Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1949, p. 4

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WWW vg Na 7DM WWuu gmenter oBarriex Gaitskell Director of In addressing the teachers Dr Art for Ontario addressed publichaitSkeil Id thie was system niche III BIIIIII wmIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIItIIIIII was IIIIIIIIII II dIIy afternoon and strongly criItu dmocracy Conventional methodi lie suvgcsted that children rom at tuition art There are iwoi at mm and limits 58523 down Iwork he decmmd ihoit crayons or chalk With their The gator oi aIfjt rIIeIiated hoonwn imagination tiny could draw mo II pup In 361 draw seam Igggbloewnmpnggg IIIEIIIIideSIQIIIfo awe He II lthercning opened with morn on OI le Blnzally lriSlrtitthn M14 tic optaint II gm dlwsions Standmg fast whm how the teacher would insrst onlas he emphanzed the Importance II II II the ensign was raised under the proper perspective This methodloi Dcrlmlllllig rcin for the developv was described by the speaker assment of the child lsupervision of AD Lt Kelly Ottl the nervous twitch System on ac The direct mt 5mm 5W Igiiyomgfrdag II mum of me me had hegeral illustrations to indicate what pupil Ichndm mum mm Mm master PO Belong was stationed at the gungway of the ship piping ull He Went on toaslate than color do when permitted to use lhtll chmg5 Wee so Childm own imagination arm Name ab and W03 II Ecvenings routine in the ships deck cfiirigfrglilotn33i 8th gringo IIII1I rum hm 30 color from mini chart he 10 The examples mm HIM when new Syllabus has bmm mm r003 again cuth pupillino ltl licliniticlt l1 22c033ammdpglfd ailskel said that the lanmirnw hullllllllll llllltitlll Vtli TOme insisting on every pupil agingcontrasted Willll thi whrk of the ships Contain Fox cxacly the some drawing from tlicmlziss when curh pupil had bccr iSeumanshipvlcarning to tie dit same 70d 05 particularly huriil requuxd to will it pictqu of it Nill iflwm km their 595 bOl ul chIldIIIII mm IIIIIIIII mer IIIIIII III II IIIIIIII IworkI knowing dmerum typos If II ta aberration bccuus such FM up mm mm 1boats and their parts anchors and III II method iilLlkuth the abnormality 1115u Wm mum mm cablcs compelss work and the gorgwfg IlIV EsurdIf 5k touching nit gstetting 0f Ship by Ctllllpass Silll 0l iivi 65mm 1mm Sun kn all me Dugmu tin Ililsilljmln which 01 emf an V9 Iuscxll UVtd ilk 13 Ci1 mg Hs to learn m5 Childlm 10 911155 When PART OF IliIi iRl=I of 49 boys and girls mrm Agriculture is shown with the ships Master Capt lseumanshipI WWld much Filmer draw SOIHC bers of the Junior Farmer Association of Ontario Grant The trip to Montreal was an award Si hascm Id thrie lint SlfOllll llld blll thich toured the anadlan Pacific liner Empress for outstanding work done by the Association mcm hf MOI gyms 3L IIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIIII of an hue inspecting the Mount Memo hers Ihroughom OntarioI Ikggm at 30 WITI vi II IIII mm umpires of the Dominion Department of In Im IThe September Imcctlng of Guth The first Gcncral lore was at 1m wM penmi ls vexY lnerbtmg and Cdu womens INSUQUIW was held at MnChl Square 1865 owned by cahonal Mm 0f MFS Duncan Camcmn Mlv and wm Mlmhen Tl Itd to the fact illut IiIltlltIS hunt been using the Oltltl Iiicllioii of mi instruction for many yours and he methods llnii litlll tllllltlV wrong vm Cash and any Conventmn eoker GunnerwalUU Itlkmgh if Wllha large attendance The 9705 Temperamo IOdge 9mm PROHI 55 fph estm young man Learning to march idem Mrs Wes Caldwell presided organized in 1870 First Petition PU Ilillquchtmll ul liiliicc norm Ipmmrly and hold rim correctly After the usual businegs periOdI for Hydro was August l2I 19le lllt ltestiuuuclic