Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1949, p. 7

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Slayner go 34 Mc hllns wallet containing LOSTTh1ee uvmmwommm WW Honour Int cow with on hm children read off Kn Arthur lltfeniwalgrg GIRL lm It Chill 13 children and W1 mod ern Barrie nuns Tele honestm or writ WANTED wwwm Interaction al dictionary Phone 2075 even lands to Hon ommo noon sum wanted ccewith squalc table also dross giz Phone 2301 380 POULTRY AND EGGS wanted 11 best prices paid We will call and Poultry Sta tion liston 17 90894p TRANSPORTATION wanted For or evening of Nov 25 to North Bay returning Nov 21 Pay ex noeavplus Phenol fund pm 3809 FIVE DOLLARS REWARD offer ed for information regardi identity of person who tdok lack elt handbag containing gnykld rse from the ladies washroom Barrie station on Nov at Owner is in urgent need of keys and money Information will beheldVinrconftdencenbyMrs It If Cazaly Thornton Ont Mp LOST AND FOUND BEAGLE HOUNDloot black and white male answers to Butch studded ward wearin collar Phone 4418 17801 LOST4n vicinity of chlers green small sum of money and horse pictures Phone Barbara Lloyd 2155 1749p strands of pearls top of Penetang St and downtown Barrie on Friday Finder can phone 2515 Reward 80p LOSTGrey plywood punt 14 ft long with No painted on bow Delaney Boat Lines and Servrces Ltd Phone 3461 Barrie 1780p LOSTArm chair occasional chair plaid faced green rug pillows be tween Barrie and Colllngwood Wednesday Finder please no Wilcox Inn Stayner Ont Re ward 17600 raulrr AND VEGETABLES McINTOSH Snow Pewaukec and Spy aples delivered in me gallbry orren NortbSt one CARROTS No grown in virgin muck soil no chemicals or poison used Free dehycrgarrie area per bus Box 55 Cookstown 307811 at EQUALITY APPLES McIn Spys and various cooking rietles Prices from $1 to 15 11 bushel delivered Go lie hone 4151 2078411 13011me on BARRED ROCK New Hamp cross pullets ready to lay Rear sonable McCartney Minesilna Inquire at Ronalds Store for loca tion 147980p ROUEN nub White Mutcovy ducks alsd Dark and White Corn ish cockerels to cross on standard hens for meat flurry Horrorrm North St Eagle 14 AUTOMOBILES 33 PLYMOUTH running condi tion Make offer Ph 3945 134001 CHRYSLER sedan 1938 AR con dition only Phone 360 or ply 18vae 1940 one on truck slson good coildition Mothers forage Midhursb one am 1380 1936 nepotism fir excelient condition new tires $395 cash Apply rater Alliston Co op 1380b 1941 cm picku truck eXcf lent corvdition ensemble Ma thers Garage madam 50W 1mm Gavan Cows the902 20 Too small 2049001 phi Phone 2907 138p UEBEC arm with in cvcunp or mm AND Ap Tl meat Dave Wilson 11 ton Phone phone 94 nor um WHO 148 WMS dropheed sewing nu ed 69 John St 7801 uty Parlor 34 Dunlop St Tole 0811b It was reported in the paper huti No reasonable offer refill week that Ron Armstrong charted with theft of cakes and bread from Irans Bakery here had been ARMY OFFICERS dress Style given suspended sentence of one gamut Heavily lined Phone 55 after pm 79001 year by Magistrate Gordon Jester The Mr Antwan rdmeddo tn BATTERY RADIO for sale battery the on team was resident with radio good condition Phone 5102 after pm FORDFER USON tractor narrow bot om nearly new phone Moonstone 12 ELECTRIC RANGE 2plate with oven in Al condition Phone low Vespra and was not VRon Arm 1430p strong of Barrie For draperies ace Barrie Tent clc and Awnlng line for Fall 1909 Eye 7409 Appeal Newest Fabrics Quality 22mins Priced for my more 44ml 5284 or 5126 in evenings 7793011 FATHER AND SON NIGHT LOCK Inhale all widths Shanty Bay Phone Oro 71029 lumb Muir TWO COATS size 14 in mod condition one green one for owner beth St ADDING MACHINES and type writer for sale or rent at Barrlo Business College 06 Toronto Phone 4824 IMb WARM MORNING coal heater with draft regulator practically new one fillin lasts for 24 hours $55 Phone 78081p HcCLARY electric stove 4burner warming oven with utility storage Good condition Apply 123 Collier St Phone 2519 or 2560 78011 BOYS BLUE SUIT raincoat de tachable wool lining boys