MONDAY 133an im mums UNlARlO mam NMW cI II quarre constantly destructive Mmdohnson Gives Leadership mi amt theoch may Em om====a=oi==== one AI are trying to make him selldlrecb re oo utdance up and commit This In or or parent needs to keep his or her mind on what he or she is le ryinx to achieve for the child if course of lectures and discuss tion by those in the group The This Wm ma one more 0539011 In Suwanee tnd devlPllmnzemem the play area At the final session oi the co 31 mm Prewllool chth won choice of Play equipment for both various problems acted by the Summer County Rec indoor and outdoor play were gone ti 5y GEORGE STOREY new Comm ursery play school and home sit out Action nations were discuss hlch arise in nee in Cooperation with th in detail ed Some of IWlNDSUR DEC Playingi community pro ram lt Llell tilld branch or the do artmem urged summln up this part of th these were concerned about Chlld Ifmf nu nlihLs Iilf nd 10IBuL Flers wm hnson ren who hurt others chllde cation held at lhe home of r8 said that ill bid wd by one department of unlinklngn 51 Simpson Thornton men Striplay box it was for femlaiiifgtlfnifnHunting Zflu sxrgame wm streak boasted at ly AIternoon and evenln low it eyery ac Vlty was ill Ins IbI II II were held every day mist the child level that ISUpervisfon possessmns temper tantrums ctc ftijmftjsl II II 530 pin and to 930bm was unobtrusive and that the Ways of dealing with these were isciioduicd lunior xix calla Mm Johnson of 1m institule Egomgkzagutspttllt enough brought om and made Cletu ljniiiis hurlng dcmons of file lOEi ml fChild Stud To Ver in ran 08iivelead EV upstt whooping planb or DO il Mr chance at ames use of la ALUATON or COLRSE enm to his con II II II weaiii art experiifcngnf equiltrnerit etc AI IIIIS SISSIOIII IIIOI an evaIIIIIIIOII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII gIIaIIIbIIIg IIIIo WISH TO INFORM YOU OF standing With her Much of herionONAL DEVELOPMENT W59 was Mid and those tiuii animal tlicmtslid igfibdac experience was based the presem agreed It had been ndings of research carrlegoon ll Ifmoltons and thc emotiontn dc outstanding in interest and worth itlhffif I100 bad the game regardlng Homogenlzed the experimental nursery school 09ml 9th Children Those registered or mis course Ill Ned thert Enims the institute of child study nd lle importance in the childs were Mrs Violet chtch Mrs it out ildtc lcft tilt Border City learning DroccSS were Slutiled Beleskey Mrs are and pom it Joyous mood so would have AGES TWO To FIVE Fear jealousy and anger as wall Halllpel from Barrie MrsJ Sim rs Johnson began her series of as mums acceptance and op the EIyops Illanztgcr Howard NOII son Mrs Brothel and Mrs Ivan lectures with detailed discussion Proach were discussed The lin of the lThe falls finely diVided and remains uniior md am Harry Partridge in Maw Thornton Mrs George Holt rammm what happened In IIILI IS uIe sch dcgrftlticsdgfg me me 5131miyoiiazzcuglgmzofoiihnatialibI TMMSV Dlunsmn Mrs Hall itsnoafrg in the final sex 00 erent age an rs ic or Turner from Allis II II In SOII levels from two to flv CVI from which to build and from tori nd or At each age level sitey Jelsscribcd which to out to meet the world Marign Bhgslfddpafllgfllll agingfill C119 IlCheI the childs physical mental and was Stresscd Mrs Johnson said 0110 staff person from the Health 50cm deveIopmemI Ina II ChIId gets secumy OIII OII UIIII Eddic Crouch slim 18yearold Toronto nctnilndct who had clitilk ed up IilllIlSV shutout the prcvl defence sum meted mm III nus nlgll in blrolford and whoIforl Ruth R0529 tom 03 mday to um two periods was making all coil ll II goan on Purdon from Allislon Mn sh the mm mm game in MW xd we Icy Jones school mach Catharlties late in October Shcd or at Thom ills boys in front so followers bca lltll liiiims whom he stated vc avour and C01 have nothing this your 3It lS BCISlel to digest JOHN IIhOUId go from so were Miss Margaret Moc snumh Rama routines This lnclud cure situations to Lachlan Mi Pd the Ways those which arcl 55 in which child might learn to enjoydinerent kinds of foods how to