minim twmmt Ilegan Again Bitter Pill inw NATURE LOVSIB Early Egyptians lived Myu doors their dumbing bef fmadc of wood uff brick In two matings thus far in the seasonfStratford have yet to gain the nod over the Flyers They lost t2 at home and 95 berg Their weak spot appears to be in depth and defence However pilot Lewis may have oounts Twain 40 WWW Hap Emmi takes to the rods this week as he opens the longest road trip of the current Junior season After the Wednesday night fixture here union Strat ford Kroehlers the Flycrs pack lthe equipment for StratfordWind WeekEnd Settles To Dukes All eligible junior hockey dandy questionably that is continued to fill his point record at the expense of our Bar ric Flycrs Saturday afternoon at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto Larry Regan centremtm for theadecond line tallied two beautiful goals in Marlboros 40 whitewashlng of the visiting Flyers In doing so Regan stole the limelight fromflthe an homestcrs ace trio of Armstrongmcwlckl and McKenzie Wm fauvnmm H1 t1 mhte not Mitchell Officials Bill Tblilplj his It Hamilton and Andy Bellcmer 46f Ti Imam km mathened this department con ndera NJ for the win overthcl mm powerful Spitfires indicated beiteri things mesa for the KW The retiun of defepceman cho 301 and then come back to visit the Guelph Memorial Arena The trip looms noon linpor one to the Flyers Victims of n1putdtuck battles with top div ision clubs the local crew willlaruunolo mode difference to endeavor to reverse lthe controls the team Tightening up the work for an upward swing lof the blucllne carried on cffec Two games with the cellarlave 1291 1d from 20 dwelling Kroehlcrs ap like We 99 he collided with the tulle of Wk cinch but 12mins is not gang them my Plinth 50 00 035 ham W13 em inn mines In in cxhlbl lightly The Classic City lads Allstir m0 Din Fmm Sanl WWW no one nanny Kirbys truurycoached by popular Pluky Lewis Ember 050 and Jim Wm Dukes being pinned for booking um me ve than PM an ups View Wind fuss are known to sport the bunny Regan garnered me lone goal 011ml mum tries to nine do our Spitfires approximately oiled 59 Itllckin who the second period but Barrie cars Dream 15x Anam veteran week ago and it could mean thelgm TheV conneclg my glam71 83 bl the F139 ricd the major portion of the play of the club bums summed climb from the doormot quick 30315 In Fermi showed lcss Ellims boys ircllycrS pressed hard while Duke broken we Jen In the like first meeting in Barrie Arena weary utter lllull gallant Friday rearward Dan wmdiey served 21 Marlboro 4Bomo beside the ringside and see local products in action instead of just read ing iftheir feats in The Barrie Examiner They Will be able to see for lhemselvesjust how good these headliners are and if our word means anything ringsiders will not be disappointed Manager Orv Dasnrc leased an offthewecord statement today that he hopes to stage fight show zit Bariric Armoury around Monday December 12 with one side of the card featuring Barrie boys Glovehearers from Toronto and possibly Hamilton will be fcnturcd Local boys almost sure to see action arc Don Wallace the unorthodox lightweight from Strqud Sicl Taylor real bull of fire in the bariumweight division and Joey Peters who has infinite posslbilities us welterweight Who knows maybe James Parker will be on hand to show us how to use his left It would be good idea for sport enthusiasts to keep this show In mind because in Orv Dash wc llflVf one if the best matchmakch ill the game and it czm be guaranteed to be rousing evening The Mr Big lllIttSOIllC were hold pointless vxccpt for marker by former Brandon Wllclu King Jack McKcnzic Other than that the main Dukc punch came from gain Piriv andliurst Mmlboros didnt show too much mmmadcon yourmsignature fefileddFkfan tmus promp tweezse mblknmlmem learetahr made t0 Your thtulm need Phone or come in today TURNING OUR SIGHTS TO HOCKEY which Is generally the case during the winter season we find win Low popular sportsman and school principal of Allanddle on the jump with tho OMHA rules forum scheduled to take plsce here on Monday December National Hockey League official George Hayes of lngetsoll is slated to acts chief instructor while Law has been appointed oilchairman Invltallons are being forwarded by the mick In with the Flyera night challenge of the Dukes Then hooking pomp was during the newcomers has been finding tough too the Ilycl mentor sluftcd his madmmagu mm Mallies wentnm Align ma Keith Creighton OHA