Zelglcl Whom Mllghelll bookkeepinga Arnold has purchased the and arithmetuc typing and Davis St ed 30 Harry Young has disposvd of his GJoreafmvrvym 03 Eve Shows property on Letitia St and it will wlham Mrs Gmem be occupied by Finals Corby has secured group of pm lots in the Moadowbrook subdivi izezlroffrtriyrogllincmlgtesrviigll asuqtilizibe sion south of Barrie electric stove for the cameria as BE ON HAND Bartlcy has purchased the soon as possible EARLY home of Hamilton Conces moron can mm mm artramp canon Chinese Stewardent lot CPA uh campus 17 ms ivssyVihwwhyoIhi FIRST WITH THE STIR BARBIE Henry Elrick lnRealEstato Activity in farm Ind summer properties as well Barrio horned ll reported by Henry and Elrictl local realm who list some of their September sales Wood has purch the Barrie Dixtrict Collegiate luau lute Board met luerday Oct ll wore Mrs Rodgers Johns Anderson has purchased thcl wmim warm umber fhome at 29 North St from Miss MONDAY AND TUESDAY PLUS OTHER Qgm Ii SCREEN Wilts Chapelle gaffinrm 88an and EYE snows Dr Harold Smith has disposed of his summer property at Tyne BC when werengmnm per head to Gerrard Harrington has purchased the property at the corner of James and Mulcaster Sts from Evans Mayor Pace is now occupy ting the new home at 51 Penetang 18L erected by Campbell Smith has purchased the pro perty on Collingwood St from tho lLaidlnw Estate Nykoruk has purchased the residence on Shirley Ave of 01 lmluion to attend the annualmeet lingo District Six Ontario Second lary School Toachurs Federation on Friday Oct 28 at Orillia coml Emenclng at 230 pm The principal was granted permission to claw the school for that afternoon 655 ngOosbl in Bany lzgerald TOP Ollie Morning fillill Hunt zlyll report was presented by Prin cipal Bowman regarding the night school classes at the collcg late Registration was Oct and Classes at present are Art 32E shorthand 14 English for New Canadians 20 Victor Knox leal therwork 14 Mrs Cavanaugh show card writing 8Geo Hilli girls physical education 13 Miss residence at Sanfordet from Mr Ferguson Miller has purchased al large lot from Rev Cody on DAYS Starting QJHQMQH5ANQMNM5QNHQHIQQMbQMHltHbbHLQQCHltb Regarding complaints and recom mendations from the StudcntCoun cil pertaining to lunch room and basement the property committee was authorized to investigate and remedy same if they see fit sion 14 lnnisl Sanders has purchased the home at 68 William St from Mr Monger and will occupy same Mumberson has disposed of his new house on Concession GRADA Vespra to Bpnedict Amok has disposed of his NEW AND cnanmmo addition to the ranks of Canadian air line motion was passed that re name farm on Concession 1n slewurdcsscs are these three Chinese girls slated for duty on the Can $331328 caigfakea ailsppltlsrs is adlan Pacific Air Lines flights from Vancouver to Tokyo and long Kong Shown being welcomed at Vancouver airport by their Canadian colleagues the girls will soon shed thelr picturesque Oriental costumes for stewardess uniforms and will share duties with Canadian girls on the 6500mlle run one Chinese and one Canadian girl to each plane 0n the As Australian service Australianand Canadian stewardesscs share duties Lei to right are Lorraine Ngu Shanghai Minerva Dunkerley Vancouver Joyce Lam llong Kong Barbara Ay cllffc Port Alherni 30 and Gloria Woo Hang Kong fourth Chinese lass Dulcie Hall of Hong Kong arrived in Vancouver earlier nisfll to Ferguson Chess Club Active At Community House The second meeting of the Bar rie Chess Club at the Community House was very well attended Competition was keen and even though the silence was such that thc proverbial pin could have boon heard it could be sensed by the intense concentration visible that many king was being staunchly attacked glance around the room re vealed Bob Crosbie playing deep game with the remarkable blind chess enthusiast Harold Webb Westy Taylor was matching wits lwith Bob Smith Dick Steele and George Longstae had found match in each other while at the next table Coles was giving strong opposition to Cam eron Harold