Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1949, p. 6

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ABOVE IS BICYCLE of the same on as nicotine referred to by Mrs Robert Boyes of Lefroy in the Museum Exhibits article in this issue One of the riders above is the late MncLaren Barrie who owned the machine described by Mrs Bayes It is now in the County Museum in the Old Registry Building on Worstcy Street Approve Expenditure of $8000 On Community Hall At GuthrieE Oro Council met at the Town Hall onNov lst with all members present Communications were presented from Department of Lands and Forests Stewart Department of Municipal Allahs Ludgalc The Ontario Municipal Board Ern est Caranal Thompson Canadinn National Railways Bank of Toronto Wilson and Com puny Bell Telephone Co Mrs John Marshall Muskoka Hospital Whyte Miller Paving Limited Wicr Construction Co Cook Construction Co and Lloyd Street The clerk was instructed to write Stewart with regard to strictions of Thos Coupe suo division The Department of Highways wrote giving approval of interim loads subsidy statement An order from Ontario Municipal Board approving bylaw No 688 for proposed capital expenditure of $4800 for Guthrie Community Hall was presented Ernest Carana OSS forward ed prole plans ect of Wrigley Ditch which was ordered placed on file The question of fenccs at Town Hall property was left in the lhands of Deputy Reeve Campbell and Coun Bartholomew grant of $5 was made to Raikes for payment of prizes for weed essay contest Reeve Woodrow reported on plans for bridge at Hawkestone nndwas instructed to have Stuart NIeyes pgocggdvltvith drawing of plans The treasurers list of receipts was presented and accepted as sat isfactory nmsrnmo con tractswcrepr an blueprintof proposed sub division of George Shelswell prop erty was presented and the clerk instructed to write Department of Planning and Development Tile clerk reported as per in structions from last meetingthat he had asked for tenders for snow not Blinds or Down withdirtcatchers Dust 0115 right off these satin wnoh slats made of featber light exible aluminum firs 00f mstproot wearproof djactcpted rmoval and presented tenders le Tllse were eeived tendcr of Miller Department and Robert Aconley for killed by dogs were ordered paid at valuators valuations Report of RoadSupt Hesse 101 work done during October was presented and passed for payment Various road matters were consid ered and Road Supt givcn instruc tions Mitchell Square Womens Insti tute were granted permission to erect cupboards in the basement of the Town Hall The various accounts before council were passed for payment and council adjourned to meet again on Dec when Court of Re vision on 1950 assessment roll will be held at 11 oclock TUDHOPE Clerk GUTIIRIE Womens Institute The November meeting of the Womens Institute will be held on Wednesday Nov 16 at the home of Mrs Morris Shelswell Hawke Stone Mrs Jas Hancock will be the speaker taking as her subject Occupational Therapy Roll call recipe for Christmas sweet and sample iOldTime Spinal Among Furnishings Auctioned Barrie tioneering business for Sles sor Barrie but he states never before has he handled itemsof such antique value as those in the Iauction Thursday for the estate or the late Mrs Georgina MacLaren 80 Mary Street She was the widow of the late MacLaren who was brother of MacLaren president and managing editor of ThclBarrie Examiner The 500 people attending the twoday auction came from points ineluding Toronto Meaford0rll lia Midland Carnp Borden and elsewhere Realizing nearly $3000 the auc tion was highly successful states Mr Slessor Among antique items was an oldtime spinet musical instru ment which sold for over $100 All oldstyle threepiece Chestereld suite went for well otter $200 and several vases sold for $25 each set of threeowine decanters brought labout $20 quantity of fancy Ichina brought good prices iCONGRAu lation of uptqdate sttigwmgtW considered and 1110i Paving Limited for power grader and of Cook Con struction Co for truck were ac cepted subject to approval of the Claims of Parker and Sons sheep fertile eleventh in and WNBBY mum sthage and display facilities 00 VEquipmentlly oil co 3533111 N0 Penny lbPcny chspra PM unnamay Council GivoiiOrders To Mbtm gDam BlockinghSwaley Creek The council met on October as impartialer after the Court of at which whoa