Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Nov 1949, p. 6

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HIMWQK waxy LETS so we can be AT soy omen PUTTINd WERE HAVING PONY EXPRESS MR6 FUNNEL HERES THE PAYROLL FOR YOUR MINEc wrwm MRS FUNNEL 5H8 SAID rooms eiAve HER THOUGHT YOU WAS AN GETTING HER FOLKS ARE CERTAINLY ON AlRS LOOK AT liilS oe on ouno me Co KY Lou promo conwap LOOK DEFINITELY NOT DEFle INdUN AFTER my SCALPA Standard Time at 10 am Miss Reta Burnham and Miss Sunday Schonl TCHELL SQUARE ed Miss Isobel Fletcher over the weekend Mr and Albert and Miss Laura McBain November ll Service next Sunday at Central Presbyterian Church at 11 am Em Coniplete Line of snortGAIN Stock Poultry Feeds bogus Grain and Feed Craigvdle Sicilian CLEANING GRINDING ROLLING MIXING Have Balanced Feed made with your Grain Phone Stroud 184 Delivery Service Hours dam to pm Monday to Saturday TUNE IN CKBB 1230 on your Dial at 715 am Mons through Sat for News and Market Reports m5 QQ can wanu Lorna McCracken of Toronto visit and iMrs Clarence Hewitt of Gamebridge visited in the com munity recently Anniversary Services Anniversary services at Central Presbyterian Church last Sunday were well attended both morning and evening The musical talent consisted in the morning of the home choir and Guthrie male quar tet rendering an anthem and two selections by the male quartet The McCuaig girls of Oro Station sang duet in the evening and Jacl Slcssor of Barrie rendered two de llghtful solos The Lords Prayer Qand Open The Gates of the Tem ple Rcv II Mathews of Daven Iport Presbyterian Church Toronto conductcd both services and his messages were very inspiring and were enjoyed by all present VSIIANTY BAY zz1 We are pleased to report that Bob Hubbert is home again after undergoing an operation in the RV Hospital Barrie Jim Hubbert took party of friends to seevthe Ice Capades in Toronto on Friday last Everyone had good time thanks to Jim working party of the Mens Club headed by Taylor and Campbell Raikes have been busy building an outside stairway at The Den the same to act as an emer gency exit This was much needed piece of work Thank you Bill and your gang WA Meeting The regular business and devo tional meeting of the WA was held at the home of Mrs Fred Day on Tuesday Nov There were members present Mrs EV Wil Ison told of the work of themis Isionaries in other lands Nomina tions were held for 1950 officers Congratulations to Mr and mo iShermon Keener on the birth of 2their baby daughter Roy Rickling laid wreath on fihe Cenotaph to represent Vespro Eduring the service on Remem brancc Day Mr and Mrs John Wallwin with their son Jack and daughter Joan land their guest Mrs Lorne Will igrove spent Sunday with Mr and iMrs George Lawrence at Water down Taxes meeting was held at SS No iSchool this week the guest speak ier being Mr Raikes the assessor pile gave very distinct plan of ilhc new tax forms Which in them seLyes are very detailed assort ment Apparently nothing has been left out What with lhe meas uring to be done it is certainly quite an accomplishcment to put isuch plan on paper but in the end it will be fair to all No doubt it will take quite time to straight cn this all outso if you wish Io Ido your good deed for the day have all details as near as possible ready when the assessor calls iDuIlnghisspeech Mr Raikes said Lthe only question that embarrassed him was asking the ladies their agemot the number of years bless em but the year they were born This caused much laughteraficr all we cant remain 21 forever so whatniatteis The only thing that bothered the ladies was what sandy soil or black loam had to do with their age or when married and number of family etc But we guess it will all be figured out later It was very good speech and all iquestions were answered Ncws Items have received items of news ifrom the same people on two oc casions We are sorry it is not tallowed to write items of that nat ure to hurt any individual person llhese columns are for friendly chats debates of Inild nature to help keep the community in the news Why do people want to hurt reach other Have good look around You will nd enough un happiness without making more No person is so bad they have not II little good in them somewhere Perhaps if you think things over you will find the fault lies with you We read very good article by well known writer some time ago and we quote When you are in temper and feel like hurting someone write down all the faults and complaints you can think of about the people you wish to hurt Post it to yourself When you get that letter day or so later and have recovered from your paddy you will be ashamed you could think of such unkind thoughts about anyone Try it sometimeit works Sunnidale Road We got quite surprise last Sat urday coming