Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1949, p. 8

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uhanv ill will ill Eh sh vc ugss u0lloauty NM hne Rhinitistle will hold 301 119 Nurse Weds leir annua ristlw at gthe home of their preddgfyn Elmvale Doom it In 9d man cloves and other spices which 13 then3 De 13 In adults that theva his nose on entering the bib iRObimo WM 1550 to remember vividly then on day when mother isiio the dub when ram Dom or beauty which de pickling The satisfying smell and monthly Wins PI them In their childhood color and taste of big red apple Ewing Cmumy 30 wanna Im Itching mil son or daughter this is unsure indeed to youngl Mrs Inlet AW 83 sireta limo be than go back into the star at the Thursday evening meeting 21 In imagimuon and rcvl pan of the job beinga meme and told of her summer trip to nqu m4 and the 10 00m my 0f for dad is to enter into chadleumpe With her daughter Mn Que new Ktchscnl In one thh they pCkea enjoyment the moment when iAamms was very much en er 0m my Shell child biLkS to share his pleasurelwed the member WM IMWWIgihg 3113 the tantalizing odor of fresh bread mm parent other day Also on the program and intrd it 3an gmym when the Invest had just beenrc med mm mm She may fel duccd by the program converter Route the maniacs mOWd from the en bnght her work is never done but she Mm 00 Tmumon cm gt reds and golds and timbers of the Should mu be mm to up for William Little who sang several Wat autumn trees may remind them of mamm Wm hexChild comes vocal selections accompanied at Emim azcieeomer and me the scarlet maple which grew in running an excited mm the piano by her sister Mrs G02 mm my NM their back yard the good smell of some new dmnww If momnr don Roach mhyl singing The dry 9an the human scrumh will look or listen will touch or Mm 133350 wowed the mem Lon Fm before the term of underbm undgblm along rm ms m0 6ng denimng several souvenirs of Eu on and The YESIS woodland mu ls more than doubled opeall trip which she had brought Wb9mk 11 89 In 10 years before child ganglaloug to the meeting was van mag EALnzAsms hi lv About 35 members of the nuxihl by Mm limes She won Parents of Dreschool children bk Pamms can do mum Faizlr attended th November meet town of white chlon velvet and notice that little child is often 2LT will uid inn awarenllsx mling The president Mrs Robert than 3be pm tux filled with joy over something hwy mall 31115111 cherison 0pclicd the evening with the as 1m P3 Cour see ite lll 3MP in Midi of xx and mm mm muons fr Demon Siee slot our childNn Ire scionti ms qu lav nd comis to henshe tan take thclcu the velvet in the from and tuck Rel Dm goihrgmgxglrmg Mr um 59 initiativo and be on the alert forlKrtaf 23233 zigsiembypgs shirt had alternate panels ol lace Dl dimeg lost 51qu lover things which tltLY Curl cnjnyfl and velvet and she wor lace mit we may relome lh together In the ordiniry cventsiMaCAlllsml amele Mr tens Her Ion Com ne Pu woo WWW mas Veil of net and are used3011313 mm to are or 01 rainbow Another child inn mmpmmi km some Otipeople moss great distances and ed M41133 and She will mistownst Dr Dcnum Sleepers love the intrluin smell of my mud hearing Sum 5mm lmdlover minty obstacles mm Wm r0593 and mm practicalforbusy mothers Emlowers taste De mm for Chang Imam new When child goes mu may 13Atththc Cbilfstnifiiil pirtganone mt The mm of homrwmrs mm in and the lll the sandbox Mother can show ucborsmngntg their nial Eusfom KIan of Kitchenei and the protecting features of Dr Demon htowmnlgc Ithe sandrcels runEach 0f the ladies wul also bring bridesmaid Miss Sally McJannct Sleepers to Mg Shh of food to 1mm the ack 01 Toronto wore moire tatlctn can mm touch the velvet patchill can mg Or hms for Chmth wot gowns eicate orchid shade in in at $233323 gt draped The Famous vs as as CIBCS Killdcrgaltcn of the Air in 3131 bc8tlglmdi DR tlc morning there III II number canled bou nets of mums in white of programs which children enjoy and shaded qorchid tones Sleeping Garments youpgsmrs lovg Surfing mam Koppcrson of Kitchener nahhconado dle by Mm Mm Unit music especially if they can march was groomsmm and Richnrd Brr mound and keep melwith the den of Kitchener acted as when HamiltonConodu band Tim phonograph Sranotholr gunned by Sim can reception followed at the old source licosurc mot lcr wil Womens mantel gm mum to playing MOMS MR AND MRS JAMES DRUMMONI are pictured following their mm and 1st WlllCll are suitable for youngsters FOR HEALTH AND FUN Walks in the out of doors arc healthy and can be great fun for otll mother and child who are on the lookout for things to enjoy The changing colors of sunset the smell of dinner cooking on the stove the taste of fresh apple pic th many small delights there are for home folk Nature seems to compensate the individual whois handicapped by the loss of one of the senses by making the others function to al greater degree Or it may be that the blind or deaf person tries hard to Use the normal facilities which he has Let it never be said of us or of our children that we failed to appreciate and use the senses which the wise Creator has given to mankind Let us echo