VLeadersConfér Speaol WMS Conferencegfleld ploflenham Presbflerion Church On 00 rpedll conference oi the Womens Missionary soci eliea at thisdislrict was held in Fruer Myierisachurch To 1enham Mrs Wu Cavo Ala liston presided Aner the opening hyAnn and Prayer by Mia Dale oi Sc omberg ms Cave introduced the visitors Min Ellen Douglas ahospilai vis itor who had recently spent some time lnhospitals and institutions in Vancouver and olher wuiern cities Miss Ellen Anderson missionary on iurlough irom Bri lish Guiana Miss lrene Stringer oniurlouxh ironl India and Miss Ruby Walker regional secretary tenths provincesol Ontario and Quebec Miss Walker spoke of the theme Millie conferencc hlhe Mluion oi the Church She hoped that the meeting would be blessing to each delegate Panel Disounlou panel oi tive Tortcnham ladies discussed thedelinitionoi Mission at the Church They is that the Church should have iorward look and should look iorward to the great mystery The gospel should be preached by aiiin their relations with others in their own community It should not be con sidered in local terms only but as part 01 the whole church all over the world As men need God every day we have duty to society as Chill tians to give the message oi hope to everyone every day in any way we can Religion should not be thought oi as an escape from our responsibilities The Church cannot offer security but Brings hope to all or the future Let Do all be living stones in building better church Program improvement Delegates irom the various churches represented at the con ierence then met lor an hour in the basement to discuss improve ment oi programs ior missionary meetings Miss Ruby Walker led the discussion by sialing the pur pose oi the missionary meeting which she said was ior service prayer and study The program generally an sisted of scripture reading prayer roll call reports minutes business study and the collECtion oi ï¬ltering towards the allocation By each one taking part in the meetings thegroupis uniiied The individual member is thus encouraged to reach out beyond herseii in othch who may be in need ll connection with such group sense of responsibility to others oi the community should lead the WMS member to active service other brunchs oi church wor Most societies hava their execu tive committee plan their pro grams but Miss Walker pointad lout that it is advisable to have Builders Contractors or Farmers No and lion Hemlock Spruce and Plan Lumber Bough or Dressed Delivered on this job by truck Write ior prices transition mm to Port hiring Ontario prognmjommitteg appointed cuddly chosen members who are and of reading spiritual 3a charmer and able to choose pm ple tor theirtalents It would be their duty to read tlFwhule hi the study book and make up the years pmgmn building the pro gnm presentation around manners lheyshuuld study the best way to adapt Ind present the study book to their own particular mun so that it would give the information as limvly Ind cleady land in as interesting manner as possible ill her work Ashlinstrilim is An individual questionnaire gsrdiug last years program r1 suits was suggested ior sort oi research along the iouzywingJines How many meelinga did youat tend Was last years program satisiactoryi What program was mist interesting to you Why Did it contribute to your spiritual growth What new suggestions can you make iorthu coming year in make the programs rnore vital How would youlillc best toserve in the societyl Br scivice Prayer Giving Visitingilport icipa in program Committee respu ilityl In themairl body oithc church each oi the visitors spoke briefly on their branch at the work Mi DUKES told at the valuable work oing done among our new Can adlans Min Stringer told oi her work in india and Miss Anderson said they were having rcal re sults in British Guiana many peo ple coming because oi the schools provided Miss Nowell of Allision closed the aiternoon session with prayer Tottenhnm ladies invited the gusts to their homes ior short period and then all returned to the chumh lo l3th box lunches andtea An informal and friendly chat was then enjoyed until time lor the evening simian Evening Smlon At 730 pm ioiiowing prayer by Mrs West oi Schomberg Mrs Cere tilde the meeting over to Mix Walker Alter low words oi welcome to evening visitors Miss Walker announced that some oi the Alliston ladies would pre sent panel presentation of an executive meeting having as th topic How can we work together as an executive to interest more oi the women oi the Church in the mission at the Church Many good ideas were presented or interesting more members Church and WMST visiting