Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1949, p. 1

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Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY birth Yearw No 91 Three Section 32 PAGES BC per copy AUIMORllEO ECOND CLASS 111E 51 UH Planning ByLaw Hearing Monday For Vespra Twp Bylaw No 1000 rcuulatiut and restricting location and use of buildings and use of land iii Ves pra Township was considered at an Ontario Itiltmicipal Board hearing in the county council chambers at Barrie on Monday and adjourned uptil Thursday Dec 22 WIICIIJII will be consider ed again in the boards offices in Toronto About 115 citizens of the town ship were present with township council at the hearing which was presided over by Coutts township clerk acting at request of the municipal board Introduced by the township on Nov the bylaw is before the board for approyal of clauses which come under jurisdiction of the board These clauses are mostly concerning buildings in rclatiorrto lot lines Although the Georgian Bay region of the Hydro Electric Pow er Commission rcqucsted exemp tion from the restrictions of the bylaw there were no serious ob jections to the actual clauses Some Angle Parking In Collingwood Collingwood EnterpriseBillletinl After priding ourselves on our wide main street which provides for angle parking the Owen Sound SunTimes comes tip with the dis covery that angle parking accounts for onethird more accidents ac cording tosomc statistician So far we appear to be lucky in this re gard very few occurring here lt TUESDAY DEC 27 TUESDAY JAN NOT HOLIDAYS HERE Tuesday December 27 and Tuesday January will not be public holidays in Barrie At the town council meet ing last Monday Aid Ayres said some of the merchants wanted clarification of the holidays The bylaw as passed at previous council meeting pro claimed Monday Dec 26 and Monday Jan ascivicfholir days The councillors thought that if dame of the merchants wished to remain closed on Dec 21 fthat was forthem to decide but Tuesday will not be civic holiday in Barrie With 17 candidates qualied for six council seats only two new councillors were elected at the civic elections at Alliston Monday The two new councillors are AThompson who isuan account ant with construction rm and newcomer to Alliston last April and Dr Anderson who came to the town in 1947 ReLelected were Whltesidel Dr Smockum Williams andD Wilson Pregiously electediebykacelama tion were Cunningham as mayor and Mackenzie Beattte as reeve Hackett wasthe only coun cillor unseated in the eleqtgions daince Bowen the other coun location of changes were noted for consider ation of the municipal board llcrapath representing the RFC asked for exemption oil the grounds that the HEPC is nonprofit public service whose ilincs and building requirements might be hampered in the future by restrictions of the bylaw He pointed out that the commission does not anticipate difficulties from the restrictions but would desire to be free of the regulations in event of unforcsccablc circum stauces Ferguson manager of the Georgian Bay Region of the lIEPC was present with Mr Herapalh Tile commissions request was lo be considered further by the board Clauses already approved by the council total eight and seven are being considered by the board ilwo other clauses deal with pen alties for infractions of the by llaw Clauses approved by council cover character specifications and bulk of buildings Township representative at the hearing was Rowe of Barrie Although this is little late ex tcept for lastminute gift sugges tions it is nottoo close to Christlt tinas to comment on the variety that local stores offered the Christmas shopper this year With just two more shopping days left until Christmas he should be sit iting back comfortably with the thought that all his shopping wor ries are over for another year Just in case however you are oneof those shoppers who feel that gifts are something that lshould be matched up at the last lmoment here is round up of what can be found on the local main street without much farther than two orthree blocks Men are proverbially the hard est Ones to buy for but the mens clothing and tobacconist not to answered problems Very neatly this year The clothing stores NewCounoillOrS Alliston leillor vacating this year did not run About 63 per cent of the voters least ballots Number of voters was 729 Mr Whiteside led with 436 and was followed by Dr Smoc kum with 390 Mr Williams with 