Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1949, p. 29

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TIEIIislng Iliitlilillf Mayor 111 jaulguicig 11131 lItl it implant lit1x lll Ill Iktl 11111111111 12 111 to lt Hi luv 111 it 51 toilet 11111 111 111111 13111 wt our v31 Mayors 1i111tc1 lulu Christmas ur Islurl In llc gust 21111 1ch 111 1311 the L3 IV the masters 1f 13 11tic Ll We 911 at 11 11111111 drown Wllull 1m will VIA Etude Grate We mlall izul tllxIl4I 1m mum lml origin 11 pull lesson that on lin ire lmllbe La ed 121151 11in 11 out llesc L1 year our tum 11i 11311111 Lilld 111llrvt111c11t of 1919 we Men better if 3va 11111 In pluvltlrrx 11 oil tlzuc an lilspl od Job 111 11 l1l cur1 Iloxvcnr we 1111 1lwuys tics 11111 111 the 11111ll cf such 11111 111w 11v landll LL1LL11 dartrtlh UNTAIUU CHAD 1111 Ilv I1It tits no anl semiu r1 iv but lkIltI Iilrfr ILLuI 1ds1 11l1 vldlll lelltv KL 111Al111 1111111 sold 11 llul liv 11l1l 3412111 tl IJ If 11 R111 411511111 LC CPR Appointment El Rul CENTRE VESPRA 11 ulni It IAIIltIIVV111 Hindu or clef alt GUTHRIE iszrh 11111 is 31 1111 Ill Ix llIt13Inp Jilg 11 milieu ztt Barbara 13 pan hilt IIIUUII lil fft Ho 11 11 111 12 gu it utility Lundutlu the YIL 111g In ecu111111 tIlLl be gt to the and Fund Us 15 1111 Mi wlimi new until1h Bartholov Ivllt 41 ul PAGE ELEVEN their 5121341 uh Wm Ia isriipbcl Jri BAILbiIIt Next Sunday 31 11 TRY AN ILXANIINIJCVWAT All lull 11 null IIIKHI 111 mil 111111 1lIrI111lllllszhkltutn Ir 11 Emu 2451131 Hi 11po11f1t 11 lnxxi ll1lll1 IL JEIYERSUN lmrtii loc11oli of tin 111112111 lmotlh lIHUd VV IL hrr ppnimrd ll HKM my mm humMWth pl 314 of tr1ftli of the 1n1di1n IJllllt 3111 11A JHMM IIJIIHJ II1 heluliluartcrs 11 1M mm Alwyn Montrml Mr Jefferson ILIS been gtncrdl ruffle HIJIIIKQI tor the fmm ms1stl1u for 1h llst two years and hmzpdnl1clorc III 15 freight lrutlic 11141ugcr Iur 1K ymrs Ilc suc cmls M1cuu1r1 who as elrctell president of the Minna1 polis SI l1ul IlltI Snult Sic I1rlc ll1llroul subsidiary of the lll Ilolh Ll ointmcnts 11c Hle 111th 1111 Illlllllltl 111 Hi lllllltlxltfl 1l1 g1 111 District fulll 4111 ill be 11 Illll Jilin 1111i 1llu1 them null tcc4dt 111111 oblivloil if ur Irl 111 lictermlimtioll to we ll tlizlt lIltSr IvlilMe 11nd lrlIfI1 11cm motlici lemon for renewal and IIrklllr effort III1III llallltllll and to balance the scales Lc us in 1l1111ilul 13111 1c are lllllll ll pelletfut hind illlllll thoe wile 1111 blvswfl 15 3c IIIQ Wash 2111 o11 1ll kIV Merl llflstuuls Illllllg llilllllllw Io ltltl RJII Ittfv 111 to 111 r1 rent c1 1c elec It mod 11 tloll $12 toilutl llI 111111 of III ITS muzan rOR INTERNATIONAL FORWARDETTES IIVIi GIRLS ll IIIHHH RAY HOLT oirrsrANlilNo llllISlL upsu vKll IHII I11 1c wt IIII gt1 luli rell 1111 wild 111 MAYOR Aid liiwucl1111111ri 111 the 11117 pelt lumizuftee lllllurllllfti b1 lily In Illilr 11 ltIillIl lI Irltfllllll Siltt trullrlliiili to the lUflr IVIIL lliollllll adopted ERA NT Tllvlc ltil irwi l11p111111111 Asking 1o huvr the place itlllul 11 111 11l1x lite11 or illuidwin Street Illch I1111c Hurt cllulruuin ol Hm 1ll IVcIlbbl Illlillltt ihtlorlllcml 11 bylaw ondiussioucix tvlfdtfllllV tlt1i prmulc for borrowing up to Sl Clllll llllll to uni cullcul expcmliluie Ml WW Ill until ihl taxi5 an Ilillliclp1l AIIIlllli 1l11111cd thin the rim111m mm 11c county tit not p1ltlc1p1tc ins for Slillltltlll zilld this llllltitllll ll 1gt1lllMill ll1tt been bonowed mtg vtl to the loll in tin p11 tinl WA and WMS we Minhp