Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1949, p. 1

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glh YWINQ 80 nit 0ch atrium mm BKENIE AlfVP one Section Pages Exterior and Interior via of Emmi En lagggmgm The First Column one day last week husband found Bits and Pieces BY GEORGE CADOGAN Young Mum MnhpropSV ome times adults receive lessons in 110 lion from children Last week second grader raced home from school and shouted Mummy the teacher told us nicer word to use Instead of sweatIts expirc Another boy was heard to refer to ii relativcwho received monthly Cheque as the old mans mention tiny to in kindergarten one day told his parents the tencbcr had played lovely piece on the Plano Brahms Lovabye And the same little fellow who ate out with his mother one day said he enjoyed eating at the restaround Wolves BewareL351 week there was story from Northern On tario about womzai who went into the woods and brought down four bears with four shots And each bear had been shot almost SM THE ENLARGE BARBIE ARENA was completed by Structur 9s and Foundations Ltd of Toronto early this Fall The arena projch was $131000 undertaking which met the approval dlrcclly between the eyes The wolves around Corbcil will prob ably start hcading towards the safer territory in southern Ontario Can Lle be mantlfnlfAt noon hls wife looking melancholy Whats happened he asked Its been terrible morning Kurt Rockwell has found out that Beth is in love with Jim Valerie has learned that Anton ls dead and Terry Morgan had kidnapped baby Jacklennd just know what wlll happen this afternoon Lucy Green will sneak out for date with Willie Joseph is bound to be charged with mur der Mrs Trent wlll come betwccn Carter and Peggy and Ill bet Caroline wont get the custody of Skippy Asking another question the husband learned that his wife had been listening to seven soap operas day Is It $250 or $10 Hundrcds of people In this district who havent bought radlo licenses this year have been annoyed to be sum monscd One man who was com plaining violently was brought up short by friend who told him Im glad to sac that somebody ls decking up Ive been paying for radio license for years and why should you be able to get off with Out llcensc Cry Baby Cry young lady not accustomed to the ways of in fants became quite concerned when she heard baby crying in her carriage on verandah In an effort to be helpful the young thing went up to the house and ANAINTERIOR v1Ew of the Arena shows portion of the enlarged 4000 seating ca pacity along with the heavilybuilt trusses Situated above the time clock at the end is ture Madigan Boy Face the new press box while on the left is the broadcasting booth The feeders to the seats are prominent changes in the area struc Smith Studio Photo Was Of Scars But His Body Is MassV By JANEVnian SAFECRACKERS LOCK of Barrie taxpayers in vote last Spring Above is an Exterior TWO NEW SCHOOLS view of the completed structum ulth Its new 150foot roof span and new cement walls Smith Studio Photo PUBLIC SCHOOL CARD NOTES The regular meeting of the Bar rie public school board was held last Thursday evening at Prince of Walcs School Trustees present were Gable Charles Newton Allrcd Harris John Dobson and Geurgc Czidognn The only mem iber absent was Ilcv Sin clair The board agreed to pay $700 for thc Wcaymoutli property in order lto complete the final negotiations Ifor all property required in con nection with the building site for the proposed Toronto Street school There was letter from the lin Turn to page eight plcasc Sfroud Tructhamaged Friday Night Accident lBy RGSl Last Friday night truck driven by Desmond Kelly of Stroud wont off the loth Line of Innisfil struck rock travelled about 100 feet in the ditch The driver was not hurt but the truck was 11 most wrccked The owner of the truck was +VBui1 gPermJ lVer Town or Barrie By VINCE FARR PLANS WILL SOON BE COMPLETED twice the total for 1948 II Gable chairman of the Barrie public school board said Page and Steele architects would have the plans for the Toronto Street School complet cd by the mlddle of December It would then be posslble to call for tenders curly In 1950 The firm of Conn and Son Herrlng Flsmng will have the plans for thc Comes To Ct Codrington Street School realV dy possibly In January It Is cxprctcd by the public 1948 was $744820 Hcrilng shing in Kcmpcnfcldt Biiy came to sudden stop last 500001 board that work 0n the wcck when flshcrmcn found catch two new 50110015 WI under cs too small to bc worth the fish way In the Spring of 1950 mg Although some good catches ted the QIISOII is not PreSIdenb Harms thiddigdwgood Thcbhcrrlng ware Addresses Puplls obtainable for only about tw 01 F105 Township weeks while in other years thc Gathcrcd at Wavcrlcy school xczison has been much longer Thursday for nicmorlzil scrvicc One reason cxprcsscd is that for some