111211 NE 00117 we WY AHJcJ 1115 W11 FC 11 101cm PAPA 1559 1112 1T 1N 115 311 funny 19141155 HAVE 121911317 111111911 HE HAVE VERY SWEET 1371 111 AND zeo Pilooayt H5 60 Luge woww td BUT 243 11 1311111 111 GMNG 1915 GUY THE 51110 Qi1 115 91111115 1111111112 1111 AM GRrAllzal ARTFEOT 1N Zr WORLD lll ANGLES last wetk 1111111111011 THE BARRIE Mm BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY OCTOBER 11 1949 7A7 whl WYEBRIDGE 11212 3111 11 1111v Ll 11l x111 1111111 11 1111 111 111111111r 11l 111W 11 11 11111 1111 1111 11 11 11 11 11 tl1111111 1111 1111111 1111 15111 111 f1lt111is 111 151 in 111111 111 ll 11101112111 1111i 11 11111111 1111111 Sat 1111 11 11 11 51111 2111 Sl11l1 11111 11111111111 2111 111111 1t 1111 011111111 311 =1111 tla 11111 112 1111 gt1tlt 1111 111111011 111111 11 111 1t11111 1111119 1111111 1111111111111 111121 ladies 111 lm11111 1211 l1i1 11 11 1111n1 1111111n 11111 110511110 11 111111 1111 lia 1111l111 12131 111 1111 and 1111 111111111111al v1gt 11v111 111 11 Mellon1 1111s l11 11111 111v1 11 111101041111 2111 on 1I=11111ll1111i 11v111 11 111 111111 111111 111 111 110 11r She 111111 of Dr 11111 11111 111r Work 111 1111 Presbyterian 111111111 blackouts 111 The tail 1r 11111111 enjoyed by 1111 1111 1111s s11v111 11111011 11 111 01111 1111 11110111111 assisted 11v 111s Macintosh 111111 111s 11111111 11111s111y 1111 rninv 11111 11111111121 1211111111032 1111 11f 1it 1111 11111 1111 11111111 111111111 111 Ihautjjandi IejBoIErjhlokellInylg T1111 modem miss makes play of lob thatwnsonccrl backbreokrr on 2111 Julunnllic twinetying Illtr to 111111 1111 form lalsy Musscr ll of New Holland 111 101 sun tan while using at harvest time Form mechanization 1111111 11111 farmer to 1111 with machine what it Would have taken four 111111 to 1111 just 101 years ago they ram blip7111111 mordcrlivfugnmachinerymay 1111l fun to operater GUTHRIE 1131111111 It 211111111 of 1111111 11111111 111111111115 2111 1111 =111 111111t invzns MA 111 111t Saluzllny 11111 l1s l1l111st Ala111 111 amp ll1r1lc1 1111111 111111 111 1111 Mrs l111111111 ll 11 hay and 111111 8111 1111111l 111111l with friends 11 K111211 lls1 11li lr 11111 311s Walker 1111 fut1171 Knight tt111 ll1 101411115 in Mount St Louis 111111 1111111 Harbor 1111 Tue1111 11311110111 l111r 11 Montreal Mix 1111111 111111 and June 111 11111111111 111l with Mr and Mrs 111111 11111iv111 word of 1111 sall arrival 711111111 Mrs Jancs Sinlswcll has return 11i 11111110 after spending 31111111 111111 in 11111111111 Miss 1111011 Lander 1011 last week 1for New York win11 she will be Mrs Tarr gt1tlll few days SUin 1111 some time 11111111111 last week Quite 101111011 ll11111n l1ir11n lrnlav By GEORGE SltlltIIY Mrs ll1 111 llaecrsvillc 31 11111111101 Vllll1lll1lllti of Toronto spout ilkrs 111101111011 1110 Area convention wlth 111s 11111111011 number from 11010 ll1 DON MACDONALD 111111111 1111i111 star will coach iron111111151 In dians of 1111 011A 11111111111111111 suns 11111 season ll111s 1111 1111111 made for 11 strong team to 011111111111 111 1111 M11skok1l1r1y 811111111 111111111 NORTH BAY BLACK HAWKS 1111 play 111 1131111111 x1111 min5111 Rtll frew 111111 Volauts 11111111111111 11111113 1111 1111 Ottawa 111l in 1111 Eastern Canada Senior League 1111 1Al 11111ll1111 Montreal and Boston N111 111111111 star will coach and play for 111 llllgWODd Shipbuildcrs this Mmull 111 ll 1111111111111at1 111111111 strength 101110 10am was 1110 10111111 11111111 111 11111 ll111 centre 111 win1 who has been playing far 11110111 on 1111 11111111 111s1 11111 latterly 111 England WORK HAS SlAllllH 1111 1111 installation of artificial ice plants both at Aurora 11111 Newlnnrlul arenas and they 1111110 111 11 ready for action by 111111N11v11nl111 1111151111 1111 11 11121111 111 51111111 ville arena is due for 11111111111 111 st111l 111ils llrainptons 1111 arti ficizll ice arena is 1111 111 1111111111 1110 711110 has 111111a terrific building boom ill ice art1111 to our south and as All llulse 0111111111nls 111 the Newmarkct Era and Express The 1111111111ition 1111 1111s1111ss 111 called on friends here 1111 V11111 1113 Mr 111111 Mrs Addison 1l1K1ni1 111111 1111 111131101111 111 Toronto 111111 St atllarznes Mrs