the poet John Keats words thing of beauty is joy 41017 mm gt Its loveliness increases it will never Pass into nothingness CHINESE CLOTH Nankeen cotton cloth of all miuauc peculiar yellow shade Was origin ally manufactured in Nanking hm WWW WNW China but has been imitated in other countries recent wedding in Collier Street Grounded Bed Spread Drummond of Barrie They are making their home here Miss Isabelle Neilly of Orillia formerly of Gilford has donated crotchctcd bed spread to the Musl cum the possession and handwork of relative of her mother This spread portrays the taste and Industry of the homemaker of an early period in our countys history when much of the comfort nlted Church Before her marriage Mrs Dmmmond was Miss Rena Margaret Madison daughter Mrs No 295 Clara Madison of Bank Her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs James the home of the grooms parents 150 Mill Street Kitchener Mrs Douglas mother of the bride received wearing grey crepe with panels of lace and mauve ltc gssorgls The grooms dmother and Auxiliary rs uerengcsscr assiste wear ing navy blue faille with matching Burton Avei ChurCh accessories Fortravelling the bride wore Hear MISS dress of winter white wool with matching hat and brown accessorc ies under muskrat coat and it corsage of yellow Sweetheart roses Miss Jean Holt missionary who has recently returned from China gave an interesting talk on her and beauty of the home depended on the skill of the homemaker Crochet derives its name from French word meaning little hook or crook Crotchet craft was made on the Continent only some four hundred years agoun der the title of Nuns Work be ing chiefly produced in the con vents from which the invention spread to Ireland and was taken up with enthusiasm long before it became fashionable work ill England During the great Irish potato famine the gentle women of the country taught lacemaking and marketed the work to enable the peasantry to gain meagre living It was at this time that Irish crotchet like most other Irish laces became national industry BCI Commencement Dance Held In Gym The annual graduation dance fol lowed commencement exercises at the collegiate institute on Friday evening The gym was decorpgch in the school colors with red black and white streamers and balloons Harry Rogers and an eigh piece student orchestroplayed for dancing for the students and grads and the stall and board members and their guests Members of the staff on the dance committee were Victor Knox who acted as master of ceremonies Miss Uriel Kelso Miss Hope Ronald Metealfe and Mario Giacomelll Diane Hill and committee com posed of Dagmar Grose Perry Cockbum Jim Fisher Jean Elrick Valerie Garner Wilma Lnnghurst Dorothy Hugill Diane Corruthets John Davis Jack GarnenBarhara Christie and Frances Hodges Members of the refreshment committee working 11mm Joyce Marshall were Gail Wilson Alberta Key Sandra McKinnon Shirley Geil Helen Nicholson and Barbara Mitchinson OLSTERING Widerauge of coveringmaterlals Telephone 43t410r an emulate $Awning 34Boyiie1d slv xxxxx Bill Hinton and Marg Winters were among the prize winners of the evening Hospital Aid Elect Mrs Frank Crodg To Head Ezecuve Mrs Frank Craig was president of the WomenfgHospital Aid at their regular iriotthly meet ing at thesaurustitty House onionsinto it then store ina daft Hello Homemakers Keep sup plies on hand for an impromptu afterthcgame supper Setveil hot and hearty meal in one dish such as cheese spaghetti creamed eggs on biscuits baked beans in cassor ole waflles and maple syrup cur ried rice with bacon or salmon burgers Many foods are now avail able in prepared mixes at reason able price the spaghetti is packaged with grated cheetie le dried eggs in this biscuit mlxiin boxes and then there is waffle mix bottled syrup instant rice canned sausages bread roll mix instant coffee and canned cream or eva porated milk Some of these foods require bak ing but even this does not prevnt having an amount already cooked for crowd if you have freezing space in the refrigerator for keep lug However if you have work ing space in the kitchen it is good thing to encourage the teen lagers to concoct their own refresh ments Sometimes the young folk will make very weak coee and enjoy it which is somethingtor which you would be chastized The most appreciated act is the oeryof assistance by two or three people in clearing and washing dishes TAKE TIP Follow the directionson pee paredmix packages explicitly Ityou use bottle of stingerr pickles save the juice and slice place for four to six weeksbefdre you serve as pickled onion rings Make carrot sticks and tuniip slivers by peeling and slicing p22 cilvsize then chill withouow or salt in Ia jar in the electric frigerator To blanche almonds pour ingwater over them and let stand five minut Drainand let nuts partially cool then squeeze of the skins Place nuts in slightlyfgreck led shallow pan and brown in pie On their return Dr and Mrs Quer engesser will make their home in Elmvale Outoftown guests at the wed ding included Dr and Mrs Duncan Corcoran of Elmvalc Mr and Mrs Kelth Bean Miss Norma Banting and Dr Cameron Hill of Barrie