Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1949, p. 7

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MONDAY SEPTEMBER 261949 bill flitNAHNICY ltltcgy ftli Sillllllflltlfl lildlzius ztvo llltlt sights settled on the older Cup fill svason Usually iinhcddcd in the Second division of the American llockey League and country cousins to the perennial powrrhouscs the indi ltlls went on the warpth lust Sell son and won it shut ill the playoffs They were ousted from tho first lolind by Cleveland Barons in series lltlt ltlck just went against them However the many seasons of building has finally ttftClittl its peak this ycar The lndiails have never looked better Strong both defensively and offensiVLly Springfield need not take back seat to any opponent The Calder Clip won by Provi dence Reds last campaign could may easily vind up on the shelves of the Coliseum lll Springfield At least Shore and Scibcrt are going to lllilkf ft worthy attempt at snatching it And they are pull ing no strings about their plans Last week they opened their picseason exhibition series with Pittsburgh Hornets constant win ncrs in the Alli Oli lttcsdzty they tackle another URRYGZ For ill Play For Buffalo OORI PENNEIJ Rubi Former Celtic llyelsI Willi Buffalo Bisons of Alli There is little doubt that lfitllt Shore and Iltlll Seibcri board of highlyttsptlcttl chill in Bulltllil llisons Tile Bisons failed to reach the playoffs ltlst your bill it wasnt be cause they didnt try It was just unfortunate that thev were situ ated in the western division where such clubs as St Louis llyels lil dlanapolis Caps Pittsburgh llorult its and Cleveland Barons also made their home Had the Bisons stood in the cast crn division they would have ctltL turcd second spot in ii walk and been tough club to bowl over ill the playoff grind This year they have moved to the eastern group and are one of ill clubs Springfield will tangle with on the point ladder This exhibition tilt will give Shore and Seibert an idea how they will stack tip against the best in the league It will also serve an opportunity to locate vcakncsr opens League championship seems certain to succeed Manitoba Gil Mayer es in the team and allow them to add strength before the season Buffalo carry much fan interest in Barric due to the many formcl= IBarrie lads sporting Bison colors tThc first to graduate to the But fnlo organization was Joe Jaydee McArthur of Owen Sound Mcl Arthur hns played with every club in the Buffalo chain Starting with the parent club he moved to More treat Canadiens for brief spell ibut didnt see action in any games Hc lined tip with Houston Clippcrst lin the United States League latcr and last season aided San Dicgol Skyhawks to Pacific Coast Tile second former Barrie Flycr favorite to make the grade to pro fessional ranks with Buffalo was Ray Gariepy Last year was the hardhitting defencemans first sea sonout of junior company but he He got off toa slow start with Buffalo and Art Chapman farmed him out to Houston for more sea soning As the season wore on he was recalled and made his pres to pair of victories over Washing II II YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF T0 INVESTIGATE THE bosasrttuss METHOD FOR TREATMENT or narrow rrs BULBLESS rrs BELTLESS rrs STRAPLESS Exclusive Barrie Agent worrrvs onus STORE DON ASIIRlIlI There should be steady flow of llitrlies sporting public Tuesday night winding their way iitfu the Barrie Arena For featuring the pro fessional exhibition begeten Buffalo Bisons ulld Springfield Indians are no less than five Barrie IIyers of last season Graduating from the junior ranks lord Iennell of Winnipeg Iaul Ieger of Selkirk of lutineau Mills Quebec and Don Ashhee and Sid MtNtlbney from Toronto attended the Buffalo llisons training ses sions at Fort lrie this Fall They impressed general manager Arttw WI whyt Igtitgt him llaplnun with their aggressive style of play hence won themselves I500 Wyn MINp nmpttoil tag to perform with the Ilisons in the