ImniesonBreakwell Miss Walker Wed Nuptials in Toronto Ill Trinity Church The marriage of Miss Mary Pa Miss Shirley Jane Walker daugh tricla Breakwell daughter of the torn Mr and Mrs Melville Walk are Mr and Mr BreakwelL er of BaIrrie was married in Trinf gumm lo George Frederick Jamieson son lty Anglcan Church Barrie on reading habits ac lnCldcnlly as welks manager Jack IoI MISI III III JlmImn Id me hm SnurdayI NOVI 5I HI III IIIIIeeI lve II onceover in recent ad Mltchlnsons scare dry by 55 ML JamiesonI took phoe in new 0310 me afternoon Tari vertisem en sen out by publish Viretta LonghursL pom United Church TommoI on ence AtmurI $th 30 of MRI Saturday Oct 29 19419 at ve and Mrs Rawllna of Toronto Stapleford per Rev Bowden of Toronto ing company Once uon lime reads the ad childrenpdidnft read The man town LCM have 4th but booksI Thirty yeah to go to Toronto this yearIto met no when may wanth sureS21nta Claus He Will arrlve next fire entertainment they rcaleUCday Baflle in Person Willi books When my were siCkI mg all his lcindcen and will bring read books thnLthcy were on long 05 lms from 50 pm Dr formed the ceremony formerly of Barrie performed the Miss Gladys Carmichael was doublelrinr ceremony assisted by soloist with Dr Drummond Wolfe Rev dePencier Wright at the organ Mrs Roberts church or Maggle Muggnls the train may read ks Thdr 1300 311d legend mm long The bride was givcnin marriage Banish played the wedding music mowers wontied aboutLLme Hui paradethrough the streets of town by her brother Wllllam IBreak accompanying MissI Anna Best of Creator to Speak Rumor has 11 that Mother Goose lwcll She wore brown Stilt With Town the 5108 01 The T0 Barrie ions corresponding accessories and wedding Prayer during lhe Cere clusler corsage of bronze mums many The attendants were Mr and The bride was given in marriage Miss Mary Grannan originator of the Maggie Mugglna doll and bCl and kinds of books they rend They got stung with tho reading habit and have never been able to Supplied by 81mm County Womens Institute hclsclf will accompany him on his ourncy from the North Pole and zlllc Old Woman who Lived in the sh 31109 With all her children Peter Mrs Milne of Toronto by her father She wore gown Atnd WWW llIllll INF lclel Pumpkin Eater the Big Bad Alter family dinner at the 01 While Silk Chiffon Valvel Wm bow andlmtlcmlnlhgecg wan any on Crlullllllin lleyw eI MrsI sweetheart neckline the bodice program 115 ary watch tnlcvjsjonI Whm mt mmdojglodbgaffl LEZLrLzL iLLnLLdthL LferligicsLngl $11ng unfold trip1to trimmed with seed pearls The speaker at the Barrie Lions Clubs Aisling CIIUP or is bad lhcy go to thc lnovicspurad New yorkI dress was fashioned on princess Charter Night this Thursday no lines Wm long sleeves coming to Nov 17 at Community House Mrs Sheffield Has donated un When they are slck they play 1Lch radio When they go on the mum 2SIb5Lihe Epillzltlc will 11 00 live characters about their study Iaptltudcs theirs31533rminihlggslf hot lunches lllell soclzll tllllllIIEII KI sciousness their diphtheria silolslUsLI III III their manual skills thc1r dullnl and Il nmvc sou occlusioIn BooksIzlre just 011 llleiIlIlIlI illIlixIklllsIIILllptll0 lIowlIl Int mllny tllngs to 110111 OC Cl 3015 All of which brings us around nlalll slrccts and up MulcnsterIto to remind you that with this comL 10 OddltllUWSL T010910 ElCCOFlIlmll pemlon childrens books ha to the latest bulletins recelved be good Alld lo sec how good With XCliard l0 his PlnllS There WQRLD lhev am lake 100k 113 ymmg 110 will make his hcadquhrtcrs to vistting America and Canada Margot Fonteyn takes the leading role Canada Book Week display Imm lmccl thc childlcn and hear what in the gala premiere of Cinderella