+rr rmunqmss vnavl lasso molmnsrm Not knowing the man personally weeant vouch for the story but friend whose friend told it to him as fact sald that this man came to towniaud looked the churches over before making up his mind which one he would attend He saw one with lightning rod on its steeple and decided against it there and than Any church with no more faith than that he said was not good enough for him Something can be said in favor of the lightning rod judg ment It is simple requiring as it does one fact only It is fast and saves one the trouble of thinking But it is also risky it has to be admitted every time that one might not be right This is the first time we haveV heard of it being used on the steeple on top of the church but we have often heard it used on the people inside of the church The whole church congregation Sunday School and by the usher on duty at the door the person seated next in the pew organizations are judged or by the minister or by or by almost anything It might be pointed out not unreasonably that one can judge is ever as homogeneous can of cream by one small sample but that no church as can of cream We should like to know how practical this lightning rod judgment is in the rest of peoples affairs person buys car does he go the radiator cap and make up on that Or if he is stockman buying at the set of the cows horns Or the matter by one look if he is young man choosing wife does better stop there it has been When such the showroom and look at about the whole car cow does he decide to his mind he well wed done and kindly providence often lets it turn out not too badly Churches ought not Very sound in other ordinary in them are kindly folk whose to be judged by method whitih isnt affairs The people everyday is too genuine to be kindliness soured by the petty criticisms occasionally made about them if they were not they would put up more and bigger lightning AiCh Church Bobcaygeon Rural SlainGlass Masterpiece magniï¬cent team of Percheron horses in 12foot circle of colored glass is the central figure of an unique stainglass window in Christ Anglican Church Bobcay goon village or 500 people near Peterhorough The chief industries of the area are forming lumbering and tourist Scrving the community is beau tiful country church ilnished in local limestone and neat white pine boards The interior creates im mcdiatcly sense of reverence and worship Here there are number of unique gifts and memorials such is thecnronation tapestry and the tiled baptistry $23 Alf La lie tedious as But the outstanding feature OI his rural church is the large west window standing some 18 feet high The entire centre of this master piece is ï¬lled with magnificent team of dappled grey work horses pulling ya mould board plow They are stepping almost out of the glass into the makés the furrowsvin the field On the comers of the windows are four medallions depicting the ancient methods ofuarming which have he used from the beginning afiman cultlvationof the fruits of the earth right up to modern times meth do still being used in many parts ihe World There is farmer sowing theisced by hand rrom asack slung over his shoul der frhere is farriser harvesting the grain with clrle This is fol nowing thegtfermer throwing the grain into the air so that the wind will blow offthe chaff The facial expressions of th men are studies inlhemelve Crowning til lildo pico sure of Our Lord afterJIls nesun greetio He standswithramezout strelched and in His handsend etsre thevimprintof the nails jtliis fleet is the script Then envy work church as Zthe farmer medical treatment blue sky The clarity of the glass allows the light to stream into the church The name of the artist is Arthur Buss The window is given by the Boyd family in memory of Mussorn Martin Boyd 185519 his will and his sari iMossom Martin Boyd was great lumberrnan of the Bob caygeon area He was very fond of his horsesl and as shabby on his farm he raised Suffolk Punches bringing them from the OldWoild He wasalso me of the originators of thePolled inner of one Transportation 20 Barrie is seen right in discussion with other delegates to the meeting of the Ontario Associationof MotorfQoach Operators Doubt Canadian Bus companies Interested Use Toll HighWoYsl Doubt that Canadian bus compan ies would be interested in using ioll highway was expressed by speaklt ers at aloronto meeting unaided by Eldon Greer manager of Greer Transportation