Little Denny ran into the kitchen fiout the front Mommy the livrr said Moi my he lll Ulll llcr My WILLIAM TRENION litl day for Week old 02 au been pz ii llttll house lll tis wagon loaded with pine and rdar trees thristnas trees rhea he shouted Christmas tre two dollars 011 two dollars lie was passing now and Marge washing the few dishes she and Denny had soiled at their noonday meal wished she couldnt hear the round of his shouting voice Joe always bought old Olivers Itu Old Oil 01 needs the mone hed say And our old car said did last year Marin rad lair ham and limit know llt lit tltil llt loll at him ill horrible ll Jul iiet ti iiad tltllltllll at ny Denny had rumpled dark hair his dark eye the deep ellft in his chin sol caught in Marges thioat Denny dear she aid thickly were not going to have tree this Christmas Daddy isnt here to help decorate it and besidesSanta will Come without Christmas tree Ill help decorate it Denny Marge pressed Denny cl know dearu she ld lotgnant memories of last hristmas crowd ilsl wouldnt take the bumps of her so that she couldnt talk for hunt for tree in the country moment She could see Joe Teet around here cring on the ladder to put the star Old Oliver hesitated in front of in the top of the tree the little house repeating his chant can help Mom Denny until Marge thought she must go to insisted the door and tell him ib stop She You could dear but we dont want tree with Daddy gone Someday lttll0ll hope it never comes to yoreyoull understand why Mommy didnt want Th st mas tree She rose to her feet hurriedly feeling rush of tears Ill get your wraps Denny and 1Lttlu outside in the sun ATSTONES TIRE SERVICE house before it came to Marge with frightening realization that it had been ill of three hours since Dci md i0 he housu Denny LNNYI hlie ran out on the portch and down the stc her slim unprotected feet and lt II rid Sinking dwpsnuw mm ha moment one in which she knew of Chrl has trees lln lhant rang mg zitfus Denny dear she said thickly bmktd um DENNY The she must have aged twvnty W31 0111 again BUY Your Chllstmilstlta llc it an him Clll lt were not goliig to have 00 Cd mm mm bZCk and one in which she saw in heart now Only two dollars Malta 111 to mlk DO 30 have our may mmmctsumsammmxngnmw this hristmas Daddy isnt here to help decorate it and besides Santa will come without hrist mas tree and 100 had explained to him the iirst time theyd bought tree just the kind theyliked It had to be so tall and so big around It had to be cedar with clusters of blue berries on it Old Oliver always had the kind of tree they wanteo host of good with or your Merry Christina and joyous New Year too CALDUJELLS ii iii ii iii it in if Were Making N0 Mistakes if when we Wish our many customers ancllriencls in mocking horror across the white stillness of the little yard cold wind swept against her as she stood at the gate looking up and down the street and calling Dennys name It was horrible December Mr and Mrs It in and son Aurora have move to the home of the late William Casselman This correspondent wishes Mr MacLaren and all the staff of Barrie Examiner very Me Christmas Desroche Glen Luflman and Doug Fagan have returned to their homes after spending several months on the Great Lake boats The many friends of Mrs Hol den will be pleased to learn that she is improving nicely after her recent operation in St Andrews Hospital Midland Mr and Mrs Blair and daugh ter Connie of Mattawa spent weekend with Mrs Blairs paren Mr and Mrs William Charles Mr and Mrs Ken Hounsome returned with them to spend the Christmas holidays in Mattawa The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Rankin Wednesday after noon for the Christmas meeting The meeting was in charge of the president Mrs Carrjuthers who also read the scripture lesson St Luke 2114 after the business was dispensed with The Christmas Story was read by Mrs Rawn and Mrs McClung after which an exchange of Christmas gifts took place Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by her daughter Mrs McClung its it ammmwmmanmmmnannmms Clillil lnfillm Marge shrieked against the wind to Denny in harboring selfcen Oh duntp donti the Ted Lille 001 her 1055 Of J09 she saw Denny tile brown garh Old Oliver chuckled ind Jtlltlllt item 0f hls 53ft his Imwc ed Denny sitting up in the seat by down from the wagon All VKL tion itis veritable happiness Old Oliver familiar wagon made the turn The wagon stopped by the gate th at the end of the street and Martin and old Oliver grinned as Denny told him recognized old Oliver and his load climbed down into Marges reach reneh Oliver she asked 95h paSsing year brings greatr pride in the friendly contacts and pleasant relations wiburing the course of business hat is why itgis pleasure at this Slloliday time to express to gowpur appreciation andrto wishlyou all the happiness of Christmas grain prosperous successful Wew Year Ive had your tree he said Just put it in the yard Margi Denny couldnt do without our tree and gt iv mmmyammamnmammmazmmma