at New Yorks Metropolitan point over the hand The skirt Miss Grannans Visit will win ironstone china handlms cup AitChlsonBums of the gown fell into circular Clde Wllh the lady Lions Wemre the museum It was used by her work which this year is featur mother Mrs Thomas Bidwen of we train coronct headdress of IWeddmg 1n Leas de seed pearls held her ngemip ing draw for Maggie Mugglns Oro Township 101 over 60 years veil of imported tulle illusion and don completely outlined by the Cups both nncwntlnd modem MlSS Dallelle vemlece Bumso she carried while prayer book ladies Richardson told the 11 present variety of mterests both laughter 0f Ml and Mrs Beyer with gardenias and red rosebuds ular meeting of the Lions at Cam in shape and ornamentation Bums Loasldewas Flamed to The matron of honorMrsVern munily House Friday The 01115 animals were 30 mam Ray Amhison 01 Mr on Walker of Oshawa slsterin The dolls wardrobe lnClulltS cienlly usd by some nations as Apzlrl floln those fairy idle fig ures actually forming part of the and MrsI Frank Aitchison in Lea law the brideI was in moss skates and Barbara Ann outfit drinking vessels but the Jews ha gchUmtcd Chprchdlltehv Shag green silk velvet and wore cowboy and school dress and many cups at very early pderlod Some my P9 other items of clothing for all oc of the cups were ma of costlv ring ceremony reigghmgglgszlgdresgheanganfgowa casionsI Drawing is to take place mater1L The Chumh was mom wnh round bouquetot yellow and bronze at the Roxy Theatre on Wednes Ironslime clllnn made about whltc mums for the weddlng Mr pomponsI The bridesmaidI Miss My Dec 21 century ago was great boon to pubic library ftlley want him to bring them on Opera House Show pictured left wearing awhile boxcloth travel Wallace church organist acIcoIm With President Bruce Johnston our forebears and this mm Cliristnms Eve jacket lined with black sealskln coney designed for her American pamcd the soloist Miss L1lllan glgfe Ivggrgogogginsgf in me chain successful meeting pmuuned imrstone cup haps 30ml can work Wl tour by London couturier Michael ShelMd As to star in Britains thoberls 01d suk wth was heldI featuring as Speaker eculim mm so few hawa been Mm been admirer H910 Sadlers Wells Company=Margots dancing in ndcrella rlght The bride was given in marriage geaddmss ancclboiwlezggagiog sqdnLdr Gordon Durrell Acv reserved FAMED BALLEINA of the Sadlers Wells Ballet now ders this wmlcr with the ltllllll We fl ilSCOl lhe Wm 0kman alllons The helped to achieve the record run of 45 consecutive performances by her father She wore gown and carried round bouquet of 001 Clnethrel of ermme white satln fashioned bronze and yellow pompous The meeting observed two mm lthc new fur Chnker and the york gmim Some 351 when it was rst produced at Londons Covent Garden Theater mm plume neckline offset by Ray Fraser of Toronto was utes of silence in deference to for flat Worn with the must we wondcr who will bv the inter of the season little suit dress of plctcr of the intrepid c1ub wom vclvet or with almost anything an in thc futurevor if she will from W001 lCISCl 10 lWCCd fur can becolnc mere nostalgic memory Lbe your jewels for the Cllmlnl 5011 soon in old copies of magazincs In New Curriculum Correspond Sheer yOke The long tlghl groomsman and the Usherswerc Armistice Day and the fallen Slecles were Maltese lace Elnd Vernon Walker of Oshawa brother Later abOUt $4 Was 159d for the winked medullwmr 3de the bride Albert Rawlins of Canadian Legion poppy fund by band memo 0f 13 cncwded loronto brother of the groom and levying 1009 ne on everyone the somy gathered 5km above Louis Dunn of Barrie cousin of at the mating 0Wealing son club woman has not died with he the hemlino