fit BEDQOOM tOitll6 BEDROOl lZ0 155 CLOWES md Womens Institute The Edgar Community Hall was the scene of ti special occasion on Saturday evening Nov when the members of Clowes WI enter tained their families and former members and their husbands at banquet in honor of the 25th anni versary of the organization of this branch of the Womens Institute Thehall was appropriately decor ated with WI colorsroyal blue and gold streamersand with flow ers donated by Rev Hugh Mt Taggart and WI members Pres ent and former Junior Homemaker girls ably catered to about 140 guests present Miss McKay cut the beautifully decorated birth day cake Rev Hugh McTaggart proposed the toast to the King He spoke on the motto For Home and Country and welcomed the guests also presenting each of the eleven original members present with red rose He then introduced the president Mrs Partridge who introduced the guest speak Wm WM ThreeBedroom House In Brick Veneer asonoom mums EXAMINER minim ONTARIO CANADA Of Textile Craft in Ontario County Arts and Crafts Associa tion in cooperation with the Onl Orillia YMCA recently ltion of the County were on bani to hear talk by Clark of the Royal Ontario Musev THE COLBY has plans which call for par ticularly low roof line The plans also spectfy that the exterior of The Colby be brick veneer ed The combination of these two specialfea tures provides this house with extra sturdi ncss The floor plan of The Colby includes three bedrooms Every one of the three bedrooms is equipped with generous amount of closet space There is comfortable living room and kitchen provided with ample dining area There is convenient closet space in The Col by The front vestibule of The Colby is turn ished with large handy coal closet There is linen closet as well as general storage closet located in the bedroom hall The kit chen is provided with large general storage closet and there is also pot and pan cabinet situated next to the refrigerator The coin binatlon kitchen and dining room has cross ventilation The main body of The Colby is 28 feet by 36 feet The Colbys plan calls for full base ment The plaii covers an area of 1170 square feet There is volume of 23391 cubic feet For further information about THE COLBY write The Barrie Examiner lclosc when Mrs Handy Sr of Dal Town Solicitor lston movcda vote of thanks to the and God Save Cundles WI Plan GttMrand Mitsllells 8335 Mmaend Mrs Party Schiller ofToronto Mrs JasBen Inet of Weston Mrs Knicer of rLlons on some of the feminine ai Staynei Mr and Mrs 0atwaypects Qt presenbday laws at their Mrs McKay of Orillia Miss 11 mod November meeting in the Commun Donq MCKay CD ity House on Monday evening His and Mrs Stephenson of Gravenl hurst Mrs Chas Miller of Severnsubject was Parliamentary Pro lBridge Miss Rix Mrs Emms cedure and Facts of Law of Inter Mrs Lennox Mr and Mrs est to women Bertmm MY and Mrs Dough Mr Rowe who is town solicitor erly and Douglas Mrs Beard for the Town of Barrie stressed lsan Mrs Dougherty Mrs the importance of wills to widows and children and referred briefly ICurrie Mrs Powell of Barrie Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cumming of to the importance of the Dower Act He spoke of the laws relat Stroud Mr and Mrs Slessor Dalton and Glen and Miss IR McKay of Holly Wm Patterson of ing to marital problems and dealt Toronto Mr and Mrs Shflma with the matters of motions notices lha cialglggiilv Mr M1Isfof motions and amendments in his 33d grlglng Mrsgai zndy and outline of parliamentary procedure Mrs Bertram of Dalston to the women The speaker was introduced by Ms th th kd Rev dePwnght byr Mrs Edwin 1255011 an Delivers Memorial KITCHEN 9Oxl59 LlVlnG ROOM l9G it IZAO Clowes members the King Rowe spoke to the Lady Harold Webb was present at the meeting to explain and demon general meeting of the Simone from Collingwcod Mrs Wheeler and Mrs Frank Watson from Staynir Mrs Beaver His Calaiiagh Mrs Palmer Mrs Patterson and Louise Colicy from Barrie in Crafts Group was held at the People from nearly cycry sec 40 Rev Mr Wright Mus Vera Royal Ontario Museum Making 0m Ofe in Elvole Survey To Trace The History 111118 LAKE rags more milp Farm Forums in ema at to good startLittle Lahc quml vwwr among them The first meeting 303 was held at the home of the presic Cr dent Sandy Wilson on Mondaylme leached Oct 31 On Nov the metinzl was held at the home of Mr mutiny Mrs Andrew Cumming Both liesl Skins were most enlightening as to discussions and secretary Maui ice Baldwick must have been sorc to Burkutlie ly put to it in reporting the find ings to headquarterscspecially on llkl subjects Education Divided Byl Ten and Should the Federal Gov um of Archaeology on The History of Ontario Textiles Miss Clark was introduced by Miss