Irving took on the president Tom Kerr and Doug Greenwood was explaining the rudiments of the gameto Don A1 forwarded to the secretary of the board for handling TONIGHT TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Eve Shows and 840 pm ALL STAR ATTRACTIONS pAUL JOAN HENREH BENNETT THE SCAR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 2nd Feature LOVE WINS IN AGALLOP GLORlA HENRY in RACING The secretary was authorized to advise Alliston high school board that the five pupils attending that school from this district be ap proved Action of the transportation com mittee in completing arrangements with Valley Taxi to handle the Minesing transportation run at contract of $4000 per annum be approved Fred Grant Reminiscing Says ZootSuiters ChickenHearted Compared With Boys Years Ago This is the fourth in series of articles on Barrie in the old days bola written for The Examincr by Fred Grant from his memories of the early days of the town Mr Ritchie operated soda water plant in large wooden structure in what is now the large grassed plot at the corner of Eliza beth and Bradford Streets It was also the principal location f6r cir The secretary was authorized to forward letter of appreciation to Emms for his generous and profitable offer to the collegiate band to participate in the pro gram of an exhibition hockey night which netted the band about $600 Every small boy of those days who claimed any degree of social standing belonged to the Blue Rib bon Socicty and promised neve to touch taste or handle intoxi cating liquor Possibly in later life some of em more or less chant edlheir mind on their earlier dc crsron very large proportion of the all boys amusements were of letter was received from the deputy minister of education re garding the teaching of musxc in Barrie collegiate On recommen dation of the director of music permission was granted for Mrs QiAbAbiDQMbQtQThiqupgaumwqwltpsltsltursuspltu4ltsltwqrsawQwsgaQuwaunt smplc naturo and pretty much ht Palrons NoteThe feature RCtClng LUCk mgr smith and Dr cus billboards prowded by his own initiative and get uficm inotjtgcgg Gm arridlater in the evening Thomas Johnston had his ginger efforts not by the Sports 31109 ing 191950 be shown Once eGCh eve pm and found challengers ready for beer and ice cream manufactoxy like duck on the rock pitching horseshoes not quoits crack the whip hares and hounds tag tiny up hobby leapfrog and shinney For this lastnamed game crowd of boy cronies each armed with small hatchet would go out to Hubberts Todds or Pullens bush and cut out the crooked trunks of small trees whichthey carried back and stocked like cord wood in the home shed to bedrid out and then were trimmed to in dividual taste for the coming en thusiastic and strenuous shinncy games on the Bay ice or even on the dusty uneven roadways in the summer But the game was super lior to anything in that line now for it wasalways played without rules or regulations of any nature whatever and certainly no captain or referee Anything went Henry Hatch had factory for The board was opposed to the request of the chamber of com merce to have the services of 100 students of 301 taking part in the Santa Claus parade on Nov 22 It was felt this would mean further interruption in the school curricu lum and studies motion was presented and carried unanimous ly that This board has no auth ority to approve of students from the collegiate participating in or attending Santa Claus parade held on school day PublicSchool Board Meeting Continued from page one there had been request from the Drama Club to use Victoria School in the evenings Principal MacLennan said he was not in on John Street now Maple Ave nue two doors up from Elizabeth Street And almost directly across the stpeet was Freemans Furniture Factory which supplied the stock for its large threefront store where Prysons the Barrie Cafe and Weay mouths Stationery Store now stand Mens clothes were then almost entirely made by local tailors and by hand labor unlike the present day machine work And among those oldtime merchant