MONDAY fiITITmmEn 36 1919 pmg gm rai BARBIE EXAMINER amour UNiAiilU CANADA Lymanmm GRAIN Clara 15 FALL WHEAT chinson noon Men in Edwin ds HARLEY lioni IIIJtLlLr clrtnson OATS lat sun lltrlir McArlliu OATS tdi Ill don McArtlrlri Ear FIELD PEAS 5ltrll iirson Earl Priirll REI CLOVER law iwrtivtr lieairlrall ROOTS 11 POTAIOIfs morrr litrtclarrsl tlII SWIrlilF lllthlih Seymour lintczirsura Mi Booth Clonr llutllrmsrn SWEDII ICRNIIS rted tilor Hutchinson Srrnmaii llitliisam MANUELS lrll Long Smrnoui IIutclilnson Hour lirtrmnsoi CORN crisrlagi iiurer liutcli Inson Scyuzon llulchinmn GARDEN IllODICIT Class 10 CABBAGE white Mrs Anss Dean IARII Trace Mrs don Stralir ITIIIIIS tusrzrp Mr Mrs lordon spam Trace CIIRUNS Fred Clarence Ritchie PARSNIIS Mrs llover Hutchinson SWIZIZI CORN Mrs Chas llrurlow clrinson ONIONS Mrs Clarence erchm IOMAIOICS Mrs xmos llcan Mrs Wirmilred Iiiown Mrs John IIlrick CUCUMBLIIH Strath IIUBBARI SQIASII Trace P115 Pumpkin Strath ilorer mour IIlIlClllllStlll MUSKItllILONS Mrs John 1519 rick TOLLIICiION GARDEN PROD UCI Mrs Lcn Ilooth Mrs Amos Dean FRUITS Class 111 McINTOSIl RED Apples Ecru don McArthur Glover Hutcliinsoir Ilonald Teller 5113 IItiivz hit 311 liairlrrrr it ill Sun liirtcirmsl rr rll irea lit Paintl Ratin xlxrri Ittll Mr ili Via St lion Iliiiilltl Lil1v rise 11 riiarl Mrs but Mrs Illii iiiS lrr Il llr rzm lleizr Mi IZrl lilltlrr MY Iui 11ac tm ilinrl lililtllr llrr Mrs Gordon Mrs IIail ioiiion Spy Mrs Hutchinson llltill il iii tr DAIRY PRODICIL lg biz rdlid tiarsr iiiu lxrfdr Cry Crmuur 1Xlilxl t1 iiz Willi 111 Tiller Jwia Ca iliirv Ulliilxli ll rtraltl SNOW 1rii 216 In $11311 liac MEIllt Iile lz licz II 1tltgt I1gt Clip ilew tilvzdnlr Tlctllz HUMAN SWillZl AM is tin llliil ft 32 Copelrd llnrsilrr lit gt FALL AH Mr lilill Lox1 r1 llrord Illltltl RIC tr lltl rlctir PEARS tiuruorr 1tlrr in CRAB rp2e 311s low Mr Unrtlril Strut Iclicr slll ilulidul Hiitl llrlldi Ilrvillrlllr riiiti liuiur ilrrlraJl lbs lvlil Crock Ir llzril Lei unlit 31 Claritar Rilrlrc llu llarr 111111 li Iilili Ilgt lclr Iltvilil Mrs Citin rrrcc Ritchie Vern lllrztrdsall tlilCAMIIRY llllIlIll lZlmrl Cieannry Chile Sparial to list will Butler in llrln Iirn 111 Iloirtll hurning trcarn lass For Rest Can or Clldlllill tieanr 30 lbs liar Trace llezud szrll lloir iraham Mis Clarencel Ritchie Leonard Ilirrirll Mrs Meiiir lldwurds Mr Leonard Booth Wm Iilllolt HONEY AND lIlil 1iss 13 or color 311lsslirrv1e Failis IIilNIIY extracted lqt Mrs Clarence Ritchie MAPLI SYRCI 1010 make Mrs John lilrrclx Mrs Iis DOMESIIC SCIENCE lass 111 Lotti of Homemade White Bread Mrs Gordon Strath Mrs Chas Thurlow Mrs Leonard Ilooth IlIlS John IIlrick Homemade Bread Brown Gordon Stralh Mrs Booth Mrs has Iiarw re Filb Mei it Mas Cintl llim INN lilrellt Ail IIAIRAI IIXIIIIIIIS Class 35 llrloorn lhurltrw Misti Liunai dl Thurlow Mrs 19 Joe Srratlr Homemade Iiicad lruit ur Nut mos Ilean Mrs rick Mrs Irene Miller Lil Clairlice Imitl Burliii IIIZ Mi IUI Illli iICi i111 luililtr lluamw Mi Mi Sllrilll Len Gordon Mrs Cha Cute Ritchie Jl ILI1 Iiuulll Mi ilrilo llCIIl Pie Mrs Meiwln He Mzs Ltll Ilrhrlll Irt LIlki Mr Mcrriri Irrirr=iirl limit Cake triut icedl lt Mrs Lcll Mu tlqriiree Ritchie Mrs lizarrdsall lilix Roll Mrs Lerr Iloolh Mrs Mrs Lezr lidwar is Salads Mls Clarence lirtcllc Clcuirtc Cake Mrs Iiooth wheat tlfllt Mrs Clarence lnrdon Stliillr plain Mrs Gordon Calyui Ellery Mrs Mi Clarence Int cl lidwar lilzrlrn Mrs Len Mullins rufrnle lair lirrullr Ritcltl Mzr Doughnuts Mrs 111 Ilaolh 11ml Cuoltrea 11 var Mrs Leonard Calvin lilhiy Display Iliumtirade Candy Mrs Len Reardsall hIrs ilrrrdon Strait Iarzr Tarts Mrs Leonard Beard 131 Mrs Leonard Booth Mrs Mer Edwards ti named ar Mrs Irene Miller Asters Mrs Annuals Mc Iiasket ilimnun Mrs Thurlow tosmos coll Mrs Amas Ilcan John lIlricu llalrllas dccorzrtlrc best lt John Copeland single Mrs iladrolr spikes of each var Mrs Amos Dean Mrs Basket of ililllltlll Mrs Iiurvic Fallis Mrs Amos Dean