and pouff bustle en HLlLLlLLk33LsuLLLlleLLLLLL Ll ELLELle Dortrzlycr any more than she was hmcel mm long em tbrtllLee reception which follow ppy rL azeyghroqalcc aIewIIII filteSIOilgcilcbI created by her broidered veil was caught to her edin the parlor of Trinity parish HALLOWEEN MEMO The proposed new divisions set were illustrated by double quarmead Wllh coronal 589d Pearls H811 the brides mother receivedIL VANCOUVER 01 Alder flattery Fleur dc lis in velvety We regret the passing of an An forth by the Hon Dzlnzl Porter tet composed of sopranos Normallnd She earned bouquet Of or wearing loganbtlry Crepe Wllh ma George Mm Suggesmd chenllle and fcathcroslitched sean1scr1cnn institution in Helen Hok hidsI navy accessorieSI II III neckpiece city councn that next years HINDI valCt conm Ln bLaLLk compLCLeLy Lnson one Of the greats the presL LtelLllleSLLlSIlLLlh01llLCe LJLLEXLLLSFLLLLdeLCLLgLC warehamL LLLLLOSLLC Her attendams the Misses Ma and ween rants be used to bu ollco f1dcfaaflsfgpf LLLtdey cmmomsts childLL explgined Lloyd Tuflord to tcndLrs ddle DllLiLglc 33210335531 l0 and Mb3lPar5n and Mary motherC dfaleeogrdglrliovwasi mens iight sticks Give ystfme of III OIIIICI but III four different WP Frjlday evening the Staff of re mchlIicgsIIofIlgtI IIICing IlidtIzard pleton and bass Bob Montgomerylag sIlIfteeIIIltI1IfIIItlI1IemobelIltIiiv credpa and woref naIiIy accessories thgse rIpwdiesa Eu across the back llstria Acce tan omc an 00 alt ov and Leonard Miller an corsage re roses si esu ese ilnglanlellmlle lsgaurlgLLwlLtllcshecL held staff dilLanerceatC ember meeting Mr Tugrd is Music appreciation 85 demon SLCLLLd lbmfadEd 8mm and med The bride glm gg new and Shorler length ensembles Inn for Buchanan and the supervisor of musicfor the Barrie stratcd with the use of records ouques roses WCddmg to Mntreal md ENGRAVED EGG Eugene Bums bmther Lot he POlmS east the bride travelling in BRANTFORD Ont CP new manager Robins who schools Amon the additional school at comes to Barrie from the Saskatoon Mr mord made the above tivilies gdiscussed by the speakerDBLng 35 gmgfefegg wme gabadme hen Put hel heart into it When She branCh M11 BUChanan is leaving statement in connection with an was the annual Spring festival conlgi grey and hat and blaCk 80 laid an egg With an a117105t Perle lOl Calgary Where he has been outline he gave to the parents of cert Mr Tuflord expressed prol After reception at Diana gessones and Corsage Of game lmDFeLSSiOYl ahealtn its ShelLl PromOlCd 10 the management 0f the present course in school music ference for this type of fostWolLSWEEts on moor st Toronto the as on me they wm hOUSGWlfe PUTChased it in 3L flat CllYLS blamh the COFPOFE This course is also based on the rather than the competitive lprLhappy couple 1e Lm wedding make the home Tommi local store and the shell will be 00 periods in the life of child He mentioned the excellentcoop trip to the United States dOmtotogvg ggets atd my wed Ml and Mrs Buchanan were In his talk on school music Mr oration which existed among the Gmg me LL an LLSL EL ower Miss Hutchlnson of emelmlmd at supper party at Tufford stressed the need of pro school board the principals andMiss wed BracebridgeI ML and Mrs VI Walker of Oshawa Rev mounted Ww Also to wear beneath lovely ele vated hemlincs are the delicately wrought satin or velvet dinner slippers the new bare sandals be fing shown everywhere We note with regret that one of our fellow editors in town Miss Bette McCool cditorinchicf f01 the Barrie Works News of the General Electric Company has gleettleiIlIlIf OganSgtllIIdIdlIIlSIIRSI$1 gressive music course throughout the teachers in preparing the es left for Akron Ohio Miss Mc vem all grades H9 adVOCated the 