Riwr from imip inrgct IJIIIICHCC In III rIIIIIIeII Mm NI Bmse took Charge of ThI OII II II II II In II II nu mchlng W1 be EIIIIIIIWJEIIIII$5133311IIgIlIfIII markhmnInShip In shooting With Il meeting Historical Research was held mI tth Community Hall Oct Contliiutd irom page one 110 and ievolvcr the topIc chosen for the day Mrs 19 This Will be the District Rally ii Cmjmcim Mm It took llllt two hours to prepare Crccmore 51 Slubbl of Elmvalc who said he Wat MAMA Mod nwe bv Besse had several of the members Mm Ha oq of Georgetown will be WV the report that sum0 night for urvs Mcn of the Creatbhapter 1111 the itccior of St Pauls Church icvufyonc CutIltr pullingJ innavil lake P81 in the meeting Mrs Aihe speyhker Neighboring Insti mm WW rotation in 15 minutcsi the next rul Deanery oi Simcoc West held Bloor Street Toronto and regarded lboats on the lake and sailing Barmmomew 01d the rst l919tutcs are invited to attend The ImmINOWIX 12 RSllwwuflis dily Tllllt $111110 ifltYmO had thcir annual full dinner meeting at as one of the great men of the stimminI lmsebalh basketball and phone built in 0m in 1907 from lm Let There he Light will be tIIiIIknowISIlicIliiIiiiIIII III IIIIIIIIIM mm wmmimo the Town Cmemom on MOHI Anglican Church was Ibom at IhOCkCyI boxing and IIImangI Hawkcswne to Om station The Shown it lli Cl lmll ULWF l5iilllllS Ctllllptt day Oct The ladies of St Dartmouth NS and his father had company was Incorporated June 11 When we all get lllll1tl llic colil 15 ay we welcomed Bril The 1110115 to tho convention Possibly Lukes Church catered and nearly been prominent Rector of lluii lieg ne police For Commbm 1909 MFS GiiChrist tOId 0f co mm some Illlc might believe that thc IAMPBFLI TON In IBUNIII 0m hundred munI representing the tux church Before coming to 3L COW and JohmmII TIMI mmtII the rural mall being started May lt Hill was not altogether fl VilCilllOll Anglican churches at Midland Pauls Canon Wilkinson had bccn Mcswcw invited abImId mvpa MARY STREET DIIIk AHIIIII WIIII Cd II II II II BI 1910 M15 Wm Campbell lead it ch much Penetrulgumhcnc Barrie Allandale hector of huge Lhurch in Mon demonstration in judo Cadet he minums SChOOl mOCl mce Ma 1949 have At Water Front 801101 the some lllllIL stticlnry of Group Elmvalc Stiiyncr Duntroon Col trcul Attcr thanking Mr Stubbs for nod up on outside of the IIIan mg of pm Section 1340 Mrs muse dCSIgnvd to be madI but Ton ngwood and CIIMImOrCI panicL me kind Introduction Canon EI Love told of the Presbyterian not been connected With keenly interested the exprl ilQlCd IIWL It itltSls fol luncheon on puledI short devotlonaIl servrco kinson said he lmd recently rc dmonstmtmn carrieg out by Sm CIhUIChI in 010 Blble study was the Barrie Surplus Mar liiesdny of the Musseyllarrls Com was held St Lukes pm She turned anal attending me synod stables Covert IIIId Johnston Inter given in the homes of the eaily Rob in any way and am pally lhc SptllkCI was John Martin dinner with the Rector Rev sessions at Halifax He gave to settlers in 182526 In June 1845 lb cadet tcrc Shown dillcrcnt holds not rcspons 01 any Oi iuronto tho LtillipilIlIVS ndveills FloydI ofciating 5mm of mmorium dlscussums Ind ih dIf dI If the new church was formally in connection mg mmqu and producer of meir Among visiting clergymcn attend the sessionsI He urged his nuIdiI bcI ar CoI IL on Iing oIncSc Opened There were two early aims excellent movicI During the me ICC to Name that me Church is cos IcsI OVCllI an JOinSlon weavers Mr and whatsoever crL Rev Patstonc Stay KS ersoll IIOUII III bIISInCSS 505mm Md mg In Ch1 are coming riboaid as often as they st nor Rural Dean of the Dealtcry 5p cve bl an rs Reeve the year 1840i am mnsmnn three inc spookch Richard Locke