at United Church MR AND MRS ROBERT NORMAN WILLIAMS are seen following their wedding in Central United Church The bride is the former Beat rice Gertrude Betty Linton only daughter of Mr and Mrs Lin ton of Barrie Her husband is the elder son of Mr and Mrs II Wil liams of Barrie They are making tlielr home in Barrie WCTU Members Tell er M2 At Massey Hall Held Nov 3rd Ihc regular meeting of Womens Christian Templerance Union was held Monday Nov the home of Atkinson Mrs James Lennox presided Following the opening exercises ahd prayer by the president Mrs Andrew Cumming led in the devo tlonal thoughts taken from Luke lgdil Yea and why even of your selves judge ye not vhathright number of the ladies spoke on the inspiring mass meeting in Mrs sy Hall Toronto on Nov when spch speakers as Mrs EdgarBates cher beloved president Federated Womens Ontario and Dr ton CBE prominent of Millward and Miss Partridge After the meeting by Mrs Millward FAVORITE CHRISTMAS CAKE lbs seeded raisins lbs currants Fifiiliiii Dr Brock Chisholm the secretarygeneral of the World Illealth Organilation who served as the wartime director of the Can adian armys medical Services and later as federal deputy minister of health recently named the task of ONTARIO ABA World Citiien By Nancy Cleaver the yellow or the colored child has turally treats other children as his munny comer The 3939 equays WM pm um chmgance here of the radio and concert overhang grownups talking abmmzirtist who has thrilled audiences Niggcrs Chums Dagocs aridemn to was and 03 me my disparawng nick names ml radio with his glorious voice and people cloth2r races It is not very idynamlc pzrsonamy be How on Nov 21 The noted American baritone EConrad Thibault will appear here at the Roxy Theatre on Nov 21 iin the first of the winter series of lrare treat for music lovers bringing up children as the worlds long before child catches sense the BA RN Dean 09 Women at Mes Master University Mrs Fut the Institutes of Cliarltltle Whit sociologist presentcd stirring messages on the crying needs of our time through the addiction of our people to the use of alcohol and its exploitation clip sheet was presented by Mrs Lennox Mrs Atkinson Mrs adjourned Mrs Atkinson served tea assisted llHello Homemakers Ifwe had t9 order the ingredientsfor our ristmas cake direct from the source of supply we would nd it rather difficult While far away countries enjoy our Canadian ma ple sugar we select their sweets apd spices for festive fare For the most part our pineapple comes fiom Cuba candied cherries from Erance dates from the Iraq cur his and raisins from Australia ctrus peels from United States spices from India walnuts from fMirkey cashews from China mo lasses from the West Indies sugar gun Cuba while shortening eggs dfiotin come from our own ban nerprovmce Today our grocer has fresh sup lb candied cherries 15 lb dates lb lb candied pineapple 14 1b minced peel 114 lb citron peel lb blanched almonds lb cups butter lb 214 cups sugar 10 eggs V4 cup cherry juice 14 cup currant jelly cups flour to tsp salt tsps allspice 14 tsp baking soda Chop finely the peel dates and pineapple Split the blanched al monds in half Mix cup of the flour into the fruit to dredge it Cream the butter and sugar add one egg at time beating thcr eughly Sift remaining flour spices soda and salt adding it al ternately with the liquid Now add the fruit and nuts Have the fruit cake pans lined with heavy paper or aluminum foil and well greased with butter or margarine Bake in preheated electric oven at 275 degrees hours Allow 214 most important industry In views of the present international situa tion in no uncertain terms Dni Chisholm informed the Toronto Teachers Council that the atomic bomb could not be compared with the powerful weapon of complete destruction which bacteriological warfare now provides Dr Chisholm believes that there is likelihood that the major part of the hurniinl race may be wiped out unless ml the next ten years or quarter of al century children grow up with strong sense of world citizenship PREVENT ANOTHER WAR This is grove warning by man who knows Vflill he is talking about warning which is underlined bymtliisRemembrance Day Oiil November 11 the memory of mil lions of young men who died in two World Wars is honored But par ents especially parents of sons know full well that honoring the supreme sacrifice is but an empty thing unless we do all in our power to prevent Third World War Ill is not just prominent psychiatrists like Dr Chisholm but leading men and women in all walks of life who are facing the sober fact that if as nations we refuse to hang togeth er we assuredly will hang iridi vidually land collectivelyl in hor rible allembracing disaster One of the ways to avert this tragedy is to work faithfully and intelligently to give to our boys and girls world outlook and an understanding of an appreciation of all the peoples of the earth 1105 tility between nations and narrow blind patriotism of individuals are based in part on race prejudice The strange thing is that this race prejudice is not fill inherited char acteristic but an acquired attituch Teachers in nursery schools for small children in large cosmopolitan areas have observed that proschool youngsters display no antagonism or superiority to other children whose skin is of different color Of course they notice that there are various kinds of childrcn in their group but the white child or 23 cup seeded raisins cut in pieces Mix ingredients in order given Bake in pound bread pan in mod