THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 I049 TIIFZ HARRIE EXAMINER DARRtK ONTARIO CANADA mu PUNISHMENT HONTREAL Cpl Quackcnbush got off with no puny kbment When lit Win conxntcd for ghting on citg stunt ttc Mu the court he was righting mcr girland the othci than got ilti Said Racordcr imtilztv Thats pttnisltnrcm tcnce suspcndrd If stimulus5 lloltlinglou Back Its Dodds You May Need When your kidneys art up Ind huludic follows get and use lloddx Kidney Pills the 50yearold uiadim tumii llodda Kidney Pills quirhl Ind safely help restore our kidneys to porrist action help relieve bulch and that tiredallthetime feelng by treating the kirlncys Ask my llhc bylzms wczc inos councll Pays itintfllllgs and llilall passed Severol Claims Of The road supuuitcndcnt was in my jStieep Killed by Dogs rim POST MORTEM 0N BEAR NORTH VANCOUVER 3c Autisi LACO LAMPS 300pound black bear flEYRE DEPENDABLE hi lllc txpciidituru on Slioiullrar be be RlGltTERLASilNG gm munmwmy Ilic mvciSity of Britiin Columb period aiding Aug glaborauirics to sec if it is carricr ETTER PEP DfHRIS ol the iliChlIlEl worm The worm ON HAND omctuncs lnfcsts swmc rats and ctcn humans given mice to uic application for thc tlbsltl SW lllc Itkttl lain Hill for Il AltIilLIt viz J4J Wm mi totinru mum to inch in yumhn to llLlUI tut bAitllhyl UL in tlillthItd Ixnlul Lliill5 tlt tl Itll Jos Sltiil supplnslShOOiS 0f ph and ii hiccuiinnl gt31 mp ii Coughitn liiiisl litiii SI il tllLII1iI lims lzosprtgilizutioti Silitilli Alma liltlli gtIlttl injuicd Sh 1km litnncy sticcp inimcd in lilmti iKki tli in inbtis Ilmtc pint1 vn in 11rttrl Lb 11min xttt ch nigh nl nit abroad suffer thc some lillt Ilunt ling chr in this tnunncr is against lthc law it till time lliiiillnk gdtcr in tins ltlllli ill this tuml iSnutnx lldis ItccoidNewsi lof year is agtiirist the Luv icguid llulrc oumd by Brcnnunglcss of the nods employed liloiituguc lup was Mind on Szit Killing horse vitliout thc Coir ruddy night by it daggerbus inrscntof the owner is against the ngm mm lnmhwlivitiual who piowls about at night law so the person responsible for 42 km SHf Wlwahd imcd with it shotgun prepared it the shooting of thc Brennan lullK Mfg 1f1wi Iilillml rttins to flu any two objects mal is hablc to face at least tlircc which ioflcct light in such way charges if apprehended Emmi iffJMS mu that thcy rcsrmblc the cs of The fish and game gutpm nhchmt slildjUlsi ital bright light is standard atssocitition has bccn zidviscd by Tlh hi for gttltl1 opttutors When door game wardcn It Stcclc of My Eltlm it caught in tlic boom of light it Kcmptvtilc that he is aware that lwm lrtunds motionlcss uiitiyshot bcl there are several jackllghtcrs Ihv clcik was uitnoillcd initwtcn thc cycs operating in this vicinity lic and Jill ill Kltlli lilllllillu llorsos Itiltl to light in the some his dcputics are keeping sharp Int WWW 0W l0gtl11ll it way and tltcn jzicklightcrs are lookout for thcoffcndcrs that portion of thc igt mcnt ltlll ltllil which contuinsl Deers Eyes Kills His Horse Spcciall It rittrn For all Ilic liurric Euniincr it KEN Lillilit orrAWA pt 35 run llurivs tuck tnu of Hit fruition mating gtl1itll to ltmwu flrrliuinnt ilzll ri UH his rws unudnms from lull walls of illr hoard imjor litu illtiilllttllitllh Ilihl mil lllultitilltllf itlYi lltcir litgt in thc yum ihcnti at SliilItItt List tltliiliay with iin cncc liinstcr Abbotts zinnouic imont that tho LJnadnin dollar was drum or DOMx Man NIL look to IIin 1H ulllltl 10 lltl uni Illl iniiliOIlA crpitii was nmcr out the blue box with the rcd band i56 lillt gttitillil1lii Iwo ours lutcr Willlt Ililtitililiis uklill txlllllll to cvziluzitc thc clinch lot thc tltiltllt chnnucs tho cov lllllllltIl iniiouncctl tiic ltillgiuIWXIIir Itd liotzsinc program Lu than litlllix idltl tln country Iczirncd lrnilwn frcight iilcgt would jlllltL tight pcr wnt Ilivn tllIlIIiXlIlK llllt wwltlong StlltS of important liitlill0lllilgt cumo tlic tnrtlim dis on Smith thANDtStiNI HUOIUHNI StSMxt lt$tlltlil of lllt lllilllt of IIlinvI ilc was also zititlioriJido vp pldttti on the ltilllli coll iriors toll llirlii the account of Iluzitcs Siilitl for wcmi ispmxinlz on tln NW It Lot ltm ti lilos This tiuountdnull illtll wccd spixivnit in tiic Illiillltl itzil in it way that hurt