lo At the town council meeting on Monday night Aid Clarence Cor belt told of seeing woman trip over wire stretched across boulevard on Collier St He said this was town property and no person had authority to string wires across it lie also spoke of properties where rocks had been placed to prevent cars from being parked on boulevards Aid Cor bett thought it was matter for the police to take action and Mayor Mayor Offered to ad vise the police if Aid Corbett gave him the locations Last Monday nightsix Jaycecs were present in the council cham her At previous meeting Aid Hamny had asked the Joyceeo to leave when the council started committee discussion However last Monday night the Mayor in vited the Jaycees to remain throughout the entire meeting and the council unanimously concurred Aid Currie introduced bylaw provide for the ratepayers to ea vote on making grant to the town band The vote will be on Dec 12 The amount will be $5000 Of this amount $3500 would be for uniform and equip mcnt and $1500 vwoul be an an nual grant Aid Arthur Harrison introduced the bylaw to provide for vote on the bus franchise If the rateDaY ers approve this bylaw in Decem ber the Greer Company will have 10year exclusive franchise in the town The wording of the bylaw stipulates rapid sure and efficient service The maxi mum price for tickets for adults would be 10 cents or three for 25 cents All civic employees would be entitled to travel free There would be special rates for children and students bylaw was introduced and the ratepayers will be askedto vote on issuing $10000 in debentures over five years for the laying and repairing of sidewalks This by law was introduced by Deputy Reeve Charles Griffin chairman of the board of works TheMayorI whoIIwill retire froth office at the close ofthis year said he would liketosee more at inv1950 He pointed out that no mgmbers of council should leave inthe chair And whenthe meet ing was adjourned the members of council should stand until the Mayor had left the dais Mayor said he was not concerned about himself nowthat his torm was almost concluded but he felt theresliauldJbst respect for the mayorsrofcelthe same as there was for the Warden in the county council Chamber The members of council commenced to follow out of the meeting Monday night Monday Dec 26vrill ho is holidaiy in Barrie Andlyio nonwo tho chair during gcommitt Aid Glad icon m1 JAOKWE 31 who collapsed inorrio last week while cooking foodfor his wife and three children is shown above with Mrs Findlay At rightisMra Findley with from left Mary six Barbara eight and Dale four Findlcyls out of tention paid tothe rulesof Order their seats while the Mayor was this rulc ofprocedure at the close Who Holpod IiiuinhiohiohOiIuiopi Wins Field Crop Award 0f Simcoe County Sirocco Seed Potatoes RR Elmvalc Edgcnc Smith of Utopia Francis Shanahan RR Barrioi Gareld Coulson RR Utopia Max Craig RR Barrie Texas Watson RR Barrie Lornc Handy Smith of Utopia Allan Brown RR Barrie Wilfrid Murphy RR Barrie Barrie Darbyof Waverley Emerson Dean of Allcnwood Rex Watson RR Barrio Walt of Midhurst Bruce Watson RR Bor ric and Roy Wolf Midhurst Frank Elphick of Utopia has been judged the owner of the best eld crop of seed potatoes in the dis trict He is the winner of the Barrie Agricultural Society Field Crop Competition in Seed Pota toes conducted by the society in cooperation with the Ontario and Dominion Departments of Agricul tinc The announcement of the win ners in the competition followed digging inspection by Cun pagc of Coldwater and Charles Scott inspectors for the Dominion Seed Potato Certication Service Harold Whiteside supervis ing inspector judged the exhibits at the Barrie Agricultural Society Exhibition early in the fall The other winners in the field crop competition are Spence ILibliary Wealth Only In Not Much In Gold Or Silver Thieves Learn After Search Burglars who broke into Barrie Public Library some time Sunday morning were not afterknowlcdge Riing of the till and ransackmg of the office and main desk indi cated another treasure sgght Their rough search did little and netted them only about $2 in cash from the till They overlooked $86 kept in an ob vious place Chief annoyance caused was mix ing up ofthe rubber date stamps used in checking books in and out IDchns of these had to berear suggested the building could be melted outside the town limits Aid Currie said if no action was taken there would be danger the town planninm bylaw being weakened Ald Homny suggested the people should be permitted to remalnfunti spring Aid Wilson thou ht the lawn planning board mig be asked to reconsider thei matterrand leave it over until May