Barbara Cooper of Goldwater She is graduate of the art course at the Central Technical School in Toronto and has done post gradu ate work in the College of Art and taught art at Havergal College and the Saturday morning classes at the Art Gallery in Toronto Her early field of specialization was pottery but she has had wide ex perience in other fields She has been on the stat of the Royal On tario Museum for the past six years doing considerable display and club work For little over year now she has been on the staff of the textile department Miss Clark said that the Prov ince of Ontario has rich heritage of textile making going back to the earliest settlers yet the story of Ontarios textiles is incomplete Too many facts have been mis laid in the passing years and too many details have been forgotten The Royal Ontario Museum gan about two years ago research project to discchr remnants of handwoven textiles and the spin ning wheels and looms used to make them No eld staff was available so local people interested in this project were asked to as sist in the search and have made some excellent contributions Some lemming of the second war so soon department Jack Mitchinson Tells Rotaricms Of King Josiah The young men who gave their lives in the two great world wars Wrle comparable to young King Juslzih of Biblical times stated Ilcv tit1 Wright while speaking to the members of the llotaryClub of Barrie and their veteran guests the noon luncheon at Community House Iliiirsday Nov Ill The speaker was introduced by who said that while Rev Mr Wright had only been ili Barrie for period of llllrt months he had become so well known already it was hardly llectssary to introduce him to the meeting Mr Wright was formert ly padre in the RCAF and camel to Ilzirtic from Bowmrinville to bcl come Rector of Trinity Angliczinf Church The speaker stated that King Jos lab was fearless young king who had Llltd in butth with the king of Egypt fighting for what he liel licved to be good and right The young men and women who had given their lives in the recent varsl had also fought and died for their conviction of what was right When the first war was over and the armistice signed the people vtlc jubilant in the thought that pearE was here to stay but with the on unisex veterinary surgeon has moved his office to Elmvnle from lookstoWn vet eran of the RCAF Dr Brock en tered veterinary college at 0A at end of the war and graduated last spring lie is the son of James Buck of Iluntroon former reevc and present councillor of Nottawa EA Township 1950 ELECTIONS Nomination and election time llili rolled around once more rind if in again the season for lilttts to choose their 1950 executive The date has been changed from Thur dly to Tuesday Nov 221 at the Community House commencing at 630 pm Phil Farmer Jaycec lllitildfllf of region is slated for the nptilkllli Induction of new or the early Miles found have after many were wont to say that members will take NRC id mm been donated to the Museum Oth ers have been photographed in homes throughout the Province As Miss Clark talked she passed around samples of handwovcn tex files number of these had been made by people in Simcoc County piece of plaid shirting came from Stroud There were sevornl articles woven by James Gow of Nottawa around 1867 and an lll tractivcstrip with design of birds and scrolling leaves woven on Jaquard loom in or near Col lingwood beautiful blue and white coverlet with geometric pattern of dark blue homespun wool skipping over plain white cotton ground was much admired Manyvof the textiles had been dyed them mellow beauty impossible to attain with other dyes Miss Clark mentioned the our standing weaving done by Samuel Fry Moses Grabb and Abraham Nash An exhibition of some of the sacrifice had been tirade in vain However the fact that thou sands upon thousands of boLh young men and women were eager to take up the struggle once more to defend their rights was proof that our people were 1101 disillu sioncd To the bereaved who had re ccived tragic telegrams notifying them of the death of their loved ones in battle the speaker recom mended the words of Christ where in He told His disciples that the end of the mortal life was only the beginning of new and better life when all the believers in God and His Son would be reunited in the heavenly kingdom new member was welcomed into Rotary in the person of Jack Grierson poultry breeder The emblem of Rotary was pinned on by his sponsor Rotarian Jack Wesl man lt0 arts Miss McKay lst vice president and an original member said in looking over the rpast25 uite justified its existence In lowes In joy or in sorrow the WI was always ready with practi cal help without any thought of award humus 1917 thermal 