new sweater all size 14 girls raincoat size 16 Cheap Ph 3307 780b LOGANBERRY wine coat with detached leopard lined hood jun ior misses size 11 worn one season good condition $15 Phone 3337 or apply 83 Gowan St 780 MOFFAT tabletop electric range burners automatic oven ntrol $200 also metal crib wit mat tress and Sunshine baby carnage Local 190W Camp Borden 780p ANYONE in need of water We are equipped with 1100gal tank and porn Water may be de livered turn your nearest creek Dennis Moran White Rose Service Station Bayilckl St Barrie Tele ne 290 779970 wood Fort SALE MAPLE Conowooo stud cord Phone 4210 0p DRY MIXED WOOD for sale cut instovc lengths Phone 5128 or 534 in evenings 67980p WOOD FOR SALE sawed any length and delivered Dennis Mor an White Rose Serwcc Station 87987b HARDWOOD 4ft length deliver ed reasonable Sanderson lanty Ba Call Oro 16217be tween 123 430 or 67 even ing 67980b norm FOB slits HOUSE FORE SALE reasonably priced Iowan 8r Cowan 167981 $800 FOOTJlan our home by seeing these exce enf building lots located east side Mulcaster and west side Berczy Sts Barrie Lots mow $100 down For lcrmation apply Stephens Barrie Phone 2519 or 2560 10809 WW room An 80m noon mo homo wanted for young business man Telephone 81 ring 31 1H momma sartorial HOUSING Lows builders horn properper fin anecdgdt cumen rate or illrchasedlerry drill It will be night for Kiwanians at lar dinner munity House sponsoer by the Boys and Girls Committee and the program will include feats of magic by 4201 210 Ellza LaPoint officer commanding 7i8081p RCASC School Camp Borden Father and Son their regu this evening at Com The meeting is PERSONALS unmounted vimtouch mumm by the mhldopurtment rnom rm Miss BessieWood of Bradford was weekend guest of Mrs Carter Theresa St Harold Sprott of Ottawa spent several days in Barrie last week with his parents Dr and Mrs Sprott Mary St Mr and Mrs Brownscombe Toronto and Mr and Mrs Gordon Reeve were visitors with Judge and Mrs McCuaigat St Thomas lastvweekend Mr and MrsGordon Reeve Miss Mary Card and John Reeve attend ed fthonvocation at University of Toronto when Helen Reeve re ceived her Bachelor of Arts de gree Fm MORRISONIn loving memory of dear mother Fannie Morrisonrwho passcdsawayuNuv 14 1944 The world may change from year to year And friends from dawto day But never will the one We loved Froih memory pass away Ever remembered 80p AUCTION SALES ma Thursday Nov 17Auction sale of farm stock and implements pro perty of Bentley NHILot 94 Con Tecumseth one mile south of Bond Head Sale at 11230 ST Terms cash Manning McEwan Auct gt 787900 Thursda Dee 1Mrs Russell Rob son 11 Lot 10 Con 711553 miles west of Thornton Auction sale of farm stock andwimplo mentswinc1uding tractor uip merit Terms All sums $15 and under cash iven to parties furnishing sat isfactory reference Sale at 1230 mafia JSlessorgt Auc tioncer 8044 in new 5M Theiu there Emma Lloyd and an over that amount months credit will be relsill Coup Borden Oman the younger frys shootin eye and mg linger training officers revealch this week that teenaged Dead Eye Dicks in the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps won total off 6243 markunanshlp badges for rifle noting during the year endi mg First Class shots are dime 3i dozen am Cadets Its the Rio pert rating theyre all but to get and surprising number age suc ceeding in qualifying as topflight sharpshooters In the year reviewed 3340 First Class 1600 marksmanship Class and 1248 coveted Expert Class badges were awarded the lunlor snipers Both their rifles and ammunition are supplied by the Army and they are given every encouragement and opportunity to practice or com pcte on Army rllle ranges in their own locality In many mes Ac tive or Reserve Force soldiers in struct and supervise their shoot inlf 221 HUTCHINSONAt the Royal Vlc toria Hospital Barrie on Nov 10 1949 Annie Holt beloved wife of Albert Hutchinson Edgar Ont in her 70th year Interment West Oro Cemetery Nov 12 KEARNSAt Montreal on Nov 1949 Norbert Kearns son of the late Mr and Mrs James Kearns Midland in his 