preseason exhibition tour They will all be in action Tuesday when Eddie Shore and Earl Seihert send their charges against their new opponent in the eastern division of the lBrnn who 50m mm mm American Hockey Leaput Ihb WWW Wm RAY GARIEPY ton and Cleveland Garicpy never looked back He won the plaudits of Buffalo supporters with his bonecrushing bodychccks and will throw many when the Bisons in vade the Indians tccpees Tuesday Another exBarrie Flycr who is being given every chance to stay with the Bisons is Gil St Pierre highscoring centrcman from Tim ence known by leading the 3330 mins Last year in his rst pro lfcssiontll whirl St Pierre sparked championship march for San Di ego Skyhawks of the Pacic Coast League His sniping ability along with his terric burst of speed may keep him in Buffalo uniform Hdwever Barrie fans will again be able to witness the thrilling ploits of these former favorites when the Herd try to escape the lndians arrows Out of last years Barrie Flyer crop working with Buffalo on the exhibition tour are Sid McNabney Don Ashbee Paul Meger Gordon Pennell and Gil Mayer There is little doubt the arena ESSA ROAD ALLANDALE will be packed for this outstanding liilnlttEIoismtcr ColtEGIATEINSTuTE EVRNING CLASSES lion is sufficient ART and Conducted as 1301 percentt CldSses will be organized in BASICENGLISHIf commatar ta roommateAND SHORTHANDtBeginneIS In most cases clusseSWilI be conductedtit Thursdays Thercyrl hesfretlstrionfe II tar class One dollar will be returneditostudehtswho have an attendance of eighty iREGISTRATIONOCTOBER and 5230 room muss cellulite ocrorrtt It the lollovvihgl subjectsif registra Advanced YOUNGMENSBASKETBALL LEAGUE YOUNG LADIES BASKETBALL LEAGUE YOUNG MENS PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES 0UNG LADIES HEALTH DANCING CLASS Each to operate one evening each week under compete Classes other than those listed may be formed it therels sufficient interestA mills imam enrolmentof fifteen students wouldbe expected nit ingtruction nights each week on Tuesdilys and oftwo dollars payableat theflrst regu icHEMISIBYFOB NURSES triviagnome MANUAL TRAINING sEIwIiiG OSHOWCARDWRITlNG thsical Educotglon classes will be arrang ed through theBarrie Recreation Council Evening Classes The following are under consideration in ill MAYER lAll Mlitllill iEd Lewis Scores Wins lTops Sweepstakes Loop wins on Saturday to brine his total Fit it Lewis scored three innsel ilnadc two will which puts llllll ll second place tie llll loll Lewis was hot again on Saturday making ltir first ill with 270 stir gle just beating Wes Perry by eight pins Later With ll liiillli teamed with Vcln Sharpe and his 275 garlic they totalled SSH to will it doubles event in the last prune lWllll it 335 game to score his third will Campbell rolled 2lt ill doti blcs eventwifll lllll Knapp to lscore his flrst win Cnnpbcll anzl chwis tied one game at 258 and Campbell won the game ill the tint frame for his second Will WIF Perry scored win Will 279 sin gle and Gold Brown struck ott from the eighth frame for 2413 game which gave him will Six more bowlers joined the league on Saturday and there is room for lots more To clamp ldown on Lewis and the other high average bowlers the games will be run on handicap basis starting next Saturday Handicap will be 50 of the differential between the BOYS SENT HOME BUT WRONG ONES lS EMMS LAMENT interesting told when swlshln goima Silver Bombe villes Mayor James Black The Score Second Win Olilliu Silucl Boizii tilllctfljlc JillU their sccoiti straight film zikville iloillbtls illluau The gunit its There are many tales able to be clubs are through Full training routines But one which caught this cor lirrs Illnt involved two spec Hth at Barrie Hyer drill List tetk LilMilli lBll at hospital and later transferred to hockey Iilllltil by an on Two touchdown passes from Jim Ltltltlsl to John Black Mililgnn to Mush Bond paved the Ilitlitlilf iltll win of iiak may for the Bollifnrs victory interesting fun rrv