Next limo you feel the urge to go places see your local bus agent He can tell you all about fares stopover arrange ments time tables and other details that will help you to enioy your trip He is member of your community and willbeglodtoserveyou muss AHE tuw CHICAGET $2290 Los ANGELES $8600 WINNIPEG $4585 VANCOUVER $8600 RODNDTKIIPWWWT Subject to change Lilit pricts tltMIIl of on ituiizic explosion llllSltIIl Thu llllilll tliut lu cxplosrou lchildtd lftlsxlds posscsnon of 2m atomic bomb Stlil SIIIVUI liiotiplt nnudiitiis but tlu tlllliJIlty tltlll ilh hit lhtlll in tho most lillltlillilt rpot tiic pockttliook thc works tIll tln llltiw of rltlilt Canadian was still crcuscd with ipnzch frown from tho colossal currcncy slinkctm xtnrtcd by Britains dcvziluntion of thc pound Ilut thc nvcrztcc zinzidinn vus izrzidunlly lccidintl thc It pcr cciit idcvuluzition of tho nnndinn dollnr would cost hiln momy icross thc bordcr hc saw hiphti for Siiiidc goods And hc didnt Iikc that sincc thc hirizcst portion of tho countrys im ports conic front tlit 78 On tho illlltl hund goods coni from tho Unich Kinudmii wcrt almost bound to bc chczipcr It wasnt Iikvly tn otlsct thc boost in US priccs but it would hclp OTTAWA FELT Il Doc to jump in pricc wctc such itcms as juicy citrus fruits from California and Florida High priccd nutomobilcs mndc wholly in thc SlithS would bc cvcn highcr and so would gusolinc and oil to run them Ifocct of devaluation was brought home to Canadas cap The day following devaluation Ottawa fucl lotilcrs hikcd up the price of US coal from 324 to 827 ton But not cvcryonc was unhappy Looking Pcopic like gold mine ownch zindlopposc tho cultlcmcn who sell Canadian goods to the United States were over cnjoycd lhc cattlcmzm for cxzim pic who received $35 in American moncy for stccr he sold in the Unitch Stutcs lJClOIc now will get the some $35 But it will be worth $3850 in Canadian money To the average Canadian wage arncr devaluation was puzzlc and maybe headache But Wed nesdays news was all good Reconstruction Minister Winters announcement that the federal government is initiating system of loans to slice in half the down payment on moderatelypriced homes meant lot of wouldbe home owners may be able to start buying There was also suggestion that those not in position to buy might get relief from the housing short age The federal government has proposed that the provinces enter into longterm partnership to prepare building lots and build houses both for sale and rent Opposition members roundly criticized the government program 0neofthe most outspoken was Ross Thatcher CCF member for Moose Jaw He chargedvthe government with buckpassing to shove the housing problem into the realm of provin cial jurisdiction He said there was nothing to prevent the federal government from giving real ancial assistance to the provinces and municipalities to carry out subsidized housing plan FREIGHT RATES JUMP To any prospective home own er under the new building pro gram the announcement by the Board pf Transport Commissioners awarding temporary eight per cent rate increase to the reilways was dash of cold water He immediately saw an increase dcvaluation Ililx iurml photo draws the WIPlltZlEIt of tho ziiizidiun Pacific Anlncs lltvll transport plane wl Quorum tity hiking tho cs of four tho third vrust lisostcr lll illt plum5 Ilill ILsStIiliilV the out ttunsnoit llic rust it tho fiisnln in tho lItr lip would have to lii for lllllltllli nizitnrrlulr from highi ri lltllIlltliillull costs In btllllltf the now rzitc tho transport coiiiuussioncis stud tlcyl could no Milo tltc l10lt contorti lions tiltrlltill o1 intcs llillll tin Royal Commission on lrunsportir lion rrports to purinuncnt Ihc to port is hpitltd sonic tinto nxxt war The now rzitcs can menu up tol $30tll0lilil in Xlld ttvnnt to the tllllllll two main lino railq ways thc Iinudnin Pacific and thc Canadian National Tllt lIlLIiZiM in addition to thc Zl pcr cont boost prontod in March 1948 mount in cllcct that lillliI vcrc authorile to boost thcir rnlcs 3003 per ccnt hichcr than thosc prevailing in March 1948 Just low hours after the pzigc majority judgmcnt of thc board was deiivcrcd ColrI wcll CCF iczidcr rziiscd thc suh jcct in tlic Commonslit asked tlic governmcnt to