JUNIOR frow in tho schedule toxdate 95 ndlilmld lhcati 20 are sidelined Patterson and Alt Ma le Leaf duden Nov 261 pm qu games lhesummmil tn grub crucial lCltlly Regan who did mocheckmg have 60 Cnimm OFT CIALSmu Towns ham 311112 gnecgtihgiirsggoghgotrgnl stlirled in junior circlbs throughout thc See where Cobourg Galloping Ghosts hands of Dundas Bombers Twice winners football title the Ghosts decisively lost by In thelr homeandhome series with Or app titles The Ghosts showed beautiful some timely blocking for expert were quick to take advantage of an bet when it came to collecting pomts However il broken hand in the first game against Dundas and althou it it 501 Rflres this year gt belief The suspensicm placed by Eddie Shore owner of Springfieldl OMHA to all towns Interested In hockey between Brampton Bracebrldge and Whitby Local invitations are being handled through recreation counsellor Ken Robinson FORMED LAST SEASON and waiting for the renewal of their af filiation with the OHA the North York Metropolitan Hockey Leoguc has expanded Comprised of Sutton Grccnshirls Bradford Celery Kings Aurmu Legion and Newmarkct Hoffman Spitfires last year the addition of Noblclon East Coasters small village south of Schombcrg on high way 27 and Naval Vets who play at Richmond Hill and probably Wood bridgc Legion will fill out scvcntezlm loop Sutton captured the championship during the 1941840 campaign but couch Ellis Prlngle who early 30s has lost his clever nctminder Bob Winch to OAC at Guelph It could mean the 121110 the Grccnshirts and the rise to power of Ncwmurkct who along Willi Aurora boast new artificial icc plants The Spitfires are favored to win the marbles this season but they will meet stout opposition from Bradford due to the fact Don Willson has returned to coach the club Celery Kings have new sponsor in Murrcll Motors and It wouldnt surprise the sporting public if Willson takes the role of playing coach Aurora havo changed their name to Hawks due to an affiliation wuh Chicago Black Hawks via Gall By GEORGE STOREY IT WONT BE long before Barrie and district boxing Luis will sit AIITIFICIAL ICE PLANTS are no longer novelty There has been tremendous growth In this department and few towns who have established either new arenas or plants this year are Brampton Noblcton Aurora Stouffvllle Brooklln Newmarkel Hlnoardlnc New Llskeord Chatham Peterboro Sault St Mule Tlllsonburg and Woodstock number of areas such as Goderich Dunnvllle Orillla Alliston Cobourg London Kitchener Sud bury Niagara Falls and St Thomas are organizing campaigns for Menu or plantsLast year Colllngwood Bracebrldge Sar nln Walkerton Lindsay North Bay Slmcoc Hespeler Guelph Georgetown Welland andFoit Erie joined the circle UP THE ODD REMNANTS along the gridiron front we PICKING finally met their woterloo at the the Dominion intermediate 239 count on the round 1111 Silver Bombers Cobourg cared like champs There was no doubt in anyoncs mind that they tha the roster that swept to pair of successive me betm mm fastrunning backfield behind field and passer Bob Cooper They other teams mistakes and didnt miss Cooper suffered gh he conI tinued to play wasnt nearly as effective IN THE INTERMEDIATE series between Oshawa Red Holders and Sarnia Wanderers the two fought to 11 tie In the opening contest but the Raiders whitewashed the Wanderers 201 in Santa to annex the title According to reports it was more of the loscrs mistakes than the offense of the Raiders which decided the title HERE AND THERE PAUL MAQUIRE product from Stroud who ended goal forgarriLJunior Flyers last year has gamed regular 135th with Aurora Hawks Junior entry in the North York OHA group ILLMORRISON of Oshawa expert official of the Ontario Hockey ssociation passed around cigars recently in celebration of new addi tion to the family NEW LISKEARD opened their new ice plant on November 26 with an exhibition game belweedNew Llskeard Elyers rid Bileko McDonalds Sundridge Beavers twrce OHA Intermediate Ions TheBeavers lost defenceman Lloyd Hinchberger to Wind Champ Stiatfords NEDO BRAGAGNOLA 15 back In Indians was lifted over the weekend ExFlyer star PAUL MEGER was one of three Buffalo Bisons chosen as top performers during the month of October For thisphonor he received $10 cheque THE OCKEY PICTURE inMidland and Penetang is far from cosy we hear Midland Flyers have lost number of their intermediate roster from last fyear butcxpectto obtain number of youngsters from the Junior uskles who fire not