communication veg read from Ludnte Municipal Road Erlth optimum of im im Con 11 Knapnml part in 24 Con Stallion wt East 51 lot 12 Con The Clerk was instructed to wrll to rate payer notifying him to rc Penny HaPenny me givcniim ElleldY approval move the dam placed 111 the Swoley to bicycle used when the from wheel in the largewheeled bicycle was many times higher than that behind and often as much as 60 inches in diameter The rider sittinl on saddlex led to the back bone moves the ibicyclc with his feet by means of cranks attached to the axle of the front or driving wheel and steers by help of eroas handle affixed to the erect bar As much as 100 miles have been accomplished in less than Six hours on one of these We have In the Museum simi lar bicycle The large wheel mm sures 51 inches and the smaller 10 inches in diameter The owner the late Maclxlren of Barrie used to ride it from Barrie to Tor dhto Blcytitw modern form of the The earliest form of tiOLiptdt bicycle about 1920 had two heavy ulyukn wheels NEW LOWELL friends here George Pearson of Toronto 15 don and Miss Clara Pearson Stroud on Saturday afternoon Bobby Patton spent the weekend with his grandparents Mr and Mrs John Gordon at Bethel Mrs Paddison is spending some time with her daughter and her husband Mr and Mrs Plax ton Angus Rev Mr Armstrong BA of Tor onto has charge of the service in the United Church Nov 13 at 730 pm Everyone welcome Bring your friends Visitors at Mrs Thomas Baes over Sunday were Mr and Mrs Auger Mr and Mrs Leslie Mapes Jack and Miss Mary Saunders Mr and Mrs Derroches Jackie Lynne and Ronnie Mrs Leslie Browning Gary and Wayne Mrs Ella Deadman all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Wm Mapes and family Jack Hillier all of Dundas also Leonard Revell of Hamilton Womens Institute Meeting The WI met at the home of the president Mrs Coe The meeting opened by singingthe Ode fol lowed by the Lords Prayer and the Creed Roll call was answered by your favorite radio program Min utes of the last meeting were read andadopted Mrs Patton read paper and Mrs Wes Bates read report of the convention at Barrie The meeting closedhy singinggthe National Anthem Lunch was serv ed at the close Silver Wedding veryem01able evening was spent in the Town Hall Nov cr Mr and Mrs James Hamley Tor onto on the occasion oftheir sil ver wedding anniversary The hall was decorated With pink and white lstreamers and the tea tables were set in white and decorated with pink and red roses centred with silver wedding cake About 110 guests were present the eldest be ing Mrs Schell and the youngest Murray Tompkins only grandchild of Mr and Mrs Jas Homley An address was read by Gilbert Cal4 ter after which he askedMr and Mrs Homley to come to the plat form After receiving the many beautiful gifts Mr Homley thank ed all for their kindness After supper the evening was spent in singing and dancing Outoftown guests were from Barric Stayner and Toronto Young People The rst meeting of the New Lowell Young People was held on Nov in the United ChurchThc past president Marion Mumberson was in the chair and fteen mem bers were present Afterlhe sings log of two hymns and the Bible Pooortlooqloooo ll Frigidaire refrigeration November Mrs George Farrell Toronto ls visiting Mrs Murray and other visiting his sisters Mrs Joc Gor Mr and Mrs Lloyd Patton sitQ tended the PattonPratt wedding all gravel contract approval of fur those of gravel pit west in 1021 lCon and notice not to exceed Eproprlations in Road Bylaw fairer of Ontario enclosing cheq Einterim substdy on roads $53m in Thompson Clerk of tho chocc acknowledging receipt of guarantors of Jamal Coleman my Treasurer receipt for $1014 Mny Winkle Re Culvert on Little Lake Road Workmens Compen isalioo Board Re Reporting uccld ientc Mr Rowe Township Solicitor istating draft deed of gravel pit had been accepted The following accounls were pas sed David Cpmeron advance $2500 Culdwells Drug Store Stamps for ltux Bills 3650 Earl Richardson Selecting Jurors 5701 Ruikes Selecting Jurors $700 Coutts Selecting Jurors $1050 Raikes lmmdumd 0m Franton account assessor $10000 11 J1M Lowell Company 530 population zlheets forms and binder $1370 Township of Vesprn phone in Hall $010 Coleman Hospital Ac counts lndigents $3373 Currie Sut ton one lamb killed by dogs $2250 Road Voucher No 10 $108028 The following Hydro Contracts were up lprovcd McCartney West 