provide for rest periods how toilet and washing r0 utincs can be established and tip ROLE OF activities which mzkemds Of Day ARENTs nlit th fth tic person The Ole grow cril and teach as present at cacti sesston being permittcd to function in those vh She followed this With discussiarcas which he can and that hescssions amnde one or me ion on nursery school training andi die danger hibith from it 4It produces superior results in cookery Up still The above mentioned Barrio ing sessions Liiisc Colley Coun ue mam ms rum to den was sidelined for three weeks ton was present for several cvcn lltCklng barrage for airics arc inst he lineup these two damage Thats the story Windsous roarn mg and dynamic train John Bailey of Kcnora started proceedings at 243 on 21 pl Continued from page one ma plant Innisl street which tilling the newest stainless ty Rccrcatioml Director 15 liut only aggravated the injury Plllodsl and Eddie was turning ogcmzcrs These 1950 mwhincs have 33 1955 10va Pans than PNVlOUS I35 The WW1y ill rival Spitsfortunate cil mm gm along with oIhmI Under casChrgtchefIELTC5020LI$I present or number of SOSSIOIISI DIII IIDIIasetmIrbvaIt3313 ugh to break through assure grcotcr sanitation in processing he lastnamed heading plans far The importance of consistent treat Wu ilcn out of action for several weeks his boys didnt even show signs 313 bodhlgdlfr and outdoor were merit of the child was stressed LIKE VETERAN mhm wanmoss against the 35th cussc educat I8 ems for sIlmple and Disciplininn the child bv come REGINA Cpl Tym My New IndUSlrieS pupil Spm the usifnziorieyss 13 dwplfyca queue whim he learns always Duane 0150 Who had own lsolo Add Mu 0m Sim Windsor Sharpsm 005 an follows misbehavior or social up ion mama Shot in 1C craft experiences suitable for individual nature ha my V9 we p9V5 mm ml period but FIVE or 1050 been found 1r hima this age were mentioned to be mo emmve Mrs John dragged lgtlIgubIlIthvhcirIie ab whcl Yearly To Payroll annt 801 is was ollowe gt mull at on mm child as rapidly nearing completion and which should never ibfiild start to operate in the mm have dimmed III II IICIIIg goaII uxo kAlld before the Official score SPORTING GOODS FACTORY ccpcl had 0pl10rtunily to enter the Earl lasts rin om beecssary details into the record III I00 pefsuadedpIICIieiIIaIvaesmIOI bIIUkSI IIIIOIIICII Bab BaIIey dumped the Lnnnom Manufacturing comp home the vinninggoal on an idcn ll any of GrImICIII IowaI I0 come and IIIIaI DIIIyI I0 sec Barrie with view to locating Whether it was the fact that Ed their new Canadian factory hcrc Crouch is rookie and the third Retailers to Thrift Canadian These gentlemen were also cntcr iieriod lcnsion Was too much mi mm 11 1d hi nine mid uangivsocomgnii 01 III II III Lannom and Wellingcr Limited will commence to manufacture baseballs and softballs at their new factory on Victoria street TAKE OVER CHEESE FACTORY Next on our list of new indus tries is the Nixon Laboratories which has taken over the now vac ant premises of the BarrieAllan dale cheese factory and which will shortly manufacture full line of veterinary medicines and supplies Just recently your committee assisted the Hutchins Transport Company in securing town land on Ellen street They will shortly Ibuild new terminal depot on this site played above his head up to then cannot be dctcrmipld It doesnt matter which since ill still remains inconsistency If it isnt one department its in others and continues to cost Hap Emms victory upon victory The Flyers were denitely high in spirits after their 30 win over Stratford the night previous And lhcuncxpectcd news of the OHA releasing twa Windsor imports from further action with the SpitsI gave them an intuition of victory membered the longest and cuddly welldressed Dolls that go to make in Priced Oved the most and all the things em happy ZellerGlFT were imports thus placing Windsor over the allotted quota of two Hence Emms Flyers felt it was their night to howl They played And now the last item on our lhe rst period like champions oul list of new industry few weeks Shooting the Spits 1310 and With ago Messrs