littoulvu TOWN 81 JANIE um surprise party in The international president 11 Mrs Poucher on the Business and Professional Wo of her birthday wasi mens Clubs Miss Sally Butler of the home of her listen Indianapolis Indiana vlll in Jackson 32 Burton Aux Barrie this Sunday to addrexs the rday evening Outuiatown Barrie club on their National included Mrs Pouehcrs brol lawyer by profession and mem Allan Brunton Rosevear her three doughEmitter has for some yetirb been Mrs Franks Mrs II Vin senior officer of the United States Ind Mrs Botho and twollrcasury number of the Busi George and Jack loueliuness and Professional Womens Toronto and Miss Winniettlubs of the surrounding district of Lethbridge Alta Twowlll be represented at lllL meet sisters who result in totviiirig on Sunday Little and Mm Flori Brunton were also among guests along with daughter Some wobegonc high school fresincs we encountered on the Donald Tonillnson of Barn main street one day last kttk Mr Mid MFR ViSiciaimed that their appearance Were gall to blame on the Girls Athletic tSociety black stripe of Sllxst 533PM diidded their faces down erentiai tea for pledgecs the middle and one side was bril home llitl SliOllSul Mrs llautly made up while the other Laurie 151 Barthid St on v35 scrubbed clean Their hair atlelfluml Til SOIUIHY had suffered similar tatt with 9m M55 mm llgm POW sharp liVision down the at and MW 131 William5 and pin curls contrasting neatly ice MCQmdev Cpml1v with tlowing locks on the other side YOHW mks of ttli part Their trousers vere ower mm hung rolled up and thev Wore what decorations lhe tea table 1mm muvml tenuredwith yellow and wintry mums and yellow tapers lhns The newcomers were suffering weon came early at Oven college and students and fully perhaps because of the prom friends devoted Friday e15t of big party once it was all merrymakring Two scnioriovon nts made terrifying appeart at the annual party as ess Anne Boleyn and head Guild Halloween Tea held in the underneath hm aym parish hall on Friday afternoon of treeu carrying between were Mrs Norbert Moran general moving clothes line werclconvcncr Mrs Arthur Tillbruok of the most originally dressed decorations Mrs Harvey Charette udents Spooks and black cats bazaar and work table Mrs John with blazing eyes peered from iheWillman white clcphanttable and Wls 811d Oui Uf writers at iht Mrs Lowes convener of the imm TOIilillU Hamill tea Mrs dePcncier Wright ttown as they were ushered 11 wife of the rector and Mrs Rov lemntmced ghOSS iChristic president of the Guild pupils presented Six littlereceivcd the guests at the door the seniors presenting thCThose pouring tea in the afternoon scene from Macbeth and middle the walls The 18s table Writ dmkllatcd with orange pumpkins on lorange and black crepe paper and Convencrs of the Trinty Junior were well attended and Margaret her slstr ber of the American Bar Mlss centxcpieces in llaiioween motif The main poutth table was cover ed with lace cloth and centred With yellow roses and mumr The evening branch of the WA had table for church calendar at the bazaar One of the may llalloween par Sltfldu wetting the Knight of at Columbus flail by St Marys Young Peoples Club Miss Marie Burke was in charge of the enter tainment for the evening Ac companiment for sing song and lioor show was protided by MISS McKinnon and Mrs Frank Murphy at the piano and Mario iltlttlrllcill on his accordian Miss Evelyn Gore volunteered to itfllhtl fellow members how to square dance and called off square for them The refreshment committee was headed by Miss Kn Brennan Nonmuttions for this years ex ecutive were received at the busi ness meeting which preCetlcd the party Missionariesare Needed in Equatorial Africa Says Rev John Russell The pixMuir nerd of men in the illusionary service in French Equatorial Africa was stressed by Rev John Russell secretary of the Sudan Unit Mission when he spoke at Collier St Baptist hurch in Barrie on Sunday Oct 30 Mr Russell appealed particular ly for young men to offer them the pangs of initiation quite eiiecrHcltgs Th mcd is or more Canadian Fabian ti ties of the weekend was held men he cmphagizcdpw The SUM ismternational and interdcnomirrational established in 1904 The