Rev Downer Dummohukev Jesus and the larger the church the p05 can rIOur 9pm perm plans were made to build schoolI of the Edmnmon branch Stewart WI swims EImVIIlCI RCVI 01 more responsibility has ouch KmL We expect wrestler aboard from Camp BordQnIin me very near III house on Lot 17 Con Lovick and Mnclhcrson advertising wright LST Owl 0th Ra dual within that church 250 agency on Advertlsmu Layout and Ito at Trinity Chulchamli RWI Among other thingSI he messed me and also boxing classes Cadet Saics Ronald Hull of the Vnn JI Newton SmimI Alhmdale R9 was the ght conception of GodI heariyenjoy 95 and are mm is dI mg their Spolts from experienced Buy er contamer aillirnglth lilioslmorisii LYotur Eblgoggu5531025 rhitirifoiirdnilrtiTim WC we 9mm Printing Equipment and Lyzill Canon TIHIIi1kinson of StIpPaurhj undersmnding 3f the Christian Any lad 14 to 19 years of age 15 00 mm mam Commercial eligible and will be welcomed lrilntchI Edmontori New Pro Church 81001 St Tommo mm aboard RCSCC KCmDCnfCH 715 to Com FIm WI auc Ennimn mm The Rural Dean Rev JPat We need and must have splr 930 Thursday evenings only once An allcolor motion picture no one presided and with him at the itual awakening We should have week You an outtted with gram has been arranged by GOVERNMFNT DINNER bead table were members of the faith in prayer faith in God work Th Robinson Grain and Feed Mill I1 mume of IIII Ch dI II IIII wIIIIIIII IIS IIIId faith In uni orm an oIvcrcoa Is CraigvavleI for Wednegday evening The diliIlCl on Tuesday was by 31 EL 10 mb GEdI ItJI It ginnd opportunity for young lad Oct at 8I15 pm at the Com courtesy of the Government of A1 CV gtRd Ph AtIiyei Secretary and Dowel IS 1U1C IconCCIV The evening closes With the munity Hall in Stmad These lm be one of the finest we have had Joseph Bull chairman of the Lay able he Isald that God mlght 10Se ships company in um respective are of outstanding agricultural the privilege of attending The mens Gun both Conmgwoodl 1fd90 Lei make divisions and the ensign is lowered zeresiI and deal with poultry hogsI speaker was the premier Hon 05 Smpsoni COL Lee Wm dmmam centre our in naval manner Cadets are dis and the litegiving soil nutrition The Residents of the Township of Innisfil will please Ernest Manning MrsWzillsaiId OBEI MCI Earner ReV Floyd Ves Witsed and the ship is secured II by means of chemical ierlllizers had the honor of meeting HonI und some visiting clcrgy 12 The Speaker Deferred to great Ihisvprogram is cannot for every itake warning that all logs must be kEpt closed in from MIII Mmmm before dinner and be After the sumptuous dinnerhad achievements by men of other failhI Tonight Thursday Oct 13 ln farmer and riblttick1ing cartoon II FROM SUNDOWN To SUNIIUP mg guests at the head table been servedI Words of welcome Egcrton Ryerson had at great sacri StrUCtlon lnIJiU Jitsu Will be 3011 has been addEd for your further October 4th t0Decembcr 15thI 1949 HOHI MrI Manning ns his ofce were expressed by the RectorI RevI flee and under much hardsmp madeitlnucd by Constable Bud John enJOYment At the concluswn oi the program free lunch of sand with dIgmt and ability He gave Floyd He was delighted to wonderful contIIbutIon to ChrIs Eton 0f the I0ntarI10 Provmmal P01 and if found at large during that timeI will be dealt with no very neyaddress on the dangers see such fine attendance he said tianity Dr Cliifc an Anglican ice This Is being presented as CNS and 60599 W111 be served advertisement cording to The Dog Tax and Live Stock Protection Act of Communism and the need for and hoped everyone would benefit layman of Montreal had undergone part of our extensive sports pro viii ct th ililtlal awak ninl id now gram this Fall and has proved very By