HURSDAY DECEMBER 22 ltH THE HARRIS Collie Street United Annual Christmas Supper and Concert annual tal Hipptl anti twlltrll in lllc linday School or ullici Street United Church v4 livid lll tln school auditorium lilurday and Friday cwnliir lll15 with the nlilllslci isl vis as cllallillzlii liilliMing boulilcous supper lcl the kiddies served by the Womani ociation movies avoio shown tiltore the progiani each evening Santa Claus arrived both nights by Spttlal arrangement to iln lite baskets of nuts candy tiillt THURSDAY NIGHT About HO children weir present lol the Thursday pro ill alter supper at They were lrcm the Junior School which collsi ol the NtllHl Department ll lali Bye supellutendcnt Begins ners Departllicnt Miss Aniline Vtalt superintendent and lrilnaly Department Mrs Rodgers ilperintcndent Parents arrivcd after the movie when lllc llilllllil prcsentcd by the Llllltllill as follows Nurscry children two to 013 sang Jt us Loves Me Away in Manger The lood hltilllllM Song and Goodbye Stine the last two being sung each Sliiuia morning at the lllclnnlnc and tltl ot their class The nulllhcrs wrle sting by all the children of the ucpallinclll lll addition arolilu Sillalc and David Walker save citations Bcgillncls children live and six Nil childri ii iii thedeparlnlcllt ll Onei Littlo Baby Lay Little ll Manoelf and My ligwu There as also Stillti lmlls llvlolnliliz by pump or ltion by Car and vocal duet by lil speth and lcna Cameron lrilllaly children seven to nine Joan Triblilc played piano solo vocal quartet rendered by Catherine Jacqueline and Bobby and Wendy Clare ll piano was recited Santa Claus is one of the most precious wonders of ell lood American mothers overwhelming ly agree that he should be por Although the modern concept of Santa Claus xericall llt Spirit of Santa Claus is neither modern nor American The Saint NlCllOll lived in Mi and er his death in 343 llc concel him have been led aloud the tiresides ol Europe The child and and in them Clim piclil Santa dressed in iur id sli through the snow iii remit tlawll sie ll in central Eur ope St NtClol llrst appeared on his liturgical day Dccemii and lie was clulrchlnan rode mule and carried gills good children and billldlept birch rods with whirl to switch the naughty Under DLlICll inuence St Nich olas lost his solemniry The Dutch colonists who Ant elica were very practical people and they decided against two giving days in the same mo Thus Sinter Klas tarted coming around only at C1 tmas time Santa Gets Sleigh Eventually ancient legends we woven intmAmerican Christmas traditions Washington Irving sent St Nichol yii mas Skics reindeerdawn sleigh in 18 DrC1elnentMoi poenlThe Night Before Chri mas written in 1822 gave Santa little round belly that shook when he laughed like bowl full of jelly and series of drawing in 1868 by Thomas Nast added much 10the traditional pictures and ap pearance of the Santa we see to day it 111 every youngsters life there FRIDAY NIGHT Ull Friday night lhv ploclaiil in given by the Senior School pipils llUlll the Junior liitcililctlintc Zrlzll Scilllr Departincnls Tile Sent School also llltltliim the Adult Bl Lilo Chis Nell Tylllvllinald ls httptl intcndcilt Supper was at 317 with latbe attendance followed by pictures in the auditorium allcd program was plcscntcd by the classes and individuals as follows Piano solo Marlon htll Pilillpkinvillc thllslinz tollceit by Miss lloiotlly By and Mzs lltlvll Nxlllclolls las IA coll Lert within concert enjoyed lin lllcnscly actors and audience Recitation lIdgar lacs Boys Ronald liplctt ll Woillins hllstnlas Elli Mrs l5 Lewis class lltllii llltl Mary and lioui VlUllH Recitation llocl Dorothy lllllt lndcrclla by Miss li Hanlp Ulricst tzt Puppet Play ely lll plo uliccl and in which all the NHL llih lt made by the Hills llltll gt1ilit Piano solo Jollll licriis Vol1 lllu illltlolpll Tllp Hill Ntll litllltlltl by Bob llyorz Iollll lllll deisoll and John Tllllllt Ml Santa Flinn by Miss Edna liiioiiores lass play lllllil cast ovcl station SIA Tceil Aucrsl Due on llu pino Sally llllltw aild Frances Vilillnail la rant of the tlllxr llill rich costuilies llllll gclllrl to lnl tlllisi hlld Coilclls lass Piano solo by Sue Walls The Great llrisllnzls lleslll Mystery clever colllcdy well acted by tho older girls ol Mist Jean Knights Class Santa lzlus brought the ever ing to succosstul climax wilii baskets ol gills aild some good ad vice to the children to reitlenlhel their parents Flowers Are Part Of Yule Legends Ihirc are Several lowers llll prialc during the Yuletide season which are connected with the of Christ by the legends ol hist Saillloin or lloly Hay is still to have cradled the infant