295 and M1 Wilson with281 The elections climaxed civic situation that reduired two nom inations At the rst nomination 11 wcrenamed nine did not quali fy and the other two withdrew leaving no one qualied At the second nomination 24 were nomin ated 18 qualied and one with drew Of the 11 nominated the rst time nine were named at the second meeting and qualied MayonW Hunter was nominated for council at the sacond meeting but did not qualify travelling mention the Iocaldrug stores have IAIL int LUAttllinl OIIAHA Zone Commander MocLaren Walls George Codogon Vince Farr Jone Hinds George Storey Flora Morrison Mildred McKenzie Joyce Irwin Norma Ellis Morton Gough CHRISTMAS is the most wonderful time DI the your and receivingo time of joy and good cltcero time when the spirit BARRIE ONTARIO CANitch THURSDAY DECEMBER 22 1949 ggfgfi g3f3gg diiilhttill The Staff of The Barrie Tomlmsort Cluttick Brockwell George HIII Walter Stubbirigs Llew Beaver Samuel Green Arthur Hopson Alvin Hoffman Cormon Dollety Doris Lambert Paul Irwut IENBER AUDII BUREAU Ns Section IPoges to EEkCLLAIiO Examiner 311 II 111 lltll Cooper Slutthy ilitllfll Halli ii ll1 IilIitlllgtL llrv Ntiltcr 1511bb Morrison Itrcrl Shepherd ertcsl Barnes Jock Keriicy WIIIICI Curlogan IIUI Prince Ronald Davies lxoy Gillespie Joltu Slicdden Robert Hammer time of givtug of goodwill fills mens souls wo time to extend sincere wishes for health happiness and prosperityto soy simply and sincerely the oldloshion cd but tried and truemMERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL toslnuzp hat to in iltilllvill lit 1111 lwii 1tu lllliltfv Smith 11 lilockwcll ttvlli IN 1t itit WHtiwl in ut ttklhlill hall at lIWlmlilll to In livl Illtllti wt iHrliy llltllliild Lli but l=i nations to lllllllitlllh toxin 11 liil on Monday 1tlitU ltxIi1 3le nowling no lawn Salli Similnlc litl1 lt tti ilili Iou iz 111mm lloliillihic we uttlli AIIlUliI tgt itlltl litptlly tliHll 1111110 tutu V111 thliill lo rtiiuw islls lilill 111 litliu ttltllilll pir lLail Itlklitlltlrtll 11ltkllt valil Wolicr VI tr Ilvili illtl tn in tulzticz 1111 xtiotltrw Urltlpinli illpill llll lit1 Iiililliltlliliili lititl Sci 1111 Norman Stutltlzu countiiion tltv Inititw liunrx ItlY Wootl deputy new otli lllllt titomn Wilkinson and llaiu lvtuotk councillors Sltliltltlulo 1twiclwy terry llulc illplith Illf ll llolacv illpln null lohn lloit councillois Flo Mirltllctou ltlVt 11 Archer deputy rotw Iolin lauubio Ritchie and Wicltliun councillors MKlillllt if11 Millii rtwvi Fisher 1111111111 deputy IttVI hzu Its Silc Aliali Stewart and an itli Vagina Nominations Friday But Others To Be HeIdMM onday Essa Will Vote On School Area Plan laundry ttltztlf 11111 in unit til iititlllgt plcstit tltl link of 5111111 ii IlilI attended tin Ill pulpth Ill ctlli li tin lllll1ltls rltollly tlUSiIILl litilltili1 illli dwtlliin tilltltivti to be liver 1111111 tlillClllltilh lilildtl ll accord III ilit Dc Angus mi 11201 tlmml ii iii iil trilll 11 it i=uittou 1111 i=1 llkIIIIl It phscrl to my tint lltlr ol 1lgt1 ltiwnsiiur llit Hilliilviliil ot tltcnlng by bal lot or Ittll 111111 itrx It with mining urni iii lmunsliip School Zllt oz olln lztcciyn chartered account 1111 Wm appoinllrl to audit ll lriJslisliip tthillci books for His Nor illiil io llr tIcarurcrs o1 Iournsinp School Area for the slim 4111 uittu 11 $5111 lltlllilllili ls passed giving 111 lottusliip School Board 111 1iilll of giving rcptirt on llltlll Iiltlll on nouunzltion day ltcfoic ciitciinr on township zill ilis lliw ltlli was instructed to pitttllllt any one according to law who ciccls or moves any building into 1111 township without build 11111 ptitiill The clerk was instructed to in Council Gives Arena Skating Sensations 11 Orr councillors in owmlllp clerks Thomas Smith Mctloutt km Suuuirlztlc Fins ltoinlisoti Jill enlislrltlttl outls Vcspia ll llltlliopt Oro No 1112111 oxwortii Essa llcrbeit lim lAnother $257459 lDiscuss Insurance ROBERT BIBBY Canadian Leg ion zonc commander installed of fiecrs for 1950 at Branch 147 Bar rie on Monday In his duties as zone commander Mr Bibby has installations to perform at three other Legions in this mine He will conduct the installation Jan at Oriilia and later will go to Coldwatcr amt Waubaushenc for ceremonies at those points An installation Jan at Angus will be conducted by Del Cole secre ttary to the zone commander lStores Have Had Wider Variety This Christmas Last Minute Gift Ideas have offered wider variety of shirts