Sclman and 111110 son 111 111111111111 spent last week viillg Mr 111111 Mrs 1lQlltl Mr and Mrs Skinner 11f Strut 111111 spent 11111111111111 with lllLll 11111411111 Mrs John Simpson 1111Unit11l church choir under 1111 leadersllip 111 Willis Smith 1111111111l 1111 music 1111 Robinson anniversary on 1v1nin11 Last Thursday 11111111 1111 WI served 1111tis1111111r 111 1111 base 1111111 111 1111 111111011 church witll program in 1111 111111111 llall The Sunday play 1111 11111 Across 1111 llills Clowes Newton 111 1111 Institute mem llast 111111111v 111 llarrie Mrs 111 lartridpe and Mrs 11 llonnly spent Sunday with Mr 111111 EMrs Slessor 11f llawkestone Mr and Mrs 1110 Slracllan went to Toronto on Sunday to visit with Mrs 111111111111 who has 110111 sick Mr and Mrs lordon Bidwltll and family spLnt Sunday with MI 1111 Mrs Lawnnee lrastr 11 T110 WI will meet at the 11111111 of Mrs 11 Slessor on Oct 12 1111 11111 lopic Citizenship andl 1I111ati11111 111111 call of lerenllinls Tea hostesses Mrs McAIhsur Mrs llllis Hutchinson and Mrs Cockburln Mr and Mrs llcrman llaycs and family of Mincsing and Mr and Mrs Everard Harris and Mr 111111 Mrs Ernest Harris and Linda of 1111111f1 111111 Mr and Mrs Iredz volume i11111 or day last week Mr lMuir 10111111011 111 Toronto with 111111 1111 few days lr 11111 Mrs Muir 111110 1111 11111111 111 311 and Mrs 15111111 is 111r and two 11111111111 They are 11111114 111111 to lnli Yunnan Mitre 11 l111r was stationed when 111 ilnsl 111111 to 1111111 11111 years 11011 1111ch October Mr and Mrs Cecil Sheardownj 111 1111 11 5111111 Sundaywilll M111 111111 111t1 111r11 Shannon Mr and Mrs lloward Cochralle 111 lvv visited with Mr and M15 1111 11111111110 on Sunday 11 and Mrs 1111 Simpson andl 1111111 111 Toronto spent the week 11111 with Mr 111111 Mrs Ed 1111110115 Mr and Mrs George lrince and nn Kissocks 111 Irlrric VISItCJ 211111 Mr and Mrs tlcrbSllannirl on Sunday 11V Hospital Barrie Jotl lrossel at Churchill Sorry 111 report irant Allen patient in the RV Hospital Ilalr lollmvinpz an act1110111 while 0111 1s11111 at 81111 1lls ronu tin1 1S11111101 11111111111 11511111 11 lvlaslrs 11111 IV inthc round Dorsey was some scrapper The smooth colored boyl hockey and skating is 11111119 to 111 iniuhly 111011 this year Weston 11 MM Myle Wm Nobleton Brampton Stoutlvillc Aurora 11111 NewniurklL 1111111152 1110 M11 11r scene together 11 compete with other establislnd arenas at Oshawa Barrie Midland Collinuwood Brawbridec Georgetown 1111141111111sa ARTIFICIAL ICE is going 111111 1111111 tlu skatinz 111111 curllng r111ksat New LiskeardContract was awarded to Canadian 110 Machinery winch put the plant 111 Barrio Arena five years ago IT IS 1101121 to 112111 Waterloo Arena where an extensive seata1lditiou program has 111011 111 progress ready for tile first 51111111 11 011 27 Until the 111111001011 111w Kitchener Arena is built at some future year Waterloo Arena 1911111111 ice for the KitchenerW11111111111 Dutchmen of 1111 011A Senior series FORT ERIE has reorganized its arena commission Council 1110111011 111 appoint two councillors plus one representative from each of 1111 Lions Kinsmen Jaycees Fleet recreation association and llorion mutual 1111 these seven to comprise the Flirt Eric 1renzl commission rwosnAwAiGENEnAksr likeBarrierFlycrs must undergo 601L siderable rebuilding for the coming 011A Junior season Manager is again Bill Tribble cxBarricite and coach is Tommy Cowboy Anderson the old pro from New York Americans There are six holdovcrs including goalie Bob Shropshire 111 fencemen Doug Chapman and Don 111111 forwards Louic Jan kowskl Ted OConnor and Sunny Hooper Says the Times Gazette The imports this year are big boys Two brothers Keith and Art Lea from Ponoka Alberta both have the size needed They brought along pal Ralph Void also from Ponoka who plays defence Another import from Albertais dcfcnccman Glen Nelson from Bentley From Northern Ontario the Gens have complete forward line Reg Campbell Gord Warner and Doug Towers Kenny Mortson cousin of Gus of the Leafs back from Swastika and looking like real comer this year AN ECHOOF the Jack Dempsey heavyweightlimination tournn ment recentLy in Toronto was the announcement from