as High At Fair of nder calvas from slum Beef Calf Club lnjhe Kings Guinea Ibe H0331 Winter Fair II ill 3111qu bromine BLANKET All you need to do is switch on the Bedside Control few minutes before retiring your bed is warm and cosy when yo get in all and where and 194748 Holli use of the dealer present the starts On DUNLOP ST last years season withtr Louisville More somewhatqfiil terviewed bit rN marco has wrrl hes been cits your Ytrot scltiring1 pier Icourge Ieelection this season the freewheelvn of Balll take brand of Flyer sweater this season wit roster liilly thslreeve of the Ker1230 on itu lol Calf Club below an card Monday through Saturday except when Indicated 700 Early Bird Show until 90 713 Rural Roundup news pricrs 745 Regional Weather Report 750 Overnight Newscast 800 Bill llewltis Sports Roundup 805 Mon chFri Breakfast Fun 900 John Sturgess hymns ballads Saturday Screnadc 915 Radio Bandstand 930 1111 Plilzrdcls 94 lilt lillll tktrtu 1005 Morning Matincc Saturday Morning Special 1100 Christmas Chimes 1130 News from Womens World Saturday Story Book Organ Reverie5 Lunchmil Engagement till Full Markets choli Mldvil vas Regional cithcr Report Ilullctul Hoard 00 Furllicr Fmiurts Sui County Agricultural Rep 130 Navrttics on Parade Sui Iccnloun Rccord Bar 00 Fred Russclls omer Sui Melody Murryleouliltl 230 Holiday in Rhythm 3011 111911010 hllsililzis Tree Sui Melody McrryloRound 330 Mlduticrnoon Newscast 333 Rozid Report 313 llicsliiur 411001111 1330 300 Moll to Fri innalnon chir 515 Santa Claus 3311 Niwscus ifltltouniy Ilolir until 700 000 MollchFri Marching along Sui Ihiozigli Sports Glass 013 Ncws from World of Sports 630 Newscast 630 Rullctlil lluurd 65911cgionlil Wcutlicr Report 700 Eddy Arnold Show Sat Say it with Music 713 Songs of Our limcs Sui losc lllllllllillly 730 Milli ulllidu at Work luis All Time 1111 Parade ch Holland Today Iliur Wisiirli liit lurzidc lll lluligrr Diuth xii Work Sui llillsdzilc Rcvuc 745 Album Iiillc 1100 News 1105 Monch Rcildczvous Robbie iillll llcivs Iltillth Fri Huddy Clarke Show Sui lown Motting in Canada 815 Vcd Wally Perkins Thurs Local Talent Parade WM There were 118 calves entered in this show and all exhibitors were iwtnners of $20 prize money iwhite Kings Guineaslveziter and all expenses paid to the Royal iWinter Fair These boys and girs are all winners in their own right and this is The reason for thc pftlts The calves were judged by Pro lessor McEwan of the University of Manitoba They Were placed on group system within their own breed that is rst prize group sccnnd prize group and third prizc igiuup The number of winners in elch group was decided by the ijudgc according to the quality of like calves Within the first ptilc group the first five calves were lplaced first second third fourth and fifth South Simcoe Calf lllh won six lilSl prizes six second prizes and two third prizes Allan llouclliui of Newton Robinson placed second in class of 30 Henford siccrs Rllth Ireland of Everett liltcd ililrd in the same class while Don ild Vuncise of Stayncr placed fifth llat OIcary of LOrctto pluccd fourth iii class of 35 Abcrdcciv lAngus steers Ilicsc prizes wolf all in the first prize group and lwcll Barbara Kerr of Evcrctt Illltl George McCaguc of Allistun were also placcd iii the first prize group Those placed iii the second prizc group wcrc Gordon Rutherford oi Ihnrnton William Young of Stay ncr Charlic Ireland of Everett Allan McCrackcn of Evertit Eric Gullnughci of Evcrclt and Robert VVlktl Of Stayncr Wrny Mc Clackcn Of Everctt and Jean Or iock of Thornton placed in the third prizc group Following the ShOW thcsc calvcs were auctioned and perhaps 11w highlight of the show for the South Simcoc calves was Jcall Or rocks calf being sold for 50 ccnis pound The other ctilvcs from South Simcoc were sold from 35 ccnls to 391cents pound which fwas actually the average selling pricc for all the cattle entered in Eilie sale These Juniors ugrced they have had wonderful experience in club work this year On top of it all they had this experience at the Royal Winter Fair It is hopcri that in 1950 there will again be strong baby beef Calf Club in South Simcoe and that the boys and girls will again do as well as they have this year Any boys or girls between the ages of 12 and 21 years interested in taking part in lClUb work should contact their lAgricultural Representative so that they will not be overlooked when the clubs are organized in 1950 December Mr and Mrs Sandy Forbes of iKindcrsley are visiting the forni Icrs brother Forbes Dalston Womens Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon Dec at Oclock Roll call Christ mas Cookie Recipe Refreshment lcommittee Mrs Wood Mrs lJory Mrs Bob Handy There will be guest speaker Bullies Ill ilt 15 fl Barbara Wheeler lucs leyccc Guest Forum Vcd Armchair Quiz 830 Iiiur Egbert OiIdcridagArt iisi tlnicrvicwi 830 Fri Wayne King Show hr 845 Thur Ink Spots 900 Mon Father Doyle Address 900 Tucs Rendezvous Robbie Wed Hockey PlaybyPlay Thur Box 13 Fri Hockcy PlaybyPlay Sat Hayloft Party 930 Mon Frank Crcary Sings 930 Thur Rondezvous Robbie 1030 