95 V31 ive in 01nd Howden and Mrs Howden Mrs gt Cool who came to Barrie few eygggtgexliegr 3213 labllShmeanf mus 35 gradual Improvements h0139d 017M111 the Galbraith Miss Stone Mm mg SUDJCCl 1n grade 13 future teachlng of musm 1n the The marriage of Miss Raymonde England Mr and Mrs Iyars ago from her native north is being replaced as editor and EItIlIrIKIlgtogrn 315 aInId llstat Music in childs life explained schools included the adoption lumen daughter of Mr and Mrs JV Pllsbury Mr and Mrs MrI and Mrs wrans a3 he speaker not only proved ILHEW system of integrated mtgmum of Gagnmai to Delbert Baerg Miss Pilsbury Miss safe outlet for his leisure time but appreciation soon to be reco Garfield wa1drm of South River Pilsbury Mr and Mrs Wheeler IheIldeal ChriStmds Gift Mrs ChittickI Mrs GeOrgc Ia4mpanningvuaaaoAuqumg Dan erfleldI MrsI AI DI forImaIny was direct factor 111 mended by the depaltment and the took place the chapel of St Mrs IN Donn Mr and MrsIA MrsIg Hal 1d mit ray at their llfc work establishing of instrumental cIa es Marys Roman Catholic Church RSWIIDS M11 and Mrs R3W11Y151 en er zone in honor of MrsI Buchanan In outlmlng the three public 1n senior public schools lBame on Saturday Oct 29 1949 Jr Miss RaIwms 83 faster LL Land the Misses Anna BeSt Nancxl school divisions in music instruc The speaker was introduced by at deI OClock in the afternoon tion Mr Tufford had pupils from Mrs John Dobson and was thanked Very RCV Dean James Clair Edmonson Marie Allard and we ChristmaLs Offer Ll Centre VIeISPICIWI different grades giving demonstra by Norman performad the ceremony PhmMS JOBCSRanrof T030331 M3 t1 an rs awms anI an nnversary slzgled ShthiieLdglLls Lilamdeggdc cededS bLLISlllLleLbsfdsmefillkg baLlLtLlLan 135 gnallilllLinLgLuzfccge Mrs LigVLSLOLW 1111 letgnStznd Celebrcmon Held five Glee Club fourpart singingzlvan Clemmens president wasiin series and carried nosezay of Iried and Beaumm 10 P0 rosebuds and pink carnations er tralt on Colored In and grade eight theory studiesLthe chair attendant Miss Betty Jones wore Wine gabardine With Win Areception was held at Robin acccssories and carried nosegay dale Inn The bride and groom pink roses and yellow mumS 1eftonaivedding trip to Niagara 1John Ethier of Gogama brother Falls They are making their of the bride was groomsman home in Gogama Inger Aarson Wohelo Class Hold ITells Soroptimists successful Bazaar 01 Trip to Europe Al Central United Speaking to the Barrie Sorop The WohelLo Class of Central timists at their dinner meeting on United Church had ne day for verL Frame Reg Value $600 The November meeting of the Centre Vespra Womens Institute took the form of party for the families of the Institute members in celebration of their 20th anni versary Over 50 people attended the celebration held at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Newson table decorated in the Insti tute colors and banked with yellow mums was centred by birthday fruit cake made by the vicepresi dent Mrs Hook Mrs Mur phy blew out thebirthday candles Mrs Dawson The minutes of le Institutes rst meeting were read in recognition of the charter members The Institutes rst presi dent Mrs Murphy was pre sented with corsage I1 Three rolls of lm from the FedL eratlon of Agriculture were shown by eldman Gordon Beswetherick An amusing dialogue was given by Mrs Wallwin and Mrs Daw son anda relay contest wascon 0iel3i Evening Auxiliary Hold NOV Meeting Miss EstherI Henry gave an in teresting report on temperance at the November meeting of the even ing auxiliary of Collier Street Unit ed Church on Monday evening in her report MissL Henry pointed nut that there was great dealof SPECIyALLI 0050 oneron CUSTOMER DONTBEDISAPPOLINTED and