Gravcnllurst that Ed Rivers is taking up residence in Toronto Rivers is boxer of some ability and is the same chap who was advertised to fight Cpl Fred Brown of Camp Borden at the Barrie Legion show in the Armoury some 11 months ago Rivers arrived but refused to enter tile+ng against Brown because he felt the expenseguarantee was too small Anyway Rivers stacked up against 204p0und Jack Herman of Montreal in the first round and was out at 110 of round one Fight fans who followed Herb Dyments cards at Borden RCAF last winter were interested to see that Amos Dorsey second ranking amateur heavy in Canada last year was enteredand was knocked out by Eddie Zastre of Winnipeg from St Catharines knocked outFred Brown last winter at Borden and he 139110111 0011 enoughto beat anyone in the country but the 137111 pound was 11211151111111591th 11 Wicked right hand punch Donselsw great punching and in3factneithelrcould the big Herman layered to win it in Choline 11111111111111 terrific fightbuthe couldnt stand up under Zastres 11111119911119 Zastre knocked him cold also in the 1111111 111111111 01 Harris of Barrie spent Sunday wit1 Mr and Mrs Ellis Hutchinson 1111101 1111 11111111 01 11111v1111s non11cc or GENERAL TI j1r 11 Iza 1111 horses 111st 1111sd1y All visil 111111 speedy recovery Mr and l1s 11111111 Wen11s and famill 111 111111 v1r1 Wot1101111 lll ll Sampson is With 1111 1111111111t1r Mrs Who May 1111111111111111 from r0 11111 illness Mr and Mr 1111 ltivt 1l11111r1 1111111111 at 111 Station 111 1110 illt visited with 1111I1tls 11 Wasatn Beach 11 111111 Mr and Mrs llitlwlll 111111 111111111 of lil11 Mr 111111 Mrs 111111 Mrs Schiller $11 171 1111 1111 w11k11111 i11 111111 i11s w11h Naipaul n1ns visited 1111 at spending 11111111 1111011111111 YOUR OWN EXECUTOR IF 111211 were possible you 01111111 be sure thst vour plum for your estate Were carried out in 11111111111111 1a with your wishes By naming lliz Storlulg Trusts Vol1111111111111 as your executor and planning with their 1311111111119 5111111111 make certain that your wishes will be faithfully and efciently carried out in friendly spirit Whirl unn 11mm lunch to the helltrllld Lets talk 11 over without obllgnuou THE STERLING TRUST CORPORATION that Olin Tomato Barrio Oce l3 Dunlap Street pun II lush Isolation llospitnl in Toronto dur vention in Barrie Sept 19 nod 30 1111 1111 Weekend and 1o1md 111r1 Misses 111111 llnnter Ulrlstena gtlllilllly unmoved land Alberta Kly accompanied by Mrs lrascr Miss Joyce lluntcr Mr and Mls llvron limiter and 311s lZnnns Mrs Lavender and lane of rillia attended the Mrs l1ck1r representetl lowes ChurchScolt xxx11111111 at the Prcslt Womens institute at 1111 Art1 11111 byterian church Dixie Oct NORWICH UNION Lin ydmf fairyf ANDERSON 1115mm MANAGER Cor llunlop and Bnytleld Barrie Telephone 4760 The 111st background 1111111 1111 11110 11111111919 lnuranrr GRW xlit UN ION ltivtrdale the Greatest Value SIZE Contains large Giana Best of luck from 1111 comnlnnityi goes to Miss Mona llcnry who has 141m0 in training as nurse 111 the Mr and Mrs Harry Kclccy Miaf and Mrs 11111111 Kclcey and 1131111 spent Sunday with Mr andMrs CHARLES Ginger Ales 1111111101111 11111111111111 901111 AMBER DEPOSIT GINGER ALEs WILSON llMITED TORONTO Distributor for 91111111 andOrillia District GeorgePhone 019122 11 1111111 11111111 Everywhere theyre soy ing Hows it done rjuowrcann car ride so smoothly We can tell youpart of the secret 1111 in Oldsmobile5 Rigid member Frame cosh toned on great deepvootl springs of every comer its needlebearing universal joints and doublenoting shock absorbers But most important of all theres the miraclesmooth power of Oldsmobiles new Big Six Engine now even more powerful and smooth than ever before 111 1111111 You dontihave to owncn 01111111611119 to enjoy this llirillt 1115110 watch the lovely pro1 file of uFutumrnicBeuuty roll by on the road willgiv you lift 1311101111 theownerccn expaiience 111101 01111111111196 Style T111111 1115111191 111111 fleetitlowing 11159911111111 smurtness but the painstaking pier faction of my lust dbtoil outside and 11 Yoirll ning gut beuuty morbiund more through all the yearsyod proudly drivo you Futuramic OldsmoniIaI 01149