dcltiy action until parliament discusses the decision and thc IlIIICtSlllll of whom rnilwny npplicntionl can appeal Transport Ministcr Thcvrici rmly rcplicd that tho govornmcnt1 had no right to intcrfcrc with lllt ruling llu board had thc powcrs of court and it was not the cus tom of the government to lntcrfcrc with judgments of the court The cighl provinccs that bad opl poscd the railways application forl 21 per cent boost won partial victory The board ruled that the March 1948 award to tlicrailwzrys should htivc been 15 pcr ccnt iti stcad of the 21 per cent they wcrc graiitcdgt=Ilowcvcr the board saidl this fact had been taken into conl sidcration in setting the temporary eight per cent increase gure ATOMIC MENACE For all Canadians large and small rich or poor one common trouble spot arose as the week drew to close In dramatic announcement from Washington President Tru man disclosed that an atomic ex WASSKEPTICAL says had at about the claim that sunoco Ia dlerent from ordinary gasolinea So decided to nd out for mylelf Powell Toronto um ltnnisncc into trziumcnts prcscnt itomic policy of dcvolinil mull rich tIIlSllttl Gil milcs cast of ill lil Illttltllt nnd crow of ttiliitlfis nir lllltll Shown is rcmziimiLy lllltltl part of the pinsion lizid occuricri III liilSSIE within Ittrtll Works llUll lIIll lriltl Irmic Minis tcr St ltlllttll row It hushch liousr of Commons to rcitcinto tlu ncws llic IIIlIltlllet rcziclion to tho ncws is rccounition of the lt5llllll Russia has discovered how to make an utom bomb IIu ncws liowmcr is not cxl pcctcd to chunpc unndns basis onccpt of dofcncc planning GovE rnmvnl sourcts said Canada is upnblc of making in atomic bomt lcrxci but would not rcvcrsc hcr cllorts to pcncctimc of atomic cncrpy 15 dcvclopmcnt Ilicrc wch npproxtmalclv $2000 hottschnlds in Ncwloundlund and Labrador at tho time of the 1945 census tlicsc 82 pcr ccnt conl sisted of singlc ltilllllles with or without rclntivcs Iodgcrs servants and so forth Need some help LWellclont gel nerVous gittllill Ilos scttinl various mill rutc ic of was ordcrcd Marliiirvt Kidd in motion litt tilllllll plucod tlwlf on ircord is bcinu in accord llll Ilic rcqucst of thc town of IllllL1Hltl ru lnr rctpicst to tho count lltilllli unit for brvziiig down of ill nioitlil costs is llltt to tlu Kllltilin nuiiiicipiil ltivs of lllt County and llic clerk paid and don ll littlll ions IIlilIltltl to forwzird lo pl Iingwood copy of this ttSUltlllml Irzivp vns gluntcd to introduccl NIV lll5 of tin ltllllt ofl Irvlows for lllt purposc of for lllt Hill USED CARS Bought and Sold For Better Prices Call 498 DANGERFIELD MOTORS CAR MARKET 98 Elizabeth St Open till lllt lownltlup your YIIMW PAH bring you servicc doubts ynafuel In my car performance got faster amoiither of Dynaf mo 10 LL rssrcr what surprise got Tho improvement power even better ml edge etore Id finished those rst ten gallons rcaiatcrcd so low in comparison with prices of other supplies the farmer buys Hills TH STORY GLANCI Mtwuh Up 92 erl IVA uman 4me Wm 09 leI I94 in tho tinIiigt supplics which fzirintrs must buy to curry on tliuir busincss huvc your up 7ll in priccsincc fill In tlic sumo puriml Mnsscyllnrris prints for zinndiunmiidn lnrm intplcmcnls luivc ponc tip only 41iil not much niorv tlmn lizill tho ivcrugn rism in Mauthudl raptnun up owl 5m ml Mnsscyllnrris hits licld down its priccs in tho lllCO of 926 incrcnsc in cost of rnw inntcrinls und in incrcust of 872 in tho ttvvrnuc hourly wugv reitc to its imployccs Dcninitd llIlS lltttl kccn in illl pnrls of the World and MnsscyI lnrris fuctorics hnvc lucn working il lop capacity lligh volume lum sprczid the over mom innchims ind cnnblwl this Tompnny lo nbsorl part of tho itcrcztscd cost of inuturixtl ind lzilior ovvrluud costs gunmen man of Slalulru nttll nouns DISCOVER All GAS was nmazlngl lckup more In fact mobile performance our trauma THOUSANDS OF CANADIAN MOIORISTS NOVW SAY New so arcHo vormmy Mm AFTER MAKING THE WASL CONVINCED that Dynafuol la buperlor to any pther gasoline Ive ever usedl You can take It from Sunoco Dynafuel different In way that means better smoot er nun Mint in all 37537 Your ARVAND Discovtn vaAiuiis LONG MILEAGE HIGH KNocxtrss POWER ouicKsrAiirs turn ACCELERATION lbw Illlltlttl ll lllt iltlUH Niki