Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1949, p. 7

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110mm WM M810 and his mauve 135 pound alloVedBtrrle Cone mien on third late junior to dam roll to lSSl single pointy slar defenccman Stan LOOK Its strange what few changes will do Coach Bap Emms Iced rejuvenated Barrie Flybr for Friday nigh 1W with St Michaels Collage on and sped to desrvlng 53 triu Ilard t6 slate just want Mr Emma had in mind with the re shuffle experiment but the follow ing changes were made all pat rolled centre on one of the three lines Bill liagan youthful Barrio product replaced Charles Wood on left wing John Bob chic replaced Dan Poland abacu tre ice Murray Maugganmm Hamilton Jr category saw ac tion on right wing sturdy Orv rln Gould from Cornwall was used regularly on the blueline fl net minder Eddie Crouch not the call forthe XlUfE As long as it brings results of lwu points Hap we dont squab ble in running through the alpha bet with you The Flyers looked like an allo gelhcr different club than the ros ter which allowed Guelph Bill ores to come from behindtwo nights previous for 33 stalemate They were skating checking and passing in midseason form while Crouch stopped the Majors in wow way shape and size Still It was veteran Real Chevro 1118 who popped in the goals The highscoring Iimmins lad planked home marker in the first period and added two more in the second for the first hat trick of the season Blondebaired John Bobenlc Ego another Barrio Speedster who cliid have won himself new top plate with any luck at all Many limos he roared in on the Major not and it was more of working in too close that beat him lhan the goaltending prnwess of Lorne Howes Bobenic did manage to seburocnne counter plus winning place as favorite in the hearts of the Barrie spectators Coach Joe Prlmcau was not on hand to pilot the visitors forced to handle Toronto Marlboro in their senior xture at the Gar dens Father Flanagan took over and despite the huge decit which faced them in the third period fired scare into the Flyers with quick twogoal rally Once again the fear of Barrie collapsing in the an canto hovers ed over the stands With com manding5l lead Sandford lmd Willie Mhrshall popped two fruit ones behind Crunch at 338 and 504 The Majors were full of ght and instead of the Flyers attacking they were concentrating on gloving off the driving bursts of their rivals stir COVERS foi All Makes Models murmur morons 65 Collier St Phone 248 before 3400 fans the way was lat lorib Howcver captain Stan Inuit John Shudder Chevrellls and Rick mu WWW wow be darts Myers WV and remain ed superior We liked the work of Bill Hagan along lhc left wing boards Be made his seasons debut an auspl clans one by punching home the first goal in favor of thc Flycrs It knotted the count at and start cf the hometown favorites off to victory Long carried the brunt of the at lack for rookies Hagan and Holden and If given two experienced wing men would be large lift from Emms centre ice problems When the pressure became hcavy on the bldeliue contingent Long was the lad who took over and sent lhc Majors scurrying to far off corners ABIg John Sheridan contributed probably his best effort of his car eer Not only was he rattlingthe bones of the oncoming Majors with resounding bodychccks be was also supplying bangup twoway and heady pcrfommncc IIis butllc with Paul Alain late to the third perioddelighted his numerous ml Iowers TneXirkland Lake heavy weight managed to land tWO lusty rights to the chill before rcfcrcc Bill Morrison intervened with ma jor penalties Orrin Gould freshman from Cornwall played well for his rst outing He made mistakes but then again who didnt on the Bar rie roster Gould looked like real comer Defenccmun Ward Brandowwspenttbetlivc long time picking himself from the and boards and didnt have much op portunity for his onceagamc goal to goal rush St Mikes are club mat to be taken lightly They have thrcc very fast forward lines paced by Willie Marshall Probably undr specic coaching orders by Prim eau the Bay Street boys set up bustling stiff checking brand of hockey in the first pcrlod In 35 seconds it paid off LaBine made goalie EdVCrouch look bad after Sandford had fought to givc him pass Despite this furious checking barrier Barrie held wide margin of play in the initial canto Sf Mikes received credit