Co Barrie While bus companies in the Unit ed Slates save running time and cut operating costs by using toll roads bus operators herecould not expect the some advantages Murphy Eastern Canadian Greyhound Lines Detroit told the 25th annual meet ing of the Ontaric Association of Motor Coach Operators toll road between Toronto and Detroit for example would by puss many population centres which ous operators would wish to serve he said There is not enough pus senger traffic for bus company to operate is profitable tluough ser vice between these points Doubts TransCanada Vsino Voluc of thc Transtanoda Highlt way to bus companies operating Across Western Canada was ques tioned by Ristow of the Grey hound Lines Chicago He said he into this country Herefordhreedof cattle$ioceha was instrumental in instigating the Eobcaygeom fall fair the parade started from his farm The unique window in ChrisLChurch Bobcay geonhls fitting memorialfor this man of the soil 4gt MANSFIELD Picturesque Wedding lovely wedding took place on Saturday at the United Church when Mary Eula Jean Kerr only daughter of Mr and Mrs Wyburn Kerr became the bride of Andrew Joseph Fournier The bridesmaids were Mrs Raymond Fournier Mrs GeraldKerr and Miss Audrey Orr Little June Heximer cousin of the bride made rehty flower girl Assisting the groom was El wood Kirkpatrick and ushers were Gerald Kerr and Raymond Foum ier Rev defllaro per formed lhe ceremony Miss Rose Huxley sting IMve You Truly and Perfect Love with Evelyn Arnold as organist The reception was held in the church parlors and afterwards at the home Mr and Mrs FrankKirkpatrick Well Filled Church The Presbyterian Church was welldilled on Sunde for both services even though rain was dail ing Rev Clsrire Hood of Nor oh had charge of birth services assisted by Rev Fornatnro at the evening Service James Hamilton sang two solos and help ed inlhecholr Mr flood is son of Mr and Mrsoehn Hood of Creemore Rev and Mrs Clarke Hood and familyare mov ing soon to oharge at Valleyfield in QHEXJEC rWeddlng Shower The shower for Aubrey and Edith Cook nae I111 on day evéning at was vVell attended The bride and groom vwere presented with large easy chair and kllighii lamp Eotes orchestra provided the music Treatment In Toronto Sam Bates is in Toronto for His sister Mrs Jame Greér has retumeri home after spending the past two months in Toronto with her dau ghter Mrs Gordon Moflat we reng illhealth of Mrs Bert urph ho will go to roots for surgery this week Successful Bonner bazaar was church hemWHflIth ver 39 in right and Says TeleVirsiorl Owner Renders Greafr Service Midhurst Oct 231955 To the Editbr The Barrie Examiner LDer Sir 0n Ochu youpub shed latter in your paper that was written by person who calls himself Jarrett He accuses Mr Snelgiovo of saying that one can not and must not and will not look at Amorianielevision as long as am in Barrie What utter nonsense and rubbish He surely is trying to get away with somethirg by saying thing like that we Snelgriwe has rendered great service to Barrie and the sur rounding country by having his TV station in Barrie thing that both Oriilla and Collingwood would like to have had Mr Snelgrove had no choice in the selection of whet channel he was to receive and if ihere is small minority who up unti now have enjoyed their favorite pro grams from another station must be remembered that the primary purpose of stationin Barrie was to give another $0000 persons chance to we rv who never couldhave had bgiore The writer has no set at his own for the sim ple reason cannot afford one at present lariratt says that Mr Snelx groves childron had been insulted at school yet he intends to carry on Just hat does he he would do after spending about $300000 Pull it down andquit7 Then he goes on to say How mean how cruel Is he not asham ed to walk the streets is Barrie one would think the man had committed terrible crime against society Let Jarrett get in touch with Ottawa and see whathe can do The brux offthe matteris that His downright selfishness on the part of some popping So long as they are getting things their own why its all okay Too muchof fthe lrn doing all eckwith you and sponsored by the Women Institute with goodattendunce of children and grown pa Ma took part in psrade rd mm Films it kingdom Hell Jehovahs Enid M1312 united Stiles who attendedthe is conventions of Je hovlha Witnesses held in Csnsdn the United Indm this post miner