National News Summary 1040 Charlie Kunz at the Piano 1045 In the Chapel 11700 News Headlines 13 DALSTON Ex and ipfliuence 40 VETERAN UNIVERSITY The University of Naples found ed in 1224 by Frederick II is one of the oldest in Europe and is the largest university in Italy ll00000001 To The Electors of Barrie In aspiring to the office of Mayor do so because am concerned over Barries future believe that great care must be exercised to safeguard Barries financial standing consistent with its proper devel opment Our desire to see Barrie grow must becam pered with Sound business judgment if Barries strong financial position is to be maintained Strong courageous leadership from its Mayor and Council will assure this end feel that am qualified tofill this official have servedias representative of the Town of Barrie on IheBoard of Education fortwo years asAlderman f0 Ward during the years of 1945 and 1940 as Deputy Reeve during 1947 when was Traffic Com mittee Chairman and as Alderman for Ward again his year with the post of Chairman of the Property EDWIN WILSON 0st Friday Dec9fai 715 pm gbfmo00000L 8110 Moll Why DO You Worry 00ll00000u COURT NOTES SIX MONTHS man with criminal record dating back to 1927 and including two escapes from Guelph Reforma tory was convicted last week at Magistrates Court here on two charges of house breaking Ross Anderson no flxcd address was found guilty on tlihlgts insulting breaking into partmcnts above Armstrongs rliardwarc on Dunlap Street Nov iember 22 Cigarettes lighter case and other odds and ends from the apartments were found in his possession He was sentenced to six months ilclllllll and six months indefinite by Magistrate Foster Ktllll Davies described by pol thL as his partner was charged =NIlll vagrancy and remanded with instructions to leave the area Bernard Mailloux Riverside On lltiio was sentenced to one month on charge of passing bad cheque it the Queens Hotel in Barrie ANTENMILLS November 30 Jim Coughlitl Of Toronto visited ith the weekend at Frank Coughs Iins Wc are sorry to hear that Mrs Lalonde is ill in the RV Hos pital Barrie very pleasant day was enjoyed by your correspondent last Satur day when all correspondents were clitcriaincd to dinner and pictures in Community House Congratulations to Audrey Mar tin who recently received $35 as sccnnd prize in the Historical Ro StlllCll contcst also to Shirley Priest who on $15 in prizes for tlie weed essay contest They were both pupils of SS 11 School where Mrs Mctcalle is teacher Word was received recently of ilic dcatll of Robert Reynolds who passed away on Nov 10 at the home of his son Howard Reynolds 01 Mount Dennis Mr and Mrs lReynolds lived in this community for few years and left here about 15 years ago for Toronto The fun crzil was held on NOV 12 to Penc itang cemetery December Advertising Modem Type beauty parlor at Upper Darby Pennsylvania has posted sign in forming mate passersby Dont whistle at any girl leaving here it might be your grandmother Boys Club Meetings The Tuesday and Thursday meet ings of the Ferndale Boys Club were attended by an increased number of boys The business disr cusslon dealt chiefly with costs Of equipment and future plans How ard Grisdale who is taking an act ive interest in the boys arrived armed with wieners rolls burnt and several boys produced other necessities for typical boys feed Tea was breWed and the young fellows cleaned up to the last crumb It is hoped to install cook stove in thcplub room during the next lwo weeks few adult helpers Imay be required to move this from he house to the club room when lthe time arrives Aid to SellExpression This title may or may not be ithe reason why several Ferndale school boys attended the hockey lgame between Barrie and Strais fordlast Wednesday It is under4 stood that Miss Storey teacher at Pine Grove School which the sen ior Ferndale boys attend set the boys the taSk of writing descrip tion of hockey game with view to ascertaining which ofthe boys could write short account good enough for publication in newsi paper Written self expresion is usually more uent when the sub ject matter is of special interest t0 have brought good results Reply to Critic Democracy is that which abhors dictators it allows freedom of thought and expression of Ideas Ideas are formed in the mind which iseither living organism in which ideas and thoughts change and grow enlarging into new ideas or it is dusty lumber room which ideas are stored up in fixe beliefs and tagged Do not dist turb Many people hold to beliefs which they never question them5 selves nor allow others to qustiom the boy or girl The idea should Yet the mOrestIongly one holds to WADE Found guilty of essault in con nection with the beating of Orval McArthur in his home at Guthrie November two men were sen tenced to two months in jail Dy Magistrate Poster at Mastsl traies Court Barrie an Wedneu day November 80 About 50 peai pie were present at coult MAGan Jail Sentences For Two for Beating At Guthrie and his face was bloody Mr Jew may said Mrs Robins said the beating petered out after she spoke loudly to the men