for four of the six penalties handed out in the session And in this department Primeaft can do with little ktrengllrcnirtg BothBarrle goals in the stanza came with men sitting in the cool er Nicoli was off for elbowing when Hagan tallied and Alain sat out boarding penalty when Chev rellls hit the twine Onuthe other hand Elyers still maintain their invincible reputa tion for killing off the penalties Rick Hogg oneof two denite pajandl stars for the locals wasa big fac tor in this act Over the evening Barrie had nine minors and one pany major The lonchostly infraction came early in the third when Gould was thumbed fortripping It was While he was playing checkers counted for and $0 Willie or it BARBIE FLYERBGoalrovg defence Brandow Gould can McCarthy wings Bogs Chem fits alternates ngicila an Bot Taylor 0mm LSBill Morrison 03in awa Ab Grant Toronto lIBST PERIOD St MikesLabine Saridfurd 32 Bunlcmlfagmr Long 27 BarrlcChevrcfils McCarthy 1833 IennltleswRobltaillc Long Marshall Nicoll Chevrcfils Alain SECOND PERIOD BarrioChevrole McCarthy BarrieBobcrrlc mimetic 748 BarrieChcvreflls Brandow Hogg 945 PanalllwGoulo Marshall Taylor Robitaille Zonalta Shed den TIIIRD PERIOD St MikesAlain Sandford $1 MlkeoW Robltaille PennlllrsGould Kobllaille Holden major l43 338 5024 Sheddcn major Alaid 79 St Mikes 8Barrio 011A JUNIOR Maple Leaf Gudclm Oct 15 BARBIE FLYERSGoal Boas ley defence Long Iaylor ccntre McCarthy wings Bogg Chevrefils alternates Brandow Bobcnic Zanatla Emma Hagan Poland Sheddcn Dunnctle SI MICHAELS MAJORSGoal Bowes defence Buchanan Rob itallle centre Labinc wings Sand ford Alain alternates lilmellu Marshall Marshall Bon hommc Sabourin Ingoldsby Roy Ratchford OFFICIALSJack Hogan Gall Bill Morrison Oshawa FIRST PERIOD St Mikeslrimcau Bonhomme BarrieDunuelfe Zanalla 950 BarrieP01and Shedden Emms 1403 St M1kesAlain 1455 PenaltyTaylor SECOND PERIOD V5 BariieBabenlc Poland 515 St MikesSabourin Roy 1855 PcnaltyBrandow THIRD PERIOD St Mikesww Marshall Bonhomme Sabourin St MikesrBonhomme Marshall St Mikeswlngoldsby Marshall 10 St MikesSandford Labine 1600 11 St MikesRoy 1819 PenaltiesChevrcfils Bonhom me 953 1337 1457 The defence combos were utterly useless the wingmen forgot about the art of backchecking and Jim Beaser in the nets although given little protection was away off form Then again Bap Emms was experimenting and thlsmay serve to ease the pressure of defeat He formed line of Paul Emms Dan and John Bobenic intent on finding out what the Barrie products can do in Junior cOm Bob Holden Orrin Gould and Charles out It was the above trio which ac twO of the Flyers with iimr Doc Maxwell that St three goals and kept hem in the Mikes started their twingoal rally FLYBBS AT TORONTO Before Barrie Flyers opened their OHA Junior season last week coach Emma said he would be satisf ed if hemanagd three of the slx possible points which 13y ahead gt Well he got them bul he is far from satisfied Afterthe humiliatA lug defeat gt St Michaels College Majors handed his defending cham piorls at Toronto Maple Leaf Gar dens Saturday afternoon which by 880 it wouldntsura prise us if the ace coach of coachertswdvertised for complete new 11 ey club Perhaps he can persuade the OHA head offico into shortcnirrg regulation hockeygame to 40 min 1utes That seems to be the limit offberlyers Onceagainit wastbetbird per if Which over the downfall occasion itwas the sea 11 They Secu through goals mthe The joy of holding duegoliy period penalty to Bill Taylor for holding at th 205 mark of the first period started proceedings He hadnt beenVcoolingoff for minute Whenprlrmzau fired Mod line shot past Beasley during St Mike gauging attack Big Enso Zanatta paved the Way forthe equalizer at 950 Retriev ing th disk at his third bhxeline the Sault Ste Marie product car riedin on the right Side of the MajorsV defence passed in front where Murray Dunnette slapped it behind Lorne Howes The youngest members ofthe team placed the Flycrs in front for the firstgtime at 1403 Bobenic hadforcedfthe playinto the St Mikes cud andjHowey busy clearing labelled shots John Sheddens towards the goal proved to the damaging lshot 1n the pile Up which followed Paul Emms got the RE for Poland to slap into it 8de tlmee of them edge was shoitdiwd nowev Paul flirting real drikhxspdslr obtained an unwinedcounter it Wood sat this one mat for victory until the third bluline drive seconds