His colored film in cluded the flkhtf horn Edition touchinzdown st Otuwo Mon henLGluder Ireland and Ill points on their excursion sud he showed none of the conventions held in Nicketh Field motion hurls home Nursnburg and other centres furs highlight of the convention tour Mr Buchanan ounmmted work The Examinervhas outlined ny welld figures 25th annual doubted that the stretch of highway from Winnipeg toCslgary still to be=completed and covering dis tance of 650 miles would be used for bus travel The highway would pass is or 71 miles from town9 nowbelng served by his company Mr nistow said Detoursof that length of the main route would make the service too slow and would raise operating costs beyond economic levels stricter Enforcement stricter enforcement of the On lorio Highway Traffic Ant has re suited in convictions against taxi cab owners who operate illegally on the highways Farebrother associeuonpresldent told the an nual meetinB This type of operation has been thorn in the side of the public veh lcle operator for some time he said illegal taxi operation d2 prives the bus operator who Is pro viding required publicgervlce continued Department of High ways inqieclors have been success fill in the Ottawa and Toronto dis lvith some the sooner it is recog nized the better By what right has men to tall the insults ï¬nd abuse ï¬who rendered service to the common ity and surrounding country Yourerlily JmnmL Summon gt Farm Customer Against Council Parking Levies Midhurst Oct 28 1955 re theJEditor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Hob of and orchids to you for your editorial in The Ex aminer of Oct 28 re doubled parkA ing fines for motorists after the new year At long last has the man who drives car fomrd someone who has the courage to come out openly and give views on the sub iecr Notwithstanding what Aldermen Mills and Paddison have to say that Ihe punpose of doubling the park ing fines has no connection with getting increased revenue thereis hardly motorist who will agree with them looks as if Aid Paddi son has just awakened to the fact that there are hundreds more motorists who Visit Barrie every doyand with situation like that the parking problem is bound to get worse But thegtpolicy of grab and soak surely is not the right one to solve the situations Just what has the Barrie town council ever done in help solve the parking problem Nothing only to sit back and get Motor Coach Operators in Toronw At le is Jim Walker GeoerrilrMotoryaod centre is Leo Henderson Transportation Ltd tricts in making an rig convictions in Mr Firdimmer manager of transitsCumming Hamilton told the meeting that the association had suc essfully oppos ed an implication lic Transport Ltd to tbc0nlario Municipal Board foerermission to substitute bus mvicein place of railservice between several On tario centres proved by the board It would have resulted in opening the door for the rilways to abandowtheir noway tation he aid The proposed bus service between Gait and Port Dov er and between Preston and He peler was therefore very vital Issue for public vehicle operators president of the association DcNure Chatliam Coach Lines was named vicepresidenL Barker Gray Coach Lilies To ronto Belford Colonial Coach Lines Ottawa Murphy East ern Canadian Greyhound Lines De troit RgA Budget Renfrew County Bus Lina nenfrew Laval Dulles Paletangnwhdiand Couch Lines Penetang the revenue from the meterfthey have inmlled all over the town lt has been suggested that the meters may be used during theevenings Why not run them 24 hours day Three shifts of eight hours each sunonys andholidays used Jrhe policy of sock on much saner and wiser policy how to overcome at leasthelp the situa lion ism it is to be hopedrthat the suggestions put forwardwillbe car riedout Yours truly XUNTRY READER vru the escarme in Grissnarl when WI attended The Nurem bury sudlam built by Hitler was used Over PM ï¬ction Attended fromCommunLn 1m Gelmany lilr Dcuhman showed scenes at their departurefor melr home wintry sampled by singing of God be With You Till We Met Again the waving of handkerchief and tears shed because litany of the 9000 know that they would up back to their homes only to be arrested and placed in Communist concen tration camps The Convention can ciuoco erieiof Triumphant King dun Membl es held by Jehovah amnesia Cans the United States and Europe during the sum mer memb of 15m r© Bracebridge OPP Gravenhursl