Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1949, p. 5

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MONDAY SEPTEMBER 26 1949 HE BARF EXAMINER 5115515 ONTARIO CANADA PAGE FWB rooms or similar accommodation zlgILEYdWANTEDBuildinglcoirl esireaxsilent partner wrth NOV St Barrie Examiner Cla HELP WANTED no mo in in unint YOUNG MAN wanted for cigar department Apply Lmtcd Cigar Stores Dunlop St ATTENTION insulation salesmen We pay 33 comrirrssrorr to cxpcrlt ieirccd salesmen with cars Box 20 Barrie Examiner 1676811 YOUNG MAN 18 to 211 for retail silo store Pension hospitable 11011 job with Iuttue Apply Neill Ltd 35 Durilop St luTp EXPERIENCED farm hand want ed to work on dairy farm and be able to operate tractor William Hughes 30rd Stroud l70708p lt GIRL WANTED to assist with children and housework in mud erir home Phone 3007 or writ Box 34 Barrie P1 Ltd1111b imam FOR SALE YOU SA 11 II IXAIIIII BROWN STILL IlEIl wztli swings Phone 3180 will gCIIMLNT MIXER for sale 0r lclli Phorie 4484 765th EOIL SPACE HEATER for sale Ap Eply 187 Bayfield Sr Ir 67p lIWO STEAMIIR IRUNKS good lconditron Phon Oro 3104 7tilp liiltlZILN COAT irronton trim hilt 11 Ilione third or 14 Worsley St 7w07p COOK siOVit Reach white elr amel good condition 4383 Ielcphon 77771371 GILSON tc Joe rie FURNACES oil burners Bule distributor Bar 74566745311 NEED MONEY but unable to work full timc Earn substantial income Hours at own conven ience Apply Box Barrie By amincr 1A0507p OFFICE ASSISTANT Shorthand not essential able to type nicnl aminer IF YOU USE Avon Cosmetics you know why it is easy to service Avon customers We have an open ing now for able pleasant woman Apply to Box Barrie Exam iner l65G7pb IOCKEY PLAYERS wanted Must be good intermediate players de fence or forward starting Oct 13 Permanent positions open immed iately Iplumber experienced good wages 2assistant plumber some experience Ilaclass irrotor mechanic 4weldiirg and machin ist apprentice Single rncn pre ferred Write Box 157 Powassan Ontario law67b POSITIONS WANTED SAV YOU SAW IT tN THE EXAMINER l1Ull1l Must be Halfday employ Apply Box Barrie Ex lv0007b HAVE BOARD small baby Phone 5060 2071 DOMESTIC WORK hour or day 50c hour Box 24 Barrio amincr 267p for WANTED WELL PUMP and cylinder in good condition Phone 4221 307p FEEDER CATTLE of Durham variety Must be reasonable for cash Apply Box 22 Barrie Ex aminer 367p LIVE POULTRY wanted airy quantity also scrap metals hides etc Pushkoff 33 Collier St Plr 2983 Stayner 98J2 36170p AGENTS WANTED WANTED Reliableman as dealer in Barrie and Allaiidalc Exper ience not necessary fine vol portunity to step into old profit able business where Rawleigh Pro ducts have been sold for years Big profits Products furnished on credit Write Rawieighs Dept MLI128163 Montreal 467bP ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for men $10 per week and up Excellent home cooked meals Ten minutes from Barrie bus stop at door Call Mrs Bonham Stroud 22 ring 131 1257tfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED su YOU SAW if in THE xumrn QUIET YOUNG COUPLE re uire or unfurnished or partly urn ishcd rooms in Barrie Telephone 4829 1167th MODERN SROOMED COTTAGE wanted State cash price Robert McLeod 874Gladstone Avc Windsor Ont 116567b YOUNG MARRlED COUPLE re quire furnished rooms House keeping privileges No children Write Box 25 Barrie Exam mer 1167p WANTED TO RENT or 3bed room house or apartment unfurn ished or partly furnished from 15 References McCul lough 4078 36 Ave Vancouver BC 116671p RCAF OFFICER and wife ab stainers no children desire or rooms private bath and cook ing facilities References it re quired Apply Box 14 Barrie Examiner 1166681 furnished preferred but not neces sary Possession about Oct Write FO GW Reid Trenton Station RCAF Trenton 116168b WANTED To RENT unfurnished house or large apartment for mar ried couple with one well behaved child References can be supplied Will be permanent resident