Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1949, p. 3

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mos Trich NZZZWWW omio Buses carry number of internsting facts He THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA halfpay oIIlCLls flowed toward Mr Manna 1n i953 the British Government Squash and Pumpkins ilay Morning It was then that VV Cranston Speaker On The Press at KiWanisv Continued from page one lliltl Ftcti Walls went cal to IItl Hm iliunton and Wall olti the Eltnmlp pper and inoyeti to Ilaz NEED or ILPURMLRB dwulc mb mm mm Thu lhat the ilillltt needed two He 521mm Jam 19 LIInllil iLllll is not surprising llliint II ilu llaiilc humour was VVMK mil1 hm dummy by 11 and mm My Mlillicll bony linger many times paper was published for Slxiijl 1911101 01 llb Monet11 months at tht plant of The 5111111 SULCtlcs county town was you see conceived in mixture of stateisin piracy and beer Those may setm like harsh words but they have basis in fact When 111 1019 the British Gov cinmii started to cut the Penc tzinguislienc Road north frochm lpenfcldt Bay Barrie consisted of one log building 11 was govern rnrnt titpot through which stores Wtit shipped by portage to the upper waters of the Nottawasaga lilivtr en route to Georgian Bay This stoithousc which stood about halfway bctwvcn the shore and DunlopSt west of the railway station received shipments from Holland Landing llariics Illllli Elaiia Mic1rcii of The Barrie Examt lllcr and Walls if The Sui urday Morning amalgamated their separate nchpaptrs into one which was known as The Barrie Examintr and Saturday Morning The latter part of lllt name was Cash and Carry PURE ARTIFICIAL ICE The SABIIANTo Lid MARY STREET At Water Front housing was scarce and when in 1020 l1l1l Edgar its first cili ltcn came up this way from the Ilinyof Quint he took over this by then abandoned storehouse as his rcsldcncc the completion of the Icnc tangtnslunc Road the British lovernnicnl decided that its sotilh crn terminus would be The Town of Kcmpcnfcltli llic nicm moreover sought to influ ence the course of commerce by the issunnux of flat dcclaring lllls is town 1t never however greater dignity than paper reflected from the imagin ation of governmcnt engineer The area of the town was 300 acres which as the historians tell us was sacredly reserved preserved for the rcprcScntatives of commerce and from the clutch es of the agrittilturists There is however no record of any mer chants settling in Barrics prc deccssor until farmch first tilled the surrounding land So much for statelsm and the foibles of government but where do the beer and the piracy come in Five years later in 1831 con siderable number of English half pay officers were located in the vicinity by the government from whom they received large grants of land frer of expense Simultaneousy Kcmpenfeldt came to life William Mann opened up his store and brewery He was described as the commercial mainspring of the village He was in fact the only spring Kcmpcnfcldt Town became known as Manns Point and fair pro portion of the half pay of the reached Poultry Wanted Highest prices paid for Chicken Fowl Turkeys Cash or Cheque scttlc man guaranteed on the same day as arrival Phone or Write BURNS 20 LIMITED Terminal Warehouse TORONTO ONTARIO Canadas Pioneer Meat Packers mcan verbatim Complete Line of SHOE GAIN Stock Poultry Feeds Custom Work Daily Cleaning Grinding Rolling Mixing Have bdlancedFeed made with Grain it cuiusclv GRAIN land FEED Craigvale Station Phone Stroud l8r4 Delivery Service Hours am to pin Saturday 8to 12 mail Your URKEYS courtroom THANKSGIVING AISize for Every Family Birds drawn if required Halves Quarters drWhole Turkey Grown On Our Own Fcirms 4Qualily Meats Groceries Prices Bight Free Delivery YESPRiRosriin mans cvtntnaily dropped to shorten tlic not bright 123 years ago although LOVCIII ably place on and talking about that ofcourse was too Phone 821132 Burriclf chiield Sir 91 that here dNorth Street abandoned its child Ktruptu feldt Siilb of real estate deals and proclaimed town on the piesm site of Barrie The gotczuncnl we are told had several ltg huts built along Dunlcp St for use as temporary sheltch for newly arrived settler But What 1r Sanford Battles first llltIL act caii along in lhliil llL printed on of shelters and immediately out up shop there to sell his wares Not ionly was his questionable aclty unpunislmd but he earned of modern county coininercmiisin by capturing 12 months later the Igovcrnment appointment as local postmaster DtSllllt this enterprising begin to fade by 1840 Population was diminishing Only the three tav erns were flourishing Then government again lipptilld port that the district offices would bc located in Barrie and the town grew to 800 souls by 1831 In 1833 