expected to function this season PENETANG are sly entering the junior hockey picture but may play their games oldvraler RAY ROBITAILLE Midland boy whostarted the on on the bluellne forSt Michaels College Majors 15 presently iffmg intheuelph Biltmore camp and will probably see action there KEN MCNALLY former Galt Red Wing forward who SlEEd pro con cl with Kansas City Mohawks has returned to the North Bay Black aWkS The Hawks are finding the competition anything but soft in new Eastern Canada Senior Hockey League Bopular puckster Barrie BRUNO RED FAVERO holds down the position of asszstant op for Ovven Sound MerCurys this Season Red IS havmg great sense asdhelrcsride in second place in the evenly contested OHA Asglfoulp Marlboro 7Barrie 011A JUNIOR Barrie Arena Nov 25 OFFICIALS Ken Holmehavv Toronto Les Kirkpatrick Hamil ton FIRST PERIOD IBarrieZanatta tHogg Hagan BarrieeTonaumi Long MarlboroyAitkcn C00 Mali1 orosePirle Lewicki Armstrong 955 atriaChevrefils ugBobenlo ena1esShedden Stewart Granite Hogs McKenzie SECOND PERIOD llu funk Rcd McCarthy away from lllt pivut spot ill the numbc um trio and used Cllcvrcflls in thc holt llullkcd by Toppnzzini and lid gan Red Cnlltfl Chuck Wood and John Bubcllic while the third unit consisted of Enso Zanattn and Bob Holden the wings with Rick Hogg Dcfcnccmnn Orrin Gould didnt dress replaced by Rio Camn who was the extra forward Of the new setup ChevrcfllsTop painfulHagan looked the best Toppcr was again 1110 spark and failcd by inches of breaking thc shutout pcrformancc by goalic Don Lockllzut Young Jim Bcaslcywzls the not minder for the lost and the Tor onto 1nd played in good game He had 111th chance on the four goals pluccdbcllrnd him if Marlies didnt hit thc scoring column until 1224 of the first per ind when McKenzie finished 011 neat passing play with Bill Red jors and were followed by Cooper Rosette Shoppe 0011 No Blue Taxi Lakeside Cabins Kenwell Stars Silks lthun three minutes later Chevro ltllics with Ron Hurst intercepted will be out for several weeks with ton Andy lelcmer Toronto broken arm Btlfllt pass at centre shifted around Long the only man backl and slippcd the disk around Boosi Icy It was very nice effort Early in the third period when Tom tyles was sitting out Stan Long atcmpted to get Barrie back into the game He led rush through the entire Morlie outfit only to see Lockllnrt beat McCar thy from close in on relay That was the last piece of hockey in the contest Irom that point scolps were scarchcd and in cases obtained The rst spark came when aggressive Chuck Wood tan gled with George Armstrong 11 didnt amount to much but showed things were to come It wasnt long Slightly more ills took dislike to Fylcs and pro vided the only interesting sight of the match These two had no soon er started swinging when big John Shedden and George Aitken shook off the gloves The AitkenShcddcn duel was the best Barries John was land ing some lusty blows when Aitkcn applied wrestling tactics He man aged to get Johns sweater over the head and in such position handcuff Sheddens arms The Fly ers bruiser was at Aitkcns mercy All four punchers received vma C611 No less than minute later While playing four side Regan notched his second goal taking Mitchells rebound and stickhandling around Beasley 11315 the xture and Long felt it should be allowed to go He 11 BIG EDDIE BUSH Collingwood puckster had his professional can oer terminated last week when he was released by Cinclnnatl Mo hawks of the American Hockey League and issued his amateur status Bush is to line up with Sherhrooke Red Raiders of the Quebec Senior Hockey League to day It is thought Bush is to re place two youngsters the Mohawk turned professional from Sher brooke The burly defendant was one of the most colorful players in pro ranks Even while his years grew shorter Bush Was setting torrid pace While with the de funct Philadelphia Rockets Eddie time rm not in I160 not Im not the at forward citric Due to tho chances oflbe Bootlegmum given every opportunity to set the Bush hit the top ofahk my careeroften his mm from the Afr Force in World Wot If He maroon intuit tile suit of Der trait nee helpedtho Winks to the pinch was dur ing the road forthcmblosthht Dusk established record for monomer in Skill some no Md condomsspew In combusted new Morin coord roar ammonia its not flui Then another outburst presented Halli Barrie captain Stan Long tyttslpgallzcd for hooking and be cdusd talkedvout of turn was ggdd with 1minute miscon