particularly in popular pastel tints and seem in no danger of running0utlllool lens show considerable improve ment over other postwar years particularly with the British seek ing Canadian market and con siderable drop in British prices Leather goods playing cards cribbage cards combination humi dors and pipe holders cigars ci garettes tin the attractive flat 50 Christmas wrapped package if you are lucky enough to get in early and grab up some of the gift stock which is limited this year due to the lithographers strike tobacco and cigarettelighters Drug stores offer almostas com plete line of grooming aids for men as for women Particularly noticeable on local drug and cos metic counters this year is the Christmasgift packaging which in the womens line includes fanciful snowhien miniature papier machc Christmas bells and even huge wax Yule candle per fume container with no extra cost for the extra trimming Otherlastminute gift sugges tions for men to be found right tip to the late hoursof Christmas shopping might be found in the jewellery stores which are show ing particularly fine assortments of watches rings and other note worthy items suitable for men priced without any 25 per cent luxury tax Luggage prices too have shown marked decrease with Mr Ab botts early gift of tax removal The enormous assortment in these lines ths Christmas makes it difficult to allow any particu lar trend in male gift buying ex eept to notice that scarcity is word almost utilised this yearn ex cept perhaps toIastminute shop pers Even that does not seem probable with theheavy stocking up that most of our storekeepers have indulged in ydue perhaps to the earlygshopping trend brought on by the November cold spell Turn to page ve please the newly Admission 50c The town council last Monday night decided to give the Arena Commission the extra 9257159 rc quircd to pay the balance on the renovations to the building The council also decided to Cooperate with the Arena Commission in the matter of insurance on the build mg The Arena Commission had askstalranged for Wednesday and tiicl ed for $131000 to pay for the cnv largemcnt of the arena However the sale of the debentures brought $257459 less titan the required amount Aid Pugh and Aid Ayrcs intro duced motion recommending that the town provide the requir ed $257459 for the Arena C0111 mission Ald Fralick referred to the re port that had been requested from the Arena Commission and asked when it would be forthcoming The Mayor said it would be avail able at the endof the year Aid Currie suggested that the council could deal with the matter after the arena report had been receiv ed Ald Corbett member of the arena commission said it was not yet possible to get proper fig ures on the operation of the arena He added that an auditors report would be available later Referring to the amount of COMING EVENTS Dance Orange Hall Allandale every Friday night Admission 50c Lunelozsctounter Good music 91 Dance at Baxter Friday Dec 30 to the music of Paxtons or estra Dancing from 930 to 130 8tfth Bingo and draw at LTB Hall under LOL No 3166 High 81 Dec 23 830 p111 91b The Christmas Youth for Christ Rally will be held in Central UiJ ited Church Tuesday Dec 27 at p111 89911 Christmas dance Craighurst Hall Friday night Dec 23 Ad mission 500 Lucky draw prizes Lunch counter 91b Choir concert Stroud United Church Friday Dec 23 pm Admission 50c and 25c Christ mas cantata and other art ists 909lp Holiday dance Tuesday Dec 27Ia sprinkler system An engineer diphtheria toxoidv Churchill Hall BEattys orchestra Auspices Churchill Womens In stitute Lunch provided Admis SIUIIIISUCE 91b lye haveallcys for open bowling ev ry afternoon and evening from Dec 22 to Jan Phone 9008 for lreserVations Dicks Bowling Academy 9192pT New Years Eve dance Stroud Community Hall gt Saturday Dec 31 830 pm auspices Hall Board Mulholland orchestra Admission 75c Lunch counter 9192p Lefroy United Church concert cantata Chimesrof the Holy Night by St James Choir Stroud and added artists Wednesday Dec 28 at pm Admission 35c and 15c 9091b Dance to Norm Beurling and His Kings Men Beeton Memorial Hall Christmas dances Friday Dec 23 New Years dance Mon day Jan with special added attractions for these occas ions gt 9192bT Ivy on Dec 23 is changed to Wed nesday Dec 28 which is Ivys Christmas dance Everyone come mense hall Dancing tolthat ever popular band the Strand Moun taineers Good lunch counts 8939091 $115743 Alrl Corbett said it was In