by some further gov ernmental finagling the patronage the Ontario Sinicoc and lluron Railroad on ondition that it cx tend its rails to Barrie The rEiil way builders took the money but when they go as far as Allantlzilc and looked at the future county town they stoppcd short It took two years of costly litigation to persuade them trains into Barrie Indccrl perhaps they were justi scarctl by the pride of Kcmpcnfcldt Perhaps they look cd upon its structures with the same dcgrcc of appreciation as did visitor in 111111 who penned Ilerc tlicn was Barrie lts mother was deserted govern ment warehouse It was father ed by British government fiat suck1cd on beer instructed by connncrcial pirate and nourished by the prospect of government patronage and 50000 pounds grant wanglcd from the rest of the county No wonder form papers No Wonder that the stronger of those reform weeklies The Ex ammcr of the largest and most highly respected journals in the Domin ion to bring their ROLE OF THE NEWSPAPER Murry seem to be saying the obVious but the role of news paper 111 any community is in the words of the publisher that is fit in print without fear or favor regardless of any party sect or interest involved spect and confidence betweena newspaper and its readers is its chief asset all that is precious in its goodwill That respect rests on reputation for independent competence Giving all the news doesnt reports Heaven help the paper which is accurate in that sense It would have no readers and its reporters would all be shot by the people whose speeches or actions they recorded We do however expect our newspapers to give an unbiased factual interpretation of the news Weknow that all men have their prejudices and special interests Therefore we have not put the writing or editing of the news in to the hands of any single group political economic religious or social good newspaper does not cruE sade or propagandize in its news columns It is naturally anxious to see wrongs corrected to sponsor certain ideas but its own opinions are confined to the editorial page or to signed columns newspapers chief responsibil ity lies in reporting accurately what happens Such policy is based on belief in democracy on belief that an informed citi zenry is responsible citizenry and citizenry capable of guiding its own destinies newspapers business is to tell what it knows and how it feels To see for its readers but to speak only for itself wno MAKES EDITORIAL POLICY To what extent do outside in terests affect editorial policy Surprisingly little in the pioneer days We were not the case Many papers both Weeklyand daily were the mis tresses of political and economic factions kept on their editorial page andin their business offices But among the 800 weeklies and 90 dailies of the DOminion today most individual publishersare the also and it needed two rc is today its pride and onc New York TimesE to give all the news The relationship of mutual rc1 tical VIEWSva the utida the right to call himself the father ning Humes fortunes had begun There was re Barrie usincss nicn prsuadcd the oun nos ccts weicl of bintcoc to invest 50000 in= Dii JOHN WILLIAMSON of Iliontrcal discoverer of the rich diamond nine in IInstentml was the happiest incident in my life know how rich he is masters of their own fail are few chains owned by big businesses ne tried not so very tong ago to introduce chain jour VlIfillSlI to this district lbcre are few other papers whose owners put dome for political power on such pedestal that impartial news reporting is left for below But on the whole despite the trend toward mergers and the prevalence of onepaper commun itiis Canada has free honest and independent press As matter of fact trcnd toward weekly Epapcrs has contributed in some jincasurc to the divorce bctwccn the press and party politics It now costs too much to publish la paper to permit it to be play 1thing of spactal interests trace for large circulations and the high costs of publishing have kill cd personal journalism in nine of lthc 10 provinces of Canada For lcxarnplc the margin of profit on 20page issue of the Free Press Hcrzild carrying over 504 adver itising is today less than But dont advertisers influence editorial and news politics par There and daily lof Barrie Orillia or Midland Advertisers are free to buy gspacc or not There is an occas lional attempt to influence news papcrs policy in this way Even single subscribers or groups of subscribers try at times to pres sure an editor But good news paper will not allow those sorts of influences to sway its decisions And no single advertiser can wield much influence Let us look for moment at the reasons why Take the Free Press Herald as an example =comcs from circulation sales of the paper at 5c per copy Another 12 