IJSEI FUIH tilt IiAIlIiIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSI lttitliMBhli 22 ltwi gt AHHHL gt thoitll iiI toihmtu It luv Iliilllt to twirm tr ti Ilo li1IiIIllIt in Iirsiiicit tzntud Hi hits iiist livid Mrcrt Lighting choir Ellis ii vi 1me mtth llivtti will Izs tIIII iiui Iiiv Mr Mrs Mt Moiils gtIltxli sinn tine iiIiuto Fliiittt ii timtitti its so ii itl lilltlr It1 iiitii ii triliiic II Ii Itll or iIit tirn igi tIoi In it lid statueutenuuuuuum KIKKWKIE tiiltgttll IItnit iIItI ill iIl it hot lid Ilthl sonic akin mi pitihttlt Hutuiiiuv night brim ili IIIL litl UH Sunday Rtlki 12 Iit lloii omens omity Society iiitimn In Ilgt Ii Ilut it hen iiniljv iiui ic WMS In 2qu theI Iiihui of mm U1 lit vi Mrs Ii IHlllitII ciiusdiv Itic in it llc lowIv ttIIldIt lighting WI kx Dill icc Iolioucd the it and iii IJ 11 inn otioiml meetings Iliklil MLI iiziit ll Mrsdtiinc William Ii Hi 11 lllll Noiilc Forum MINI iw Hi lies Us tl Iiiv Mr Morris is picscn our court icith thc inst itlon it RIqum 4i ltI iitIit tlosiiii thc incctiin lI molt innvt Tho Iiniiiiv IlliiIlIlL vll it 141 Mn In uld in hc tIltlltIl hListiiunl rmin Il prior to tltc ziiinnnl lllttIlll is kitty torinr Il1 lltitl iIlts at It mix Hp lwi In onions Association ymnk IIi met at the homo tit mm r= iuiici Iicuii on ihnrsdn citnine Many itcins viiv til3tI includitit thc chiinc iu linolis loi tInzizist ttll IIit Itl itv Iliti ptnti for IlIlIIlIHl ot iinHII llti ittj on It Iiilhtmll lil mu llitt xi Itttlli Inuic tt shittiltitini to thvnl Ilroiit Av who was iiiiiiiiiti Inst vstvx nlut lr and Mrs ll linncv han vcd min the village for the Will iii sorry to hear that His ochrnnc who hctn siclt tiu past two ilK is gttli troin tcvci Inilics Aid liu Dcctinhir intcting of Bax Ladies 5nd was held 111 Baxc on ilncsdnv ihv lIl til Wzil crvit irols wcrc onc by Mrs Gouliv llic cuntiuctcd thc bnsiiu wars passed to doiiiit olt Mission to hpr rc Cheer to the underpriv An iiitircsting tzilk on was gvtii by Rev idciit Mi Miskey Miss Irene DenneV Pianist Mi Sick Com mittee Mrs Gaul Turnbull Mrs Ellison McKnight Auditors Mrs Denney Mrs Ellison At the close of the meeting bountcous gt fowl supper and social hour was enjoyed by all the members Sunday School Concert The Sunday School supper and concert was held in the hall on Monday with good attendance After the supper concert was put on by the Sunday School pupils and then Santa Claus came and ve out presents from welllled tree to all the children Awards were also given by the teachers to deserving pupils At the close of the concert the Sundav School teachers and officers pr cntcd Ruddick with Bible in apprecia tion for his work as superintendent of the Sunday School for seventeen years m1 December 19 1ctor Martin of Windsor spent tetti days with his father Joe Martin Congratulations to Mr and Mrs imen Pottage on the aival of oaby boy at St Andrews Hospital Midland FRTTEI FOrum Farm Forum met school on Monday night with record attendance After listenin0 to the broadcast discussion fol lowed in regards to farm homo and the different problems wh 31156 When the recreation peiio was over Leo Berthelotte gave veryuintcresting talk on Was Grandtather Really Superman which was enjoyed by all hnsfnmf llllli nil Hillvi lC iltl Ii lit tit gt earlier hex irisres for your brig9 and In 1p and the gladdoit of glad New lears FIVE POINT FISH AND CHIPS 1st Am mi 224 Adl2ttl1 all or your Merry Christmas and Happy Year to our wick today mammaujilirLZit Cdctltl Cowie SillCii tilldlititlhxiin 118 Pilslihllfi 4xtimKKQEKKKKKKZKWKKKKKW10 m12