moral obligation on the council lilo asked if it was fair to expect the arena to meet obligations fl the council didnt meet its obliga1 tiUiiS Altl Ayrcs 21 member of llie taicna commission said filial in Ispcclion of the building was being money was required to pay the ac icounts which would then be due Aid Christie said the $2500 was an oversight on the part of this years council andsincc the money Iliadlo be paid there was no use ptlttlllg the responsibility on next tycars counctl Reeve Hart chairman of fini ance said it was being thrown back on the finance committee He emphasized that the finance committee had made arrangements for $131000 to be raised on 15 year debentures However he added someone other than the fin ance committee interfered and made the debentures 20 years He explained that had the debentures been for 15 years the amount would have been very close to the $131000 required Ald Fralick said the matter had never been properly explained to the council He added that airyE one borrowing money took count and this should have oeen cxplaincdtothc council when the debentures were being issued After some further tliemotion presented by Ald Pugh and Aid Ayrcswas carried with majority vote Arena Insurance The subject of the arena insur ance was introduced when Aid Ayres presented motion to have the arena included with the other town insurance William Malconisotl insurance broker for the municipality was present to explain the insurance and answer questions He said it would be better arrangement to include the arena with the other town insurance The present town rate Mr Mal comson explained was 56 cents but the arena rate would be prob ably $425 This would be on 51000 for three years When it was asked how the arena rate could be reduced Mr Malcomsonsaid there was only ionepossible wayand that was by was going to make report on this andthen the arena commis sioners could estimate What sav ing could be made byhaving sprinklersystem Aid Wilsonv Mayorelect for 1950 said he thought the arena should beinsuredtbut he felt the arenacommission should bear the cost Turn to page six please gt ExaminerBroadcast Music 430 to pm onDecernber 25 dis discussion duced Final Regular Meeting lvcstigalt llur circumslanccs of Nolun lilllt it lIlingrovc and ii litttgtll have him placcd ill the old ptoplcs home at llccton Council adjourned to meet in oolistowii on 11cc 15 COXWORTII Clerk lOE Barrie Council 1949 BARBARA ANN SCOTTS Olym pic demonstration hcr Teddy Bear antics and the beautiful Because and Wings of Song will be part of her featured performances in Skating Sensations of 1950 which will appear at the Barrie Arena 011 Jan 18 and 19 Christmas Section Included in Todays Regular Edition Todays issue is the annual Christmas edition of The Bar rie Examincro It is publish cd in three sections First two sections pages 18 916 are the standard size containing all the usual news and features carried by this newspaper tScction three is printed in tabloid format of 16 uages and is included in the regular is sue The tabloid scctionmar rics Christmas greetings from business firms along with fea ture Christmas and holiday articles Included in that sec tion also are several budgets of country correspondence also reports of Sunday School Christmas concerts Immunization Wor Timetables of the Simcoe Couli tys health units immunization program age working out well now that all localities are on standard time states Dr Scott head of the unit in his re port for November During the month second and third doses of protective vaccine were administered and in few centres new series was intro for total of 6942 injec The program includes tetanus lock jawl toxoid whopping cough vac cine and vaccination against small pox The following doctors have been employed to take care oftpwns in connection with Dr Hall Coldwater Dr McKen zie Victoria Harbor Dr McPhee Porf McNicoll Dr Corcoran Elm vaIe Dr EIves Stayner Dr GrahamCreemore tions From 430 to pm on Christmas Day sunday December 25 The Barrie Examiner will broadcast program of ChriSt mas music over CKBB This specialprogram will Include songs from Englandand Wales with carols and anthems ranging from the chorlsters of Durham Cathedral to the choir of avillagechurch in Wilt shlrc from group of work people singing at Birmingham in The usualFday night dance at therMidtands to the West Country Singers in Cornwall from theJBBC Singers to Welsthhoir singing in their own tongue Many of these