services of the day sub stantial offering was given to the work of the missions foreign ser vice Fight Wrong Ideas Regarding Baptism LONDON Nov Pl Many of Britains clergy say that some parents have come to regard bap tism as merely matter of having the child donelike vaccination from the hours of three to Six werol 01 KOOd luck charm Wool 65 separate with our piece 00k Grey mixture is youthful and is untranslated Blouse of caleche jersey has mir tie neckline and dolman deems Annual Mee Centre mm piece entitled Today Mrs Elton Parker Mrs Grayt This was stated in the second in at Hme written by MrsllMiss Rita Parker Mrs Edwin It1c lXZOW son and Mrs George Seymour visbf the AOvenden staff play was presented by the Refreshments long dining hall of the coi lpumpkins with black cardboard cats and witches and owls and big mm MUSIC 30 Every Thing In Music Victor Rogers Majestic Radios Combinations PIANOS New Used Appliances WWshers LIlitllill lull ORJDECCA PETER PANI 91mm Opposite Wellingwctd If U3 yoreice their terim report of the joint commit tees of the convocations of Can The parish hall was decomth terbury and York on baptism con wcrc scrvedw1th sprays of whaet and oats and rmlion and HOLV Communion To make the signicance of bap tism clearer the report suggested parents miglitbc required to give weeks notice in writing of in tention to have child baptized that there might be probaptism instruction of thcparents on its meaning and that there might be solemn public baptisms as xed times of the year Says Hospital Girls Should Be Prettier LONDON Nov CP Wom ren medical students at London Uni versitys Royal Free Hospital school of medicine were told to spruce up by Dr Jenner Hoskin senior physician dont think the students drcss verywvvell said Dr Jennerin an addressiat the start of the new school year The only timethcy come out in their glory is when they cease to be students and ap ply for house job Then they have their hair waved and new cap hope more people will consider in the Ordinary routine of work in the wards making themselves little zmore attractive than they have done in the past meatsDAY ai mummm vimum car all right The theme of the annual meet ing of the centre section of the Simcoe Presbyterial Womens Mis fsionary Soclcty of the ilditd Church of Canada this year was Advance The meeting was build in the historic old chumh at For 1est Home large numberrof dclegates and members of all or ganizations were present The address of the day was given by Mrs Proctor of Hamilton member of the Dominion bOaId The speaker urged her audience not to let the times fill them with mutilationleters And Charles Scott iWedding At Ottawa Tb marriage of Miss button ilsabel Peters daughter of Mt andl Mn Men of St Johns Mild to Charles Edward Scott son of Mr and Mrs Scott of balmy took place In McLeod United Church Ottawd Rv Lloyd Wakeeld Que bec performed the ceremony Miss Ogilvle played the wedding during the signing of the register Gladioli arranged with autumn 1fewer we used as decoration The bride who was given away by her father was in gown of white satin the fitted bodiCe hat lugn pointed collar and long titted sleeves and the full skirt falling into slight train She wore fingertip veil of tulle illusion and carried cascade bouquet of red roses Mrs MacLeod of Musson Que as matronOfhonor and MlSS Barbara Scott sister of the bride groom as bridesmaid were in frocks of green velvet fashioned on princess lines They wore band eaux of matching velvet in their hair and carried bouquets of Talis man roses Little Miss Anne Adams Pet3m of Bale dUrfe Que cousin of the bride as flowergirl wore frock fashioned on similar lines to that worn by the other attendants with spray of feathers in her hair and carried noscgay of roses RobertD Morrison of Montrcal was groomsman and the ushers were John Henderson of Moo treal and MacLean of Mao son Que Mrs Peters the brides mother was gowned in forest blue creuc tximmed with silver embroidery and Were navy blue hat and ac cessories and corsage bouquet of pink roses Mrs Scott mother of the bride groom worc gown of silver bluc icrepc faille with matching hat and accessories and corsage bou lquet of roses The reception was held at The