591 vice Mrs Alex McKay of Oril lie former member who is pres ident of the Simcoe County Area and arepresentative on the Board of Directors of the FWIC brought greetings from the country and from theFWIC Mrs Emms gave summary of the highlights of the 25 years work Miss Rix of Barrie who organized this branch in her jovial manner brought con gratulations and laughter Mrs Lees present secretary read the rst minutes Mrs Oatway of fillia first secretary recalled cai ears she felt that the Wlhll days of the organization Mrs as Miller of Severn Bridge chal longed the men present to say that their wives were not the better for rigging WI member or what or names In ganization or department of gov ernment is not just some better with the help of the women She introduced Mrs McKay Mrs Geo Healeyjand Mrs Ernrns who have been continuous members for the 25 years and Miss Joyce Him ter presented each with the membership pin and certificate moments when Mrs Mdden read the twelve emoriam Mrs Fra ser read Crossing the Bai Letters of good wishes were read from Rathdrum Idaho Sudbury and To ronto Greetings were sent from surrounding Institutes After an hour of visiting Dalton Slesson of Holly chairman led in singsong and called an interesting program happy evening was brought to buttress Abs gt Althodghbanads prdduces high ity weheddar cheese Canadians lion Donn Agriculture point out so andnsuggest that 1S after he Service MesSCtge ent thought is sometimes too decoder words thought is so swift it may range the universe and comprehend events of centur 185 In two minutCSLN These were the words ofRev Joseph deP Wright Canadian Le gion Padre and Rector of Trinity Anglican Church when he spoke at the memorial service at the church prior to the service at the Cenotaph in Barrie November 11 The two minutes traditionally de voted to memory of this war dead is not just silence he said First it could be called silence of reverence for the dead than silence of loving admiration then one of intercession Explaining loving admiration Rev Mr Wright said when the ap preciative stand before master piece of art or gorgeous sunset they resent the chatter of super cial folk Intercession Mr Wright said in cludes prayers by mothers for their sons by allfor the dead and for war widoWs and orphans We cant tell the nature of those silence was observed prayersbut We know they are offered he said When strong men makeup their minds they dontshout it from housetops he said claiming there Should be note of resolution in the Silence Choosing ashis sermon subject the words Let Usijraise Famous Men from lst verse NthI Chap ter of Ecclesiastius hezipaid trih ute to the fallen and saw short account the vivid realistic side of wartlvi iMentiohlngthe win of 31 yeas ago he painted grim picture of shells and death The earth was lled with noise harsh grating and terrible then suddenly came the Armisv time been didnt realize strate the principles of record player called the talking book There are occasions in life when especially designed for the us of lJIlplflinz he+gnd7cmi Mrs Cameron was ip pointed to represent the Ladies Auxiliarytothe Lions Club on the new welfare committee for the TOMKEYBrfieCWMWW In making report on the hos pital welfare committee Mrs Cam eron who is the committee chair man presented suggestions for opening avenues of service in this field The club members decided to continue the distribution of Christmas hampers this year shower of tinned food and other suitable articles for this purpose will be held at the December meet ing The rummage sale committtee re ported net prot of $9631 from the October 29 sale MrsCharles Lowe Lwas made an honorary life memberof theLad ies Auxiliary to the Lions Club at the November meeting Durlng the evening the mem bers worker on part of two hiy ettes whic are to be presented to the VON her handmade wardrobe were on display atthe meeting The club decidedto sell tickets on the doll which is to be drawn for on Dec eanber 22 atthe SantaClaus par The Maggielllluggin doll and ple hope wars can be abolished IIP said but mentionedtbeifear some times felt that thefyvafsrhave been in vain Thisarisifig3 from the atomic bomb and armaments races failure of peace talks and Collier farmsf Summing up th is everyones responsibility adre Stated it to cultivate theiritemational mind lirush every meal prejudice once every scOinful Word Above all let usconseerate vesrto world in whlelimenzmay live in harinony with their fellow men PW Club Members Hear Perrin Choir the work of these men is now on View at the Royal Ontario Musc um of Archaeology and can be seen to be installed are Jack Forster Jack Mitchinson Jl Bob Alfllv strong and Don Spencer Two more Jaycees from distant spots who