Christ ill the manger The snowdrol is tho llowcr ol the Vii ll Mary and is said to be the cllluleiti ol the candles she lighted on Christmas According to legend the Christ mas rose was divinelv created shepherd maid wept at having no gilt to lay before that Babe ill ll lilallger Suddenly an angel zip pczlicd to her On hearing why the maiden wept the angel touched tllc ground where her tears had fallen and immediately the place was white with Christmas roses whi the maid gathered and laid in the manger The chrysanthemiiir is said to appeared lirst on Christmas or the lllanger as sign to lse Men that they had ieacll ed the spot where in star llltl hidden them Cu oil the end the trunk dincollally at least one inch Elbt the mic cut This will expose mois surface which will absorb wa Stand the trunk of the tree in water at once and it it is not to be taken into the house for se ral day keep it in cool place comes the time when he begi suspect th the various beuhisk on so numerous ing tl are not the real Santa Claus Wise cuts advance the helper theory Soon as they are asked question3 and teach their children to make the Christmas dreams of less for tunate tots and theirfamiliescome true Thus the real Santa Claus isnt $S$$SlSS$SKSSSSSSS$$$1S$b$3lSbS$$$ Magi Were Priests Oi Persian Religion Lnnc allrut llw lot aboui lllt the Main The Magi ancicill Persian lcliclnn calaxi 7lltlugtllllilllgtlll llla Elect1 lielol lilll Herodotus sites may Tillll abh accoilnt of them and wit lrllliicnci iii ll society which cm cd our hundlcd cars ltfhli llllsls billll Accoiding to Herodotus the Magi piitlllli lll pilhlic and pin ale Minus The conducted til education ot the young pliilic and Ill lll co till Ulhlldllllt upon thc king as counsellors lhn dcscliptioi of Maori ap pears ill the sacred llllllt ol Zolo aster Thou lluultlt tLlll hull lltsl who its the whole nil llllll and yearns tor holy wisdol lllrlt tllilllt= man to stand ilpol lllilll lilltiitc lcailvss and will happy lltilll the illloin lllltl lli Jillilllls lll holy gllal eloilom Wullll ol parluhn liilt lllllt llti or Wise Veil will roundmi llli ol liclli ileiu and llllllliilll tillln ut amid llll lttllst illll myrrh to lln tllrlsl child ltlllllll ilulllcliss bu they were the lilsl to litiltlllllt lll lillpoilancc ol the birth ill 13 Mine of Peace SecrEzt Eett By St Nicholas The story of how St Nicholas by came lciatcd with secret pill llll and ttl today tulll cl tlll at lllizht to lcllvc his Illth ellls is one of the most important ill the history ol his lilo Once upon llllli there was mall with three daughters all of them wishing to marry but with no dowry lolthcolllilliz Sorry ill lectl was their plight Their las tller had about dccidcd lo sll then lves bill the court St Nichol is heard of it alld lilling purse with cold went quietly by lllltlll to llltll home Secure window open it throw ill the but ol gold and HIV lllt away ill the night This llliltltilllllllltl the eldest dauuhli to ma second and third time St Nicholas made the trip and linally zlll three daughter were married Alter the Saints lllird trip llli girls father who had liren watch ing to sec who iii the eillx rail alter St Nichol llld thanked him or his kindniss St Nichole made lliln proillise not to divulge nriteivini and alter that be deposited his presents secretly that no one ever saw llllll Yet people knew somellov that was he who brought gills dillillj the night alld so whenever they found package mysteriously dc livered they instantly exclaimed St Nicholas has brought it 0066iiniWdixctilxtmtxtitiiiwi To all our Friends and them WE WISH MERRY CHRlSlM5 gtl PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR JACK DYLK lllls HAZEL ASKEW HAROLD HENRY tlIll ELRICK OWEN Slltlilil BAKth autumnminimiseimmnnausnmzsmemmmamnmthrill iiccvw Ijclp Ihhuhhhhhlhhhwlhll KCWKKML LCCCcitililitt tfi 1ztreesrwzmbrcizizazb mauve To Our Friends and Patrons WE EXTEND BEST SHES for CI MERRY CHRISTMAS Mdy the Spirit of Christmas its Prevail throughout the New Year Wihhhilhhnh ilCM Ii NT AND STAFF KEENANS MUSIC srorr hhhikkPRWLRZWE LElriBJJJJJA1Inr3i333ty13342 MHESRBWQE litlllittltii To our many Heads and pat rons ill town and coillltr extend sincere thanks for your substantial support luringr our first ar ill busilless and wish to you all very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 1950 lunisiil Packers ERNEST JONES TED JONES WXXVSXWXWXXX$$SSxfmSsSSSSSSS333VSS $$$ just myth or legend Heyis the Spirit of Christmas who lives in gt the sparkling eyes rot children and in thehearts of all grownupswho strive for peace and good wrll among men oiy to you at hrislmas and may the coming yecr ring you much uppiness