for his audience as there songs listed on his program NOVEMBER 24 1049 Conrad Thibault Concert Season Memorabl By JANE runns On Monday evening the Ameri baritone Conrad Tbibauit the series at Community at the Roxy Theatre with recital that must rank among the pleasures of the concert sea here Mr Thibaults voice with simplicity and accomplished the task warming an audience that was at first to reSpond to his ail The singer sang almost as many with widely varied his encorcs rounded out song fest to include range selectiw from grand opera to ballads and from love songs every age to spirituals His of style and phrasing were revealed in the large reper of the popular radio and con artist The most impressive of Thibaults qualities as singer was hisl November 21 Mr and Mrs Lloyd Jardlne of Barrie visitcdoon Sundays Arm all Muirs Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rather spent the weekendrin Toronto and visited the Royal Winter Fair Mrs Joe McMaster has returned home after spending week wrlsii her daughter in Mentord Glad to report Harold Bell is doing as well as can be expected after an appendix operation in tlizi RV Hospital Barrie Mr and Mrs Joseph Dunn of Manitoba have been renewing old acquaintances and relatives in Utopia Mr and Mrs Joseph Jcnnctt and Mr and Mrs Calvin Kcrby spent Saturday in Toronto and rock in the Royal Winter Fair Sorry to report Audrey Elphick she will soon be well again and able to be back at school Mr and Mrs Jack McCann spcnt Sunday in Barrie with Mr and Mrs Charles Stephens and Mr and CONRAD TmBAULT iMrs Albcrt Dawson meticulously clear cnunciation ofi Congmlmmiom to Fran Ell 50 languag and miCllURCHILL WMS AND WA on winning the eld crop competi mastcry of diction His ability to charm an audiencci was evident early in the program WMS and WA was held at the Reserved at first in their applause home of Mrs Todd with Who also had good Slandmg The November meeting of me gene Smith and Gareld Coulson the enthusiasm of the aiidicheigood attendance Death of Mrs David 1mm grew to the point of joining in rii his request in the chorus of an olcl Jerome Kcrn favorite for his last number of the evening Accompanist Aldcrson Mowbray appeared following intermission for group of piano selections which were well received by the audience It was with one of his last cn corcs or the evening that Mr Thi bault achieved the satisfaction of gaining an audience that refused to allow him to stop singing With the singing ofJciomc Kerns Old Man River he wonhis audience by the sheer emotional appeal of his interpretation and his dramatic style of singing In his group of sacred songs his singing of Charles Howells By The Waters of Babylon the lament of the people of Israel for their lost country of Zion in captivity in at work among men through the foreign land was particularly mov ing any jarring of mood rst group of selections Edward Griegs deeply moving career type love song Love But Thee and She had brought along several John Saccos Brother Will Broth childrens books which she had on or John followed each other in the dismay for th parents same group hibiling the Versa Also on the eveningsprogram lily 0f the artist in this abrupt was recitation given by Bobbie change of style For his first group of selections My Best Friend Mr Thibault choseAFlow Thou Re gal Purple Stream from The Castle of Andalusia by Samuel Arnold love song ToChIoe by Mozart and the Wagnerian aria Eveningotguts Santa Claus big Christ ifstar His rst encore was rollick ing old English song My Old Nag William verseiof WhiCh he in Mrs Eugene Smith president formed his audiebce beforehandhe was in charge of the business meet was able to singin onebreath TWO 801125 by SChUberti The Llnr Caley was also present So den Tree an Whither tookthe cial convener Mrs Emmett Mc artist slightl out of his medium Vigh served coffee and doughnuts at the opening of his second group to the members followmg the bust of songs He chose more familiar ness meeting SChubelt Salem for his fourth The next meeting of the associa young patients encore 0f the evening Withthe Ser tion will be held on Tuesday Dehomesick Here little boy poses enade Beau Soir by Debussy and the Toreador Songconcluded his sec and group In another John Sacco spiritual Methuselah with whichhe nished his programLThibault displa ed tremendous vitality and hu or ous quality familiar to his radio audiences Anolherof his radio favorites theChildrens songSaiI or Men with its familiar tale of Donald and John and me CIOSed the rst half of the program God Is My Shepherd by Dyora and Albert Hay Malott The Lords Prayer made fin hlSiwell chosen group of sacred songs in which his sincerity and depth of feeling were allowed their full range His last grouppf Vencores includ ed several frpquests among theml tthegromantid