carols have been familiar forcenturies All and may themselves in Ivys im of them are associated with the spirit at Christmas We are surethe readers of The Barrie Examiner will enjoy this program of Christmas music over CKBB from 430 to pm on Decembor25 gt amt4 4aeqcrm At 1111 linal regular 1110011112 oi the Barrie lown ouncll on MuttL day Deccmbcr i9 llis Worship Grant Mayor spokt of the mcu who would be retiring from tin council III tliankcrl 1110111 for their trfforis and said 111 wishcrl ncx years council cvcry ucccss lily every tllllllllt effort Mr Mayor recalled that he calm to Ralric in 1939 and one reason he became interested in the mull cil was because there was no buli ing beach along the shore He was pleased this was now reality lot of progress has been made in nine years said the Mayor Il icierring to the time he had spent on the council Aid llambly spoke of llllSUCCCSM ful efforts made in 1922 to start at park where the bathing beach iS of Ilit Itlltv ltls lttlt progress Fill tlly he gtIlill Dont pull chest 111115 out of 1111 lirc for anyonc Aid urric retiring merit lll of the council expressed at preciation to the Mayor and spolzc good relations among the councillors llc pointed out that although the debate around the crunch innits sometimes heal cd all were on good terms as soon caving 1111 Council chamber lit enjoyed the friendly relation that existed among the councillors Aid iraliek another member of council who will not be serving in 1950 spoke of Grant Mayor as one of the most aggressive mayors Barrie had had in some years He also thought Edwin Wilson would be good Inayor Aid William Merrick spoke of his term on the town council and now IOCHICd HF had 1300 Chlsaid he wislicd other young men man if 21 Wmmlllec that we Icould have similar experience fore council and asked for $210 but Reformbe 10 the vote against pm he recalled Mayor Bennett ridicul ing the idea and suggesting the land would never be anything but 1Wth swamp The retiring Mayor suggested tliL town should be able to acquire certain crown lands along the lake shore in 1950 Speaking of assess ments he said there would be big increase Aid Corbett who Tvill not be on the council in 1950 congratulatcd itiding niincy for the town band he Dillliictl out that many had not He hoped that grant would beniade to the band in Jan uary Aid Merrick said the band thud held meeting and decided ito carry on in spite of the unfavor able vote Replying to Aid Merrick the IMayor said he understood the Jay cecsrrwcre going to send members to council meetings and he hoped the successful candidates and add4 them would be other Jayeee 161 ed Dont let it be year of aus Joseph Turn to page live please Jewe111 Installed Head of Legion For 1950 Legion President the program Joseph Jewell was installed as president for 1950 at the regular meeting of the Canadian Legion Branch 147 Barrie He was secre tary of the Legion in 1949 MIchwcll and other officers were installed by Zone Command er Robert Bibby after reports for the year were heard from the various committees Installed as first and vicepresidents were and William FlemmingExecutivc officers installed were Larry Maves Kennth Houghton Arthur Gable Albert Sullivan and Lloyd Bristow Treasurer and secretary are to be appointed by the execui tive Acting as sergeantatarms for theceremonywas Thomas Burton Inthat post for 1950 will be Wit1 11am calvert with NorberLMbran as assistant Chaplain of the Legion is Rev deP Wrightof Trinity Anglican Church The meeting began with the 1949 president Alfred liar ris in the chair Mr Bibby took second over forthe installation and fin JOSEPH JEWELL secretary in 1949 was installed as president for 1950 of the Canadian Leglqn Branchlil Barrie at the meeting Monday Mr Jewell was chair man the Poppy Campaiftn Joins mlttee In 194849 and lhlsyear was also second vicepresident and chairman of the ways andmeansi irieve ally Mr Jewell took the chair to terminate the meeting Short addresses were delivered by the former and new presi dents Mr Bibby thencwexecu live and sergeantsavatars THE GOOD OLD DAYS hrs smash information tw Item committee He came to Barjbaskt after discharge from the 1946 to take his present employ ment with the Wartime Prices and Trade Board Both be and his wife Mary are from Lornev ville near Lindsay Ontario when members or St Andrews ltresby Church in Bartlo their parents reside Thcy arc A1 Millican

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