cured ham chops steaks etc If the meat is cut too thin much of its avor and character is lost and store them in the refrigera Dr and Mrs Arthur Egier of Lon tor The best way to serve hamdon Mr and Mrs George Francis cheese and peanut butter sand and Mr and Mrs Wellington 05 wiches for crowd is to toast them born of Mitchell Dr and Mrs all unttier the preheated broiling Treleaven of Palmerston Dr eemen Small amoUnt of apple saucelMts Louis Plot of Mllvertou Miss Elicia nlOEkt sandwmh makes it taswi fllloronto Mr and kEzfiiclhzgi ms Always use nicookie sheet otl Smml Rchimnd 3111 Rev and jelly roll sheet for biscuits scones IllIIYENEG smltih Rlcgvalf Jig and cookies as the result will be em an dmh even brownness on top and bottom Eachem 0f woo and MISS Dorryce Smelts of New Toronto THE QUESTION BOX bW Miss requests recipes for LONG WEARING doughnuts that do not have to be some leather EOOdS made by the rolled out ancient Egyptians Greeks He mLE MUGHNUTS brews ind Remains halve sugvivcd cups Sifted our for con times an are in goo con tsps baking powder dim today la tsp salt tsbsp melted shortening the electric element and stir in the Izup sugar marshmallows until they dissolve egg Yolk Cool and add vanilla then beat to 15 tsp vanilla the desired consistency tbsp orange rind Robinson of Stoney Creek 93 cup milk Lard for deep fat frying Sift =fiour with baking powder and salt Beat together thorough ly lard shortening sugar egg yolks vanilla and orange rind Add milk Stilt inthe dry ingredients until thoroughly mixed Drop batter by small Spoonfuls into deep hot fat at 360 degrees Fry until brown on one side then the other Makes about 18 doughnuts Mrs It requests recipe for FROSTING cups sugar 1A cirp milk tbsps butter squares chocolate tbsp corn syrup tsp vanilla marshmallows saucepansnd bolt to thesottball stage 23 degrees Remove frbm angles tugsifs Wim Mrs requests recipe for CHOCOLATE GINGERNUTS 15 cup shortening in cup molasses squares unsweetened chocolate 212 cups our 23cup sugar tsp baking powder 75 tsp baking soda tsp ginger 14 tsp salt 14 cup milk Combine shortening molasses and melted chocolate Sift together flour baking poyvder sugar soda ginger and salt add to rst mix ture Mix in the milk Well Chill uhtil rm in electric refrigerator Cut 011 in pieces about the size of your thumb roll peanut sh fglvlng them slight wrist in to centre Plaqe on glazed baking sheet page in electric oven at 40o degrees for minutes Makes 24 Anne Allan invitesyou to write to her co The Barrie Ennminer Send in your suggestionsoh homey making problems and watch ibis column fortreplies work in that Country at the Nov cmber meeting of the Womens Missionary Society of Burton Ave nue United Church The evening auxiliary of the church were guests of the society for the meeting Miss Holt showed picture slides President Mrs Bell prc sided at the joint meeting wor ship service ws conducted by Mrs Carder Mrs John Dobson sang 5010 The auxiliariy members had brought food to pack boxes for overseas socialvhour was en joyed following the meeting library Nooll As Christmas draws near read ing time formany people grows less and less Reading anthologies of short stories or essays is an ex cellent way of escaping for short time cm the problems of choos ing pr sents for aunts and cousins and balancing the budget Three new additions to the library seem made to order for this time of year The Family Reader is collection of pleasant stories of the nature of Rose Frankens Claudia stories EdWard Wagenlmecht one of our best anthologists presents The Fireside Book of Ghost Storg lealhe tales are divided under such headings as haunted rooms and houses killers and missioned spir its Even those who are familiar with all previous ghdstvanthologies will be delighted with this one for DrWagenknecht has made dis criminating selection for the work of authors such asde la Mare Sheridan Le Farm and Joseph Shearing bud even goes back to the Bible ChauCer and Addison The last anthology is 55 Short Stories From This New Yorker These storieswhich not only amuse but alsofleave something behindtd thinkabout have been acclaimed by critics as coming from the magazine printing the best short stories today Rem mended is Russell Maloneys story of tlie wealthy man whozs2ts out to prove experimcntolly whether six chimpanzees could by pound ing at typewriters reproduce till the books in the moonlit MAY BE OLDESI ms NOWGATE Man CP Mrs Helen McMillan and Mrs Harriet Day believed tube the oldest liv ing twins in Canada passed their 66th birthday recently brother William Fletcher marked his 80th birthday on the same date SCALLOP SOURCE The principal yield of Nova Sco tia scallops is from the beds of the Bay of Fundy off Digby as easily as an ordinary GEunAt7 elation You can wash it as easily and as oftenns any other nebljmketWiringsystem is completely insulated and watertight truesdryaltmmm sesucceeds MrsIHGfblewhowabpresb dent during the past year the mag successful year in thehistoryi of hospital aid Also e1 ted to themcu ve on Honeyzmcitaty Mrs ms iiitheisibhistiirynn Bantu ycwiggewmifgave

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