lown luul forwarded Llc1171 11 The December meeting of the theounfyIrensurer The 1111111112t United Church WA 111d WMS Wen AM mm WNW IlittI been the coumv llllll 111c 11 Mr 11d 311 l11 held atriu homo of Mrs Rzlrlil mm jrrlgd antwmmmmne immwuwmnwm MM mu ngduy 31311111 chrlst on Wednesday Dec 11 The mm WW Tumnwnmm mm gym 1mm Tm lllfl llll1lllillfl1d owl HH mm Pl ollo 112111 McArfhur tlSSistcd by some of tlitI35I 41 lllltkmlrlll Til MN MW hm 11 SUl 511111 1hr wlud 111111 lur lilxlliiri members After Short business WWI W1 ildOllltli WIUWMW tummy tr period Mrs Shannon conducted the Vltd Ill itlllll Ill Ill fh llcecmbcl lJ All lzlld Ml Hell Vllltlw dule vmtid Nils le1111ll tlltf chli Wu 1111 vcly gt1111 to hear tll1t M1 ccil Mndlll 1s 111 the Orillm llospltlll W1 1ll w1l1 her spcetlv recover 11mm 111 Mrs 3111101111111 The tIlilIII on 111 mi 11 Edmonton Alberta o11 l1c1111l1er ll of Mrs Norlmiu Mellonuld llu lute Ml Mcllululd was the daughter of the llltc William Kirkpatrlck and zilli Ilnr IIlizzibelli ULII Mrs Mellon lld 11s born 111 Oro and lived here number of years before Ikl mur rlllgc to Mr Mellonnld The mains were brought buck lo lil Smith luucizll Inrlor Borne where the funcrul service was con ducted by Rev Mr Richards Shanty Buy on Friday afternoon Interment ill Olo SIIIIIHII emf tcry UH Huh lcttl bl ll l1 1111 11 Tot11 31 i1lt1 1111of 111 71l1113 l1zltzr1 111l Huge Ytd all The l111 luII I1 1111 hi III 11h l11fv l11 mmwi to St 11 Ir1r11l l1c l1 Xilnl 11 x1lt tin 11t1111l111111 11212 Loni1 1111 l1 Iltulfrj iVIta llwmaqobvll 111 111tll McINTYRE 11oc1rlosisr or 1211115 CBC BLACK IENOR HOLOISI AND HIS VIOLIN HELEN rim GRAND PROGRAM HRISIMAS llSH OTHER IISlNIlINl FICAIIRES MINI WILL PLEASE EVERYONE IlllI RICAI SPIRIT OF MERRY CHRISTMAS lllII 711 011 111111 bcr Iill lit Hlllr luriIcIlll 11 111111111 lrli11 IIit clectiun of oiliccrs for thc coming year with the following results WA vr President Mrs William Thompson Vicc lrcsidcnt Mu Cough SeepTreasurer Mrs rmvford WMS President Mrs Mrs Mrs ll Crawford Treasurer Burton Vic Ross Manse Tonunlffee Mrs Graham Mrs Miller We personally serve all who cnII us as theyd expect to be served trusted friend Illllll It SIEIKIEY It MGMsK FUN RAL HOM otworsmarumuou man 5555 supper was planned for the S1111 day School children on Dec it the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford The meeting was closed with the benediction after which lovely lunch wasserved by hostess The next meeting be held at the home of Mrs 01vl McArthur GRENFEL December t9 This correspondent wishes The Barrie Examiner and all its stall la very Merry Christmas and pros perous New Year Mrs Clifford Harris and Mrs William Walton presented their dialogue Three Umbrella Sisters for the Junior Sunday School children at Central United Church llast Wednesday Federation of Agriculture culture held their Christmas party at SS No on Friday evening Dec 16 The evening commenced at 630 with very sumptuous pot luck supper Following supper Miss Louise Colleyled the group in var ious games and dances concluding with everyone joining in the 5mg ing of Christmas carols Monty decided McArtliur Vice President Flower and Sick Committee Mrs Gilchrist Mrs be Mis Snnmy Mummy Mm Grlhum onunittcd to memory the greatest tile will and Harold Mclestcr The Grenfel Federation of Acctl On 1111jor11y vote the council 1o remove the parking meters on Iucsdny lcccmber to decide when the meters shouldl 11111 be put into opcrntiou jmv Ald H1111bly