will be added to the roster are Ross Stephens of Windsor and Bud Brockwell of Kamloops Secretary Bob Saljcanl asks that all nomination forms be returned by Nov 19 to his office IUBLIC SPEAKING The Jayeee Public Speaking classes have gotten well under way Ken Bell is chairman with Harvey Dawe assisting Rev 101 Wrignl is doing the very capable chore of instructing these classes The pub lic are cordially invited to join in these classes The next class is scheduled for Thursday Nov 17 at the Community House corn mencing at pm We deeply regret the loss of Don Currie who is leaving town Ken Gilles has been appointed by the executiveto ll Dons shoes as treasurer for the remainder of 1949 MILLIONAIRES NlTII vulilsundaly Decemberllh In closing Miss Clark asked that anyone who had informatioh about textiles woven in this area during the 1800s contact the textilede partmente She said that already enough evidence had been secured to show that Ontario had as rich heritage of textile making as any province and one of which we could well be proud number of interesting ques tions were dealt with by the speak er following this talk Mrs Gilbert Paterson Chairman of the AssociatiOn presided Discussion in small groups on with future plans for the Quilt and Rug Fair and TeachersCoursesin Arts and Crafts followed Refreshments were served the Orillia Craft Group Among those present from vari ous sections lof the County were Miss Dorothy Ball Miss Dora Pur don and Mrs Moore of Allis ton Mrs Gilbert Paterson Mrs by Kells and Miss Mary McKay mommy TOASTERS VACUUMCIEANERS Pomsnrins FANS 139 ounispgsi Justchi bril easing with vegetable dyes which gives business of the Association dealingl ness and Professional Womens Eplett Furniture Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer WESERVICE WASHERS RANGES HEATING PADS AND CARRYA LARGE AssohTMENT OFPARTS erAINEDbAoIo TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN Most of us arent millionaires but we can betof one night The Jaycees are throwing another mil lionaires nite Don Wake claims the prizes are bigger and better than ever By enjoying yourself you can hlpWSDOSOlllic Barrie Aii Cadet Squadron No 102 and the newlyformed Kiltie Pipe Band Concert in Orillja Twelve members of the Business and Professional Womens Club of Barrie attended the Harvey Perrin Choir concert in Orillia on Wednes day evening Novriiber 9W1he club members who travelled to Orillia for the concertwere the Misses Lois Mahon Evelyn Kight icy Evelyn Gore Ellen Dowson Verna Armstrong Eileen Robert son Jean Morrison Wilma Brown and Haxel Caldwell and Mrs Dor othy McQuay The Wednesday evening concert was sponsored by theOriilia Busi Club lfVE HUNG UP THE coilsulvllronrn LAST TI ME Im through shovelling coal carrying ashes and sweeping the cellar oor have installed an automatic Toridhcct oil burner The house will be as warm as we want it Less cleaning for the wifctoo Toridhect is easily within your reach Costs little to operate Ask its to quote installation and beams costs No obligation Installed Complete with yr oil contract $35500 Monarch Refrigeratirin 118 Dunlop St PHONE 2059 REFRIGERATORS GRILLS anaemic BLANKETS Phone 3721 63 Smokey of melts iiway to lose this letdoiliilrfeeling gel backniyolrlztpg must lie on yOur tees to youreiirnirrgs YOU re lidlkfood tiiregular action causedliy Inc pk as RENT NEW CAR and Drive It Yourself Call 2772 BARBIE DRIVE CAR Company leltcd IIERTZ DRWURSELF LICENSEE 69 Collier St savs samurai Rachelle is mi that strika women in middle 11 But if you sec Mrs of Welland 0M grandmother well past 60worltin in her neat firth horiie day after you Would really appreciate how in Chases Kidnedever Pills can do to relieve backache Thats lxcause this timeproved Dr Chase remedy for backache treats turd conditlons at truercontains spatial rcniedial ingredients for both the kid ney and liver listlftltIS which often Cilliat backache So dont suffer with painful joints and b1cklcllctry hi reliable rclllltly pmvtn by over iialfa tcntur rs ownDr hascs Kidney Livcr ills At alldrug counters ll UPHOLSTERING of all kinds Wide range of covuing materials Telephone 4314 for an estimate Barrie Tent Awning Co 34 Bayiield Street 3$SSX$W$XfM Scale Repairs ALLMAKES Andersons Scale Service Sales Repairs Service RR No STROUD lltU Ladiesl Nightwear Pyjamas Nightgowns Iriccd for the Thrifty IYJAMAS But gt cher Boy stye as shown WOolet teflower pat terned on white pink or pale blues Seams double stitched Small medium large $298 Ladies Flanelette PYJA AS Flowered Pattern on pink blue white and maize background Sizes medium large $5J9 Night gowns Oversized gowns white Woolette PHONE 36R22 llltfO1 Retailers to Thrifty Canadians It Time to Shop Seriousl for ChristmasnNeyils