other churchwalnen and newcomers telling than or the societys aims iinding out what particular phas oi the war terestedithem calfcalling or new members and seeing that they gothamefagain supplying literature and good booksand magazines making programs as interesting as possible giving each one part of the work as her share at re sponsibility making known the ï¬nancial needs pi the society the need for all methls otthe execlt ative to work together to carry out the workmore effectively At the conclusion one member assertedtliat in her society they had found the meetings rather boring at times and considered last years study hook on India quite uninteresting Miss Walker re plied that allhough the study books were intended only as guide for program conveners it would be well for groups to write 10 headquarters stating their opin ions oi thebooks Hospital Work Miss Ellen Douglas spoke on her work as hospital visitor She would get list of professing Pros byterians from thé hospital rages ter and proceed to visit patients only to find that most of than were notdeiinitely connected with SHUR yes that is correct um robust pig on the ieit has been snunaammg scarier fromthe um he was too am on through to ten weeks No wonder he isplefascdlwltlnhiruselffes radially when agate ceive this maven teed The monthted pip has been given therstart tn lilo will unite chicom marketin record time on record low lee Try litter oi optimumrigour him profitable account Is melts lVEBEEN rso hisllu rtwnte irl GAIN PIG BOOSTER who did not will be able to go mptlon teacher her work was My adv ucatiomL She taught class of of show 40 years whom the school had consideudmore or less at or problem in the clan and whom the rel would be quite uselessl saidupon completion oi the course that he was very glad to have been 1th and had learned lnu Min Stringer also acted asapin mector going about to assisoothar schools Miss Anderson who has spent it years inmisionary works in British Guiana puke oi the many thousands there who are in need at Christ She said the gospel stated that Christ had said Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel and that thiswastojbe considered in the nature command not just good advice The 32 schools weae oilen over crowded Solnetimes as many as 200 were inrono classroom The schools use flannel boards to teach various subjects Broyer grolrps forthe homes were lelt to be of deï¬nite value to the Wm and all oth0r move ments liar the Mission oi the Church Personal Question In summing up Mia Walker slated members should ask them selves What am doing in my rlhe answer cannot be givenhy anyone els but isrbetween us and our God The conference came to close with hymn scripturejeuding by Mrs McAlthur prayer by Mrs Dnnmnond the receiving oi the oiiering and the repeating or The Lords Prayer léitenliam ladies provided light refreshments in the basement at the church Excalsiori by Paul Hyde Bonner in his new novel Excelsior Mr Bonner certainly manages to get aroundMost oi the books action takes place in Switzerland during the early years of arid War II but there is time for side trips in New York Washington and Lon don The author has ï¬ne feeling or places and particularly for the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Swit zerland He also seems to know the liteoi the wellborn the rich and the sophisticated It is the storymf Swiss bankmg iamiiy and the role it plays in int ernational ï¬nance and politics dur ing the Second World Wai The central ï¬gure is 80ycarold Rob ert Eggli proud and domineering no is the rnost powerful banker in hisrowl country and what lhc willdo withthe wdrldwlde Egin accounts atthe beginning at the war is question of great import ance to me governments oi both the United Statesxund Gérmuny The plot really starts whenJac ques Egglis son naturalized American is sent by the 055 to spy uri his iathers bank to ï¬nd out exactly where Geoman and Swiss money is being invested and how battle wits iollows show ing why the old man is smarter than his son each music peoplewhu re call piano lessons latthe horne ol Mrs Edward Whltetirmdrns idia Linctive part at their irlhood and boyhooddays ill Barrie At least one former puptil now residing in Hamillonnccnllgi those music ses sions vividly enough to travel to townto pay respects to her onher Dist birt day on Oct 23 Music as always played an im portant part in Mrs Whitebreods lite Born and raised In Barrie she always loved playingthe piano nd organ and when she married the choir leader of Na Road Presby terian alumh she continued the Sunday Wenhouae Moran and MJssMyrtle Dixon and at the same address do you