erate oven 350 degrees for 50 minutes MOCK ALMOND PASTE 13 cup sieved cooked sweet potatoes dry as possible llIl cups icing sugar 11 teaspoon almond extract Add sugar gradually and beat all together ilCflChtlS desk looking at globe world citizen cranberries from cut fruit cake roll into llb 31 cups icing sugar tsp cream of tartar egg whites 1fspvanilla extract Sift together sugar and cream of tartar add eggwhites and vanilla extract Beat with rotary beater until frosting holds shape Cover with damp cloth until ready to use Makes cups ICE CREAM SAUCE Cream together until light and fluffy14 cup butter and 12 cup icing sugar Mix teaspoons gran ulated sugar with tablespoons lonconArivn FROSTING cornstarch and Va teaspoon salt add cup milk and cook till mix ture thickens stirring constantly Continu cooking until there is no taste of raw starbh Use an elec tric or dover egg beater and add thiscooked mixture to the creamed butter and sugar one teaspoon at 13395 for the flu Cake we intend for the by inch cake hours time Continue beating until all make The recipe for ourfavor fa cake the one we made last year is being published as one of the best we have ever made ISNT SHE GORGEOUS it ATE Since SHE FOUND our ABOUT THE APERIENT for by and 314 hours for by inc When cake is done turn out of pans but do not remove the paper After theycakes are cool place them in covered crock or lined tin and put an apple or an orange around it CHOCOLATE FRUIT CAKE 13 cup butter or margarine cup brown sugar Vi cup cocoa egg yolks V2 eup strong coffee 114 cup our teaspoons baking powder teaspoon cinnamon egg whites beaten stiff 23 cup mixed candied fruits gt moulds thelcooked mixture is added It is wise to make fruit cakes and plum puddings now since the mixture mellows into more deli cious avor when stored in cool dry place When the cake is loose ly wrappedin waxed paper and placed in tightly covered tin or crock you can be assured it will not dry out Then too if you leave small orange or apple inl the container for week there will be sufficient moisture supplied but it must be removed before it else cake or puddings mould too Do not ice the cake until afew days befOre Christmas We like to bake ourChocolatev FruitCake in ring mould and of superiority and begins to look down on other children who are not of his nation Adangerous harvesti is reaped from the smouldering resentment and hatred which isa thus sown inthe hearts of people who have been treated as inferior WORLD COMMUNITY Parents should teach their chili dren that the many races on the earth odd greatly to the variety and culture of the world and thatg each nationality has special conQ tributioii all its own to make to the world community Christian parents are often reminded that the founda tion for world peace lies not just in lip service but in carrying out into everyday situations Christs teach ing that there is one God the Futh or of Mankind and that all men are brothers and precious to the Great Iliibaull New ringleader of Creator Youth organizations such as Scouts and Guides church groups for boys and girls such as mission hands all encourage View of the horizons beyond ones own country llld genuine friendliness for older people At the recent World Scout jambome in Moisson France 30000i Boy Scouts gathered from 39 difi fercnt countries and discovered for themselves how much alike boysl are the wide world otter The use 01 maps in the home as well as at school gives child an interest in other peoples and in for places recent cartoon in the Les Aligeles Times shows pic ture of Uncle Sfllll standing beside Across the face of the North Amer ican continent is printed Worldr Leadership and the heading of the cartoon is Foreign Policy Beginsl Here The kind of world leader ship America is going to give the kind of world which will be built and it may even be the actual sur vival of civilization depend to very great extent on the attitude of boys and girls to other races and other nationsAs parents what are you doing about your sons and your daughters appreciation of people of other nations and about the growth of their loyalty as serve it simplyon glass plate decorated with holly leaves and With the crumbs ball with little pudding sauce and place in the centre of dishl of small cakes The traditional plum pudding is served piping hot with Brandy sauce even set aglow as brou ht to the table but we think you Go may enjoy chilled fruit pudding and ice cream with sauceour folks do If you forget to make an ice cream sauce heat cup of marmalade and pour over lCi cream The holiday festivities soon creep up Youll be wise to make mincemeat pies two weeks in ad vance is you have good refrigerao tion or freezing space To reheat them allow 30 minuteslin your warming oven or the oven at 250 degrees Finally we again refer to the cake which if frosted should be done with hot knife This is done by frequently dipping in pitcher of hot water and do likewise with your cake knife when you cut servings Anne Allan invites youIto write to her co The BarrieExaminer Send in your suggestions on home making problems and watch this column for replies Inanswer to the request of Mrs the following recipe for Tomato Sandwich Filling is being included this week 12 mediumsized ripe tomatoes onions 14 cup salt cups granulated sugar red sweet peppers green sweep pepper teaspoons dry mustard linen firtante Company ltd xx mixed French and English an ccslry has sung since he was small child His career in music has been hard He has resorted to all kinds of