Apply to Box 23 Barrie Exam Iner ll+6768b PROPERTY EORSALE Irwo LOTS each Iooxzsz Coa ringtou St Phone 2880 186770p NEW INSUL BRICK I4 reoms full basement all convenieDCes pavedrstreet Terms 91 Henry 1667 3ROOMED furnished winterized cottage at Minets Point $800 down balance as rent Telephone 5347 166668b 100 ACRES clay loamhardwood bushbarn 92x42 implement shed lion ses 8roomed solid brick house acres fallwheat 28 acres clover hydro throu hout Close to highway and schoo Immediate possesspn Campbell Churchill 166667p PROPERTY Iron RENT aliv vou saw rr IR Till murmur LARGE FURNISHED room and kitchenette Phone 4389 1567p vl Busiuass orrou NITIESi $3 to $5000Houae construction oodtlocallt near Barrie Good securlty best references Ap ly Box 19 Barrie mr Exam Ex 011 Allandale My OIL BURNING space heater used six months Phone 3807 after Six prn thiix 7MISSES WINTER COAT size 14 grey all quilted lined 21 Mu DOllled St 7d7p chiriiAN ramps lany color you desire Roy Tracy KITCHEN COAL RANGE lIrn pire small size almost new Tele phone 4153 767b altuninrun Phone 34112 7001171 Fionally fre race already agrsedl on share IBring or Phone your AriDial 24I4Betoro 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday iv Greers New Bus Startles Reporter From lhc ainp Burden ilusn Our luring rtportcr Ildil cnr ed ride Mi illliIl yacht lie rdgxiuly amazed by the Clllullltpldiii upholstered Ill cry and startled by thesmooth ness of the Lie and the effortles IlllVelllllR power with oyerdrrw He feels that it is certainly worth 50 Cents return to ride btZlILl 11 this commuters dream but is still of the opinion tla when he rides in one of the old broken down rattletraps which appear ocean Mr irecr should pa in Girls hirn Incidentally ill5 Greer Coach Lints have another new bus on the run smaller version of 1111 land yacht Riding to Barrie if becoming pleasure 13011310 FIRE AREA RELOWNA ll lIl1lrree or neighboring rural districts Lireexpense plan TOT fire protec tion Arrrthcr frr truck wrll be purchased in Keluwna and the equipment usd Within radius of eight miles AUCTION SALES coal furnace Dalton St 7wtlTp THERMOSTAI for used two years 817 Phone 21117 lFUR COAT black brozrdtail size 14 good condition $55 Dalton Phone 2817 71171 lVACUUM CLEANER loblinavith attachments excellent condition Phone 4504 7ltti768p furry LUMBER consisting of 2x4 12x0 2x8 and iircli 5001 feet in all Wni Sharpe Thornton 7071 McCLAIlY electric range with high oven good condition also lsonie bedroom furniture 50 John St 767p lFALL COATS box style brown black and rwecd suitable school girl 5110 10 Telephone 3004 7071 BEAITY WELL PUMP with pipes $12 cistern pump $2 All in good condition Apply 177 Tifliri SL Barrie 76768p SET OF TRUCK RACKS feet high 14 ft long practically new Apply Allan Campbell Pains wrck 76568pb VACUUM CLEANERS to rent Al so uscd ones in good condition to sell cheap Phone 3482 Roy Tracy 766673 EUREKA onerow potato digger nearly new tobacco stalk cutter 0can milk cooler Tom WReivc Cookstown 7666768p Lg PERSIAN LAMB COAT worn one year size 42 Less than half orig inal price Apply Box 18 Bar rie Examiner 7137de ADDING MACHINES and type writers for sale or rent at Barrie Business College 06 Toronto St Phone 4824 7626111 TAILORMADE SUIT grey tweed fit boy 1214 years like new Cost $42 sell for $15 Too small for owner Phone 2734 757tfx NEW STOCK of reconditioned re aintcd bicycle fit any budget easonable Apply Maguire Cycle Shop Minesing 7666768p lTARPAULINS new used rentals repairs Prompt satisfactory ser vice BarrieTent and Awning Co 34 Bayfield St Phone 4314 764tfb CANARIES Border fancy singers $8 up hens $125 African violets ten colors 75c each Mrs Wm Agar Phone 84J Beeton 7046913 MOTOR transmission radiator windshield crown gear and pinion for 19311nterrrationa1 l2ton Ewart Thurlow Elmvale Phone 15 ring 43 76768p DINING ROOM TABLE mission oak and chairs $22 electric hot water plugin radiator $20 Mrs Tovell Stroud