and that McArthur was able to get out of the room into bathroom The men were picked up by Con stables Jordan and Shepherd Tile me Awe R3th 5011111 35rfof the OPP and brought to Barric 53W 51300 Open at GUlhl for questioning Validity of evido rte and father of two young boys1 ence of incriminating statements and his brothertnlaw canard Bralthwaite 28 single of Toronto The court was told by Prosecutor Thompson KC crown tit mmey that Braithwaite was fourthtime offender having served Sentences on several other counts Story of brutal heating was related by the prosecutor afici witnesses were heard He told the court in his opinion the men had gone to McArthurs home intending to administer heating for non payment of debt they said he owed Smith for mechanical work McArthur flatly denied owing Smith any money Evidence brought out he had paid money to Smith recently and considered pay ment had been made in full 1l though Smith differed and would not fender receipt for flill payl meni Witnesscs told how Smith and Braiihwuiic called while the Mc Arthurs and three young children were at supper and were invited in by Mrs McArthur When her husband refused to go outside and talk there at Braith waitcs suggestion Braithwaite struck him several times cvcnlu ally knocking him over the chair Mrs McAribur said Then with vile language the two men began to beat up her hus band who tried to protect himself Mrs McArtllur testified It was the most obscene gllagc Ive ever heard in my life Mrs Grace Robins landlady and occupant of the adjoining apart ment said when shc testified Shc identified Smiths as onc of the voices She said she was called by one of the McArihur children who was running about terrified and saidl when she entered the room Smith and Braithwaite were crouched over McArthur Who was lying on inn the floor in corner his face mark ed in terrible condition She said the room was shambles with food all over the floor and fruit stains which she mistook for blood on the walls and ceiling Although Smith claimed McAr thur angered him by kicking him In the shins early in the incident both McArthur and his wife claim ed he only tried to protect himi self Ernest Nanbury and Jermey who arrived at the house shortly after the affray said when they entered Braithwaite picked up stove lifter and at their question told them with curses Ill soon of McArthurs eyes was swollen We Exte Best Wishes to Cathy Motors Ltd We are proud to have installed the wiring and Fluorescent Fix lures in this new Building as Tiliin heard by Cons Shepherd after the men were taken into custody was contested by John Woods KC defence but the evidence was al lowed by the magistrate When Smith testified he said Mc Arthur Was mildly hostile when he asked about the alleged debt He said there were words and Braithwaite slapped McArtllurs face and tight started He tried to breakii up Smith said and re ceived kick in the shins from Mc Arthur and he admitted striking McAr thur several times McArthur and his wife testified he was kicked and struck with fists as he lay on the oor but both uccu denied this They said Braitiwaite struck him after he told Braithwaite the matter was none of his business call this case of it man beinu adminisicred brutal beating Mr Thompson told Braithwuitc when he took the stand Braith waiic admitted the men had gone about collecting the alleged debt in the wrong way He denied hav ing struck Mrs McArthur as she claimed in her evidence He said he pushed her away from the light Mrs McArthur had claimcd shc was knocked over Chestereld chair Several other witnesses called included Dr Gray Barrie physician who described his treat ment of McArthuls wounds In passing sentence Magistrate Foster said it was an offence that must be marked to protect other alleged debtors from violence There were legal ways of collecting debts he pointed out The two accused and one witness testied they had consumed some beer in Barrie before the incident but McArthur swore they appeared normal and were not drunk when they arrived at his house Half MilliOn Trees Planted Here 1949 Well over half million trees were planted in Simcoe County reforestation areas in 1949 The gure givento county coun cil last week by the special Ie forcslation committee was 634050 iDrury Forest received 194900 trees and Angus forest 135300 Other gures given were Hendric forest 129000 Wildman forest 117850 and Orr Lakeforest 57 000 The trees are mostly of the ever show you whats gomg on One green species including great number of several kinds of pine ncl Perrylilelillic 13103537 335 VWislieE This angered him he said MONDAY DECEMBER 1949 MCOE SERVICES mmcr Co Op BARBIE If its mill you went at the lowest cost of production heres your food Most will per dollar ofveat what you get when you feed graft uric 1696 Dairy Ration Vou can judge for youmlf before you buy become tile complete open formula is on to Com mm ample luppr STAN EXELL $0118 YOUR CEMENT CONTRACTOR Extends CONGRATULATIONS to CORBY MOTORS LTD UPON THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW ===Io=om==a cinematic h=o=o UNIthe canal of