RogersHammerstein lavesong some Enchanted Even ing from South Pacific the familiar Dannnyoy dud his tastsang of they evening Look For The Silver Linl ingifromJerome Kerns1921 Sally on thcprogramiandinclud griminf ilhe Years Mrs Kcll Temperv ance secretary gave an excellent talk on Tom crance The an pr gr November 22 Mr and Mrs Leslie Switzcr spent Sinccrity and earnestness arc qualities in Conrad Thibaults stage manncr that cannot be overlooked when seeking to dene his ability to make his personality felt by the audience From the first moment when he takes an audience into the mood of his selection he is able to change their mood as he wills with He his Wdience ell 111 entetime for the parents In her the prograilh with theTorcador Song from Carmen sung with sure grasp of operatic art and dra matic DOWBF Th imPaCt Of his Through her experience in child vome andtpersonality was alSOfelt rcnSwork the librarian had found in the anal EVanS Starr fro3 that children preferred good liter Tannhauser which concluded his mum and the entertaining type of Mrs Stewart presided over The people of Utopia uxmm the WA mCClmE reading was their sincere sympathy to the fam Ithtn by MIR 500000 Plans ily of the late Mrs DJVid Jcnnctt were made for the Kiwanis supper Ivyv who passed away Sunddy Election of officers resulted in most in the Royal Victoria Hospital 01 PIPSCMOmCCFS consenting Barrie Mrs Jcnnctt was born and lo Falry 01 IOY HHOllltr Yeaf raised in Utopia and has one bro Chnstmas cards will be sent as ther Ralph still living here She usual to sick and shutin friends thad kind loving disposition Any MIS Allan qud Opened her marriage to David Jcnnctt they WitIS meeting With hymn and moved to Ivy and lived there until scripture reading Mrs Sluclalria short time ago when she wont Mm TOdd lid Mrs K9 to Barrie to be with her daughter were appomtgzd nominating com She was taken to the hospital about mittoc for officers for the new yeari week prior to her death Mrs Watson gave very inter esting summary of the first chapteri of the study book Growing wnh FERGUSONVAIJZ from the Missionary Monthly God Holy Spirit was followed Mala few days in Tomntoi Sturgeon Mrs Todd and Mr and Mrs Eldon Courtney and Mrs Sinclair were ten hostesses daughters were in TOYODlO Sat and served very appetizing after iUFdHY noon lea Mrs William Cumming and Mrs Lambie attended their cous Jean Speaks ins funeral in Toronto on Satur day TO St Marys Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Miss Jean Knight assistant Ii my EHanosmnAzg the Of oy in rcws ospita gigsbrrllrlgm ihingigilgg gfglcsergg brarian in charge of childrens Midland on Nov 18 brother for aria on Monday evening he turned t0 Texas COWbOMbllad All Day ants and teachers at the St Marys 0ft The Prairie In The58dd1 ParentTeachers Association meet Ride whistling the last chorus as mg Tuesday evening Mislenight he loungecl in carefree cowboy at outlined the history of childrens Wile agamSt the Piano Withou literature beginning with the early work at the Barrie Public Library lMorris addressed large gathering of parl Mr and Mm John Emck mum English fairy tales up to the pres talk ishe touched on the different brim Mia lilww kinds of fairy tales from all over Toy Therapy the world book to the boarding house and Golds of St Marys School entitled The associations Christmas par ty for the children was the main topic of discussion at the meeting Plans were made for an exchange mas tree andChristmas goodies for the children at the annual party ing The spiritual director Rev with his panda cember 13 cT speaking in sanding machine availableg Call Writev Phone if SHANTY BAY 111 for Sick CltlitllUi are given icw idlc nioni PATIENTS at the Hospit euds It popular under the do do can we 0pc cnts ill which to be lonely and homcsuk Herc nurse bCfilllllL Story to an interested listener and her doll Mrs Beatrice Spearn Mr Spearn WP of Bayview Assisting from out of town were Mrs Helen Mulholland and NIH tickson of Stroud and Mrs Jean Doolit Mrs Beatrice Spearn and Arnold mm to Clarenm bmnh hu Spczirn were installed as wortliyi matron and worthy patron of tho Jessie Bayvicw Chapter No 105 of tht Order of the Eastern Star on Mon Novcmbcr 14 Mcni lic Chapter zis of Midland Mrs Moe Agnot Dorothy Green Mrs tie Mrs Dorothy Holt Mrs Vern lllll and Mrs Marjorie Hustin lay evening bers and guests of scmblcd in Trinity Parish Hall tori me msmnmlm Ceremony and me with her past matrons jcwcl and llllkcy dinner WlllCll Precedfd Ernest Thompson was given reconlE Served by the ladies the Chum nition of his SCIVICL as worthy put Following the usual toasts to the King the grand chapter the guests and outgoing and incoming officers all adjourned to the chapter room where the officers for the coming year were installed by Mrs Pearl MacDonald associate grand mzii