introduced report recouuncndinp that fire bydrzull pllcl 11 the intersection of number of Bible Verses during 1949 Aftc the pupils had received tl11r diplomas seals md awards they passed through the open irate brick to their classes During this time Mrs lctcr Windnti sung Open tllc Gates 11s those promot ed passed to the The gates trimmed with evergreen branches were made by Bill P1111 service Miss Jessie Howard re ceived Bible from the teacher and pupils of the Sunday School 15 token of her long 11nd fullb Prcscntntion was made by Mrs McMnster and Mrs Scott Miss prayer Howard in few well chosen higher classes During the jgifr ful service in the Sunday School lIlt lown llt Will be left for the 1950 council WW p1r11ne111 of Municipal Allzurs unu 5700 IH bl rctnuled bvthe The Town lleled on the 1d chairman of lllltllltl in this 11111111 ZII December Mrs Allen spent the weekend in Toronto Mrs lolm Elston 15 111 Brampton owing to the illness of her mother IlIr md Mrs lmnk llouchfou and Mr and Mrs Dullon Mcbel attended the lllllcml of their cou sin Elder Wine in Or lllizi on Moi day Thursday night the officers of the WMS met at Mrs Nobles 11nd pltllllll the propinm for tllt com ing year After the meeting hostess served 11 delicious lunch The YPU held their 11111111111 vbitc scrvlce Sunday Houphfon the president charge 11nd Sam Reid led in Mcrvyn Jessop gave very interesting talk on his summer Ralph was 111 night words thanked the Sunday School work on mission field in Quebec Rev of for their Hunt beautiful gift told the story The lAlter the service sinp son 21nd fireside hour was enjoyed solo Cobbler 11nd His Guest which wins by Jim Thompson of Bond Ilcnd feliioyed by the congregation was much appreciated their School llrlstmus concert or Nttillrftlil Merlin llh pupils 55 N1 51111 ml llc liltlitfl 1111 lllttlllvll Fall IUI llltillllllllf ill Illfrlll lith lllll ll21 momma HELPFUL SERVICE IN planning for the future of your UM nullly things must be taker iulo cousiknti soinc of which are very complex dudCaulk specialized1r1i11i11giud experience it the 111st results are to be secured During tlle past 38 years we have served many clients ill 11 variety of ways The experience thus gained may be helpful to you May we talk it over No obligutiou THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATlON Barrie Office l3 Dunlap Street 38 years in Business 3z5iEIEllllitlllltlll66EQZllkzllillQliZEEEEfLEEZEliEtiiffiilatilgtera3151Pagegzalatzi liii HARRIIIS URISAT YOlTII FOR CHRIST HUIING IO Slit YOI FOR AN lllYENIlRI IN CHRISTIAN WONDERLAND SIZASONS GREETINGS onous Bidding Christmas You Christ To You For 1950 HARRIIC FROM BOB JONES UNIVERSITY IN SOUTH CALIFORNIA CLIFFORD HICKS DYNAMIC YOUTH PREACHER TUES DEC pm Central United Church fitTiEEi 5ERidlllEliltwEielidfdl Leigh from the Federation office in Barrie gave short address on the importance of nominating 01 HThe NIIIGARA Rescue lit INSURED IOAN 110 51111111 051 f0 ANY AND EVERY PURPOSE Doctor Donlln or Hospital Bllll Coal or Fuel Oil Houu Ropaln Movlng Exponug Iuxu or old Hills on l$yov Iran my problem or would like nancial advice he 50 or on today tunI NIAGARA FINANCE Componu hi WilsOn Building SQUARE BARR PHONE 5533 members from local organizations for the coming election of the Sun coe County Federation ofAgr1cul lture Following Mr Leighs ad Cdress the group nominated lWood as lst vice president and 1H Russell and Heeney for the board of directors of the County Federation For the