53rd year Interment St Marys Cem every Barrie Nov 11 McGARVAAt the Oddfellows residence Barrie on Nov 12 1949 Andrew McGarva beloved son of the late Mr and Mrs John McGarva in his 84th year Rest ing at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie for service Tuesday Nov 15 at ml ST Inter ment Barrie Union Cemeter McKINNONAt the home her daughter Mrs Steve McNally Tottenham on Nov 1949 Elizabeth McKinnon wife of the late Daniel McKinnon in her 85th year dear mother of Mar aret and Kenneth Interment Marys Cemetery Brentwood Nov 11 STONEAt Oshawa on Nov 11 1949 Thomas Joseph Stone be loved husband of the late Eliza beth McMurray and father of Mrs Coughlin Margpretl Oshuwa and Francis of Elmvale in his 79th year Interment St Patricks Cemetery Nov 14 TUCKOn Nov 11 1949 at her home Barrie vewTorontD Ida Irena Tuck Wife of the late Tuck and dear mother of Hamid Irma Mrs Bruce and the late Mrs Mossop Irena Interment West Oro 1Bfptist Church Cemetery Nov WEBBAt Toronto General Hos pital on Nov 13 1949 Alvin Webbof Stroud in his 54th year husband of Mrs Webb father of Robert and Elwood and Ray and Louise and Merit bro ther of Clifford of Thornton Ed ward of Crai ale Morley of Capreol and oyd of Stroud Funeral service from the family residence at Stroud on Wednes Aday Nov 16at 230 and pm at Siroud Unite Church Interment Stgoud Cemetery 15935 KELLY10 and Mrs Kelly and family of Thornton wish tozthank their friends and neigh bors for their kind thoughts and deeds during their recent bereave ment 80b in Arrnzcunon so kindto himduring his stay You on arch 31 1949 son of Benjamin Webb both of Stroud ThoSaGrabarn who has re cently returncdrfrdm the hospital wishestothank all those who were WWI custom 35 Indie van of ScottishRito mammal AND the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Nov Two bus loads of Spry Chapter 1m and Rose Croix Scottish mm officer and members went to Hamill 35351 rkiienlhllmbelm on Nov to witness the 17th and 18th degrees exemplied by Ham 050 30in ilton Chapter There were some and Mrs Bunch 00 in the party and they were roy CampBorden son slly entertained by Hamilton Scct enigmaAv me 110331 Vic tish Riters The degrees confer torla Hospital Barrie on Nov red on class of over 40 candidates 33 1999 to Mr and Mr James WIe must prcsswa Cherette 48 Centre St son lAntoniot The Barrle brethren had an op DAWSONA me no ow portunity of seeing through the HospitalBarrie on av 11 1949 Hamilton Masonic Temple one of to Mr and Mrs Lorne Dawson the finest in the world On Thurs 45 Gowan St daughter day and Friday the degrees from FRANKCOMTAI the Royal Vic 19 to 32 were exemplied and toria Hospital Barrie on Nov number from Barrie Valley were among the large class receiving the Specialty erttcn for The Barrie Examiner By ALAN DONNELLY Canadian Press Staff Writer Alex McKenzie Toronto law yer was reelccted president of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Association Tuesday despite the strong opposition olra group sup porting surprise candidate James Allan Dilnnvillc dairy operator There were no other candidates for the post degrees Mr Allunormer mayor of Dun Spry Chapter Wm hold the an milk and past president of the assembly on Nov 30 when the lSth Ontario Good Roads Association 18m demo Wm be 9xnped had not been mentioned in the pre convention speculation on the pre sidential election Results of the voting were not immediately an nounced The election gave Mr McKenzie his fourth term in office His op ponent was reported to have been supported by members who resent ed what was termed administration of the association by clique of Toronto lawyers Frankcom Midhurst son HEPPENSTALLAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov 11 1949 to Mr and Mrs Ray Hcppcnstall Camp Burden ll daughter JEROUXA1 the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov 10 l949 to Mr and Mrs Joseph Jer oux 18 Holgatc St son OHARAAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov 14 1949 to Mr and Mrs Vincent OHara RR Barrie son WHITEMANAt the Royal Vic torla Hospital Barrie on