tl ct gmn Irongigled to head for rdgfrssldrom he met registrth from the timekeepdr Commotion wasnt the word for 11 referees Gordon policemen lisherlhurriedto the scene The lips duly four minutes remaini allywon his argument The fourth and last Marlb goal was scored at 1709by Windl who hit paydirt on deccicd shot Beasley had the shot cover ed on the original course Emms wasnt happy over th episode which took place nor was he hOpeful after the Barrie 1035 The whipwill denitely be crack7 ed in the Flyers camp and if the arena walls start rocking it 13 only Emms at work during thc week The pick of theABarrie squad were Toppaizini and Wood Both showed re in their attack 1101 den and Hagan plugged all the way Listen to the leIIGd Broadcast 43 Fri 900 pm Bcdellyers vs Stratiord memonit STRIKE White Sox Flyers Pro Boys Spareboys Bombers Black Shirts Results Nov Bombers Spareboys Pro Ho Black 10 28 23 17 15 12 10 If Shirtsbo Flvers Wh te Sox High Singles Len Miller 203 Reid 217 Lamont 200 Harvester Com Bayview Grocery Wilsohs High Doubles Lamont 371 Reid 369 Bill Hatherill 356 There is room on some of the teams for new players Barrie Lodles League 19 18 17 17 I5 15 Lenos Shoppe zcllers CGE No are back in first place 13 13 10 lo 10 12 12 14 14 16 17 19 21 45 42 11 40 36 35 30 29 27 23 18 12 again all by themselves with three point margin In their game this week with Rosette Shoppe their clusesl rival CGE lost th rst game 957 01089 but won the nexf 1007 to 982 and then Tees dale scared 303 singlein the third game to lead them 103 1222 total Weorer offering the opporiunity to save buttling Marlbolos in weekend bill it hasnt given the couch much limo to think FIRST PERIOD MarlborosmMCKcnzie Mitchell 1224 Penaltvaitchcll SECOND FERIOD becomes more cruelal and termed MarlborosRe an 920 as an acid test for the Plym PcnaltyWind ev Surprisingly the Flycrs have built THIRD PERIOD la credible mad record and fans MarlborOSwRegun are hoping they can at least gain Mitchell 1431 split in the four games to come 4McallgggsWindley 1109 Dcfcnccman Bob Taylor was Penalties Fylcs Armstrong Wood Cllcvrcfils moor Fyles major Sheddcn majorl Aitken major Cooper Long minor and misconduct Znnatla Chevrefils This now leaves ANCmNT MAP four defencemen Stan Long In the National Library at Vien anrd Brandow John Shedden and no there is road map which was Orrin Gould the quartet copied in the 13111 century from an in the Burrie lineup have been original map dating back to the made frequent as Emms 11158013 fourth century players from the junior rosl fer against Rosettes 1032 Kashncr was best for the losers with 569 Fleur with 564 triple led CGE No to 52 Win over Wilsons which keeps them in third place CGE won the first game by mere pins and lost the third one by Emms for disobeying orders and returned home to Belleville How long he will remain there can only be determined by Emms IQ pins Hensle was best for Wilsons with 551 Lenos Shoppe bowled good thisweek against the bottom place Zellers They scored 930 the first game to lose by one pm but had 1067 and1038 in the 1th two to win themselves five points Livingston with 520 triple and Rowe with 435 were the best scores on each feiim Jones scored 622 triple for Blue Taxi infhelr 52 victory over Lalo Sldc Cabins Belty Richardson starred for the latter with 510 Bayvlew Grocery handed Harves ter Combines 52 beating this week The totals were close2988 to 2986 Doris McKillican with 589 and Rogers with 586 were the best on each team Irene Orr with 658 and Edna Robinson with 654 practically carried Keriwell Stars to seven point win over them predictable Silks team Ata meet inggof team captains on Monday night it was decided to change the lstartingtime to pm sharp BI causalin sanronzodsiiruiikf 8oz Denim 595ml $349 wmteiicouon Cunningham Cream Rib and mommy commotion placed on the suspended shell by Barrie with Changes As the road trip draWS closer It 000I9lgmlO00700fl00llO CANADAS MIG AN 0km onwull mum mutation MONEY YOUNRDH 26 llhohth 5m Second floor Mon 5529 IAIIII 0N1 0mm WI la Mtulum SI lost Ind in 23 vansatymoliiiunl COMMNIIJHMIOWM will no muc mu lrla on Guaranteed Trust Certicates ISSUEDfor my nmountfoutom of voyomzunnteodbolhuloprincipol aid interact Intelcal cheques dulled to reach holdorl on due date or lloldoil option my be olloved to mumuhh It compound futont An ideal investment for individuoll con ponieo unborin by for lboordn necutorl uld other lrmteu ms STERLING TRUSTS ECORPOIATIONN MOMme Marv04 00000oo