15 November 10 ESohool Trustees to Attend Meeting At cialmceting of the Home and Se col Association held in Ferndale School Thursday Nov 10 the following decision was smadc That the secretary Mrs Dowson inform the School Trustees that the next meeting ofthe association iwould be at eight oclock Friday evcning Nov 25 This motion was in reply to letter from the Trustees ln which they stated they would attend the next meeting to discuss The Future of Ferndale School If is pointed out to all parents of Feindale children that this meeting is their opportunity to ob tain from the Trustees answers to questions which concern the educa tional future of their children You personally are requested to reading by Herb Cce the officers were elected as follows President Isabelle Coe Secretary Wilma MoGillivray Fellowship Convener Herb Coe Helpers Doug and Rodney Du Citizenship convencr Marion Mumberson Helpers Ken Duff and David Tivendalc Missionary convener Margaret Bates Helpers Arthlli sol and Ray Cole Culture conven er Harvey Coe Helpers Vincent Stainton and June Tivendale So cial convener Laverne Barker Helpers Betty Barker Ruby Rawn Bob Duff Leighton Rowe aridWaIIy StaintOnT Organist Margaret Bates After the new officers were elected several games were played The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction This group will meet in the United Church everyWednesday at8 pm Ausmono WK co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS S3 Colliet St We 07 Yonge St Toronto Resident Partner MacLAREN BComm GAL BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street Barrlc llTelephoneQISS INCOME TAX SERVICE HERBERT HARRIS Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrie Office Wilson BuildingPost Office Telephone 3397 ReSIdentManager CARRIER ROSE teled Accountant Collier Street illosplul Accounts Indigent Mutt the following Mumber Phone recll Drain on Side Road and Con and to remove any sediment accumulated by reason of said darn The offer of Mr umber son of $60000 for lot 13 plan 236 Part rst 11 lot 1515 cereal and acre of lot 25 Con 6tabout 28 iacresl was accepted Special meeting of illeCouncil iwas held on November to com plete Township business on hand lbylaw to regulate and restrict the ilocatiou and etc of buildings in idle Township of Vespra was read la third time and passed and me sultcilor was instructed to forward copy to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval The Clerk was instructed to send copy of Solicitor Cowans lcttcr re Dunlage to Sellandlen H0use and copy of letter received from Mr Ludgllte to George Johnston re Cleaning Nottawnsago River and the Clerk wusalso mv ructed to forward to each rate paycr in the area copy of ves pra Townships Planning tentatlve recommendation The Council adjourned to meet in Court of Revision at 10 am on Not 211 Tlle Council meeting immediate ly after the close of same note the time and date and no matter whether you are member of the association or not make poult of nding out first hand how is your childs future going to be handled Skunked While en route to school the other morning ll skunk crossed the path of rosy checked Ferndulc youngster Not liking the look of the animal he attempted to kicu it greatly to the sorrow of his mother when he returned home It Could Happen To You husband after tiring day was enjoying his pipe and reading the evening paper The wife who was trying to solve crossword puzzle suddenly called out George what is the female of sheep tEwe curtly replied the hus bandand that is how the row started Cookery Gem No No doubt those district residents who phoned their appreciation of Gem No will also approve of When sausage Mary fries It splits and with hiss spreads itself across the pan Whod serve mess like this Did no one tell you Mary dear to wrap them first in flour Theyll siz zle brown and keep in shape Until the dinner hour Little Pigs Travel Porkmore than two million pounds of itgrown in Finland canned tn Copenhagen sold Great Britain Ernest one of nut is spendinrpomc time at the homes of Bidwel Shclxwell Weekend visitors here were and Mrs Schiller of Toronto at Mchuln Kr and In Bartley of Toronto at Dickcrs Mr and Mrs Stephenson of Gm venhursl at Art Bcnhams Mrs flenham returned with her parents for visit Womens Mute Thc WI met at Mrs Maddens home with 10 members present Mrs box will be sent to Miss Eleanor Atkinson former