tailors some of whom had dozenor more employees including many women were James Weir Hum phrey Bennett George Lane Lower Alex McRae Sam Gordon Alex MacNabb Whittaker William Hutton George May Wil liam Turner George Blackmore ithem Harris Steele who came in la little later became an intrested spectator The executive has arranged with Mr Casey for accommodation at the Community House for the fol low1ng Monday evenings at pm October 17 and October 31 Now ember 14 and November 28 Dec ember 12 At this last date schedule of meetings for the new year will be drawn up Commencing with the meeting onOctober 17 an instructional per iod from 730 to pm will be held for those who wish to learn thi gameand join the club Of interest to the registered members is schedule which has been arranged whereby each mem ber will have the pleasure of test ing the skill of the other members It is hoped that this schedule can County Library CoQp Meeting Continued from page one Storytelling mainly in the Essa schools had been started as an ex periment by Miss Gray She had told stories iii 26 schools and it was felt that it had proved real stimu lus to childrens reading Visits had been made as often as possible to libraries and deposit stations Regional meetings of li brarians and trustees had been held 0f library WOrk in Stayner Alliston andBarrle for It islo the credit of your board the Purpose or discussion of local and your former librarians that problems and mutual help Ar this feeling about reading exists rangements were beingmade to hem carry outregiohal meetings on 11 It was reported at the annual other county council representa tives Gibson Page and Warden TS Evans KCWho had all given generously of their time and work In gadging the improvements and expansions in library service in the county Miss Dunn emphasized the intangible results of the years ac tiomplishments the stimulation of the love and appreciation ofbooks and reading This she said was not only the broader aspct of li brary service but the real purpose mamaDent basis in theseand other meeting that me total budget for be played off before Christmas Tom and Harry Sandersand Alex wOod products on Bradford Street favor He recalled that last year centres 1949 was 043210 which the The Barrie Chess Club welcomes Milne Just north of the West Ward School there had been class in metal The county librarian pointed out county granted $2000 and the pro 311 11 31 interesmd Among the early druggists here Of those days Thats Where Wit work and the caretaker was kept boys had our baseball bats turned were William Cox Geor gen John woods George Toland out from square stick VETharm George Monkman CMacLean woodfor 15 cents after we be Dr Watson and Kidd 31 Sm girdhal thekgame t0 19 The threed3 ricultural Fair 5315 wlt 0f held in QueensyParlc and the large ouggy Wheel one Of ms Sons Ck to open earlythe neXt mom wooden drill hall each ran was Term wd lam Gm mg Bell Principal the principal one of this district V1118 tmetivancouverr whenlylas Prince fiwales Sh1v 5901 Of and drew lampattendances wmch saw lum 301nm ago the trouble with the Emma Club in 1885 was announced 35 10000 The days when Barrie was the when he was on the Li racy Board daily mosf important lumbering centre He said the members smoked in At one me besides 0m tam ln Ontario when the public mar the building and were careless ous Mary Street Boys tin whistle ket was SUCH busy Place lhat With Cigarembum George Cad outt Bank had our brass bands there was restaurant in the build ogan Spoke in favor of permitting grown 35th Battalion catholic ing and when the sea serpent the use of the school for the Drama and Temperanwahd each gaw used xto make its regular appear Club as requested but there was regular programsj from the gray ancenin the wafers of the Bay will no secondor for the motion plots in front of thera1w3y Stale $311953 bYML Gralll mlus On motion of George Cadogan on which at may mg was fth in this series ofarticles next and Charles Newt the secrete steamboat landing for the variouslMQnlay was asked to write letter