south of post office 767p LIVING ROOM furniture kitchen furniture including Connor Thermo ice refrigerator Beatty laundry bench and tubs and chem ical closet Ph 832r15 7676813 BEACH BEAUCHAMP cook stove cream and black newcondition suitable for country home Campbell ChurChillJ Phone Le fioy 1311 76667p PINE HEMLOCK maple elm lumber all widths also baled straw small cedar posts Muir Shanty Bay Phone Oro 302 76667p BAND SAW for sale Vincent 12 inch good as new new blade repaired $7850 without motor Reason for selling need larger Phone 3661 743tfbx MANS BICYCLE iron double bed springs nearly new battery mantel radio Richard Hill Al landale second house on Minets Point Road 7666710 FINE LARGE kitchen cirpboard upper portion has glass doors If you needa cupboard see this an some antique walnut furniture etc See these at 81 AEssaAROad 76568 ANS SUIT COAT greysize 42 ans trousers brown size 36 maroon dress size18 navy silk suit size 42 heavy dresssize42 ans heavy winter coat Carrs lysian size 44 Phonew2767 74 Toronto St 767p iKITCHEN CABINET dropleaf table chest of drawers ft in bed springeand mattress vanity table and mirror Quebec heater box stove large cupboard quan tity of dry wood Apply 118 767p James St contra 125 LIGHT SUSSEX pullets five menths old Clarence Holt Phone Cookstownrirll 1446633 EARLY HATCHED Light Sussex laying Ashtoir Telephone 16 pulletS for sale Archer Elmvale lringr i2 for REO SCHOOL BUS 27passcngrr Phone 827 Oio 1947 iNrZJIaTON paiiii truck low GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all Washer overhauls ii 36869331 Thursday Sept 20Thc late lras Mills Lot on 11 West Illl limbury Auction sale of cattle hogs implements hay and grain Sale at pnr sharp Terms cashgt Manning McEwen Ariel 65ti7x Friday Oct 7Mclvin Sage W11 Lot 12 Con 10 Sunnidalc lat Strnnidalc Cornersl Sale ul farm stock buy grain lumber and tractor lerms cash Trace Auct 370869b Ilrursday Oct lllmAuction sale of farm stock implements and household cilects the estate of the late Cecil Newton Lot 11 Con Essa Terms cash Sale at pm Slessor Auction eer iii71x PERSONAL INTERESIED call at Barrie Exmnincr for rddrcss Box 2l name andl 3007plt CARTAGrE AND MOVING IOOKE CARTAGE and STORAGE iocal and Long Distance Movers Eeneral Cartage Contractors 431 Essa Road Prone 3359 3229tfh MONEY T0 LOAN NATIONAL HOUSING LOANS ouilders loans properties financed it current rates mortgages pur thascd Henry thick Owen St 34627lp FRUIT AND VEGETABLES APPLES roe gamma fcietwde all chiey mormw and Greeriiirgs Kidd 206667p WOOD FOR SALE GOOD MIXED CORDWOODwhitc birch oak small percentage soft wood 811 per cord delivered Phone 31W Elmvale 6676813 1000 FEET ELM lumber mostly inch and inch also 1000 ft bass wood Apply Alex Morrison RR Cookstown ortphone 283 ring 13 66667p LIVESTOCK FOR sAtE HEREFORD HEIFER due to freshen in two weeksApply Alex Morrison RR Cookstown or phone 283r13 90667p JERSEY COW yrs old freslieriv ed in October number of young pigs also hp Fairbanks engine Phone 47 Oro 9670 DAPPLE GREY MARE for sale quiet sound and good worker years oldWill sell or exchange for young pigs Mrs McCart ney Minesing 967p OXFORD EWES bred to excel lent rams ram lambs and older ram fully pedigreed This flockl has been carefully selected originl ally and quality maintained Pric ed very reasonably Telephone APrice RAndolph 5141 22 St Thomas Street Toronto orJames Allsop Bradford 58r31 96769b AUTOMOBILES orchard Make Lisle Spies offer George Brandon Hillsdale 13466810 1936 DESOTO sedan ihape new paint job 334132 35 CHEV coach good running condition amL paint $300 or best offer Leonard Shettell RR Cookstown 136667p 1939 INT TRUCK for sale pickup Will exchange for cash cattle or pigs Apply Ed Starr Guthrie 1367681 Telep one 136 68p mileage excellent condition $1400 Apply Brewers Retail StorefiBan rie or Penetang 29 MODEL FORD motor and tires AI shape May be seenin front of Zellers Monday and Tues sSified been Toults Scarlet