rest of the evening dancmg wageri joyed to the music of the piano and Dick Cloughley and very enjoyable evening was concluded with light lunch Irtgtwas an nounced that there will be an or lganization meeting of the group the school on Tuesday January 1950 Promotion Service very beautiful and inspiring promotion service for the Sunday School was held in Grenfel United Church last Sunday morning at oclock After the opening the tea chers Of the various classes were called to the front of the church in him They named the mem bers of their classes and the num ber of Sundays they had attended during the year Then those en titled to them received their Rob ert Raikes diplomas and seals ac cording to the standards they at tained As the pupils came for ward they brought their white gifts placing them by the cradle These gifts are to be sent to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto unless otherwise designated They will be used to make Christmas happier for others Spec1al awards were made for the highest attend ance in their classes Mrs Fords class Harold McMaster 50 Sun days Mrs Degeers Class Ber nice McMaster 48 Sundays Mrs Scotts Class Gordon Ford 51 Sundays Mrs McMasters Class Noreen Ford 51 Sundays Lunda Walton received special award of Bible from her teacher havmg The olloWing Coal Yards WILL BB CLOSED December 26 and 27 BARBIE FUEL AND SUPPLY CO CAMERON ELLIS GIBSONLTD LEWIS ROBERTSON THE SARIEANT co LTD scorr co WmizumlliKKV vm Holidii Meat Specials Farm Fresh Rang ing from to 15 lbs Each BONELESS ROUND STEAK or ROAST LB CHOICE BEEF LB Brng ROASTS LEAN BRIVSKET L827 01 PLATE BEEF WIDE RANGE OF CHOPPED KIDNEY SUET LB 11111112011 BACON Sliced or Piece TOP L850 Roasting Chickens SELECT CHICKENS4549LB 18c Christmas Turkeys We have the one you want Quality Low Prices All sizes 10 to 25 pounds Select Quality 1w Fruits and Vegetables FREE DELIVERY OUR STAFF HAS BEEN INCREASEDTO HANDLE ALL CHRISTMAS DELIVER EFFICI ENTLYAND RAPIDLY Please Dial 5544 SWEET POTATOES Bsxlssc Large Juicy 3lt1sl3c Sim 9m 4m 25 WAXED TURNIPS GRAPES Sweet Meaty Red HARD GREEN CABBAGE 3c Emperor ONTARIO APPLES GradeNo Spys N0 BRADFORD GRAPEFRUIT Washed CARROTS COCACOLA or UP Carton of six plus deposit FANCY FRUIT BASKETS This year remember sick friends with one of these fine baskets Tell uslwhat you want in them we will do the rest reasonably packed according ta contents Christmas Oranges All sizes listed are thr finest quality Sunkist Navel Oranges Obtain able Size 344s 29c doz Size 252s 390 doz Size 176s 59c doz MAPLE LEAF MINCE MEAT Large Pic Size CLUB HOUSE PEANUTS Sugar Coated 17c oz pkg Chocolate coated 170 ozpkg SMARTS LOMBARD2flec PLUMS Choice 20 oz OYLER CRANBERRY SAUCE Pure 12 oz Holiday Grocery Values RED SEAL SWEET 111x131 PICKLES wizsc CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0F MCCORMICKS 1333c MIXED COOKIES MY LADDIE PEAS FUR Std 211 oz Tins 23C Jewel or Domestic LB SHORTENING 29c Reinharts APPLE JUICE Lge 48 oz Tins Each Banquet TOMATO JUICE Giant 105 oz tins EACH Aylmer PEAS Fancy Size 20 Tins VELVEETA CHEESE rt sren 12 lb pkg 29c COLLINS GINGERZ ALE Large FOR Bottles 28 oz on 37clin Plus Deposit CANDIES NUTS Candy canes 5c ea Popcorn Balls for 10 Christmas Stockings 29c 500 Mixed Nuts 37c 11 Peanuts in shell 35c lb 29c JAR 25c munamuuammmmv 59c mammaasmimmzmm 3113 31331221212322 2521z31mph22210122222121212121212121heamwarnzvznzazmammzmamsmmaa4aaxmazzammmammkz

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