occasional walk enjoyed the wnIIn summer weather 1mm her versndoh Althoughshe is lanai Dixon Her childhood homef was on Turin Street or English parentage her father was tanner by trade and also did millwnrk In those days Allandale children had to walk up Littles Hill to school and her education was most iy private Butshc started to play the piano earlyl and had several gauche including the late Hamil ton Stewart grandiaiher oi Mr Justice Stewart who taught her organ technique She taught in all liar about 20 years and used to send children to to the conservatory for examinations Her acquaintance with Edward less important characte beautiiul and elegant mistress his browbeaten elder son and partner his gossipy sister and oth crs They are skilltlily sketch and helpllo emphasize the strength oi Robert Eggll On the whole man expert and entertaining novel that also has something to aay The suouyimx by Howard Swir geti Therauthor oi bo novels which two sosuccessiully startedwilh Carn crnn Howleys Executive Suite Moshaction in thisbook takes place in the sanctiï¬ed atmosphere oi bigbusincss in the United States andin Europe Mr Swiggett oh wiously knows the world oi bust ness He takes the reader on tour through ioreign embqss lelcï¬ of top business executives and goi the story is rather quiet but it soon picks up in suspense and excitement Rich ard Dcering representative of largemmerican steel company with interests in Europe is entrusted with strongbox containing per sonal papers of his latciliend and business chief Allan Wiley Deer inl discover thathis iriend had been guilty collaborating With Communist country several years earlier Deeply loyal and convnc edjllat Wiley acted irom human itarian motives Deering sets out to save wileysname in this task he is helped by two beautiful wo men both oLWllOmJOVEd Wiley Vhat makesthis story so high read is not sormuch its plot or style Its appeal stems mm the glossy world oi high ï¬nance and the personalities who move in that world The characters are sophist iciitedï¬intelilgent and never lose their poise All this makes eaten tainlug reading NEED maesrms JOur trees are likely he become increasineg valuable university course shorter than that required by tnresi engineers might be devis Edito takegcarc the demand for iorestersCowichan 301 under lunar2471 Robert Eggli ls surroundeddbyw CLEANED AND REFINISHED FORan ricxur arm DELIVERY lemurs hARRIE noun air Chevrolet zfnour lunch with radio turnkludiuatorr 155 Hiilman 44Dnor Sedan This car new throughout iflï¬irhrieronly Concirin guild conflitiodllhdlo signal lights reconditioned molar 95o camole m9 rumours chaos deluxe model Oiiers exclap tional ya Specialanus women 1951 Chevrolet 2Doar Coach deluxe anode Villliouew isslcaovrolut 2Doorcaleh ms air 0151 throughout eiléi scum mostly 900 Lln to 1138 on 11361411 to 130 pan 430 pm 3400 pan is is more mm ssrmcs Minnrs sauna 12 more sanvrur lsnmurssauvlcs coo ratmoan pan 12 momentum sacral to 1130 pan more sanvtcs HOLIDAY ran to use pan 20 MINUTE ssltvrca On 20 Minute Service Leaving Fire Hall Busvuavlcanarrle 0n the Hour 20 minutes litter and 20mm to each hour Bus have Aliandale 10 minutes other 10 minutes to and half past each hour lireer Transportation to lid is slightly deai and has poor eyc 9m 594 Pé°é9 sight aha is in goodvhcalthand 0k much less than her 91 years id Curbednose where um bread resides with relatives hastwo nines Miss same two cousins Mrs WcJamison and Ill911 Borrow also reside Mr Whitdnead has been dead ior Mrs Whilcore still cnjpys an own the street and i6247i7amoreirstarlla MonDom Klunpack man Gunmanstud aionma no livorlnpsojzsg mar rurylnrpowr Hull original equipment pliu in claim ability to hoop producing luli land furlpt loam ihsnmy other mam bnhry la nun molar tuna and politi cold woouue naming nu auurlu aut 1uI AJ°Jnll7 ht mu JAYS samrp chmlnn mu Guarantee illieallliuaranlea JIGRPOWER MosPows SUPERSERVIGE illcinema as was isthmus lieu List $2125 Aiiurolle crush mm stoned you save ma run nilmo men pozsrflczuï¬ei Ermaii Fleur 10 ml with am to mom turnover and ob lull iu lg poring1 lend autumn anywouéo rm 35 uninspiringmire an an Ford rroduci an rmrornds Product In no ragsProduct Elma5t unis um nap on in was you at $2315 was yéuSEa was your old in rylus normAdd are to above prisoner installation or vary liléei that MOBPOW it HEAVY nullaa ery ZSPLATES llstllls1313ao AND vouil OLDBAYTEIY You MVE£9 Unity with In flags Ibisd Mr olive1 Eli Du Ill molt Pwllm can and muobolow with gonna purpu nun nun any la load Deluxe Sedan with mo cnavaoLarsena Alleluia tidal 1m amelioration l951 canvnoaar rituals Here is good val in afï¬