By TAMIL Former Simcoe Residents Visit Anten Mills Barrie tunneling shutter bridewbc of tin gt Angela Sexton we home of Mrs Jar Eugenia Street by Kl Mr Arthur Martin evening Foriyant mlghbors and the of the Gray 11111 Miss Sexton has 111 were present at 1111 guests Spent the 1121 brides book Mis it was dtcorated with 111 umn tlowvrs tor tin ASSISIlng Iht llt1gtt1 Misses Lorraine 311111 Gray Norine Buttcil Sexton Brigid Malta Carrot and Patsy 11 ried in the three Lupe 51 gifts Miss Sextons 1111111 11 eslie of Toronto null 11 111 St Marys l111111 tl111 nuch on Saturdax 1121 111 am btihss Joan Milne 1111 Ll 11 lftilltllllt were lltt cclluneous sl1ow1 111 H1 111111 Prepare for llavc Yourzll Scrccnsl lakcn Off Windows Washcd NI Storm Sash Put On also Storm Doors FLOORS CLEANED WAXED rousmn with large electric Polishers CABSONS Window Cleaners ill mwymum ffwwmli lAmong lhc liltillt who workcd to Z111akc the sale gtthtSS were Mrsl Dalton 1111xiliary ton 41 Winter is 1211 t1 p11l 11t Ilirxxtairs Lodge Mincts loint 1111 1l 1111l111 jll ll 11 111l 111 1h 1141 livir 1t11 111111 111 Knapp and l1 Iw 11 11 l311y 1121 11 tll111 l11w111 33 IM WV 111111 1111111 111 11111111 vtni lill li1i1l l1l1i1 Y111111 ll11i11Hi111111l1l11 cbli also 1111 111 11 11 mi 11111 H111 11l and Mrs Iick llanl 1111l1111l l1t li1lt 1il1l 111l ll =l11nl1l11 lr 11 1111 11 it llt i1 111 1l ll tllfl 1i1111i11 l1il 11 111t 11111111 11w 111zl WWIIVW liss l1isic liarkcy whose 11111 and 111111117 is iml U1 ltlll l7 111111 1111 31 3111111 til lili 1111 111111s11111 him VV=igty 1i11 tl11 tdis of the and 141 1111 11 Miss Marion 1l11111ot 105111 1211 l11c11t11 Rove rtllll111 VAT Thu IIIIHIllttl the Among the entertainmcnts 1111 111iilllii mmwhim rouzt l1111i1t11l11 of tins Sahndav M1 Tilznsit llziikvL 111 1111111111 part and cup and shower hcllg l11rut 1311l11I ll11t 111 11i1 1i111111 ldiitillii 1l11 11lill l11111 1l111ill1i1 lilti 11 pi1111 1111i 11 111 Mi 1111111 lilt Hunt 111 113 111h zssinlttl 111l M1 limit 111 xla Elli 1111 1111 playing Lliti 11llttt Mrs Jack alrcrt and Mrs Itobv i1 11111t1 Untlv in l11r 111111111 1111 Monday 11111111z 113f lilil utiunil Miss llllll Norms and Miss Marion lmiwr H3 I1 MRI lt litit v111 i1ltgtgtl1ws1 ltll lllt t1lli H1 lt I11l=11 Those upstart 1l1 Miss do inn H1 1n11 11111111111 Among Illllht 11 Max Ettndirn tr11111 litttllt vcrc 1111111 1111111911 1s don Roach The 11nd and Mrs Gordon Roach Miss Ilmkcys marriage to FltillK1 Road lrcsbytcrhmhiuch hold arMmpl 111 LU PM Fall rummaec gt11le last Saturda Mt mm Hmlw well morning in the church laltcn1c11 gamma3 CHOU lo 010th in the morning evening amziliary of Essa The first moneymaking event of its kind sponsored by the Beta l1 1111111111111 Mrs 5mm phi an afternooi ll1ll1ard Webb Mrs Robert ScruI Um White prcsidcnt 111 thy Manon l11c JIrs l11ck hlc1 Prof ToIton Gives Public Relations Address To ml Ttllull zdtilvss tczulczz of In Womens gllhltlulc 11 B1u 111 Sep 111 11 illlc lljvkkl ltibilc Rtliilttlll tulitl Z1 L11111111t tanfttlyl Cl litiiwn $11 11111 111ti111eu 5111 lNut and 5311 11 the 031201 illaunas Alva Edison who and 1111111at11111 to surviyu We lldlsi spud 111 1111 social stlc1ccgt gt0 that IIIK pixuiiiclr of the phl lcai Ill be mud c1111 igtllttltl illul loilon lltltltlll ml the 11111lt that publzc IllJ itions 1111114 the 11al1n of social sczcnu Sociai llrlltt IS 1h p1o duc of human 11114111ccr111g The tuning vagina1 must have itl Sonnlily 115111 rhaiui Iliittl li motives and autumn that 1111 dirv 112111 hound common zzood The pltricnal 0111111 it gttlrlil c5 Ilitillltilttal ltlLlrl rucogmu innd asunnc has shine of tvspultv Ysibiliti 111 group action 11 