comes from classified adver tisements of which we print ovcr laminer lot more Twontysix per cent comes from national advertis ing many hundreds of separate iadvertiscrs scattered all over the continent who last year bought in both the Examiner and the Free Press Herald over 400000 lines of space Just under one halfof our revpnue comes from over 400 different local advertisers Only in retail groupcould an as sociation of say 25 advertisers ex ert pressure and they have never tried it nor are they likely to The Free Press Herald and The Examiner each have over 12000 different customers more than perhaps any cther local business In that lies their strength and a1 so their ability to serve commun ity They are their communitys most effective binder Advertising is not venal influ ence on editorial policy It is lack of advertising that is the danger Wlcn advertising is totally lacking or insufficient then watch out Then if paper does not fail it is some one or some group who keeps it alive to serve special interests The valucdfree dom and independence of the pressdepend in no small measure on advertising support Advertis ing dollars buy impartiality not influence FREEDOM on was PRESS The newspaper has an addition 31 important role in thecommun ity It is the neilvspapers role by default because in many instances the public fails to understandthat it is theirs to protect refer to freedom of the press and the pro tection of that freedom The freedom of the press is your right as citizens not oursas pub lishers The continuance of that freedom depends solely on public Opinion often more money render their freedoms If news papers werc dependent as for example are radio stations on government licensing and governI ment controlled programs we would probably find soap operas replacing editorials vFeatures which could offend no ones poli gence would fill their pages You need not be reminded that in Germany and inother nations too freedom of theindividual died the day freedom of the press peri ished All of our citizenry would be prompt to defend any attack upon freedom of speech religion or as sembly But the throne of liberty is fourlegged and freedom of the press completes the structure Freedom of the press means freedom to print what it wills freedom to circulate it handbill or to Start another newspaper if you dont like what is printed And freedom to do it without applying for goteminent license Tour inewSpapr vocal citizen itjls no In this complex society in which onper passible to govern through town meetings 4min this very The ticularly in the Weeklies like those Of our newspaper revenue 12 6000 year and the Barrie Ex Newspapersgcan make moneyt if they sur By the same token it means your is your mostli Africa smilinglv asserts his find lie is so wealthy he doesnt newspaper ii llli omnipresent cili icn tcpoititnz to you what it bears at all th meetings you should at tcntl but cant Your itcvpptis are your eyes and because they are recognized as such the guardians of your itnmcmtic freedom INIlIINIAL ROLES onfoimdcr of gossip In small Community you cant expect to get the news first to all tlic folks But you may tidiltvmfo blltlic first to circulate the corrch version liinnl r1 sort of harriedhusbands As an escape valve for steamed up lCUIllt letters to ctlitmfccl lilltl after they let them off on are the blots read them As liaison with powcrsthai be nice to have somconc in each community who can be phoned up at any time of night for such pur poses As bcll vcthcr for the com miinitysmany towns are known Iby their newspaper and judng townmost of people in entire Barrie ilCil judge Barrie by The Examiner by its news by its ad lvcriising British used to subsidize your community to subsidize it it your sales promotion dollars That investment will pay off CONCLUSION In Barrie you have every right 10 be proud of your newspaper It is held in high esteem the lcnglh and breadth of Canada as newspaper and asa topflight advertising and sales medium You dont need What just cant for the life of me understand however is how the it all started from thatabandoned government warehouse on portagc to Pcnctanguishenc Benjamin Franklin intnoduced the broom to America RENT NEW CAR and Drive it Yourself Call 2772 BARRIE DRIVEA CAR Company Limited HERTZ DRIVURSELF LICENSEE 69 Collier St Genuine HOLLAND BULBS PIANT nus FAIL FOR BEAUTY YOUR GARDEN Nsxr spams Tulips Daffodils Narcissi CroCuses Hydcinths Madonna Lilies LAWN GRASS AND LAWN FERTILIZERS September is Ian excellent month for lawnmaking qll7llllltl0l31llarric Seedamen since 1871 iheir chestmonIy people it is linrd who have to by it lively paper means live itbcir flagships to carry their trade into all parts of the world Yourl local newspaper is theflagship of You can invest in that will