un the Sixth Linc Something appeared just out ofno wherejumping jepersit was the grader We dont know where he had been but do know he was doing very fine job on an already good road But we guess he was feeling good naturally He was making bee line for homeMid hurst Would it be asking too much to let us have that grader for about three hours once week and keep this road in fair trim We were travelling behind truck which was loaded with few bales of straw and gee were they doing turkey trot due to the vibrations all over the place at speed of about ten miles an hour We were doing eight in case our chassis dropped out What time would it the Eleventh once week If it gets much worse we will be croon ing All Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth the home of Mrs Raikes on Nov 29 under the Dorcas depart ment Ladies come and join the Womans Auxiliary and help to make ready fer neat yearsBale worthy work indeed MM take to run from the Seventh to The next meeting will be held at 5b4$ At Saturday Mcuket The bazaar and bake sale held under the auspices of the WA of Crown Hill United Church at the Barrie market on Saturday morn ing drew iar crowd of customi are to the bull ing The president Mrs Carl Drury was assisted byl Mrs Harold Switzer Mrs Norman luck Mrs Gordon DunsmoreMrs Toni Kenny Mrs Evelyn Gough and Mrs William with the other members of the WA Vendors were asking 48 and 50 cents for milkfed on and 45 ind 48 cents for roasting chickens at the Saturday marketGradc large eggs sold at 80 cents dozen Mediumsized eggs were 50 cents and pulleis were 45 cents Dairy butler remained at cents pound There was one duck for sale at 55 9an pound Brussels sprouts sold for 25 cengs quart basket Iarsnips were plentiful at 40 cents sixquart basket anuiiiari red apples sold at 25 cents ii baskct Wolf Rivers re mained at 30 cents and Greenings sold at cents The Crown Hill women were slligmdMnhy anal chocolate fudge and creams at prices which ranged from 30 to 75 cents box They had dressed chickens at $275 apiece and III good variety of home baking Their aprons were priced at 50 Go 65 and 80 cents handknit size four sweater sold at $225 and pair of boys pyjamas at $250 Pillow cases with hand crocheted edges sold at $250 pair and tea towels were 70 cents and $1 pair The handknit goods included mit tens socks and bootecs Little potted patience were 20 cents each MOUNT soms W21 November 14 Eagan spent the weekend at his home at Tottenham Mr and Mrs William Miller and Jane Esther spent Sundaywith Mr and Mrs Nelson Jones Ebenezer Misses Mary and Regina Frawlcy and Evelyn Pendergast of Toronto spent the weekend with their con sin Teresa Frawlcy Congratulations to Miss Frances Berthelotte who was the successful candidate at the Oratoricalcontest Iheld at Eady last Thursday even ing This being Young Canada Book Week number of books from the Simcoe County Library have been addedto the collection for the childrens section of the library Mrs Sylvester and family of Toronto have taken up residence on the Drennan farm There are four children going to school which makes an attendance of 33 children including all the grades from one to eight Tum Forum Meeting The Farm Forum met at the school last Monday and listened to ithe broadcast and discussion which were very interesting Next week one of the members will lead in halfhour discussion on poultry There was an exchange of library books from the Simcoe County Li brary It is hoped there will be record attendance next week 60 Attend Recreation Program The recreation program was held in the hall on Friday evening with about sixty adults and teenagers taking part in the folk dancing and house party games under thelead crship of Miss Louise Coliey assist ed by Miss Fern Hampel and Miss Spearin There was fun for all in cluding the 32 children who were in the school under the supervision of MrsC Crowe and Mrs King At 1030 the two groupsassemblcd in the hall where lunch was served Next week is CreativeArts and Crafts week Miss Irma Sutcliffe of Toronto will be assisting Miss Colley with the art The volun teer baby sitters for next week are Frank Romney and Bill Miller Lunch will be served 62 plants George Campbells doubt is and In lan spent in Min Mrs Thornton vidtod few any out at the how bermrmmdunms Born At Huntsville to lb and Mrs ltnloy me Ruth Hello Mr her Mr and In Roman Coauthor family visited on Sunday in Map burst at the hem of the fortor brothers George and Everett Coum Mr and MILAN Irving Tor onto Mr and In Ben Schmb and children and Mrs Effie lion of St Catharina were wgekend uul Sunday out respectivny of his and In Coop Mn Corn Muir of Saskatchewan Who has been visiting friends In Ontario for the past couple of weeks won the slut of her cou sin Mn NaudeCopoland for few days int week Don Rodgers