strength of which is cotuliltiistuah lwrth lhc tlllctcbl of its 111ci11bcrs lhc t1nishu product of the Hlctltt nl litlmall tlltilllttlllig pnhhc Itllllttlllb lo dmclop endining strength four ct1aracl1ristics must br cn cotnag gtStlIAtllstlpllllt courage 11111g1111t1on 11nd inncliniss These Hour t1ttiltlil characteristics rcs on llpoait basis said 011 sp 1k11 l1lllltgt lilltllll It ll111111111g ltcs ch 17 Judgment ti ll11mility Sacriv 1111 11 lillll Sihcciii 10 Service llvlloniwa l2 Under standing It is the pii1lcg1 and oppor tunity of 011 public relations cn d1vu1 lu encourage the develop 111c11t of each of these 111fcxpla111 atury cl1aructcril1cs The motto of your Womens In stitute of Ontario is For lloun and 01111tiy Your Institute 1ncmorializcd the public relations job done by Mrs Watt and Mrs James and everyone of you are potential pub lic relations officers charged with th development of your Womens Institute When you return to your homes will you not look about you and sec what can be done to develop your communities Our demo1 cratic way of life furnishes us with the privilege of serving our communities Local needs may merit your attention such as light ing for the sports centre of your boys and girls throughout the fall and winter nights and developl ment of entertainment to supplantl the beer parlor menace developl mom of debating and acting or pursuit of hobbies or shows Such questions as the educational fai The marriage of Miss Rita Mil Cilillts 0f YOUI Community thl 101 0mm daughter of Mr and conservation of natural resources Mrs Gillard ot Orillia to Alvin l1 lringlc son of Mr and Mrs George lringle ot Barrie took WALKS AGAIN Therese Bour gault 23 of Bromptonville Que incapable of walking for several years has suddenly abandoned her crutches due to what she believes is 111iraculous cure The girl however still needs some assist ance to gct around due to the natural weakness of her legs 11111219151111 science in your community would must befresh to yield its utmost in flavour SALADA COFFEE is as fresh as the day it was packed when you break the Seal 011 the lid Mrs Fendley At Convention Florists lTeleQmph Association Mrs lcndlcy of Fendlty Flowvrs is in Montreal this wcxk Victory Volunteers Conduct Service Collier St Baptist lhv Vitloiy band of lirislian 111111 Toronto at t11lh1r Street at liariio 1111 Sunday IUIJLI Rccord clowds attended the lil l1l11 School Rally and Sunday cv1n mu WSW sown lnbhc scrvrcc high spot thcrcisa Thi meetings Vcru packed with intercst lcstimonics vocals i11 strumcntals and gospel messages were givun public address system was used to broadcast the evening 512 vice to thc passcrsby lcd llcath one of Ilnrrics boys is leader of this band of consecrat ed youth V11luntccrs conducted scrvzccs Baptist Church US Canada anti Europe attend ing1 animal business Sessions of lht Florists Telegraph Delivery Asso ciation which lloral artisLs from all over Ithe US and Canada and the application of modcrn no doubt be of great interest andl value Best things are hardest to get but arp worth waiting and working for Aycrst Cod Liver Oil LL 60c $150 NevaChemical Food Liquid SL35 $295 3495 NeeChemical Food Capsules $145 $265 $595 Squibb Cod Liver Oil 60c $129 Radio Malt $100 $165 Kepler Mall Extract 90c $150 Wampolcs Cod Liver Extract $100 Waterburys Compound $100 only tor Miiy 1t1tl31on bill also for everyday use by the average lannly Mrs lt l111111lley will talcc pait YWHL ltlltl Vllll ovrr 2300 tlorists from tl1c1t15ImHl3i exchange creative ideas in tlowcr design not fcr111cntcd pods of orclnds ml tca and sale of handmade babvs1 Ki clotlumz and candy was held In place at 1111 