alnaeoe annar One evening recently the Baxter IDEA visited Simone Manor at melon The ladies visited the bed patients and gaveeach one treat Later short program was given by Lhe lodge members to entertain the residenu ringsong was enjoyed by everyone social hour follow ed when the ladiu oi the lodge served lovely lunch with candles and oranges quilt was presenb ed to Missvwhitinl resident of themanor Mr and Mrs McKelvey thanked metathesis members ï¬rm for prov and run Sunday Service Owing to illhess or Rev Guer gis communiunservice was post poned Mr Kerchln or Angus had noon attended Annivemry Mr and Mrs Denney attended Mansfield church anniversary ser vice on Sunday evening Mn and MrsD Semple and Mr and Mrs Flowers Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and MrsW Rud dick Parting Gilt Thursday naming numbrl of Irlends and neighbors tram Burns Elmgrove and Baxter gathered in the Orange Hall Baxter to make presentation to Mr and Mrs WIIdI is llFEIllSIlIiEII lion gagla Flames lana yearaold are life tailoredi at no extra an on loan 1500 or tear Our company carries blanket Iasbnnnco poiiqltowdo exam lay on miwdloo 11 from the time you borrow until the aim your last payment la rude all the payments you adil ow Nigua are covered The senior auxiliary oi the WMS 01 the United Church met on Tues day evening at the home at the president Mrs John Fariswho pre sided for the meeting with Mrs Couse secretary and Miss Irene MoMaster pianist During the busi ness session plans were made for the annual hear to be held on Nov12 in the churchsehool room Donations of bakirï¬ sewing and produce will he gruelully rece ed byeanyudlcsiring to help in the sionary work The scripture lesson was read by Mrs McFadden and Mrs Cause led in prayer or the missionary vocal duet was rendered by Mrs McMaster and herdaughter Irene Agynopsis at atalk given by evangelist Billy Graham reeenflywas told by Mrs John Paris Mrs Couse rad te to by Mrs Carr of Kimberley past president The meeting closed and the hostess asauted by Mrs Donlan served refreshments dur ing ur the close 43 MORE mml alluuee municipalities that Ltoran this particular community there are deï¬nite signs that the lethargy that has been keynote regent council elections has be come thing otthe pastOakville rrsiaigar Ont Journal EASIBELIer roil MilsciESa with life insurance Were happy that most otih time our customers do tho necessary repmg But every Illna the Insurance co pm WI we realize iorryho im portanth beneï¬t is to our untomers Any and knows there would be enough or his family go we abnu In na harm to rhout meeting loan Payments This Is just one Indication of die warwa do business Wera our to give as much helium our customers as we can and the bmpouible deal We think yonll like our company if you need money wiry not make sure you have loan lifeloa ured atooexnocostusr drop In or phone Willard Dist as aim Maury Blowers poinb canes nova semen ing such an erdoyable evening for the raidcnts induding lifetime service byyoureompoleni neigh borhood dealer Alargenuriinerrattuided thew loween dance in the Orani Wintea Blanchard linrrl on Friday ni ht and all H9 NEVER Wt Aegean MVISIIIII lililllil With Difference raomzssaz srabun canon Sllfllllld Milans nir mu llr diastrnenlpolicxlhoiptoiedsyou anywhere in Canada and the oruvr LQT Ask about the involutionpry Stiper Willard Wealhdnnaster Its the only battery that odiusis its power automaticallyfor winter startingtor summer driving at lire turn of is key llarbldJoiy gt Gannon 75Bayfleldst arrrle dwyaalliiolors LIMITED Phone 102 Stayner Canadas TopDuality Batteries Iii MIMI Immlfll flIlVIIIGWNDmm er Wilson GARAGE Phone 1031 Minesillg Barrie Motor Sides mover mcorav ammon Steele nuke st Phone 551 Eigin Harris an vlcpsrll lal onnlnp St anonnu may eciiiiPrlce3iledililions Ill Charla lilr instill 1956 Plymouth iliiryslers as PLYMOUTH Seat SEDAN 43 Donor SEDAN so Cartesian sEDaN Tlirbtirlac SEDAN lsas Barrie Gneata and Mrs Joseph Palmer and children Barrie with the Iatters Mascaras CHANICAL mourn savor cmcmATmG LlBRARythir3 gt yr wheel ved 51 ball SLED sailors radio 56 nunsan SEDAN 50 armm BEDAN so unmourdaoura 50 on coacn as email 515 roman cum cobra 51 canvaoner coaca 51 unicorn SEDAN radio lesn romeo ion cab 1519 Form is no pane