later of St Miks scram SERIES NEW YORK CITY OCT TMAt this stage of our holiday tour through that Samtcomttr were entering the heart beget of American night life Time Square Columbus Circle and of cOursc Broadway We had just complcled beautiful 5000 mph drive from Washington but as the blck memrcd by the outskirtS the trafc on the huge slxlane highway became lastcl and factor It was case of step on the accelerator and ban on or be unmcrclfully run down by your tailend buddie We accepted lb fulmcr idea Since we were fly ma down the centre lane 11 was Impossrblc to turn right to roll down an underpass whichwould lead on pmully lo ch Gardens via the Quecnsboro Bridge The only ultcrnbtlve was to follow your nose which eventually got stuck in the mob of World Scrics guests taking whirl at the bright light At completegltundstill as to howto retrace our steps we intercepted supposedly date trooper in order to gain infor mation He must have thought wrkrc quartet of wise crackers for arter moments hesitation lic midyukc this road to 59111 Street turn right and follow the signs We did lustruclcd Before we knew it we were rolling through Central Park With no lights tlicyrc not al lowed so if we did happen upon any Signs mid there werent any We wouldnt have been able to readilhcm Our course rcsulled in one complete circle once again finishing in the midst of hustling Time Squaw What madhousc this centre is Nothing but taxis tearing up the main drag and the drivers seem to curc for no onc THE BIG REASON New York drew ourslgtits for an unortho dox holiday was the b1tlerYaukcelodgcr battle In the World Series It was one of our min ambltlons to witness contest but we were fortunate to see fourAIthouglr Dodger roofer we failed to Ace the 10 victory Preacher Roe produced for the flock but witnessed all Yankee triumphs We couldnt have holed for better seats situated two rows back of the Yankee dugout Nobody would believe us if we stuttd how we obtalncd the tickets so we will skip it The opening fixture at Yatch Stadium wig thrllfcr with Old Reliable Tommy enrich blast ing 21 pitch by Don Newcolbe over the right flcld wall in the ninth to break up perfectly pitched perfectly fielded contest There was no doubt as to where the ball was going once llenrlch hadswung his bat Before the pill had reached the stands Newcombe had removed his glove and began 111 de Jccted walk to the Bronx dressing room It was tough one for the bums big dolorcd star who had gulned what few rookie hurlcrs in the majors ever dream of world series starting assigrrment Before the game started the odds were evened off and manyvvcre Inclined to believe Brunch Rickcys prize would best Yankeestar Allie Reynolds the Cherotter Indian who had managed to finish only four games all season In fact New Yorkers joke over the fact that the rage of the ago Joe Page Is Allies meal ticket having awed major portion of the In dians victories However Reynolds Illustrated his prowess was not found In his won and lost record He become fixed in one of the most gruelling pitching battles we have ever seen Con trary to bcllef he would weaken around the fifth frame Reynolds new stronger as the contest continued THE LONE SOLID DRIVE he allowed all day was to Jackie Robinson and that was grabbed by centre fielder Joc DiMaggiojnjwo easy strides The first prominent picce of ragged masterminding that we witnessed was in the third contest when the Yanks edged Brooklyn 43 Manager Bert Shaft had played his cards on Ralph Bronco in the hope of taking an in the series It Was the first in Ebbets Field and Ralph hadnt dropped game in his home park throughout the schedule But then againlhe 23yearold righthandcr had reputation of being troublesome for seven innings not nine But Bronco like Reynolds in the opener HeV gave up run in the third to the iYanks allowed just two hits ovor eight innings and retired 14 In row He lasted longer than Four Walks were issued by Brancaduring the game the first third and then two in the ninth All free tickets resulted In runs Branca became wild in the final frame and was trying desperately to conserve the great innings he had rccorded The score was deadlocked at 11 with Yogi Berra sitting on third and Bobby Brown on second when with two out manager Casey Slengelthrcw in pinchhitter Johnny Mizc The former New York Giant hammered out ct tilesline single one foot inside