home of the groom at for fastr local sessions 1i11111l fitlltt any mull till globe This ttilltllIlOll also v1ll 111ct officers and d1r1ctois of tho worldwulc llor1st 111g111i1tio11 To thc coming y1a1 in other ilowc1sliyv111 11 Mrs l1ndlcy is helping at the 1de national design hm in Dcsign School with c1cativc ideas Vanilla is made from lllttl and UPHOLSTERING of all kinds Wide range of covering materials Telephone 4314 for an estimate Barrie Tent Awning Co 34 Bayeld Street Scotts Emulsion 63c $119 One Day Tablets $135 $250 Malllcvol Tonic $200 glicrbcrl Young Miss Hailey Mr l11111s Vtbli Mrs Roy irant Mrs ALPHAMETIES VITAMINS the Eastern Star rooms on venpmCmS wellington street E331 Street 011 Saturday afternoon TcagBunju on Saturday evening Octo 11s poured beluccn the hours Ofl her 1949 at seven Oclock R021 llIILt 11ml 51X MYS CamIN It Sinclair DD performed the Join KENWOOD cHRISTAs CLUB deposit each week Say KENWOOD fer Christmas KENWOOD is the ideal Christmas gift soft 1warmfleecy beautiful in its delicatepastel shadesDecide now on Kenwood for that CChristmas gift Join Club for STREET 061 the decorated with yellow tapers and autumn tlowcrs Miss Anna Pick oft sorority president and Miss Beatrice McQuadc iccpresilcnt rcccivcd the guests onvcncrs of the tea and sale vcrc Miss Beth Norris and Miss Maisie Barkey Mrs Charles Lowe had donated 11 white handknitted carriage cov Icr which was rallied otl and won 1by Mrs Ellaeihcrson All proceeds of the afternoon go to wards the sororiity ward at the Royal Victoria Hospital an arch of colOrcd suniac and aut umn flowers Miss Lorraine Miller niece the groom played the wedding music Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown of white slipper satin With full sk1rt sweeping into circular train Her fingertip veil was caught to halo headdress with sprays of lily1111 thevalley and she wore lace mill tcns Icr flowcrswcre cascade of 105 and slcphanotis with FRIENDS miscellaneous shower for bridetobc of this Saturday Miss Betty Linton was given recently iby Miss Jean Harris at her home 184 Elizabeth Strcct Miss Hairis home was decorated for the occa sion and the guests spent the even ing playing games Lunch was served by the hostess Miss Lintons 111airiage to Robert Williams will take place on Satur day October at 230 pm in Cen tral United Church Mr and Mrs It Boys enter tained last Saturday evening at buffet slipper and dance for about 80 persons at their summer home on Lake Simeoe number of ioutoftown guests from Toronto Hamilton and Markdale attended MrsG Laekie treasurer of the afternoon branch of the WA of Trinity Anglican Church reports an intake of $21081 at the rum mage sale held on Saturday morn ing in the parish hall Mrs Donaldson president of the WA convened the sale assisted by the entire membership of the associa tion The committee in charge is very pleased with the SUCCESS cf the mornings effort the Kcnwood Christmas BARBIE 1512 lOCKE Susannticn AS Incredible youll say when you slip into these soft suedes Black as shadowsetheyre so kind to your feet they almost FEEL likla shadows too For Dr Locke Shoes are built with six comfortassuring features that make new pleasure Let our experts select the walking proper Dr Locke last for you Fw111weifsn1311111 sabotage jopp P1551 once late streamers of white satin roses Her attendant Miss Margrcltc Surcst way to popularity is to Larmont of Orillia was gowned in look your best Let us help pmk laticta With full nt one you by precision pressing and bustlc back and wore headdress immaculately cleaning your iol scalloped ncf She carried leascade bouquet of roses clothes Our prices are bud getlow