reason Iced may be lacking in the bay this year commemorating wzui dcnd wcrc pupils of grach four to eight from 11 schools in F105 Township Some of the pupils travcllcd as far as 13 milcs to attend thc scivicc The children heard talk by Alfred Harris president of Barrie Canadian Legion who was introduced by Scott public school inspector for Centre Simcoo Two minutcs silcncc was obscrv cd during the program which in cluded Scripture reading by Joyco Minty hymn by the Wav cilcy Trio recitation of In Fland crs Fields trumpet solo and Harry Elliott of Stroud and that accident was investigated by Cons Roy Ferguson Three Toronto Men Seriously Injured caught so for this fall ch Whitefish have been rcportcd hymns prayer and God Save the King by thc assembly The trumpet 5010 was provided by No school at Victoria and poem by No 12 school Prayer was led by Miss Caston Attractivcly decorated programs with hymns in typewritten form were prepared by the pupils Hymns sung were God Our Help in Ages Past Jesus Bids Us Shine and Onward Christian Sold iers Contract Awarded Fifteenyearold Dennis Madlgan will never have any dif For GE Expansion knocked on the door to sdvise the math of the bah plight The flculty ln havmg himself ldentifid His arms and legs stom hamssed mother answered the arm and back will always be mass of scarsl Dennis who was door poked at he cane reproach severely burned in an accident on the 29th of August is fully and Vsald know shes or VAULT BY MISTAKE CANT GET IT OPEN Safecrackcrs In Barrie had Mermaids and Sea HorsesRead ing report ofVa mermaid seen off the coast of South Africa remind ed this reporter of the first time he saw sea horses Until that day we had always had an idea that 9998310 111091 in IFWELYIQIQQLEQMILELMW having been very close to deaths door Dennis has had to have four blood transfusions to keep him alive through two skin graftings The boy was burned while work9 ing during the summer helping to operate gas pumps on Bradford Street While filling up an auto sea horseswere not actually realiank he splashed fuel over his The thought of Va horse prancing about at the bottom of the sea had always seemed slightly ludi crous However wellnever for get the sight of roundup of sea horses even though they were only about four inches high Now that we note there is scientic proof of mermaids well be obliged to treat thesereports with more re spect in the future Falled BANo doubt the ma jority of pupils in Ontario will be happy that high school entran clothing He struck match few moments later and becam what one of theonlookers described as ialball of flame He received third degree burns on both his arms both his legs and on his stomach Skin has twice been grafted from his chest and back His face remains almost the only unscarred portionof his body Dennis was up forvan hour and half or two hours for few days last week and has taken 10 steps will be able tolave the bus lons was given by his summer cm ployer Andy Watt The other three were given by two aunts and an uncle who had the same type of blood Mrs Percy Varcoe of Barrie Mrs Leo Bcrthelotte of Mount St Louis apd Percy Varcoe of Barrie Dennis Is one of nine children of Mr and Mrs Madlgan of 49 Sanford Street He has three brothers and five sisters five of them younger and threeof them older than he He had postcard last week from one of his rescuers McKenzie of Lageer Michigan an American tourlst who was passing in hlscar wsaervnlleck up on thelr roll ne stead of open Saturday mom in at the Imperial Oil Co on Tiffln St Agent Arthur Pugh says the vault door needed pull bf hand to open it but the burglars jammed the me chanism tight with at eXpIOS Ive charge They neednt have beciiuse there was no money in the safe thustlie open door Thedoor and plaster around 11 suffered damage rPolice say nitro was used lhls is the thirdtime in three that the lmperlal 011 Co here has been broken Into The last time $300 was taken only the bothered years In Fennells Crush 111er0 Toronto men were serious ly injured and damage totalled about $1500 in an auto crash near EsmeIISVpn Highway 11511 nonnV ontSaturday Avenue suffered broken back and other injuries Carl Eady l7 Barcroft Road had severechest injuries and cuts Robert Peel 23 of 115 Egllnton Avenue suffered shockxand severe concussion At the time of the crash all three men were unconscious and they were taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital at Barrie in two ambulanc es from Bill Littles ambulance ser Vice and he pulled off to the right side of the highway before crossing the highway to the left to turn down the Cookstown side road Travelling across the highway Potters car collided with south To Carter Company The Canadian GeneraIrEIectrlc Company Barrie hasm flclally announced construction of newadditlon to the present plant The new section will c0ntaln approximately 25000 