ron of the grand chapter of On tario The officers installed were Mrs Beatrice Spcain worthy matron Arnold Spezirn Mrs Mary Smith associate matron Minnikin associate patron Mrs secretary Minnie Thompson treasurer Mrsnchildrcn with Maud Ellis conductrcss Mrs Etna their touchgr Lower associate conduyctress Miss toured The Bessie Spcarn organist Mrs Bettyailcr the Santa Smith Adah Mrs Frances StUiTiicsdziy man Ruth Mrs Florence Connors Esme Mrs times Armsuong iaffordcd of linotypc machines and Lower Elec lothor composing was presented run for the year Gifts were plQscntcd to thc rc tiring worthy matron thc worthy matron and the worthy patron and lhc installing ofIiccrs Following the installation iuncli rcfrcshmcnt was served committee of thc Bayvjcw chapter Siayner Pupils Tour Examiner group of 15 Staiynci school parents and Mrs Ida Grant zirric Examiner plant Claus parade onl worthy patron Jessie Maxwell Mm tlicii Greatly pleased with the View machines the party was for Itunzitc in being present while section of this cditio amincr was being the press run The party was conducted and explanations news editor man Tomlinson job printing inan lager Hazel mom Maitha Mrs tra Mrs Louise Thompson warlt11n Operation er and Carl Hampcl sentinel Assisting were Mrs Anna Boyd grand Martha of the general grand chapter Leslie Ellis past patron Mrs Sadie Kightley past matron Mrs Irene Knapp Mrs Beatrice Henderson organist Mrs Laura Lougheed and Miss Bessie Spcarn soloists of The Ex made up for$ George past matron and Her givcn Cadogan tained few friends to progress lve cuchre on Wednesday evening Mrs Thurlow and Schandlen werethe prize winners After the games pleasant time was spent socially and dainty lunch served SWEET PICKLES RAYMOND PLAYING with we the mispr talfor Sick Children prevents the from becoming On Friday early last March writes Mr Mann we set out in our Hillman from London Ont for one of our regular wcekcnd trips We stayed in Ottawa overnight and reached St jovitein theJApren lover scenicdrive over sno Voughlyenioycd London a8 pm on Mr VQOEIKIEJ Alarm xii illg MIMIrm nrltljbrnur Canarliqu Champion ubox Irltcr it an many verticalmm up Milmm owners rians next morning after rain roads We thor kiing wcckcndlthcn left for Sunday arriving at 1030 next morning Much of the credit for this wonderful winter trip goes to deep snow we cruised serenely along traction We covered total of 50 wy noun strenuous our Hillman liven in with ample power an miles If an average speed of 48 mph Averagegns con sumption very welcome 39 miles per gallon lootSandingPaintingfcaning Private and Commercial cleaning afIceil lags walls and oors Most amodern ggicently lultlle most as thousands olHiIlmIn of dealers provides Canadavand The Hillman Minx pcrforms ma exactingwlmer driving conditions owners know permlnent networ Hillman pans and service from coast to coast in SA Ask your local dealer for Hillman demonsnation ride out dliu vy to 31 sills pu not JACK Phone CBC 1623 IEIHRIFU in wmi iiilRvatvsrownimorotz ImultistaYApVAitcnrtiumntms oltttr IltllISIl funI Ill its PRICE Nos Montreal Airport Uomt gjrotiiio pNyNO bay Stradiffornto PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV 24 25 AND 26 16ll JAR LINK CHEESE CLoVER VALLEY coats GLASS Poultry Dressing Sage Club House SHAKERS CLIlIlllS IIINLY TOMATO JUICE 0le ASPARAGUE STYLE CHOICE SNYDER WIIULE GREEN BEANS oz ms lSFL Banquet Golden Com mach oille Eusilulie Bartlett Pears choice Halves oz 20FL 01 Australian Pineapple Pieces oz 5003 TASTE CUUICE PEACHES Halves 0th NT QUEEN ICEBOX JAB cum nous nuns IIIIll BOSE nu 59 Mltltiltll BABY turn leads TEoRANGEPEKOEiiLd 59c IIlYSCllllllrlrzagklr49c PUBITYILUUIT in 34 CLllllllS unit snucr 19c ALIENS iirur JUICE rename rSllllJY PEAS Zoeibszscg or SHELLED NUTS WEINUTS Pieces 3952 23C Blanched nnnzins 21 MIKE NUTS ligi 43c IllBEETS $195 14c nmonns 19 anth Halves Uri193 33C rlirsn PORK inns 555 mummies Saharannun eminently Suit LOBLAWS COUNTRY STY iv Trisi wornin uouuu ACTION Furniture Cream iiiivirs WAX NO RUBBING WAX OLD ENGLISH Lawnnsonsunusnuom WASHING Silllll RUSS MILLER Ptinl 119 Food Palmolive Soup SUPER SUBS PRINCESS PMS $3 29c SPIC USPHN GOZ BTL 29 49c 59c 5c 16c 27c 279 346 11n 24c 29c 19 25c 29 15c 331 16c 63c PINT KG lLll IiiFL PKG 1602 TINS omnr CAKES IIGE PKG mic 23c BAKING surrurs AUSTRALIAN BECLEIINEII UURIIILNTS 1b 165 BLUE RIBBON BECK MISSION Il SAXONIA CUT MIXED riicrrniirrs 37 AYLMEiT ASSORTED CUT GLACE FBUI AUSTRALIAN srrnirss iiiiisns CALlFOBNIA EXTRA FANCY RAISINS GOLDEN BLEACHED lb 24 BLUE RIBBUN FIE BED ULRCE CHEER $123 19 CUTMIXEUPEEL DOUBLE sanAM HOMES CUSTHIIII POWDER 061M WHEAT GEEM VITA3 CEREAL WETHEYS ADDED PECTIN STRAWBERRY JAM WITH CHEESE mints sum iiioz PKG 25 802 PKG 214 no TS 1602 PKG 39 302 PILG 60Z rm asoz mic 151cc Irma illuminating LOBLAWQUA 035