Montmorency Later Mr arid Mrs Scott left on their wedding trip the bride travelling in dark green suit and wearing matching access ories and corsagc bouquet of gar denias They wlll make their home in Toronto The tbnide graduated in Science from MoGlll University Mr Scott is graduate in Engineering of the University of Toronto Among the outoftown guests were Mr and Mrs Peters of SLJOIIIIS Newfoundland parents of the bride Mr and Mrs Scott of Lefroy Ont parents of despair since this might also be the bridegroom Mr and Mrs time of perilous opportunity Ar cording to Toynbee she told the women overseas missions had about 10 years to redeem the sit luation The theme Advance was woven into all the reports and messages given at the meeting Mrs Harvey Johnson of Barrie retiring pres byterial president spoke briey on the subject of the building pro ject stressing the motto Mrs McKenzie vicepresi dent of the district =opened both the morning and afternoon sessions warm welcome was extended by Miss Johnston representing the Forest Home Society She was thankedby Mrs Gray of Gu thrie Worship services during the morning were taken by the Edgar Society and in the afternoon by the Barrie Central United Church afternoon group Mrs Snow of Orillia was soloist at eaCh session Mrs Baird of Orillia mem ber of the corcrencebranCh spoke briefly taking the rtunity to introduce RElllontgomeny member of the Dominion board who is now living in Orillia Mrs Montgomery has served for some years as secretary of her depart ment Dinner at noon and afternoon tea were served by dike ladiesuzof IForest Home church Mrs Robrt son of Barrie expressed the thanks of =the visitors for the Shoapltallty shown the Gracious Mrs McKenzie retiring vic president fthallle libelth tes for their support and loyalty dun ing her term of oiue 86v Mr Shannon closed the sessions An invitation from Edgar 10 hold tit tNever mind your machete5 the ex secmngl memg re was accepted 0o oftown guests weddink itll Watson Miss Marilyn Scott and Miss Enid Cimn of Toronto Mr and Mrs Peters Mr and Mrs Morrison of Montreal Rena Madigan Bride 01 James Drummond Miss Rena Margaret Madigan daughter of Mrs Clara Madigan of Barrie was married to James Beverley Drummond son of Mr and Mrs James Drummond of Barrie on Thursday Oct 20 1949 at 230 tRev Lewis of Collier United Church perform ed the doublering ceremony The bride was given in marriage by her uncle PercyE Varcoe of Barrie She wore gowu of white satin fashioned with cape col lar and seed pearls set in nylon The full skirt of her gown fell in tova slight train and she wore Tulllength veil falling from matching halo headdress Her flow ers wcre American Beauty roses Her attendant Miss Shirley Smith of Barrie were blue tulle over taffeta Wlth matching Vacces caries and carried nosegay of roses and babys breath At lite signing of theregigter tlhe ibrjdeisisistcr Miss Pamela adigan playad Ill Walk EBeside You Aareception followed at the home pf Mr and Mrs Percy Narcoe uncle and aunt ofthebride The brides mother receivd wearing with grey accessories and homage Of Talisman roses Mrs Drummond mother of the groom misstated wearinggrey with wine accessorles and cmsage Vof Amara can Beautymoses The bride adj grbomleft on oTorontoand Nico bride wearing suigwith argrey andaccesorles lo Peniehlngf ch ir awards Milne and this year Thailconvenerrrer mgthat there was very ood ut omen during be music and Mrs Lloyr sang thebJed 73 Miss Doris Buchanan Wed in Canoe Miss Doris Edna Louise Buchan an daughter of Mr and Mrs1 Buchanan of Toronto formerly of Barrie was married on Saturday Oct 1949 at 730 in the evening at the home of the grooms mother in Canoe to Fredrickltorb aid Binding only son of Mrs Binding of Canoe BC and the late Mr Binding Rev Gil landers performed the Ceremony in setting of late fall flowers The bride was given in marriage by Harry Ripley of Canoe EC She wore royal blue dress with headdress of white gardenlas and fingertip veil Her flowers were corsagc Of white carnations Miss Betty Miles of Canoe was the brides attendant She wore grey afternoon dress with white accessories and corsage of white carnations Jensen of Canoe was grooms man The grooms mother wore navy and white