Nov 14 1949 to Mr and Mrs Delbcrt school year and grade the first high school term Some of the changes will come into effect with the new school year this fall others will take several years The Ontario Federation of Agri culture told group of Ontario Leg islature members this week that The provinces Young Progressive f00d Prices have definite Waring Whiteman Barrie dlghtcr Mnsorvativc Association which got on 50 fertility fian SUKEESIEd that together day before the main con consumers are fitting noose about Wntion began elected Jack McNie their own neck with demands fer of Hamilton as their president Mc Cheap 100d Nie 29yearold advertising execui In 2000word brief to the Leg for live EmClCd 011W 1W0 VOiCS more islatures select committee on coni than the runnerup Wallace Nes servation the Federation asked the bin at Woodstock lawyer provincial grovernment to set price level for farm products that Education authorities parents and twill make it unnecessary for farm All Makes 85 Models DANGIRIIILD MOTORS 65 Collier St Phone 2487 91 SChOOlgomg Children as we ers to deplete their soil reserves by were this week examining what high production amounted to peaceful revolution such soil may in the future pro ln the DFOVIHCCS public and high duce only enough food to support school system the farmer and his family not en The announcement of the change ough to send surplus products for over in schools which affects all 13 the urban consumer market the grades in present elementary and Federation said continuation schools was made last week by Education Minister Dana Porter before meeting of Elgln county teachers in St Thomas In effect the proposed change would wipe out all divisions bel tween public high schools by eliminating hig school entrance eraminations and reorganizing the present 13 grades into four divisions primary junior intermediate and senior The chief aim is to make courSes more continuous Passiny more fundamental change is that which willshiftto local school boards the responsibil ity Courses in elementary divisions This together with special changes in clous school subjects to meet cha ging needs will give flexibility to teaching and permit tailormade courses to meet varying local in terests Mr Porter said the elimination of entrance examinations is designed to end the arbitrary break be tween grade the last elementary nuav Bargains in Truck 1943 Ford ton platform with lollies lumber rollers etc 9180000 1946 GMC ton platform $120000 1945 Ford ton 12 foot com bination dump twin pist on hoist $120000 1943 International K50 com bination dump new K7 motor new tires $120000 1938 GMC ton platform $70000 There is absolutely nothing wmnnghesetxncksAIl have good tires and are in first class condition Pricos cannot be beaten Anywhere BOX 513 MACEBRIDGE ONTARIO Phone 499 Fowler Construction Co liilson Furnaces 12 Bayfield St oVEnsrAs PARCELS Ifyou are remembering your friends overseas we pay special attention to packaging and mailing parcels Such items as BUTTER BACON and CHEESE in Tins are always welcome Bnowlv co COOP UNIVERSAL Standard Calf Nose unit operating on pipeline fast efcient milks clean ts thenceds of no wartot Isms iuo on mm 805 coop UNIVERSAL CdlfNOse Portables9 can tYPerPai type or track typer1 styllerc portablcs LarsPreferred For As Low As Guthrie 12 1949 to Mr and Mrs Cecil For distributor or crn approved fire protec slve territory 89 9030 commission Experlencef preferred but not neoco sary Address all replies to Box The Barrie 31 smitten HELP WANTED rienced Bloc Layers to Work on New Theatre at Newmarket Alva Aurora Building Go Phone 51 Aurora ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS PllllAl REAL ESTATE BROKER Houses Lots Tobacco General Farms Exchanges Insurance MARKLE Mgr 69 Collier St Phone 3844 RR New Lowell Phonc102r24 LIST YOUR PROPERTIES WITH US Agent For and till Burners Refrigerators Washing Machines For Immediate Delivery and Installation iiALFE PhoneZSIS art 3003 COOP our Nosdsllou eliminates the use long 14

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