Four troopers of the Royal Canadian Dragoons IIC shown above plucking their birds the second step In their recipe for cooking partridge for supper manoeuvres held last we where the during tan Military the Italian battlefront during the MINESING November ll Mrs Donald Campbell Torono is visiting in the community Dr Eric and Mrs Johnstonaiid two sons spent Sunday at George Johnstons Miss Elsie Jacobs Torontospent few days recently with Miss Jes sie Fbyston Mrs Smith Elmvale is visit ing her daughter Mrs Parker Priest Mr and Mrs Plowright and Mrs George Plowright visited at Elmer Pratts Stroud Sunday Mr and Mrs Andrew Cochrane Ripley New York were Sunday visitors at Crawfords Phone 612 with news items dur ing the absence of the regular cor respondent RevA Patstone Stayner will conduct the service in St Peters Church next Sunday Nov 20 at pm Mr and Mrs George Johnston were in Toronto for few days last Regiment is stationed The scene is reminiscent of many such occasions on Catch Tour Partrl dgo military reserve ck at Petawnwa Tpr Flannery war when the Mrs John Flannigan Mr and Mrs McLeary Mr and Mrs Har old Flannigan all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Ernest Flannigan Marilyn and Wilfred Hillsdale were week end visitors with Mr and Mrs Durnford MineslngEdenvale Glee Club About 60 members of the Mine sing and Edenvale GleeClub and other interested persons spent very enjoyable eveninglnst Wedv nesday consisting of very bount ecus supper followed by group games Mrs Srigley was in charge of the games This group consists of the young people of the two congregations under the capable direction of Mrs Young and Mrs Grant the latter as pianist As choir they have assisted at anniversary services at Minesiiig Edenvale Anten Mills Midhurst Grenfel and Elmvale They expect to returnto the Elmvale United Church next Sunday evening for the service splendid entertain ment was rendered by the group in the summer at Minesing Mid hurst and Crown Hill This is really worthwhile undertaking week attending the Ontario Pro isessiye Conseavativc conventionnl Mr and Mrs Verdoniltz moved to Hagersville last Friday Mr and Mrs Alvin Hiltz moved into the house thus vacated Mrs George Miles daughter Karen and Mrs Frank Miles and son Barrie are spending this week at Crawfords while George and Frank are aWay hunting Mrs Albert Bishop Barrie wasI weekend visitor at Youngs Miss Belle Young and Mr and Mrs France of Midland were also guests of the Youngs On Sunday support ofthe whole commiiity BAXTER November 14 Miss Doris Ruddick spent the weekend in Toronto and attended the Ice Capades Mr and Mrs Walkomtand Mr and Mrs Desjardine of Tor onto spent couple of days last week in Buffalo and Niagara Falls John McKnight NCochrane ET McKnight and L1 Hubbert havelre turned home from Manitoulin Is landwhere they went to hunt They brought backtwo ne deerr lLadles Aid Meeting The monthly meeting ofkthe Lad ies Air was held on Wednesday lafternoon at the home Of Rev er and Mrs GeurgisiThornton There were eighteen members pre sent rThe meeting was in charge of Mrs Gauley Jr After the meeting dainty lunch was served by thehostess Mr and Mrs Garner Honored Th friends and neighbors gathlt iered in the hall on Wednesday evening and presented Mr and Mrs Garnerwith floor lamp land end table and cushion After la short programthe ladies served lunch and the remainder of the evening was silent in dancing Orangemen Hold Rowl Supper The Orangemen held their annu allowl supper in the hall on Fri day nighth There were about150 Orangemen and their familiesand also members of the LOBA Afti supperthere were motion pictures for couple of hours and the re maindeiof the evening was spont and the leaders deserve the hearty November 14 Charles Day left Saturday on hunting trip Mr Ind Mn Norie Coutts Ind family Cookstown visited Mr and Mrs George Coutts Misc Ruth Smith is in Grillia this week writing her Registered Nurse examinations Elaine Sehandleii visited with her aunt Mm Wilton Allandale last week Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Cecil Frankcoip on the arrival of son on November 12 Carol Coutts of Cookstown spent last weekend with Mr and Mrs George Coutts Mrs George Devey and children of Capreol are visiting with Mr and Mrs William Welt Bill Day of Toronto Normal School is recuperating at his home after an acute illness Mrs Russell and Rus sell are attending the Winter Fair this week Mrs Arthur Smith is under the doctors care Her many friends Wish her speedy recovery Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Cecil Frankeom on the birth of son in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie November 12 We are pleased to report that little Kenneth Fieldhouse is home again supply of wild poultry often seemed much more plentiful than the game birds are on the Ontario The successful hunters above are left to right Tpr Wright Toronto Sgt Levesque Ottawa Tpr Moldovan Montreal and Toronto Canadian Army Photo DALSTON