Banner Canadian National vlho is traific Canadian Paci established at Bracebridze detach mentof Ontario Provincial Police The office whichscrves South Muskoka now has sergeant Everett Hicks who has seriled all head of the detachment since 1953 withthe rank at corporal hashes advised of the promotion Sgt Hicks joined the OPP vlll years ago He served in Alliston and Orangevillebefore being post ed to Bracebrldg The Bracebridge detachment is also staffed by Corporal James Freeman and seven constables The office is also headquarters for the Bela detachment in charge of Con stable Bruce McCallum GILFORD Euc Admlslion as Correction in Wednesdays Com ing Events theprice of the euchre in Giiford helllIoIwt wasstated Is50c should have read 35c 11 this application had been op lines in favor of him transpor Eleot Pension Operator Mr Fareorother was reelected The executive committee includes Buy Now lromllllir Present Stocks oI56= forgo Trucks new low is en FARGO TRUCKS You gsrmore in nunso crmmwnneees ore mmoï¬nniflï¬im TRUCKS Fargo shortradius turning dmuchmuchmore built In Getthefullstorynowl youriibb Come nowl Getioiir deal on oIiAIlGO liiiiioill HillI lllllrj CHRYSLER PLYlVinlTKI FldRGO ssouriLoP 51 Famous FARGO laihgiiiiinivérshry rirsiliu cosrrcaroN cranes Ar woasr SlliiliifliVlidi FRKNK swiheitilluminate new official position has been COLLIER 51 UNITED ILLLMILBD ownrm renewalonus SUNDAY NOWQIDB nunHomo anIcc Rev sun dummies oreMemdoolsmnoj M5an mum medhioneytsv Worm sridrrbnsry CHURCH us cumin It luv is anonr lug8nd II Pnyu fleetlng er Nd oclock mm or wxwossl =g=f 9me 30 CENTRAL UNITED Dept and baby saline for Pre ursery Children 1M pansEvening Service note change of time gtDirected Singing 0f Hymns Old and New Sermon now 19 satin and mm mssme daemons and Open Discusslon an The sermon Topic Refreshments 31 CHURCH Dunlap slid Toronto Sh Bow Cecil Break an air Warren resellnu orgnu SUNDAY NOVEMBER olsss Remembrance Services 11 us 1N nmmnliNcat Speeisl fovitsunn To Vstersns cnuacn scooox Mi un Junior intersaws sad seniorDem lino snapBeginner and Prim1 Departments pm HOW TO BECOME HOLD PERSON Come and sing the old hymns from the new book Songs of the Gowol St Andrews Presbyterian Church Gwen and qusley ï¬ts Rev JAMES mouson as SUNDAY Novmnsn 1955 ll sinmomma woasnrr Broadcast cm ï¬ltï¬ï¬‚eféllï¬idm The Minister Wlll mun rpm ANNIVERSARY SERVICE IN THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH uniroe cannon sonoor All Deparbnents 815 rumYrs maids Meeting come 10 canon TRINITY CHURCH Anglican Collier Street Rev AllIII Bold Ln luv George sunning 110 V3 Mrs Roberts Choir Director TRINITY XXII SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1955 300 Innallon Commanick 930 am Holy Communion Sermon THE REV LEUNABD HATFIED MA um 1000 urnSunday School ESSA ROAD PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH Midnig REV mm any rm ERANK Dowellam Organist COMMUNION SUNDAY SUNDAY NOVEMBER less 945 altcam School are and up is un Nursery sud xlndemmn urnTHE norm ro PEACE omen SACRED Vowr Mm iiiil€l°€6h2iim of the Lords Supper in Both ser EW Winnswim BA ViegA JibHOLY COMJVIUNION Lil pawYoung Peoples Eocieiy Remember the nuns Society Canvas EVERYONE writs om The Salvation Army BURTON AVENUE Citadel UNITED CHURCH on comma 5mm REV morons BA no 5mm In LEW Minister pm SUNDAY NOVEMBER l95 Organist i1 nmvBOLINESS MEETING 945 urnSUNDAY sonoon 280 pomSUNDAY sonoor mpaaorNNEnsnEPri 915 nm0PENAIE MEETING aimom Evangelistic Meeting REmRANCE DAY Tuesday panSoldiers and Tel lowsbip snitva meme plyHOME LEAGUE pmEVEN1NG WORSHIP warm welcome awaits you at the 815 paneYoung Peoples Fireside Salvation Army IIILI GOSPEL PIIIIYEII IillllIIP UNoshOMlNArmNAL True Blue Hall on TEE REV LEONARD HATFIELD MA TB coo panCadrlngton Sunday School 700 pmrBVeusonn Church Parade Scouts Cubs Guidu Browisles Address The new sherrlng =r=l SAINT GEORGES SUNDAY scnoos pomEVENING PRAYER 29 High Street 230 phnSUNDAY sonoor gt sena tbeohlldrenvto reliving Sunday School EVENING sciwroe 73 pin Speaker osilimso Healing roi linl slut in Thelriendlyl pliice or worship Loyal COLLIER BAHTIST CAL eschew sisnmssiinn sonooi 11orl unisnow THAT domino Kipss won run amLEcEiionEsaaoor TiiesABBATH MUSIC 1min rank peruse Lapses mo Toronto Illifllllll FELLIJWSIIIP Illi mnEPENDENr we preach och rselveslmt bh ist derail the Lord and WMml SUNDAY NOVEMBER use FREE METHODIST 1190 sumHoly Communion semi2 iron antnow Cbï¬lVlUNlDli