beautiful red wanis excellent 136667b day nights after 700 oclock $11500 1367 MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM MADEDRAPES design ed to your taste 104 Elizabeth St Phone 5487 56570p 9I LICENSED auctioneer for coun ties ofSimcoe Grey and Dufferiri Geo Dtmcan phone Dundalk 9412 and reverse charges 56376p PIANO TUNER and technician Pianos bought sold and rented Ken Punting 38 Millard Avenue Phone 987J Newmarket 56671p makes of electric appliances specialty Home Appliance Shop D81 3432 or $424 533th RUGS UPHOLSTERY beautifully cleaned inyour own home by electric machines Ready for use some day Free estimates Simcoe Rugutz pholstery Cleaners Tele phone 476 fr PERSONALS Accounts of ooclzii event and of Milton to Mid from Barrie and Allandalc are appreciated by the social department PHONE 2414 titlllhlh At the Royal Victoria liurpilai Barrie on Sept 11 111111 to Mr and Mrs IIincst ii Stroud daughter lecrla ItalicIiltrr ichIOI Al the Royal Vic lurlii Hospital Barrie on Sept 31 111451 to Mr and Mrs Harold MU WW rvrkcnd Hunt Ul chahun cs Itirldwrn Slicer and Mrs Warren Wilcar Peel Si Ilrlllt daughter Luna Rorcl Miss Elliott of Toronto is ill Hrgpyf 11 Rm Vic guist of the Misses Brock St lir mummy rpmm 59mg ccnl St For two years she Wit IlllSUIIJ of war in liong Kong irrliil Iill izson arnp Iloiden son1 Mr arid Mrs if Patterson hrrpmrl mm Vic left on Saturday by train for torra lilspital RHINO1111 Sept visit to Vancorncr and Seattle 11 111111 to Mr Gerald Patterson and Bill Craig 5rllrllkl preceded them by week and have lltlmw tryinr out golf courses ell route prior to joining Mr and Mi 1111 lrrniop Patterson in Seattle On the way tlicy visited Allan Patterson in Winnipeg 31 197111 late of Toronto Special am $500 wave for $1150 Camerons Beauty Parlor over Olympia Restaurant 1ele Millllll Milll of Prairie Interv mmne 4484 merit in Old Stone liurclr Ccrir tcry lisarerton Sept 20 GASOLINE UI AGAIN lcCLFl At the home of his Last Saturday the price of gasul 101111111911 MIST William BIOIksz line went up another two cents If TCCUWSCHL 01 lallon at Ilarrre service stalionsl lm HU DiWd MCCICHH Most stations are now selling gaspl mums Punkan Of meg line at 41 Arnd 13 cents Thcscl immi lineumm Robinson Clnclcrv prices include provrlicial tax of 11 cents mFor draperies see Barrie Ientluubh 01 MEMORY and Awning line for Fall 1911 Eye YORKTON Silhk UP 14 Appeal Ntwcst Fabrics QualilyUm 1110111011111 cross carvcd from Tnnmmu pricm implyS mmu Irrativc granite has been erected inl keg 51rb1urkton cemetery iii memory o1E Comb Wm rm wars has the soldierdead of two world wars been known as successfiil originl 111 NM was unvmkwl by Mm Mm and grow 01 NMHOIL has de Italrrnlrard war Widow and added new variety this your in lrs II lilson who lost two sons Ill Wtruttliilld daughter Robert Ilariori tAnrriel Toronto Mrs rrriiston lBessiell Mrs 12 Patterson lEdnzrl of llruukhn and the lat Mrs II in Newton Sept 21 iCICIHII IO LS IINICWAICH LOST Pueilo Rico was ruled by Spain Mrs Gilbert of Toronto hasunti 11108 when it was ceded to reported to police that she lost allllL UllllCd $111105 ID 1110 TIC7W 01 watch at Bell Air Beach chioylfll15 during the past summer ladysl wrist watch it had three rubies and was valued at $164 11 KIWANIS TONIGHT Tonights program at Barrie Ki Club at the Community House is in charge of the Support of Churches committee Dr Spiers will speak on the Church from the laymans point of View Rev deP Wright will also speak DAMAGED IN TRANSIT Damage to boat was $300 at WANTED Shoe Salesman for High Grade Shoes Salaryarrd Man Commission 49rvv when trailer broke loose from5 also air auto Ray Smith of Toronto was driving on ighway 11 when hit trailer broke loose and it carg ried his boat into the nearby ditchi The accident happened about 72 um POSTCARD PICTURES Mrs Barron 79 James street has brought two interesting picture postcards to The Barrie Examiner ollice One of these shows the