cutthe cake ducted by Mrs DobsonI II soulz Among the entertainment ar The president MrsH Dawson 323 be done by temperanIceI Tuesday Nov Mrs Inger Aarson their annual bazaarlast Wednes ranged by the program convener conducted the usual business meet Mrs Alma Cook and Mrs Han of Barrlgt01d of her trip to Europe day afternoon Tea was served in 726 er Xplres Cl ON early lastsummer the Sunday School rooms Lofthe church which were decorated in deep autumn shades for the occa sion The main teatable was centred with bronze and yellow mums and yellow tapers Pouring tea be tween three and six were Mrs Roy Mrs Wallwin were two solos ing before the entertainment by AlVin ThOmPSOD find Skit The members are reminded of PresenlEd bYLMIS wmgrove and the invitation extended by theCun dies Womens Institute to attend dinner in Central United Church on Tuesday November 22 at 630 pm in celebration of their 2051 anniversary The next meeting of the Centre Vesprl group will be held atthe home of Mrs Brownon Decem her 111 the form of bazaar Each member is requested to bring friend yard gave reports on the WMS meeting held in October at Forest Home Church The meeting was presided over by Miss Jean Goodfellow presls dent Following the presentation of reports Mrs Dawsons group took over Mrs Dawson led the worShip ser vice The theme was Jesus As Leaden IMrs Boy Urry sang 5010 There Are Many Mansions in Our FathersHouse Some thoughts on Remembrance were given by Mrs Cook Mrs Walker reviewed the third In her own charming and viva cious manner Mrs Aarson literally transported her audience acrossthe sea to France Switzerland Holland andthence to her native Denmark as she recounted the highlights of her trip abroad Describing the beauty of the Swiss landscapetheglories of the Alps and the ageold customs of the people thespeaker said that in Switzerland there were quaint tea houses everyWhere it Iseemed Even in thismountainous country it was possiblefr the tourist to travel extensively along excellent FOR urommr PHONE 5440 MURPHYS STUDIO 5stssssoa McLean and Mrs James Hart The rectorswife Mrs Bewcll hind the class president Mrs Jack II Garner received the guestsat the door Jory was Convener of thetea tables Her assistants were Mrs Ralph Gavin Mrs Tedear ter Mrs Norinan Bates Mrs Ver 1non1HookaMrs Ralph Green Mrs CLEAnvmw WILL The regular meeting of Clear View wI was held at the home of chapter of the study bookGrow1IL moontain roads bybus and in the GBengIMrs Elmer mack lms IMrS IRoy Nevils of Tuesday Nov The YearSdEKling ijrth eI were cable with twenty members and some education cars from which on IcIouldobtam alrigmlgtlsid 11251315th visitors present and the president The meetingclosed with Social 31 my maIVellws Vew the Mogygokme ticketsatjheLdoon Mm Rumble in thehairL half 1101 count In chargd oftheLkitchenvwasMra Mrs Aalson told of visiting time hallowed French cathedrals the past ll wehave l1future in debt French opera and the gay night to us Clubs Pls MrsussellJory Was convener Mrs SaFlynmeave Music on 1Aftergvisitilig Switzerland and bazaarlboothsf Assisting Hum and WW Franco Mrs Anson silent several MrsiiThoniaSGivens Oth inHollanduandfoundhereon See lugin the booth to Clayton Fox assisted by MrsLWil 11am Orser1Mrs Theodore LainI and Mrs Jothartridge Response tothe roll call was to guess the weight of theperson on the right whichrtesplted in some good laughs MrsL PridInLam and Buck holder were appoipid take the onllleLsaine The December meeting Let the home of M134 Boy I6I II II II II II II II and IIeroll anm lmas ldrnrltamagam vers emsLet 01 closed II 1I xIzttagdbavedtgllImIIIottcg IpeaI tin the creedan tli Nation II erencas ct II nadian eddingf mlomn M0fllPkl10f ICLIAMINC YSTEM