the first base foul line to untic the cadlock piu PRIOR TO THERISE to fame by Mize Coach Sukcforth bad comulted with Branca and gum the nod for the youngster to pitch to the cat This is where 11s enter into the series We felt relief hurler like atten or Bantu should have replaced Branca who definitely showed signs of tiring Still they might not have faired any better The pitch Mize poked was letterhigh and Inside his supposedly weak spot The odds on Mize produc inxa gamewinning single were slim and after all Bronco had to only retire one batter Gerry Coleman followed up wrth anothcrmneirun single the counted which proved later to be the winner as tho Dodgers contributed two circuit smashes in the bottom half of the ninth each time with the bases empty Here were the Brooks with three homers to their credit yet they dropped 43 fixture It doesnt often happen That victory practically telegraphed the fact that the Yanks would once again capture the series It wasnt until the sixth inning of the fourth contest that the Dodgers looked like fighting ball club Trailing 60 they staged fourrun rally whw have easily tied the score had centre fielder Dukc Snider the big disappointment of the series not grounded into double play which intercepted two wouldbe runs They just werent bail team in the fifth failing miserany on the labour al though their willows began to talk IN OUROPINION loss standpoint was Brooklyn catcher Roy Campanella We might as Well admit were isold 100on him He Was by far the best general of of the DodgerrosterVEven 1n Yankee Stadium where ve of the visitors are applauded Campanella received greater ovation each time to the plate than big Don Neyvcombe or even Allie Reynoldsdid in the first contest They recognized his outstanding ability It was rumored in New York that Rickey may was kept sell his battingfar Jackie Robinson for $250000 and players to Bofston Braves Suprisingly prsons vie cable in contact w1th didnt at all object They seem to have Va lot of faith in the notorious coldrbeartedl Branch IVTlirc Was like the question of who the bitter shortstop Phil itfzzuto oerewee Reese Opinions Were evenly divided but we whimlike to Vote for Reese thrice we saw him bobble pound our down to 11014 raid mfgclt occasion he rccovred miniow the non out at first steal onBem in tire third was on illustration of bisch thinking Pbge lefty was trying to hold ngseio first in Was in vain ue scemedto be worried and altdrhesitatttm finally fired pimhlntuhmmsbn leftv bandit bitter Tilt pitch was cultde and had to step to hileftlo make the cctchlteesefskw Berra moving and vwasv Vshdinglthwell ller the throw the individual star of the series from win or SKI PATROL 3mm ONEWY mount 18 the Ski Patrol of the Barrie Mount Jimmy Skl Club gets on to start for the 194960 season with it meeting to bc held on Wcdncg day Oct 19 at 730 pm at tho fled Cums Committee Rooms The FirsfAid standards havc been raised this your and it is hoped it good number will turn out to hear William Beam Director of First Aid for the Onlarid Divi sion of the Canadian Red Cross Society and Mrs Hood of the Bar rie Branch of the St John Ambu lance Brigade explain just how they hope to cope with this new standard and how you can bccmnv qualified in as short time as pos srblc All persons interested in becom ing FirstAlder on skis and member of the Canadian Ski Pal rolSystcm are urged to attend Welcome too will be any pctsons who are interested in just First Aid as applied to skiing orwintcr in general MAJOR nrxrzn LEAGUE This sixteam league started their schedule on Thursday Oct 13 Goheens CueBalls showed loo much powor for theiropposilion as they won clean sweep of sev on points from Bruce McLeans team Best for the winners were Gohccn with 633 and Geo Moth with 538 Bruce McLezan scored 588 triple including 270 single which was the best score in the league for the night Bill Kalcy team won ve poinls from Tom Hastic and his crew In each case the respective captains had the best scores 588 and 509 In the other xture which was noisy affair Ernie Sallers K1gmics won 43 oiled for the extra punch and did better than expected decision from Haw peachmangV SlimOOS For KlgmiesDoris Den lcxpcfd ney was best with 577 and Mc in the Cube with 804 topped the Shmoos roster triumph over Owen arm cvradzynmmmtumm be opening of on Garnish Barker Doug Bellow C0835 grid season Friday