to Fred Egculistoniaonithetmdy of the Laka Grant asking himif he would miy ay oar picnic be willing to prepare summer p13e5 like Couewghiug Straw AnhnTonk Padre of the historyof the public school berry Island BeavertomBigglaay waver Maafofd oftho town gt The reports of the principals for the schools were tabled The re Tll attractthe 45th AntiTank Reg ent RCA Grcyiand Sim1 coc Foresters Rev Aopleiiard MC BA Lljh will until dfter 11 pm and some of the class wanted to serve lunch after that He saidit was too much to ask caretaker to keep the school open until 11 oclock and then be vlnce $3099 Estlmted expenditures for the L101 EMGIIOIII entire year amounted to $7995 Men of Spyqud Present at the meeting which was held at the Community House The Ladies Auxiliary to the Bar rte Lions Club entertained the in Barrie on Thursday evening were interested peisons from Bar Lions at delicious old time coun try fowl dinner in Stroud Com rle Ivy Cookstown Grillia Chub chillAllistonBeeton London To mumty Hall Thursday evening Oct marking the 13th annlvcr ronto Woodstockat Thomas Es sary of Charter Night The mem sex Sta er and Tottenham bers and their guests who all wore a4Ww CITIZEle RESPONSIBILTTY old time and hard time costumes enidyed an evening of old time and Electors mustcontinue to show their member of parliament the modern dancing to the music of condencethey had in him before the Strand Mountaineers ancl atelection time Bullion The president of the auxiliary can wemaintain interest To this Mrs Bruce Johnston extended the canadion Library Association rte wonecomm end to our fellow Welcome to the Lion guests l0 metlngs inWlnnipegjlaEt summer nsafto subscribe to Harrsard which Lion presidcni Dr Bruce by Mrs Leeds the Houseof Parliament newspaper Johnston replied tcongratulatmg Miss Dunn made special men which reportsklu detail all lawsand the ladies on the ne work that of thennhlling support of the debates whch have preceded their theirorganizationhad accomplish braryboardMr edrln the past 13 yous Theori ter JohnAlliso and uis club wished the lladiesycontin lied success tr undertakings LfonLvFrank Dobson presented gmadcs iwalnut gaveli to that the county library had been well represented Both at meetings within the county and outside Miss Gray had been speaker at 25 coun ty meetings andhad attended in numerable others Mrs Montagu Leeds chair man of the library board Miss Gray Fred Hunter vicechairman and Miss Marlon Stephenson office assistant had attended the County ary Institute in London last cb Mrs Leads and Miss Gray djalsa attended the Ontario Lil VThe libraryhadevenbeen repr seated at the annual conVentionfif School had fireilrillsvdn September go and 22 Edward School hada re drill on Septeinbcr 14 200 awe farm on the 6th Conccs 31 th school board room with the anion of Vespra from Mrs Mary= chairman Morrison McDonald U33 presiding Trustee pronoun of All Alllllllll Bill 33 till taunt Paramount prosonfs ALAN DONNA gREEb Beyond Glory ZLJ 77 Shown Once Only EACH NIGHT Starting at 830 Hes Hit with the Misses They Go for his kisses Hes tho Womans Homo Companion IOo000OCOCOOOOIOCOOOQOOO EDDIE BRAGKEll clss VIRGINIA WitLES SPIKE lthES wlth ltlllNNY an and His menu new City suckers TUESDAY 830 RM lawns aursr FilllllM OVER 3an Hear local citizens discuss subjects of interest to Barrie EACH TUES AT 830 phi THE BARBIE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ON THE AIR Urwau iodgc 0n Highway 11 miles north of Barrie OFFERSITIHE BEST FOOD AND SERVICE in delightful Surroundings CATERING FOR PARTIES moors ETC WHY EVERY lllllllllllllll 1TH Fanny IN CANADA BORROWS ill TO TOGO EACH TEAS ports showedthatprinceorwues leaveM in then very near take up 20 No fir drlll was reported for sot Kic seem school amour Mr yard hall been grech of Clix Menard for the sgimols in Septembevrayere as Ch followr King George 51 Victoria Gable reporting all traffic committbgsaidthe warhead signals al Primerof and King Edward School 51qu the andVictoria School on September Cases of carpoital punishmentfln aillincEdwaidgbiirrimrorwms