in view of the housing shortach Aid Corbett pointed out that the twin planning board had author ity to take action andtlie council voted to refer the matter back to the town planning board II Thor was killer giving guide was seeking an increase in rates NO action was taken by the coun cil to make any recommendation to the board Which will hear re presentations on this matter fNowh 1311119 Tisha Far matron Royal Victoria Hospital he collapsed Suffering from heart condition and stomach ulcers he has been instructed not to undertake heavy work lie left here for Toronto to be mminodvby specialist Findley her were given by Cuppagc into account factors of production that the BellTeIephone Company where he was sent after food and several Weed Essay Winners From Various Parts Winner of $15 for first prize in lllllllld annual Simcoe County Weed Essay Contest was Caroline Miron of Grade Sacred Heart School Midland Second and third winners Of $10 and respectively were Shirley Priest Grade Anlen Mills Ves pra and Marie Braden Grade School No Essa Fourth andl fth places offering prizes of 53 and $2 were won by Norma Neill XRay Tube $904 Several Donations To Hospital Several new items of equipment mostly donated at considerable ex pense have beeninstalled at Royal Victoria Hospital it was revealed by the property report submitted to the regular hospital board meet ingat the nurses residence Mon day The Order of the has donated refrigeratOr for the third oor steam wagon and radio for Ward at estimated total cost of $625 It was pointedout at the meet ing that the Order has donated about $1600 worth of equipment to the hospital in the past two years Installed and in usIc is an operat ing light costing about $838 and donated by the medical staff new Xray tube to replace broken one has been installed at cost of $904 with the Ontario Dey RR Barrie Clarence Brown RR Two eld inspections per mem beiorc the final winner was an nounced The field crop competition takes uality and quantity The yield of bushels per acre of the winner was 348 Books ranged in order in their wooden holders Apparently he bricks were taken The burglars forced the boiler ioom door to gain entry In the downstairs office they broke Open cupboard door and scattered cards and books during their partment of Health bearing halfi Seamh the cost and the balanco suppliedi gt by the hospitals Xray account Chairman Rev Ferguson said so much assistance was not ex pected from the department but the result is that the Xray account is not entirely depleted and con siderable additional financing has been saved the hospital PILOTLESSI rlouran PLANE or Tomonnow Guided missiles made of fabric and steel can intercept the jet pgwered bombers of the future Colliers 29 Oct 49 uulliul 5433111 caucus comm aiici hesIbringing stars in childriis favorite toys tho littlest the Way uo also Eastern Star 4ilaildIIrwmWorlovlt1 something wonderful from gzeilerls the stoic that cl mi dbmlaui lFindley of ldexcribcd people who helped him latter he collapsed lwwk lie was seeking aid for his Vwifc and thrce childan who were al illouae tlicm anonymous came nearly 150 ills of food besides other items 011 ulioliynious foboulg Iciidelil scnt 25 cans of fruit the Toronto Daily Star acted very fast in food of ill Barrio office of the Chil drcus Aid Society worked hard for him although he lived out of this district lwas also sent bcing lookcd after but said that whose rented home is on the 12th Concession Sunnldale thanked all who aided him and his family He said many anonymousdonors sent Findleys about two weeks alto organizations aided Grade School No0 Innisl and Miriam Brodic Grove School Orillia Glad Pirlplaincd the poppy fund was for management committee reportcti icmcrgcncy rclicf He said he had that Miss Ilclen Shanahan supeIr mm Ten othu cntlants placed lilghstold Findley to contact the Legion intcndcnt intends to visit high 357 Ilium and won consolation prizes of $1if ho was iii nerd again but ap each Sponsored by County Weed 1p ploziclicd pcctors Raikcs and me cmall3d in Bartle Dunn and the County Councils committee on agriculture tho con test was open to pupils of Grades and of primary schools Only one essay from each class could no cd Winners are to receive their prizc IS Coumy CmmCUIS mOImllgssons met in the church hall at scssmn on Tucsday Novcmbcr 23 015 pm for the second meeting of Winners of the 51 prizes were Virginia Snow Grade School No Sunnidale Vera Llidlow Grade School No Tossorontio Rogcr Mason Grade School NO chumseth Marilyn Sodcrbcrg Grade Bradford Anli Lewis Grade Victoria School Barrie Floribcllc Johnston Grade Col lingwood Alan Beardsall Grade F105 No 