wouldnt hallie choosing years club out of that bunch of youngstch is tough one The second gentleman some htt slurllcd by the statement quickly replied It isnt fhris choose the elull Iltul position belongs to coach Hap litmus Immediately llunt started with neither per son gaining ground Sitting hristie the president himself He has not aware of the ltgtlv concentrated battle Ilst marked be president chore ant hrisfie Ihlh Listen to CKBB at 1230 for Spots announcing specials on BETTER USED CARS 08 it til LI lleuletl argu ALLANDALE Moron SALES MW WATCH FOR TillI NEON SIGN 223 BRADFORD ST nitlit sights on the among the young aspirants coach litmus skated over to the boards and What LIlt this you to clinging Shortly after shouted those two lloys doing thought told them home Through cluttering ivorics hristit sztill Hut thought it meant those two wlto were ling around yesterday Peevcd send over mistake llIIllS snorted away from the boards with another headache added to his etillection However it soon settled the word struggle between the two railhirds alld all was quiet on the home front OUR NEW LOCATION 17 MARY STREET Weve moved our Bear Equipment from 21 Mary Street and we are now prepared to take care of all of the session Lewis went all ontI USED CARS Bought and Sold For Better Prices Call 498I DANGERFIELD MOTORS CAR MARKET Wheel Alignment Frame and Axle Straightening HARRY MURDOCK 930 BARRIE BOWLING CLUB President Murdy Campbell has drafted plan to have league score kcepcrs scoring all scheduled games Under his plan each team would fake turn every six weeks supplying three scorers from its players Every bowler knows that it is pleasure to have score keeper instead of trying to Score your own game and play too Campbells plan will work if every tteam willcooperate when asked to help Scorckeepers have been appoint ed for this week as follows Group 715 pm Barrie Tanning No Fred Greenhalgh Sid Woodward Vic LeGear pm CGE No Gord Brown Bob Mallion Ed Lewis Group 715 pm Smith team Alex Dusome Harry Burdette Alvin McLeod pm Tom Flear Geo Thorne Bob Dunn Group 715 pm Spare boys Ross Peacock Wib Hirlehey Terry Harris pm Goheens Ray Smithson Johnny Hamm Chris Spanis BARRIE LADIES LEAGUE The schedule for Tuesday Sept 27 is as follows 715 pm Blue Taxi vs Rosette Shoppe Bayview Grocery vIs Zel Lrs Kenwell 3Stars vs CGE No pm Wilsons vs Lakeside cabins Silks Limited vs Harvester Combines CGE No vs Lenas Lingerie SEEK FISHERIES PROTECTION TIVERTON NS CP ln shore shermen on the Digby shore of the Bay of Fundy are circulating petition asking the government to intercede in having the interna tional threemile limit extended to 12 miles from shore Fishermen Spokesmen say United States dragI gers have made inshorefwhing in this areanoI1onger protable lt oils are mucosa MONTEEAL GP Most Rev Joseph Kiwanouka bishop of liganda audithe rst Almanio become Roman CathOHCLLiaishop said here that his equatorialdio cese covers 3883 square miles but has only 50 priests He thanked Canadians for their missionary help which continued during the war 98 Elizabeth St Open till l7 MARY STREET bowlers league average and 220 Next session is Saturday cto bcr lst to pm PICKUP maturation fROM cost to cost SEE THE COMPLETE RANGE OF thittlAJiltlflo15500183 IGfttJISSVEHItltIEWEIGHl gs egos tum IL mm player suffered broken neck when he was one of several mak mg ing tackle on an Oritlia back ttdi lu ddr Saturday lie was taken to the Oakvttle placed the Western Hospital in Toronto Dr cc tie vzl Campbell McArfhur of Oakville sold the player was paralyzed lit tll pm pm 729 11 til it 03 pni lliuly Except Sunday lr Visit Wheel Balancing PHONE 2202 BUILT toll YOURNEEDS PRICED WITH ttlE LOWEST lRUCKENGINEEREDS TRUCKBUILT 0N CANADAS BIGGEST TRUCK LINE BACKED BY PROMPT AND EXPERT SERVICE MERCURY TRUCKS Elton to toils BARRiEISoiSTRlcr mum Boatsz sABlEAIlIlTCchd STEEET WWW MIERCORYILINICIOHLM raiomronomm orcrt fillsallhhlSFOBDSTs Al Watllrtint

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