Order or The Councn ChrlhtlamlV F0 days 138va R9 Cm me meet it Zt ma we heard him on Sunday ing The ladics were called in and showing the light to thousands in Interestmg t0 2311 CBdClS Last ALLAN Clerk ignorning over the radio as he Ide especially thanked for their services Tdronto weekS demonstratIon IwaIs very IIn II QUAKER livcred his weekly sermon from by the Rev Newton Smith Wc must not be afraid to let our tersilng and tomghts Instruction Chungr the tabernacle in CalgaryI who assured them that the meal light burn he admonished He permd ShOllld be WC attended by radi4li Wednesday before dinner the can they had served excelled both in urged private prayer Biblestudy cadets and friends Womens Institute chpw vention reception was sponsored by quantity and quality and self discipline The great prob Cralghurst Womens Institute boiled menu Pi Johnston Everson and Charles Canon Wilkinson was introduced lems in the world today are spirit Attendance Wm meet at the Rectory on Thurs am II n3 73 worthI pubhc relatwns consultant to the gathering by Rev ual he Said forour adherence to Attention all Cadetsl Fall In is day October 20 at 830 pm Roll 715 for morning divisions so call Canadian Industr Pro Toronto and Montreal The reme the Christian Faith at scntailvc at Jasper was Stan had been cut Into chunks of meat Toucmng briey on Church fln that 9135565 W111 Start on tlllle at Era rS Pedllngham Agricul ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC LESSONS Cornthwnite of Montreal and helzo pounds each each tied up in anccs the canon urged considera 730 Remember eaCh sea cad is tum Mr Adams Of Midhumt rest Staton wl too was quite uninterested enthusi cheese cloth and burlap To com 011 ft underpald Clergy GOGS meted to attend one parade each Lgnchcomtnitte afhd ALICE BOOTH LRCM RMTH F1 letc th blessm are wel lied out he bald week Absence may be Permitted AlggilgfrgggbgaccgggggATgo TEACHER IN PIANO III THEORY IIeIiIlaguatnthIeIpiggIIrerIcIes ngSEIsIIhoIIcIIliItIer fess coskplslestd fvegIoganinng IIH wcgnd oursglves decient In in Special circumstances Ionly with IgghamISandw1ch Mrs McMui EquIgIIIIIonIIIca maarroorfogInItnmesi 40 Ch it St P110 2748 treol again next April How aboutl iron were placed over the trench blessings it may mean we gave the approval 01 YOUI divmimal WithaQUAKER Buroii Heater 53 C0111 St Bame 8H lfice rd re bei ke an And ou savcmo too be It Hap about two feet above the meat nickels and gothack onlyanickels 00 Pt IIII I67 Yoqge stII Toronto pgpls gregared fotl Exaglftlgn Sand was placed on to of III worth of blessings divisional competition in attend 1n are NarWhale cause QUIAKER alone alters BBSldentParter oya onserva my um WESTERN STYLE BARBECUE to make 1p on anceshould be kept very keen theIse optional lowcost acceSI FA 13 MacLAREN BComm CA One of the hi Mi ms of th can per ec seIa One of our greatest advaharIes Ctr romIls Home series that mean fast automattc JESSIE BRYSON RMIT Fhroughout the night the cova is Communism said Canon Wilkm economical heatIthis winter ventlon was the Western style bar b0 SI and 130 ML Cl QbJBCSDf Royal Gamma BADGLEY TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING ark and Mr son and the come of Communism beg Cadets IRVgIglJngAllakgggde 60c gr II Mnhanim 0wgives mm IE hal ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR and THEORY PupilS re ared tor becue luncheon Wdn95d3YCaldwell so theyclaimed main isenhanced by halfhearted Chris 24 mm ISM Bafe examinations of th Conser Charlie Clark of High Rwer was it he Royal Canadian Sea Cadet II MTelephOneMlls vatory of Music Tgronto all actormined to show the Easternl 11289 ihgaggisaggsjig5133 ans Who prefer to hlde the 118m Corps 15 voluntary youth organ sperms of whale only ve of which chimney by prov1ding ample drait mum heat output regardlesSof under bushel ff Cuts fuel cost anon whose ob eel to ve be ave een mm the ritish INCOME TAX SERVICE yaqes memliighiigcr mafiam $31153 mggtga olfligagggrltlsleg Elliebfgsthgd Otlillllire 31 lplitl efsggakgIWf tganlad lg b3 from 14 to 19 33earslof aggelI 1mm coast in the past 400 years has Heat Circulatoregentll cir ERT BARR Studio 27 Bradford St m35 I9 all eV been discovered in th 083 public Among 3231ugfzgoesip0ifey13Iliowled arounIdIthe tgrotnds strikl gel Wright of Trinity Church nil1gqhasSailfrggfopa 312$ way hem 1t Ihad benlggfelgefp iilrifiialriairilll 09m comm Toronto and Barrie DOROTHY JOHNSON 1g 50 anxey Eamm arm those 4th qualltxes winch make for river te tide and was Bameiomce Associate of Toronto Conscrva felem from What we at theI EaSt ers Includmg the wmer As the was gettmg late good citizenship and tohelp those stranded on the bank was BmdmgvpjSt Ofce Square tory of Music and London Eng know some items of business were dis Telephone 3397 Fan an Two big bonres were bum II med with WI RI boys who Wish to makeIthe seIa Ekperts said that this type Qf to carry or wood to chopl Resident Manager couege Of Thalfy Clak elm Themgh and around these the people gimp presegtd re En their cannot achieve that ambi whalevery rarely leaves the Arc River Times south of Cal ar DEMON CARRICKLL 152 Maple Avenue In theIheaI of the Mimi gathered as the cowboys strum church extensmn work and urged tion tIArtrcle 201 of Sen Cadet tic region and Wouldham is the SI AllONJonyi NO WORK QUAKER heat Is clean effortless No coal to shovel ashes 0811 1113 nuomaSEc VETERINARIAN mV mum the aid his wig 52hr 5337311333 gd response to the can for funds Begumms Eisthitlimdrmt at wmh one Simcoe District in re con 11 whichis Orthcoming this autumn Unit seminar Street Phone 4949 he can Ve mm ohms alcissued t6 all ali Th blues himmhale Were aF DR BRACK big ranch operator and Guy mom made spectacular some ms qn ed TWABD MAYORAND Comm weaamk originator or the Cal rising over Pyramid am there ed Cadets 10 9355mm Qmel milminim and Semce ii contents and Auditor Veterinarian and 5mg gory Stampede to put on the was spontaneous burst of gt tary tests and show keen inteyest Ker mile Exam an gOIEi Ward Mayor CPA Ck5towni ont barbecue They wenttoImore song into Unwhen the Moon in cadet activities TheseIunitorms Clem legs sad tohav the 13 Toronto Stale gigolo Phone Cook40 bother than any or us would Comes New Momma are actually onlloan without chalice 1533 liggwgallgrbggleal Insignia eel one 8111 think ofto make it success 5V October 14 andmayonly be worn on author VI MeanWhner the cooks were bu ILook inICorInIirig Events for par ized drillsor parades gt II an From Ml caldweus Mb re t1011131101 f0W1SuPPeI WedneSdiilY Cadets receive detailed instruc Trustee So his EBarrle Phone 4545 ggrtrcf II monton the care of an clothing IIRI LEGAL mommaassembled atlthe Lodge lfiifj egupmettrstd SOYs Boys ggdrlsyewgrstheicgictmgga IeIithatl It II om Iay In II re pent InmovedI II nII uireinens orI II II II glriiiiicllil2fen idly fEggvgpgggggggI forth Recruit II II dwilii We Tlenze 9083 viranch QliicerEImVale fOlllllO 5IWA 1d mm 44 The Etnorsx smilingWethouthtrcolonlv notier at dynamic rim mcJVI ROWE SEAGRAM happeningthemovies itwas tormumbuu oanoctIIl EleiI gt II II II II real enoughwewereassuredr5 tt gt Tuesdayieventng aftertheo 331333 kIIhaa gt II fAlb dn II MONEYITIO LOANIII eminent erta 1n er an the ting due to the II III volitiondielgatesio visit thcplcni II CURSE grounds about 930 to see justh inhlnuISI mm rm as vitationwasextendedtoathe can tTh Imeet Imadeforawe Jr

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