entered Toronto General hospital on Thursday Nov 10 and underwont major mommi At time of ing ho is doing as well can be exmtod All wish for him speedy ncovcry and that he will soon be home Miscellanqu Show Bethesda were hosts at another miscellaneous shower In Cooks town Hall Wednesday evening Nov in honor of Mr and Mrs Irving Cooper recent bride and groom Dancing was enjoyed to the fine music of the Really Or chestra with Elmer Hunter Thorn ton calling the squares in his usu al able manner Raymond McMas for acting as chairman called the gathering to order and invited the guests of honor to the front Mrs Harry Squibb then came forward land read an address at which time Mr and Mrs Cooper were present ed with many lovely and useful gifts Irving on behalf of his bride and himself happily thank2d the gathering for their kindness Lunch was then served by the com mittee and their helpers after which dancing was enjoyed for the remainder of the evening GUTHRIE November 14 Angus Ross of Barrie has started class of piano pupils at Guthrie We are sorry to report that Mrs Victor Crawford is patient in Orillia hospital Mr and Mrs Robert Levia of Fenelon Falls visited at Walker Caldwells last week Mr and Mrs and family of Sharon and Lee Sheldon Walker Armitage and children of Cold water were Sunday visitors United WMS and WA The WMS and WA of the United Church met at Mrs Muirs for their November meeting with good attendance Mrs Newton Hesse whowas in the chair also had charge of the worship service on the themeGod At Work Among Men Through the Holy Spirit Mrs Pllkcy assisted by several mem bers had an interesting study on the subject Growing With the Years in Enlightening the Mind freewill offering was taken to send moreboxes of food to Edna ope and amounted to Over $18 Boxes of clothing are to be con tinued to be sent to Korea Mrs Newcomer It Jun lupin polo at Em Mad Prubyterian Church uni army on Sunday morning 11 Sacrament of the Lords Supper wuoburved in the United Church here on Sunday morning Sunday School is planning on holding the annual Christmas Swan 31058 We be Wodnesduy NOVemconcerl on Friday December 23 We are sorry to report that Mrs Gilchrist is patient in the General and Marine Hospital Col lingwood Mr and Mrs Glcn and Mni and Mg Giffcn attended that funeral their aunt the late Mrs Schelf at Alliston on Monday Mr and Mrs Maw and Mrs Rupert attended the fun eral of their cousin the late Mrs Goddard at Weston on Tuesday The Young People held their opening meeting iii the churchi basement last Tuesday evening with the Recreation convenem Graydon Gifien in charge andl Elmvalc YPU as guests Federation Office Elected The Edenvale branch of the Fegici rationuot Agriculture held theiri grains eligfdr the Yir7liist rsday night Several films were shown and Cecil Chappcll gave an address The following ofcers were elected for 1960 President Russell Maw VicePresident Cecil Ward SccyTreasurer Allan Mc Nabb Womens Institute Meeting The Womens Institute held their November meeting at the home of Mrs ll Maw Roll call was an swered by My First Teacher Mrs Aubrey Giifen and Mrs Mac Donald were appointed to attendi the Leaders Training School for Homemakers Clubs at Barrie Ow ing to the illness of the Historical Research convencr Mrs Ward the president Mrs Maw took charge and introduced theguest speaker Major Mark Robinson of Barrie who gave splendid talk on EarlyDays in Edenvale Thc speaker was thanked by Mrs Giffen who assisted by Mrs Word served dainty lunch Gar Wood Heating Unit line longstanding reputation for eicicnt economical emiqn and the new mode have proved to be betterthan ever Specify Gar Wood forYOUR new home or when you mad ernize your present home Select from completely auto matic gasfired oi oilfired Tempered Aire or oil red BoilcrBurncr Units Ewen Caldwell presided over the WA meeting Mrs Bertram led the devotional period report Was given of the congregational fowl supper The contributions amounted to nearly W5 At the conclusion of the meeting Mrs Muir served dainty refreshments analogI moswan Earl plum and sandals with thick flier holes to keep feet above the hot sands 107 DUNLoPsr HELP FOB AGED The federal government contrl bate 10000 month to old age pension Prestoncf Customers are urged to buy now If they have not already done so CALL DANGIRIIBIJI MOTORS 05 Collier St Phone 218 iguuvpvgngtyanuwu lt tblvyv was we Down with dirtcatchers Dust wrolls right off these satin smooth slats made of fcather light flexible aluminum Plastic fireproof rustproof weatherproof wearproof light and easy to operate Phone for measurement lowcost estimate ROY TRACY 87 Maple Ave Dial 3482 morn FAORSTER PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 4435 Wr vuV Q1$t$QshSQQ5rsss

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