resident now November ii Thos Lyons is very low With pleurapneumonia The Services in both ehurhes are to be held from now on at Stundzml time Mrs John Watson is sick wom an at the home of her son Charlesi ill the Scotch Settlement The Remembrance Day service ati the park gate was attended by both Clergymcn Rev Mr Burton and Rev Mr Heam and some ftv others Yes Indian summer and we have had nearly week of real summer weather But now look out for read clay land mud and dark lainy November days euchrc party was field Thur day night last in aid of the Con munity Hall which is nearing com olctlon Another euchrc party will be held next Thursdav Miss Jean Roll of Stayner who was guest speaker at the Mission Band meeting and the WMS ser Vlce spent the Weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith Less than 40 da now till Christ mas They will very busy days for we cooks and yours truly has invested in four uptotheminute white Cochin pullets and year old male of the same breed hepe to put them in the show ring ubsmn Band The Thankoffering meeting of the Mission Band was held Satur dw NW at the home of Mrs Fry Wlth an attendance of 23 The ulCllM 101 worsnlp was Thanks glvmg and was conducted by the prcSldent assisted by Barbara Lockett who read Thanksgiving poem and Mildred Reynolds who read Psalm 100 Miss Holt led in prayer The roll call was answeri ed by My Favorite Bible Character Mrs Smith gave the story from the study book and Alice Smith fav ored with piano number spev clal feature of the meeting was talk by Miss Jean Holt mission ary who has spent many years in China Miss Holt told of her work among the Chinese boys and girls and sang verses of childrens hymnsI in Chinese The meeting closed with the benediction Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Bradley and Mrs Win Sutherland tn smounl November 11 Come out to the euchre in Stroud Friday Nov 18 and make it success PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Assumes Mosrc Lessons ALICE BOOTH LRCM TEACHER IN PIANO THEORY NChgrlottc St Phone 2748 at Royal Conservatory of Music WA JESSIE It BRYSON 811131 PEACHER 0F PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils pre ared for examinations of the IlllyaiJ Conser vatory of Music Toronto all Tocheve cough ing spasms muscular soreness rub throat chest and V9553 back at bed with timetested Pupils Preparemor Examination grades including Modern Math Studio Bradford St foonomvronnsou Auoclate of Toronto Conservas Music for of Music and London Eng lies of Theory IMlite emu VETE 1101111311 for 5A Newman and surgeon Cookstown IQnt Phonc 901 pn comEMIN Piano and undSURGEON Sophia 8111 Phone 21545 box forth cud Ills Art md Hrs Dicker were appointed leader to organize Junior Home imakers group They will attend leadership course in Barrie on Nov and The meetinit closed with sin Peacock and Mrs Will be at Mrs Pea There Will inexpensive meet each cm on Dec be on exchange of Christmas gifts for you That mortgage on your home present no worry 5010113 ll your earning power contin ues To your family alone it would be too much to handle and might result in the loss of their lfomc For very small yearly pre mium you can gmmntec enough money for your family to pay all the remaining instalments mitts well as 931mm pmided Al sisted as tea 1103188888 The nextrere was les cake and candy were served Mr and loss Boyer spent Ohllia To Mn mm of forum open dwlth Mr 11103151 Mr Mrs June Wilson and can of Toronto are rustling with Fumes Cockburn Vincent Hayes ls Wing inicely utter an operation in Tor lento hospital last Monday We all ihope he will soon be home The children of Edgar met In the fall Oct In for Hallcwon rty 18er alien nce rile Institute gave prizes to the best dressed At the clue of ivory enjoyable evening sandwich MORTGAGE femiv on your mortgage The yearly premium starts at about of your mortgage loan and re duces by about half long before the mortgage period ends Their housetheir home rem frcc Iant that the man important assurance you mug give your family Let us read you all the details about this mortgage cancellation policy Maillbo wuss HEALEY Branch Manager Masonic Bldg 11 Owen Street NORTH AMERICAN LIFE Head Office 12 King St Toronto Without obligaling me in any way mortgage cancellation plan Nan Addyrri plcuc send me details of your uummmuW

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