work to support himself and study music He has been lineman for the telephone company floor walker and soda jerkcr sang with dance orchestra during the summer to help defray expenses played in grand opera and filled in on small radio statiqn so he could continue his studies The singer studied under Emilio do Gogorza while attending the Curtis Institute Music in Philadelphia Radio directors discovered Thibault as soon as he left Cur tis Today he is one of the great radio personalities and in addition has become one of the best draws in the concert field Thibault was first heard over the air on nationwide networkt its the star of the Maxwell House Coffee program Show Boat Since then he has regularly ap peared as guest artist on such top flight radio programs as Carnegie Hall the Firestone Hour and Canadian Calvalcade of riiiizfrrvvooo The November meeting of Brent wood WA was held at the home of Mrs Jack Lockhart New Lowell on Thursday Nov 10 The meetingopened by scripture and prayer by Mrs Harold Orser The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the treasurers report was given Roll call was answered by verses pre pared by Mrs Jim McBride Let ters ofthankswere read from the sick who had received fruit Avery interesting address was given by Rev Mr Cook which was enioyed by all present Business followed after which dainty lunch was served by Mrs Wilfred Eva Bride Of Murray Forbes The marriage of Miss Eva Mar guerite Wallwhi youngest daugh ter of Mrs Forrest Walan of Bar rie formerly of Midhurst and the late Forrest Wallwln to Murray Richard Forbes youngest son of Mr and Mrs Walter Forbes of Dalston trick place at the home of the brides mother 12 Burton Avenue Barri0 on Saturday after noon October 29 19499 at four oclock Rev Clements of Mlnesing performed the ceremony in setting of pink and white with baskets of ehrysanthemums deem ating the living room The bride was given in marriage by herbrother Forrest Wall win She wore gown of frolic blue embossed satin with stand up collar Her ngertip Well of blue tullewas held in place with lattice cap of matching blue and she wore longr blue nylon mittens She carried cascade bouquet of Talisman roses and white baby mums The maid of honor Miss Marion Wallwin sister of the bride and the bridesmaid Miss NorinewRobl inson were gowned alike in frosti ed rose taffeta and wore matching halo headdresses They carried MAL 57 Thick cork soles were worn on shoes in El home under King Nuriu Pompiliyus to give the wear America operated under er added height MONDAY NOVEMBER if The Canadian National Railway is the largest rail system Noni mn moment nu room CHOICE or vacuum CLEANERS For Home Demonstration We have on Electro Hygiene almost new with rill attachments or Silver Queen used only five times or the FILTER QUEEN NEW MODEL The Vacuum with no messy dust bag You just empty container inn riliici Mame Haitian colonial bouquets of blue frosted and white mums The wedding music was playedI by Mrs Forbes Mrs Handyl sang Bless This House during the ceremony Vernon Forbes was his brothers groofnsman Mrs Wallwin mother of the bride received at the wedding rc ception and supper which followed the ceremony She wore dress of Rambrandt wine With grey ac cessories and corsage of Talisman roses She was assisted by Mrs Forbes the grooms mother wen ing dove grey with black accessor ies anda corsage of American Beauty roses The couple left on wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo Gait and Trenton the bride wearing grey wool dress and navy coat trimmed with grey mouton with grey accessories and corsage of roses They are makingtheir home in Dalston Outoftown guests at the wedn ding came from Toronto Galt Brockvilleh Dalston and Midhurst COUNTRY FARMERS About 80 per cent of the popula tion of Pakistan is directly or iii directly dependent on the cultiva tion of land for their living MAKE SWEET ODORS GIVE PORTRAITS The Ideal Christmas Gift SPECIAL Christmas Offer Beautiful 10 Por trait Oil Colored In 811 ver Frame Reg Value $600 SPECIAL ONE TO CUSTOMER roadununvuc4unautvaooaaoom DONT BE DISAPPOINTED BOOK YOUR SITTING NOW This Offer Expires Sort Nov 26 FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 5440 no Animal products including musk and ambergris go into some perl 63 ELIZABETH ST fumes and great number of scents BARBIE are obtained from 3008 tar 5svssQ snowstorm Davidson and Mrs Jack Lockhart The next meeting will be held at Mrs Bill McQuays Brentwood 11 cups our cup vinegar Cook tomatoes and onions until soft Putthrough sieve Add salt sugar and vinegar then the pepl pers which have been put through food chopper Heat this mixture Add mustard and our which have been mixed together withenough vinegar to make smooth paste Stir wellrwand cook until thick Pour into sterilized jars and seal with paraffin Yield approxim ately pints The seeds of the peppers should beremoved before putting the chopper peppers through the limousine iron wait in Fred Gum st than on When ironing prefer Sarina writer Mrs Gates Fbecause when you prus and fold clothes theyseem just like new Clothes dont Crush like they lowhen starch alone is used also like the perfume Satino leaves on clothes Sarina certainly We snatched clothes tin aseasy to do Satad in Starez Speedsitarth Satina added to your regular starch creates glossy Product of General satinsmooth surface that prevents your ian from pulling or sticking gives starched clothes the look you love to wear Full instructions on package At your grocers GetSatina today mgms tn ixs$umi