Grand Trunk station at Barrie as it was years ago with large crowd of people The other sliows apier in the vicinity of where the government dock is now located and there were ladies with parasbls andhooped skirts at the wharf where steamer was docked Position for young Man and young Woman about 1820 years of age Pleasant manners and ambitious to learn shoe business Good salary to start MOORES Shoe Store Eypletts Furniture Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer WE SERVICE WASHERS IRANGES IRONERS REFRIGERATORS TOASTERS IRONS VACUUM CLEANERS GRILLS POLISHERS HEATING PADS FANS ELECTRIC BLANKETS AND CARRY LARGE ASSORTMENT or mars 139 Dunlop sr Phone 3721 TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN Beeton Fall Fair Thurs Sept 29 Iii Sept 305 More otjrinesi Grounds inOntairof HORSE IRIICING BABY sHOW PUBLIC SCHOOLPARADE SPELLNG CONTESTForyoung and old SIMCOE COUNTY BLACK AND WHITE snow SHORTHORN snow AND HEREFORD snow SOUTH SIMCOE BOYS GIRLS DAIRY CALF CLUB BOYS AND GIRLS BEEFCALF CLUB GRAIN AND POTATO CLUBS CONCERT THURSDAY NIGHT Tom Hamilton and gt his Artists 2c word cash minimum 356 grades and during the war will 11 and Mrs Norininl or rdcn Mr Aristrn is now lraiirtlrra lcl jof Allistoir Citrens lland IIEWITI lMarizaiel lCccil and Jack Ads High in Results Has Classes in Music At Comp Borden School Alan Austin 311 is AHI ing music classes at Camp in piano wind instruments ihcoiy Mr Austin rearl luprls ir piepaiul Conservatory lXillllIIEJiltlIr advertrseiirInt iii last Friday of The firirip Borden lir nounus that l1 tell Camp Borden ptrlzlst Wednesdays and Friday lit llriil 3o 111431 to Mr and Mrs Jilun Former handrnasler 51 11 Service Corps Iiand at Carry 3c word charged minimum 50c nu Low in Cost Box number 25c extra GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS due October 1952 have been called for payment October I949 llrrrse bonds should be presented for redemp tion with all coupons of later date attached NO further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date CAR Dsbrimxs MLIlrcl solr iIIICtIl 1r Ill for their 11an ltt ill lilt 37 Bcwell 1110111 EPMHWWORIAM All tonr died Sept 27 1017 Two years l1lc swiftly passed away sBut still we dont forget For in the hearts that lover ii best Your memory lingers yel Sons and daughter Rex trip RENT NEW CAR and Drive it Yourself Call 2772 BARRIE DRIVEA CAR Company Limited IIERIZ DRIVURSlill LICENSEE 69 Collier St makes the DANCE THURSDAY NiGirrf Norm Burlings Orch Reectionail Beeton WESTLAKE President CROSS SecTrees mu unwwmubunw Io Ross sr Now The Prints 1th sin Barriludson IJ Ill1r Al DroolLira on Septf McPHERSON lhe lanai IM Lena Louise Wrndtrttdlmt Samuel Heights express 1110 lilllririends and nsiglibois also the Peter and Eliabetli Windatt oily ianrebrrdge dear sistr of Mrslmgg during their SEE THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS iilllllllllrliulr rHi Hum xxxv Beginning Sunday October BOYD Insurance and Real Estate llunlop Street Ilzrrric Ontario IRIISIINIS WeekEnd News Itmurtlup ll 1115 pin Sundays NEWS 016 LOCAL AND COMMUNIIY iNlERESI with EAIII IIIX II II Barrie 12311 Killrcyclcs World News Highlights Review of Simcoe County News Forecast of Barrie district events errcc to the community limited numlar of important amplurrcemcrrts about coming crenls wrll be includeddn each Williend News Roundup Phone BOYD Insurance Real Estate 5Dunlop St BARBIE ONT Phone 3238 327111 4$S$S$$S$S$S LA Never before has such value been offered for so little NEW LOW PRICE EFFECTIVE TODAY devaluatioaof the British pound Sterling cyejcatching Harman Mimi MagnicentJ more than ever the best buy focy0ur money rIAruarsis ADVANCED iREFINEMENTS rental on mooniurrunsnrir in us uric RANGEi Iroorrs Morons LIMITED I70Buy Street Toronto Montreail Airport Darvol 50910 Regen Bldgl Granville $1 Vdncoiiivjer gt Tm our to our error no 1111111an tributes

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