13 Donna Ann Bolton Grade West Gwillimbury Catli erlne McAnenoy Grade Pene tang Public School Bombs or grenades were rst used by the French in thc l5lll century nr turn Cd in and il essays tclc llld was organized in Central United was sent by physician was on his way for examination by it specialist In Toronto Barric Canadian Legion states the csting program arranged by the Flopond etc or ad Manager Of Hospital IncrciiSE to ward rates at Royal by if MING Victoria Hospital from to tho classroom 8375 per day was approved by hospital board at its regular meet ing at the nurses residence Mon day The increase was recommended by the finance and property com mittee which met on November 11 Explaining lllt lrculiimcndation Parsons chairmah of tho colnniiltcc said in his report that in view of increased costs since 1947 which the rate was last chang ed thc increase is justified at pointed out that semiprivate and private rates have bccn chang ed twice smcc tho iast raise in ward ratcs The committee estimated that the increase would produce about 2000 year in additional rev cnuc The October statement SHOWNd an estimated revenue decit for the month of $535 October dis bursements totalled $14851 while in the same month last year they tulallcd $3625 Secretary Cameron pointtd out that steady increase in fOOd Costs during the year and dc crcasc in paticnl days were the two main reasons for the increase Thc statcllicnt revealed food costs for Octobcr this year were $310 more than in October last year Patient days in October this year wcre 190 less than in October last ycar Accounts recommended for pay nlcnt totalled $1475610 Warren Wilgar chairman of the Wonderful was the way Jack Sunnidole wanship Cooiu of the motions also distributed to the board to flunk discussion no to on the recent hospital Wigrcgiwnlion at Toronto won given by the local delegam Rev Fermi and Mr Cameron Mr Ferguson reported on thc trustee section Mr Cameron on the ac countancy section in Barrie last home with no food in the From various donors most of Findley said sending in an order of He also praised the efforts FIRST GOVERNORGENERAL The first governorgeneral of Canada was Viscount Monk from 1867 to 1869 who he said Money where he Findley Out ofIliOspital here Undcr Barrie doctors care for some time Findley has been in structed not to undertake heavy work until his heart condition and stomach ulcers improve He felt that his family was now Sunnidalc Officials did nothing un til contacted by Childrens Aid people here and until newspaper accounts wire published President Alfred Harris of the Legion gave assistance to the At that time the Legion took ill cnougli food for about nine days The parcel included about 39 dif fcrcnt articles and coal oil for the lamp all costing about $20 Mr Harris said the Findlcys liad thank ed the Legion but that lic hud ex 111 schools in the area soon with view to recruiting student nurses for ncxt your summary submitted by the management committee listed points on which the hospital was not complying with government lfgullllIOllS regarding training Findley had the Legion paiently not ap until the Organize Second YPU Control United Church sccnnd Young peoples UM schools Mr Wllgar explained thali lilic committee fccls it is not possi ChumL Sunday Nov 13 bio to comply except by construc JEWELLERY Twemyrsix senior teenage pep hull of new rCSidcncc which isl HOW planned Bdt he stated an at ALLANDAIE tcnipt should be made to make up deficiencies over pcriod of timc For start the committee rccomi the term In addition to an inIcl committeIc the organization of the new group took place The election of officers resulted as follows President Val Van Ila Wall VicePresident Pickles Secretary Margaret Wilkinson Treasurer Peter Wiseman Pian ists Harry Rogers and Janet Bcw ell Program Committee Marion Pickles Ron IQEIISI Jim Bewell II Barbara Cole Bill Linton The next meeting will be held on Sunday evening Nov 27 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 nooks T0 PAINT 1N HOOKS TO READ chock Iful Iof colorful adVenturesi zcllerGIFTPriced At 19c COLORING BOOKS STORYPICTUREI BOOKS grand selection offaiiious Comicbook char 13y acters and others to color to read abdut Theyre Wll bound and have brightlycolored covers SecIthis santa to approved collection At 39c laxPAGE PAINT BOOK About 11 ins by 15 ins with colorful cover Contains hundreds of figures and scenes which Tiny Artist will love For Boys Girls EACH WITH 256 PAGES orjrniuLano Sm lESI YOVUNG WOBMS Among the many titles areIa Bobbsei Twinsfo Little Women fPinnochiofgtTom Savvy2 er iqullivergs Trough Brightlycolored Mists Super Gifts at IaZellaiu quTjnrice