square feet of floor space The contractor Carter Construction Co began moving equipment in on Saturday and xpected to commence work today November 14 The extension is to be added to Barrie Works states thatin order lhc north Sldc of the present build 3410 maintain an efficient manufaci ing and it is hoped that it will be luring layout it will be necessary available for production by April to rearrangc every department of 1950 which will mean moving of much According to plans new wash heavy equipment to new locations room facilities including showerswithin the plant Considerable modate 50 per cent increase in new equipment which will be the staff new and much larger club most modern for present day manu room will be in front of the new factoring bullding With Separate entrance Further information andipictures for evening aClivmeS of the new addition will appear in John Mitchinson manager of the bound car driven by Carl Early The Ekaminer at future date Last year we consldered bumper building year In Barrie but the total to the end of October of this year is more than Indications are that the total for 1949 will beln the nelgh borhood of three times greater than last years figure According to Town Plannlng Board figures value of 1949 building in Barrie ls $1846445 while the figure for all of 31 The number of property owners has jumped accordingly showing an increase of 453 over 1948 Increase in 1948 was Totals for 1947 48 and 49 respectively are 2293 2583 and 3030 Increase in property owners in the various words is shown by the following tablc Ward 1947 1948 1919 One 342 366 477 Two 262 297 328 Thrcc 271 312 343 Four 509 650 77 Five 448 497 505 Six 401 461 544 In what appears to be natural tendency tenants are dccrcaslng an the property owners increase There were 1931 people renting in Barrie in 1948 while in 1949 the figure dropped to 1749 Numerous large projects arc in cluded in the figure of $1846445 for the first 10 months of 1049 Among the projects are the 50 rental houses beingbullt by Cen trzil Mortgage and Housing Corpor ation at estimated cost of $292000 Lufkln Rule Co $200000 Canada Dry plant $30000 Valley Taxi $20 000 Collins Beverages $10000 Sporting Gogde Factory $35000 Octolii Pei111113 Thu total of building permits 18 sucd in October was $155550 In cluded in the figure were 19 dwcll ings valued at $94000 11 repairs $3450 seven garages $3100 also the following change of dwelling into apartment $1500 Chees man 104 Elizabeth remodelling of mens wear store $7000 Ross and Doug Stephens 15 Elizabeth rink by Barrie Curling Club $30000 six apartments $9500 Peter Sinclair High Strebt remodelling inherlor of Queens Hotel $7000 Dwellings permitted in October wsmki Wildcat wwmi ton East ordOn Spring and 118 Dundonald Street $0000 each Mabel Coombs 25 Dal5 vV ton 58000 Vatermlck 105 SoV phla $6000 John Crawford Boyd Street $4000 Webb 162 Clap perton $5000 Coutts Davis Street $6500Robert Sweezie 120 St Vincent $5000 Gordon PrattV Drury Lane and North Street $5000 each for two dwellings Daniel McV Fadden Campbell Street $1500 Bristow Victoria Street 35000 Howey 75Jame5 Street 4000 Donnelly Donald Street cent $6000 Giorgianni nghway 11 $0000 Harvey 13 James $4000 Emms Johnson Street $5000 said He asks persons interested to when th boys clothing burst into Four Persons Hurt apply at the office on DunlopSt First consideration is to be glyeu to people on the Civil ServiceCom In Christmas Mail Rush mission eligible list and to veterans Veterans with dependents and who Difficulty is rbeing experienced are recommended by veterans or in obtaining men for temporary ganizations will gct Specialcorisid WSW dEIivelY work during the eration Students and other young Christmas rush in Barrie states people are acceptable LtCol Cooper OBE man Peopl who apply will listed ager of the National Employment and informed of decision later Mr Ofce here Couper states The difficulty lies in obtaining lt91 people who can take temporary ADVERTISING IN THE EXAMIN work and yet are able to do the ER BRINGS RESULTS 80008113 SCRIBERS TWICE WEEKLY examinations are 00 be eliminated pita when hgcan walk once more ameSV He and LAC 0dishaw Over on the other side of the thtth 11 world there are older students bsin Shiftereldiigz Sveeljs ls or RwersMamtOba Who was Visu TwoCars wreCked Barrie tthe W110 W011 liked See umverlty The reaction on the boy from gmmthei passing autfgznfad Near Alliston Thur ganggglggfwggghdhadn nBe9m his severe burns did not comeun the boy who was racing down the Bradford investigated the accident page publish list ofypersgx til just before thesecond skin graft street attempting to tear hisbum Four victims of car accident and bhalges Will be laid against ing when he received his fourth November 10 On Hghw POW wet for Eager mics seem em 10 men imam 13cm mg cothmg to lie down and 33 Followin re ort last week