Yllllll SHOPPING GlllllE ll CONTAINSNEWSYN READ IHESE Ans clltruu iibn With two bumersontop each element 1320lwalts pow er Popular sized oven with Personally Sh ht tm BADMINGTON RACKETS $750 to $2150 in orce Clln cons dont care BUT BADMINTON snurnccocxs 50c ea for $145 40c ea for $115 BOWLING SHOES $459 and $495 pr nullr Mario so SIGNALS Right now Cottys Cleaners are oin all out to lve your hunting togs blankets etc fhe es cleaningvgnd thermometer dial and ullhty Prepare now for Winter Stock up on anu freeze Try our expert Winterizan will 00 Bon You showcrprooflng ever Dirt and dampness just cannot space at the bottem penetrate this special treatment Now is the time Priced SI IIW $4950 If you are planning your hunting trip let COTTIES put your clothes in perfect condition for protection in all kinds of weather IT NIIW DIAL 2885 Our service will please you Cottys Cleaners 47 Elizabetha and your car will appreciate our service now when the winds and snow blow later We call for and deliver $545 to $3750 Ladies and Misses White Figure Skating Outfits from $1295 up 114 llunloiiSt Dial 2655 Next to Dicks Bowling Alley tagger WM OLD motile PHONEMSI BARRII uxmummx vu 717 Will soon be here Come and see our compleet Automaglc Corner Essa Rd Gowan St Allandale PHONE 3997 BARBIE 116 Dunlop St Phone 3141 doors east of Bowling Alley ISTAK mm RIFLES 303UCC11 22 Cal line of Fall and Wintermerchandlse Leather Jackets If Parkas sweaters Windbreakers Station wagon mmunl Ion 01 Cl m0 Coats Top Coats and Overcoats and complete line 0f fumlSlelgS ries and shotguns we ecianze 1n we The Shoe And Is read toq Stan nit ntaim the nee mo Lo app Handsome leahe needs 0f bath when and laundry it Streamlines calfsmn ox gardeL zrfgrmguge the roblem of connectln sewer water and elec ford Fineper UC Use our LayuWQY Plan mg There are just fgw standerd connections forated trim mllcumllediohwez 895 to we small deposrt wrll hold any article Flinn regllzetGlltIiATEiR SAVNGS from this time 12 50 tom urine Sign or an ma era sav ng un real men 00 See the display of Hand Painted Glassware painted by price Ammm isnt Mrs Chick Sandler They are excellent shower and Such line values Full typical Ol Stmas gum group of shoes for all Kev4 W35 occasions Stop and WWw see for yourself 129 Dumps no 4492 WAleEL suoE STORE WI YOU D0 is find the spelling mistakes in few 0f the Ads which pear abOVe When youqhave loundgvthe errors Write the correct spellin of each Word on iece of pa er Fond mai it alon witli ourname and address gt lt 1W Aldmitmlt other plow match Ill be ve 948 Variety of projects were Vegetable gardens40flower gar 39 poultry ralsingl potato growing experiments 15 tomato oclock inthemomlng withjtlie Mar occaSlonally $15 aming rleatherwork and wales same is giving instructionllng their products might make one in woodworkng to nine studentsl think that itwas an exhibition of there machinery only happyfwe dont expect any from Brantiord next Wk Th were real hosts however and th oodworkingare being offered 9thr subjects may be offered if invocapnEmnounwdBglime Rev AlfredrPrlcea 3with an admoubysigrl Templln lob may ll the cl drew 1le held ndlhesender the rst twecorrecllellers drawn eachImam other WM the Y9 hm 9m 9am Gallmack Hawks FrldaY l28ll=lur lhealre Clelsh nYlleale Barne The winnersw mund this gt next Monday As for the rst time suchllux lford EXPOSltOI Wthh had Placed cultural gt International urles as ice cream and candy be cabin trailer near the headguarters ame avanabl bud ho PIOWIngQMatCh and who made every faculty thY PrOeC13 Cfde 113th 0C had available to Abe ylsing press ate 316ng ifggdrxgwug Comnu representatives te ep be com At the October meetinglo the is pletely drownedmoutpglieldmlipera nected directly to the switchboardl Barrie District Collegiate Institute Orima Pile New funny 94 andatnOSPhefeg blackvmgr Nearly 175 students have regis ing given by Miss Evelyn Gore of tions 0f the Paper in Blallumd 35 Emmi 11 Er 33mm rePOFlgd with Over 125 la dew ages and toad waive et slmggles taped to date in the night c1assesl the collegiate staff Thirteen have contrary to what might be the there also typewriters desks the varioushome proyects in agrl mfssion orkr re ied oat sea eat8 t1 ft any means beingconducted this year at the registered so far these classes opinion of manythere were plow P133910 51 We 11th 39 culture by Gradedo swag 3m 5mm Reggvhalcoggogonoe File ulouskswegt es Barrie District Collegiate Institute Fourteen are registered in 1eah log events The crowdsthat spent efilmrlal Slim 10 be def his superylsmn mtmg 3e Associguu of chimfnls Aid soci Courses in l3llllmelClal Subjects erWork under the instruction or their time around the machinery Smcoe Cwnly at Year but from Summerr etles fonta io washeldon Friday Qweh my sewing shovvcard writing bas Mrs Ken Cavanagh Gerald 5mm exhibits and the tents of the vari the remarks 0f the 119p Ttgere wlem mm rgmc Em last 03 Felzn Cottage Iuli rfmmghd pals fhgogg En lishil ers who said If never see neary ree Zes gt 81s physical education Vice pmncrpal of the Prince of Gus companles who were display agen 8111335 b9831 rat creme the speaker 0f evemng The times for the classes are in W0 and half Streets ed minirnum ofnine students regis owing=2corn growing 1bee rqafeourse Registration in both sides with tents and outdoor assistant helped us in WV bl com rate all coursesisstill openW ioiffioiilioli lidrraol exhibits onerod an opportunity foi ncludine being able to avoid Wing he even i1 Theszees for the night classes are held for me most part king 30 lattendants to see every conceivable trafc jamsfthat 11411 official DlSlrlbuth lm Wlig one ight Week With 50 to 930 in the eVening in of farm machinery thathas were caughtln esprax Premier 5Frost arr ever been thought or Top sales men were there and no effort was spared to show the visitingfarm ers the latestiways of doingpower forming It somewhat resembled the midway act the exhibition as any oi thee hibitors usedlnicro 11 pl fwsg grille gnaw theorems tints eturnable for 801 attend The physical education classes are being arranged through the Barrie RecreationCouncil andcone ducted eyenhlgcllisses it is basketball leagues Willi to