make your AP Ducks and Mincemeal Autumn at the Market Squash peppcit brottoli point kins ducks and autumn flaw for suit at the fail Muicaster morning hakens gtulil 30 tent 21 for the most par and boating for Were down to 10 cents Dairy but ter was priced at 62 cents pound Chinese lettuce sold at cents stalk and the lflrl the ennui on Were 15 cents apiece or two for cats lied peppers lilfl of fly unis apiece lcppcr Mpiash mic tui for 15 cents or our Int ttIl and large green 1l1ilgtll sold at cents each Broccoli vas Hiltl UlllWLll ll building for 60 with large li ket brace of ducks were 1115 pound Minermeat was 30 cents it slightly under puntsm bottle Green and butter beans still on the market at 15 with quart basket and vegetable row sold at ten and 13 cents ton were 11 and cents Much of the buying and sellnu on Saturday lillilllllli Win lit2n done outside tn the north of the building from parked cars and trucks II IAII 011 AMIllIRSlN flt Ilic couch and but boy of the Kcntvllli Wild cats bail to play in the field against Amherst Ramblers liilt half of the Wildcat tcznn was dc laycd on lllt highway The team was at full strength for thch in nings only but Kcntvillc won 130 pointed out that ill the full year Million Passengers of 1943 Orillia bare tiavellcd 222 x185 mile in Efcillip their route llins meant dauiy average of 710 in lifiltd even betE 12135 or the four vehicles in use Mrhtsi 01 3351 or 177 miles for xtl has 1n trav pm 5501 Zlu viiiml tlgmg this distuiuc the buses use1 Hunk winch the lliistbl rpm to 50000 cation of Rdillllld Sm Shuudl if1ittlfOgpllhyr up year or lvtlri than 0000 liil cash wetk in up built an of the lines lllLI pfinn 41st tract Alul cums llst for have been lbrtAtl by his driv lhil urthcri N5 are to bring lbw Thy public luv bun very to tp to 444 persons each Nm 141 month Ili Mi at ptlrttfh trait imzu istd by 399 many of them llil it optimum of glad they Wift 1311 lliilldtid 1i Was staitcl ICoitiuei ticin page one lliIttIitrLil play an to 1hr piua pas mticaw luck it1ti illitltiltti we stqiltl 2ch operation anl 141 11w llltt we my1km WELDING lilllllll AND ACEIYLIZNE PORTABLE STEEL FABRICATING REPAIRS GENERAL BIAKSIIIIIIN1 ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK 1ltll srniu RAILINGS ro ounicu BARRIE IRON WORKS 9GowonSt Ati 1111 Grain Chopping Every Day Until further notice Barrie Flour Mills will be able to do custom chopping every week day commencing Sept Satur days forenoon only BARRIE FLOUR MILLS anada today has 7524 chemists and chemical engineers about 5500 of whom are professionally active Customers Corner gyak Do you know the manager of your AP store If not we suggest you all Youll liml vi lllllI friendly and helpful to know him ismiisui lt is his job to stc flut your is adequately stockctl nul flint you are entirely sati lltfl witli the food and scr icc you gct and stalled What suggestions have you that will help your AP manager do better job better place to shop Please write Customer Relations Dept A811 Food Stores 135 Laughton Avenue Toronto Ont ANN PAGE MILK BREAD siicrn lilllllli Zallozliitiflec NORDEREXTRA FOR THE HOLIDAY AP CANNED FOOD SALE LlSTED 213 AP CHOICE YELLOW6 Tins B4c12 Tins 57 228ozllns case of 24 AP CHOICE6 Tins 312312 Tins $245 30 arr ElllllllllES 19c cam MAKE UP YOUR own CASES UNITS OF TINS FANCY RED conoa CHEESE MclNTOSll RED EXCELLENT FOR EATING Pk 311 Cello OGILVIE 25 BakingDomestic Grade Bask CONCENTRATED 34 TILBEST GINGERBREAD Waxed No SPINACH 19 Fresh Green Box or BUY BY THE CASESAVE 15 CENTS OR MAKE UP YgUR OWN CASE OF OR 12 UNlTS OF EACH AT THE SAVl GS LVNN VALLEY6 Tins 54c12 Tins $107 22001 tinslgc ca 0124 20oztins case of 24 AP CHOICE6 Tins 84c12 Tins $167 AP CHOICE curs Tins 60c12 Tins $119 22002 tins case of 24 20ozlin caseol24 AP CHOICE FITTED6 Tins $11112 Tins $221 AYLMER CHOlCE PRUNEGI Tins 72912 Tins $143 gt220ozlins case 0124 lb 54c Ms ylgrgm Ti 31 gruifd ugclaed California Red Eating Nb lbs MAPLE LEAF ASSORTIEDb SW39 Lusius 25 ll Domestic Grade Bag CORTLAND Best forCooking or GQt California Valencia Fancy344s Doz Large Pm Golden Ripe No lb CAKE mx 27 CRANBERRIESs52eaq 23 25 SWEET POTATOES Glde WM 25 Fresh Curly Leaf Washed Free of Grit Sand Ready to Cook No Bag BBIISSELS srimurs 29 PiliITOESif5211iiwfiiijdiigifafwill1 10 lbs 29 7515 but 117 BUY THEM BY iHE BAGANDIISAVEI PlSuper Right Qualify Mealf RED or BLUE BRAND PORTERHOUSE wiNG generalisation POUND STEAKS on Bollard 1b BONELESSROLLED SWIFT VEALFIIUNTS GENUINE SPRING FRESH KILLED ONTARIO mums ERESH KILLED GRADE WHOLE on HALF SMOKEHLEG HANS SMOKED SHANKLESS roux suoumrns SMOKED By the Piece BONELESS HANS ib 19v LAMB LEGS lb FRE HsuANKlFb in snow GRADE 43 fvBmlIgcole hilltop BACON MILK carnelian Ar45tbs up Millennium

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