flowered suit with cor sage of yellow baby Chrysanthe mums Outoftown guests at the wed ding included Mr and Mrs TI Holloway Revelstoke Mr and Mrs Warrilow and Mr and Mrs Morrison of Vernon BC and Mr and Mrs Ripley of Armstrong Miss Joyce Green Wed At Heathcote Miss Joyce Elmore Green only daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Green of Heathcotc was married to Donald Murray Grant son of Mr and Mrs leter Grant of New Lowell in Heathcote United Church Rev West perform ed the ceremony in setting of fall flowers and fern The bride was given in marriage by her father Her gown of white slipper satin had Mary Queen of Scots collar embroidered in pearls She wore fingertip veil of tulle illusion held in place by halo of pearls and carried shower bouquet of red Johanna Hill roses and adiantum fern Her maid Of honor was Miss Eileen McNally who wore pink taffeta with matching veil and halo headdress The bridesmaid Miss Ruby Wlllett was in powder blue taffeta and wore shoulder veil and halo headdress Both attendants carried shower bouquets of white baby mums Mrs Best of Collingwood grandmother of the bride played the wedding music accompanying llarry Turner in the singing of the Lords Prayer and Perfect Love during the signing of the register Nelson Grant was groomsman for his brother The ushers were Gerald Green and VernonGreen brothers of the bride At the reception held at the home of the brides parents Mrs Green mother of the bride rel ceived wearing midnight blue tissuefaille with black accessories and corsage of Briar Cliff red roses She was assisted by the grooms mother who wore grey with black accessories and cor sage of red rose For travelling the bride yore wine suit with black accessories Elect Mrs Steele President Of WMS Essa ROad Church Mrs Jack Steele Sr was elected president of the Womens Mission ary Society of Essa Road Presbyy terian Church at their October meeting She replaces Mrs Sinclair wife of the former rec tor of the church Miss Nettie Bailey will act as treasurer of the society for the re mainder of the year The meeting was held at the homeoprrs Scarlett On Grenville Street Mrs CW Elder presided Dressing Gowns Wool Plaid Corduroy Silk Crepe Moire $1595 to $2995 lENAS LINGERIE NEXT TO ROXY THEATRE Dial 2221 Moybeth Stonden Tells Members MinestngWA About Missions in China The October meeting of the Womans Association was held eti the home of Mrs Sriglcy with 27 ladies present Following the business which dealt with sending delegates to the Socti nal meeting of the WMS at Forest omc on the 26 Christ mus cards and planning for an af ternoon ta in early December the meeting was turned over to Mrs Clements Missionary convener The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Wm Maw and prayer offered by Mrs Clements The story of several emissionaries China and their delight in going back was read by Mrs John ston Miss Maybcth Standenwbo re sided here until she left for the mission eld in China over lorty years ago was the guest speaker and she ighted all present with her talk it her work in China Her theme was Ye shall be wit nesses unto me She spoke of the witness of the Chinese Christians how her work grew and the chang ed life of the people the example of these Christians to the heathen when war broke out and how the Chinese give up the idols aud the joy they received when it was done very hearty vote of thanks was tendered the speaker by Mrs Young The tea hostesses were Mrs Tracy and Mrs Young who served delicious lunch the close of the meeting The next meeting will be held at the home Avenue if 47 and Mrs Sinclair led in prayer Mrs VemaGrcgnhalgh read til3 scripture and reading was given by MrsElder Mrs Shear was the speaker at the that Mrs John Gibbons read study book The meeting closed with the sayinggot the Leaf Prayer Mrs Scar eh assisted bySeve the mic bersvserved unc icas file foilsiagcr to bi return to of Mrs Cummings 31 Campbell VICTORIA TORONTE 3g v45 All Makes Models DANGIRIIBLD morons 65 Collier St Phone 2487 GOOD LIGHT costs VERY LITTLE lT PAYS as T0 use THE BEST LACO um lHEYR anteater LASliNG DEPENDABLEI imam Iowan agvtuedtheicntite 2818 mil Keane of 766 tfulcqueuqd nLilli IIUNMSHII uni Illlllstllll PS