William Summcrhayes the exception Of DHYOH rUShbY and Llew Hagey came here to in 3015 Rawlyk and two close ones vestigate the possibilities of bY Glen SkOV Barrie held di5 drivein theatre Your committee DRIVElN THEATRE tinct edge entertained these gentlemen 10 Yet Windsor walked on with lune and spent the afternoon I10 unearned lead It was hook showing them around thedistrict mg penalty to hardworking Red ZCIIOYGIFTPticed and helping themI selecta suitame McCarthy early in III III he stanza which allotved Windsor to take the lead on Rawlyks rush The veteran used Ward Brandow as screen and connected on low shot The Spits looked better in the second but still Flyers were the opportunists They tied the score the hard way With defenceman XKKKKISKWQKMKHQKKKW rmunxamgtulx Kxigmlxxlx SOP TBO DY it II SNOW POLLS TOYS SHOVEL gTEYREBRIGHTLY II site They eventually purchaSed 16 acres between highways 11 and 27 just south of Allandale IAs resultof these new indu5lt tries and few others not mention ed the payrolls Of the town have been increase by over million dollars year Each business COSTUMED with lov mm mime abIleI imply faces and lssortment includes FOR DADS LITTLE HELPER at snow maemwake eyes CW famous Mickey Mouse eventuallygets its proper shareof Stan Long serving crosschecking this new wealth Dinghy RiCk Hogg who played and Donald Duck in In closing Mr Nettlcton pointed VIVlt Iacharleyhorse broke like gym 1211511 telgym RqadSlers and AelO etezggginypgash 17 out that business was heading into lightning from Wind ZellerGIFTPrlced Planer Brlght colors long with Tshaped II 79C grip ZellerGlmeric spr gauging period of keenep competition and attack Chevrels fellrin 118 While he urged all business men to get Hogg took care of rearguards Mar ibehindthe chamber of commerce Ii clcaring time Red end in lie until the last rush of glightchria Ca the segsron Stan Long cleared to 981 QldfllSthmd way with en Lionel Barber at the blueline and fruit and Sty mlth the former Toronto Marlie raced and celltplzane up the right boards rounded Hay and slipped the disk between Halls ed tin iorica and Jim Hay Chevrels II and give it support snea ed behind and beat Glen Han illl=3tmlt ihmhman nnannnaaamunnnm from close in II mmm llm lxxlzmicu Assessor Reports 100k like the period would II rrSHINGxSET BABY Dom Annual Progress includes PlaStic met IIalnosedIFish thattwlll lieAssessment Plan Report on the countys reassess merit program wasgiven to coun= Woodcn Kitchen Cup bqatdz cnarnfellcd with fraiiafirfdeslgn Size brainy illsins lo ins high Compof lion body movable arms and legs Dressed in flannelette diaper oat in abasiri 0f wat erj2 Fishing Rods with or vvw started in 1945 with appointment of the county assessor The reassess grocers Skates The playwas beautiful magnetic hooks Gift ty council last week by Eric Simp But that was it With the Bailey boxed zenelfGIFTPHCEd son county assessor brothers providing the winning His talk was in the nature of punch Windsor Went on to skunk I539Crset II II progress report further to the re the Flyers 62 gtGlen SkOV with II mm yams 23 he mUSI makeIm June of eaCh EXOhIaInd Jog I32 cfggecng ssecon disc on eper III II II II II II ass IIKII re assessment program was IOIIII II II Perhaps Cilouchs failure to pro duce in the clutch wasnt the en ment has beenzlnderakenmumci tire trouble few of the boys TARGET Palily by municipality in most didnith th sq 81when he cases with ssuperyision by tho ave ebacmmem supports the regular stars on the road ingj coach Emms depth SlapLong Red McCarthy and Lionel Barber wcheckd hard throughout with Real Cheyrflls IindiftttcklloggSupplyinga sensay 17 Ilonawowayeflort bulk II JerryToppnzzini stilliemalnerl llSESdlllls HUMPl leav County assSSOr bullcan bertdone it ythemuniclpality ltself anyIareaSJmain to be started or completed defines nursing his bruised niappeal agains fiscssmcritbetgre II unicpaIIoarI gt MreSlmpsonto towm huve lcymD assessment ThY Stay Ind Perle Bamgnd MI beds and tw IOrilliaahave ct Addathe last mouthwatering touc tIionI tonOur ChristinaaIand New an OlgaQIN in jsaiuidgys Results Mani 5GltI