Harvey McKee of Barrie was groomsman At the reception which followed Ithe mother of the bride received wearing elephant grey with black 109 Dunlop St Phone 2885 lheart roses the grooms mother who wore am 00in wine with grey accessories and corsage of Sweetheart roses Toronto London and Sarniav at tended the wedding The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Muskoka the bride wearing grey pin stripe suit with black accessories and corsage of red roses On their return they will make their home in Barrie Mr Mrs Cameron Celebrate Their 56th Wedding Anniversary The 56 years of their married life were celebrated by Mr and Mrs Cameron 66 Owen St Barrie at the home of their daugh ter Mrs Nixon 164 Elizabeth Street Mr and Mrs Cameron were married in Allandale at the home of Mrs Camerons parentscn 0R Sanford Street on October 41893 All the members of their family were able to be presentat family dinner on the occasion of then an niversary this year Their four daughters Mrs James Qrok of Midhurst Mrs Nikon Miss Ida Cameron of Barrie and Mrs McMOrran 30f Toronto and their son Donald Cameron of Vespra had gathered in their honor along With five grandchildren and two greatgrandcdren 1A grandson Londonwasunable to be present Mrs Mary Cameron and Willie Cameron brother ofW Camer on were guests at the dinner Suitable gifts were presented to the bride and groom of many years following their anniversary dinner Moving pictures Were shown and everybody joined in sing song ending thelevening with wishes of many happy years to follow to the bride and groom Mrs Cameron was the former Ida Morrison native of Barrie Her husband is also native of the district They were married in 1893 by Rev Hart BA Both are still very active and enjoying eacellent health Why is 10ye1ike mushroom Because you dont know whelbr er its the real thing until its 66 bans made On your own signature No endorsers or bankable seturity needed HFC specializes in tablerepayment plans are tailor made to fit your particular need Phone or come intoday CANADAS LAROIITAND IllDIST IONWMII HNANII OICANIZATION MONEY WHEN vouyureo 1r 26gtlllznlutb Itrul and oor Phenol unicorn Olllllk IKANGN stunt St hit in oor you 21 Moon to or by appointment can and to mldnluf why loving an 111 Mm 1m courteous prompt service See iMonthly Months Payment CITRUS LEAVES IN LONVENIENV usrmss CAPSULES 15 $100 503105 100 um IIaliver 011 Capsules 90c $155 Lcc Harris Shampoo Sl00 Lee IIarris Hair Conditioner $149 Lee Ilarris Compound $100 ROLL WAVE HAIR BRUSH 9v 5395 11150 in mmon 5m $195 Lee Harris Hair Style Brush $198 DOMINION c3Q VTABLETS Vicks Vaporub 45c Buckleys Itub 50c Bayer Aspirin 18c 29c 79c Frosst 217s 3hc 75c $150 Pinex 59c Mentho Pine Syrup 50c Thermogene 591 $119 Alka Seltzer 29c 57c Vicks Vatronol 450 75c Quick relief from colds headache grippe neuralgia 319 Ask for the red box Privine Nose Drops BEAUTY ON YOURJBRUSH w11h itsirlchiblond manure tts red color its pleasant ovenThe way it makes your niomlinieel immaculate thelovely clean gleam it glvjes your teeth the fragrance it bestows on your breqtb Toni Special Offer Toni Refill $125 New Toni Spin Curlers $200 New Toni Creme Rinse 25c $350 Value for $279 6m Inns Myw swollen aching ioints Relieve backache rheumatic pains deranged kidnein Electric Heating Pads $095 $795 $895 Fever Thermometers 750 $135 $175 $200 Atomlzers $l00 $125 $200 PLEASANT LINIMENT ANALGESIC Aminidefmuimumpm Paste 590 Ammidenl Ammoniated Tdoth Powder 59c Colgate Arnmoniatcd iTooth Powderz 29c 490 SparkOenenthmmoniated Tooth Powder 596 rate 4011 Tubes 75 Cusde arm mutant mm we Kora snurmmr 3qu Ketch Sanitary Napkin 121 gt331 48c 3123 an