Tf November 14 The hunters have left for the North on the annual deer hunt Mr and Mrs John Spence have bought house at Edgar Mrs Handy Sr is visiting her daughter at Centre Vespra Mr and Mrs Noble Barber and family were Sunday visitors wiih Mr and Mrs Spence Mrs Miller of Sparrow Lake was the guest speaker at Dalston Womens Institute last Thursday Mr Noble of Newton Robinson is visiting with Mr and Mrs Wright Mr and Mrs Handyand family visited their son Donald in Toronto hospital on Sunday We are glad to hear he is getting along tine APTO mi November 14 Clarence Carson spoutsweek in Toronto recently McFadden left Saturday after spending several months at the Thistletown branch of Sick Childrens Hospital Prize winners at the LOL euchie on Tuesday evening were ladies Mrs Morley Schandlen consola tion Mrs Lorne Poole gentlemen lt Mervyn Fralick high and George Smith consolation Dont miss an evening of enter tainment in Midhurst Hall on Fri day Nov 18 when Beeton present their play Daffy D1115 auspices of Junior YPU Homemade candy will be sold in aid of Sunday School baptismal service was held in the United Church on Sunday evening Susan Agnes daughter of Mr and Mrs Chester Richard son Thomas Ivan son of Mr and Mrs Ivan Cairns and Barry James son of Mr and Mrs Francis Frank com were Christened Home and School The Home and School Associa tion held their monthly meeting in SS No 17 There were 24 mem bers present Mrs Prince led WILDWOOD Alta lCPl The first newspaper in the district the Wildwood Plaindcoier has made the rst of its fortnightly publica tions Editor LDaniels rst issue was four pages with November 13 Mrs Max Hewitt spent few days in Shanty Bay recently The Anglican bazaar held in the Hall on Wednesday was success Mr and Mrs McMurray visitI ed in Minden at the weekend Mrs Tattoo spent last week in Toronto Mr and Mrs Phimister and Miss Phimister of Toronto visited Philip Newman on Friday Miss Betty Castor of St Cathar ines was home for the long week rnd Mr andMrs Tilley of Allandale visited Mr and Mrs George Shef field at the weekend Rev William Newman was in Owen Sound for last weekend and took in the Anglican service there Mrs Addison is visiting in To onto while Mr Addison is north on the hunt Born at Royal Victoria Hoseital Barrie on Nov daughter to Mr and Mrs Philip Newman Best ishcs lnee Joyce Peacock Miss Elean or Adamson read the address wnile Marion Wallwin on behalf of the community presented beautiful Chest of silver Evening Star Mrs Finlay in the absence of Dor othy who was married in Van lof ShantyBay visited with Mrs couver recently was called for ward and presented with chest of silver First Love byMiss Doreen Smith on behalf of the community The address was read by Mrs Alfred Sutton Baptismal Service Baptismal service was held in the United Church on Sunday evening Rev Clements bap tized Susan Agnes daughter of Mr and Mrs Chester Richardson Barry James son of Mr and Mrs Francis Frankcom and Thomas Cairns son of Mr and Mrs Ivan Cairns Triple Presentation On Friday evening the township hall was crowded with friends and neighbors for triple presentantion discussion on the Modern Trends and Shower f0r CWIYWEGSE Mrs A1 inEducation which was enjoyed Aitkens nee Dorothy Finlay now by all present bountiful lunch of Vancouver Mrs Dow nee was served by the Second Line The project for the Home and School Association this year is playground equipment finance committee from each school was formed Miscellaneous Shower very enjoyable evening was spent in Midhurst Hall on Friday Mr and Mrs Murray Forbes nee Eva Wallwin were given mis cellaneous shower little nedlr and groom drew in wagOn heap ew and niece hauled in wagoned with giftsfor Eva The even heavily laden with gifts morning with his hunting grouleavis Coutts read the address for Haliburton Mr and Mrs Jack Parr Lan sing spent the weekend at Richardsons Mrs Darmos and Brian have gone to their new home at Willowdale after spending the summer with her parents Mrs McMaster Barriepwho was one of the residents in the apart ment house on Collier St Barrie which suffered damage by fire re cently is visiting with her daugh ter Mrs McFadden severecrash of thunder late Thursday night disturbed most residents hereaboutsso unusual for this time of yearas wellas the thunder and lightning which followed early Saturday eVening vi November 14 Miss Orma McLean of Fort Wil liam is spending few days atglier home Mrs Lorne Bidwell of Barrie ls Spending two weeks with Mrs Bidwell Martin McAllipter of Edgar span few days withDale Fraser Lawrence Fraserhas gone with the Edgar Hunt Club to Tilden Lake v1 Jesse Bidwell has gone with the WinchesterHunt Club to Island Lakev gt Benham Sr Mr and Mrs Arthur Benham Sandra and Mini ranand Mrs Alf Benham spent Sunday with friends inHCollingn WMi Weekend visitors were Mrgand Mrs HerbLguge Ross andMane of StimulatM Peacocks Ivan ome During the evening presentation was given to Mr and Mrs Dawc JoycePeacock