that mogsep mm sueh as Young blood transfuswn For timeV he threw clothing on him to mother near Alliston are said to be com Both cars Were damagl to the lnt townhdt lrre man of was not expected to live the ames while taking the burnt mg along niger by officials atitblent abt$V75O we Eadys car belong to Stein and Company Peel was passenger in Eadys car Prov Cons Donaild Weston of They blew vault shut George Potter 50 of 138 Lynhurst Blooms in November Barrie seems to be an excellent Potter had been travelling north for men and women will accom Vmoney is being spent for additional $4000 Marshall 87 St VIIIL iamily wishes posi blooms although indoors Doug lion age failed BA Krishfialal He receives penmllm two or clothing off him Stevens Memml Emmi A1 Stephens 123 Collier s1 Friday Patel Students who have attendx theeimeis day and has had inl Dennis bums in dressed every nSton Brigade saves brought another plant in full bloom ed college for three or four years lravenoiis feeding because he was two weeks by his doctor At the The hospitalhadhad no report wiSh to adviseV prospective emplay unable t0 eatifollowlng the shock last dressingmthe student nurses of On Cpl Richard Farley 426 who Vespra TWP House to The Exam Ofce for inspel 815 Vthat theyreth the status of of the bums the hospital were brought in to 85 remOVEd 10 CampBOIden H05 writing their final eXamlnations Beds getting anxioustogeout serve the method pital but believed he was recov Owar ever even though they were unsucce of the hosriital now and gqh0rne He is under the care of Dr Ross 1113 ful His mother does not think that be wiiibe able to go to school this ea ans rsnrece mire have bad mums ycar He was to have entered grode ms1min gfempenleldtay bifolhlalio blood transiqu res ct 33begsomgfgggglyggngzlgr admittance io hospital all of thaw Waterrabucket bngade as Last Week Mrs Wilbert Greene ur had 5i5ted the meg59 tOIget the fire reportedher Easter lily kepkin gealgfhogggqtlgswgglg F1311 tllgrfale 1335111353913 barb Walter NiciilFaZlfileandcogsegliimISiiil Under Control In time doors had tWo enghtinch blooms ItheOkanagau in British columbia ey prove mos errord bpth or Aniston were the TheMCKeV81 home IS Small Mrs Greenes plant was also orig 71 And nowwaread In the SWIftCu 13913011 witha sprinkling of dverdl new house on Letitia Street beyond all ardem rentsiin thaiazpartyor 12 aw an is was ShinerI Otlgifcdifilinlgnltiiregiports the accidi4mle5tleet ogopbgoV 10 feet ithhgt new dfnghtened mmshaqu Observarsfelt the sh were too em cecurred when36m driven by The fire Slafldg in clothes AIR CADET PARADE On typically cool and cloudy Armistice Day townandidis trlct residents turned out in record numbers noehonorwa dead at the Cenotaph lifBarrle on Friday November 11 whore by leaps and ducks mind largrrthre 10yfour inchesfor closet upstairs 0nd1was wellunder 6131111511 wet baltbut thought romeo the srhall ggtdflflgljgi tgenggf ft gag way by the time the fire truck ar TRINITY CHURCH About two thousand people lined the streets bordprln gs Office Square for the brlef ceremony two minutes fcwdays911511113meon do for Whitesh bel rived from Barrie BY 13 BAND points onflhe Ww JQZSRutrzgogymnggnzam However usmg masks and LE Sunday morning the Royal and laying of Wreaths Apprdximatly 4004peop1c made 0E ASIATIC ORIGIN booster hose firemen climbed C1F1e th The banana plant 15 notnafive to $1 through an upstairs back WindowI Canadlan Air Cadets 102 Squadron paraded for their an in PHPS up record ArmisV cattendnce Min11nd arTrlnltyiCbufch Thdyin1uq2dafah ble to play the water on Were cons derabl dam the and wme agea mull service at Trinity Aiigll all those in the proccssiom plus gdia Le forcerof th collision hurting the eel Qf fe re megrviaiighfg ifetszct dang We asigggggfagpgwls can Chmll13allleV eraMar ee eaccieiilv 13 3V iglistdigcovered by aph$sbrbya1id22gtwatelmmgtll Feql Ge Althoughthe house wafs Veal term 16m iWill Probablvcostb laws kindred me 01 farms HQSWHO BU llaistore Edamaguauged 45 wTHUT7PERMITSC 9it5=9l repie was me smi ecl erecting summerin buiidings lion Mr Stephens 14inch plant had bloom ve inches in length and Turnbull imam Turnbuii OnlvNorman Walsh 20 of A14 Pmmpl am by the Barrie Fire murmur imhes in diameter It Bgade yesterday morning saved was rst planted in his garden but gt He was onVVlheVdresVsVingV table two 15 onhadlnot shown much change the Vespra Township residence of brought and Potted before the 10 110ng la Wdenl The but he was mt believed be Alth frost Asmall amount of fertillz most severelyburned portion of his dangen nwar eve oug VV Unconscious for s0me tihie afltcrlpmler tank carriel only 200 381 er and new sollwas pmwded Another Easter Lily Men Wanted IoAssist body Was his VStomach la 00139 was almost obscured by the image rand ledghome bolting runirnagejsale auspice

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