all forward by Garrick to Arena Park gigantic plunging blush ed through the visitors front wall to the 90601 the for two unconvertwlouchdowns slon Crydermau cum in the second and third quarters way We 910m veYIN respectively to break 55 dead after We rent nothing by Gar down yards for an uncoan lock literally carrying the local rick and Doug Baker coupled with McLeods plunging had colors to victory Entering his third full carnriamc deep owe SW rib ory paign aria junior McLeod has been moved back to the half position by roach Dalt Ncsbitl who felt hehad nough Strength along the line but was in need of backeldcr lio could raid the Winglinc He didnt make bad choice In fact it has been long lime since plunging half like McLeod has shown up on the BCI gridiron Throughout the entire afternoon performance he blazed ovcr yard agc upon yardage When there wasnt hole for him to go through be promptly made 0116 Big Al belicVes in the saying the shortcst distance to point is astraigh line and many Opponents and calm motes fell the sting of his cleats in their backs as he crashed ov the wall Despite his dangerous thrusts McLeod wasnt alone in the Barrie victory Running halfbacks John Lackic and Leon Garrick were con stant ground gainers on the ortho dox and run Lanky outside wing lcrry COckburn pulch pigskin out of thc air as thutlgh he were scrambling for chcrrics Up front Don Crosbic and Bill McCullough were pair of effective middles Pintsized quarterback Bcrnlc Crydcrman slaycd in the thick of the action butprcceived hard lacklc in the third quarter and meandcred through the remaindcr of the game Barrie were far superior throughout the contest but still they were forced to come from bc bind to gain their win From the opening kickoff the local crew raced down the field and twiccl threatened to score stripe scorched path for 12 yards and colors well in front BARBIE CI Quarter Crydcr man halves Bukerflying wing Noble min Wildman insides Crookes Rob arts middlcs Crosbic McCullough females Lackic Collings Trap nell Sinclair Long Borysiuk Whilmorc Rodgers Garner Rob ertson Stewart Delaney Manol OWEN SOUND CVI Battle Olmstcad Emerson Patterson MC Council Moflatl Kcllougb Watson Clark Pembroke Tighe GruVes GardhouseEastman Danard Dav ey tidcman Taylor Cockburn RENT ANEW CAR and Drive it Yourself Call 2772 BARBIE DRIVE CAR Computy Limited mam onlyour ucrmsn 69 Collier St UPHOLSTERING of all kindsgWide range of covering materials Telephone 4314 for an estimate Co 18A ega field The schedule for Oct 20 is as f0110ws Salter vs Hastie Gohecn vs Peachman Mc Lean vs Kaley named their teams and the other Three ofthc teams have already threeareV asked to hand in name this week RT HON ERNEST KEVIN British Foreign Minister who visited Ottawaand Montreal this week While in Ottawa Mr Bevin hadtalks with Prime Min ister St Murent and in Mont Eelalb he addressed the canadiaVn ALL MAKES Andersons Scale Sales Repairs Service BR No STROUD PHONE 36322 umu an You own rr ro YOURSELF T0 INVESTIGATE Dom TRUSS Maroon FOKTREATMENT 0F RUPTUBE ITS BULBLESSI ITS BELTLESSI STRAPLEVSSV ExotusiiveBttrrie Agent IV warunis nnoo soon mssaaoao NitVV ALISA turned to try out with Buffan at Fort Erieand there signed contract with the Bisons chain Not being assigned any place at that time be journeyed toGaIt and made the grade with the Rockets his schooling in junior meanwhile continuing UnTorrdnately thcRoekcts play ed several exhibition games before either securing permission for AndreWsto play with them or al Al McLeod carricd Urcmail ln thorsccond quarter and placed Bur rlc in front for the rst time when be hailed plloup on the oneyard In the third quarter he his second major placing the BC1 loulsidcs Cockburn Funecott a1 placed Garrick McLod Officials George Storey and Wy strcaklngtoscond lowing the laid to make his own arrangerHents Arival junior coach vrtis said intervened and Andrgstviasoxyjlered toIeave Gait by the Bison and to afhis BeVe tor not fherewere fewcmpty seats in the fifth contest The only time We did see Vacancies One ambition left that to sce arsmfse Bowl imam Doubt very much on wilIVbe realized Id have given the thosVSt Louis Cardinals won hockey With either Fort Eri Buf an or St Calbarinesv TeezjVPees arousing AndreuIs appea to mak the grd TePees and as conseZ in be praying with attendm ad has

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