of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Murray Forbes nee Eva Wallwin of Dalston Mrs Alfred Sutton read the address and Miss Doreen Smith presented Mrs Fin lay with chest of silver for Dor othy Miss Eleanor Adamson read the address and Marion Wallwin presented Joyce with similar chest of silver Miss Mavis Coutts read the address and Carol and Donnie Wallwin dressed as bride Miss ing was spent in dancing Dwy erand Mrs Robert Fieldhouse sup plied the music after which lunch was served 172182 Bjradiord St PHONE 5355 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEAN 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER SEDAN 1947 FORD DELUXE COACH 1947 OLDSMOBILE HYDRAMATIC SEDAN 1947 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER SEDAN 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1946 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1946 OLDSMOBILE HYDRAMATIC SEDAN SPECIAL SEDAN 1940 PLYMOUTH COUPE 11938 TERRAPLANE COAC 1937 FORD COACH 1937 CHEVROLET colon 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1945 DODGE DUMP 1941PLYMOUTH SEDAN DELIVERY nanom inn Liurrco cnnvswn PLYMOUTH ranoo 3mm BALLOTS DYAII CRANBERRY PORTAGE Mm iCPl Isolated voters in northern MonlmbairomHudsooBoylotbe Dumber Saskatchewan border at their Mrs James Shelswell is spend ballots by parachute in the recent momma time with im 03499 inanimate provincial election ne Cnighurst sults were brought Out by dot Stator has returned homeiieam and shortwave radio from Alberta He enjoyed the tripl West Mrs Cecil Sheardown spent at few days in Toronto with her lath November 14 er Mr Goodhand who is sick Bruce Kitching spent Thursdayi Mrs Slessor of Orillia spending ii week with Mrs Slesi Toronto Helen Hounsome Toronto visited sor in Will her parents over theweekendl Mr and Mrs Ewart Johnson and Allan spent Sunday with Mr and Mr and Mrs Doc Merchant lefti Sunday to visit with friends in Mrs Burbidge of Everett Mr and Mrs Keith Sanderson Indiana Mr and Mrs Roy Eakley and son Toronto spent the weekend Slessor Mrs Joseph Hewitt of Barrie is visiting with Mr and Mrs Gordon Lauder lift the foxmers parents our deepest Sympamy go out Mrs Duncan spent few daysl to Alfred QHutchinson and faniilyidumlg the We nth mend in the death of Mrs Hutchinson Eamo Harry and Aubrey Slessor Earl Mrs Rankin MIS Kilchlng 331d Lauder Gordon Bidwell Dee Mrs McClung 5901 and Jim Partridge have gone hum with friendsjn Bradford McClung Burns MacDonald 75 51113 and daughltl and 11 Brown 11 Lummis and several DOTOlhfa Lees and PBWFSOD others left Saturday for Northern Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and regions on me deer hum Mrs Lees very enjoyable time was spent Ml1 anddMgz lgrtgkm at the home of Mr and Mrs 231 30 Gillgm lpemognggy Carrulhers Thursday evening it we with Mr and Mrs Maurice Hayes hem C51 ran congrcga their sister Mrs Silas Brown who was buried in the United Church Cemetery on Thursday November November 14 10 Mrs Bannister spent few days in Midland and Wycbiidge Miss Joan Langman of Allen wood visited with Mrs Allan DrinkilL Fred Wood John Miller and Herb Hornsby are on hunting trip Wallace and Lester Wood visited at their homes while their boats were at Port McNicoll Mrs Herb Hornsby spent Wed nesday in Toronto and attended the Ice Capades Mr and Mrs Brown and fam ily of Lansing spent the weekend with friends Rev George King missionary of North China took the services in Waverley United Church Sun day The YPU held their first meetingi of the season on Nov in the form of play party under the leader1 ship of Miss chma Drinkill Remembrance Day servicel was held in the school with alll the school pupils of Area attend ing Mr Harris president of Bar rie Branch Canadian Legion was speaker The sympathy of the community is extended to Elmer and Owen French and families in the loss of DRIVEURSELF 12 74 GIIIIG at lional fowl supper VALLEY TAXI You always complain your loc retarles get married Well hire your dougliter She went to get married Jeep usually Men To hell ya condition use mph normal Kidney Pills Doddnhelp tbekrilongd rid of poison and excess and It you system Then yaw minus you can enjoy tactful minded Include refmhedandmdyluwkor pby GetDoddq Kidmylillstoday 11 Dodde Kidnov Pills lrucking Service LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING pcv CLASS 24 Hounssnvrci DRIVEURSELF CARS 10 per mile TON STAKE AND PANEL TRUCKS per mile LARGE TRUCKS 15 per mile Dial 2433 or 2222 Barrie Hardwarew Specializing in Builders Hardware New Improved INSIDE TUBULAR LATCH SETS WITH STEEL KNOBS $175 GLASS KNOBS FornBedroom Bath orCloset Doors with convenient OPERATION BY KNOB FROM EITHER SIDE INSIDE TUBULAR LOCK scrs GLASS KNOBS WitthTEEL KNOBS $235 OPERATION BY KNOB WHEN NOT LOCKEI Emergency outslde release Can be installed quickly and econOmically SHOP WHERE YOUR DOLLAR jBUYS Moan 40BayfieldSt Phone 3664 Barrie PRE Curtis ennuied retai Sets so 32 Pieces With oatmeals AS weneiimj $1025 Amps $655m1dxup SETSs