African Marigolds Mrs John F1 Palrsics Coll Mrs Harrie Fallis Coll Petunias Mrs Irene Miller Mrs lhurlow Roses Mrs McKinnon Salvra Mrs Irene Miller Mrs Smith Fern gt Mrs Harriet Ritchie Smith Miss WEALIIIY Apples Donald lcl Mrs loe Slruth Mrs tlarcnccl Zimms Mrs Hawk yams Mrs on your Sayings TWO percent interest privileges quested checking paid cheques returned if rc deposits by mail if desired prompt service these are some of the advantages otlered by our Savings De partment Convenient locationaccessible at any time during business hours THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Gift Toronto Barrie Office I3Dunlop Street 38 yoan In Butlnosr PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY us nnniop Street ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG MacLAREN co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 53 Collier St Barrie 67 Yonge St Toronto Resident Partner MacLAREN BComm CA BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street Barrie 3411Telephone4735 INCOME TAX SERVICE HERBERT HARRIS Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrie Office Wilson Building Post Office Square Telephone 3397 Resident Manager WCARRICK SAMUEL ROSE Chartered Accountant 49 Collier Street Phone 4949 WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY Accountants and Auditor Ward Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Toronto Telephone Elgin 61113 WELCH ANDERSON CO It Chartered Accountants Trustees Etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto cumornacrons GEO basin A5 Bonusmac Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric RadioIIydro and Mechano Therapy Phone 3194 Alconnarr 150 CHIROPRACTOR ANDr DRUGLESS THERAPIST 17 Owen Street osrnorarn OSTEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN WILSON BUILDING anemone vatory of MUSIC LESSONS rALICE BOOTH LRCM RMT TEACHER IN PIANO THEORY 40 Charlotte St Phone 2748 Pupils Prepared for Examination atRoyal Conservatory of Music JESSIE lBRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils pre ared for examinations of the Roya Conser Music Toronto all grades including ARCfI Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conserva tory of Music and London Eng College of Music Piano and Theory 152 Mania Avenue DR are BRACK Veterinarian and Surgeon Cookstown Ont Phone Cookstown 801 DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St BarrierPhone 4545 LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristersy Solicitors Notarlu Public Conveyance Etc MONEY TO LOAN Office 13 OwenSt Barrio Branch Office Elmvale Ontario RBOYS KC ROWE SEAGRAM CURRIE CURRIE Barristers and Solicitors MONEY TOLOAN t7 DunlapSt Barrie Phone 3175 CURRIE 11 CURRIE DONALD MaoLAREN inc Barrister Solicitor Etc Money to Loan vin Ellery REBER SMITH Successor to DUNCAN McCUAIG 80 Barrister Benetton Etc Ross Block Barrie MONEY TO LOAN JOHN uwoons no BARRISTER AND somorron Masonic Temple Building Barrie EDWIN WILSON BSA 1101 of Garden Flowers Mrs Gordon Strath Strath Gordon Strath Mrs Clarence Rit Vchie chie Mrs HughFriel Phone 2719 MofToronto met Owen SI 2331 Money to Loan email HBRTIIIOOIIIfS pcs gcst exhibit of garden flowers and Irene Miller Basket Wild Flowers Mrs IIar vie Fallis Mrs John Eliick Vase Bouquet Mrs Iiarvic Fal lrs Mrs Irene Miller Basket of Flowers Mrs McKirrrion Table Centre Piece for dining room table Mrs John Eirick Mrs Ihurlow llouse Begonia Mrs Smith Iuberous Begonia Mrs Irene Miller llouse Plant in Bloom Miss Har riet Ritchie Mrs Smith nc single one double Geranium Mrs Smith Miss Harriet Ritchie Specials By Simpson Best Collection smith By Joseph Lea Best and Lar house plants Mrs Smith LADIES DOMESTIC NEEDLE IIAFT Class 36 Apron Fancy homemade Mrs Geo Roe Mrs Gordon Strath Apron Housework Best Idea Mrs Geo Roeers McKiny non Needlepoint Sample Mrs Chasi Thurlow House dress smart new style Mrs GordOnStraihT Mrs Smith Sport dress hand finished Mrs John Elrick Mrs Gordon Strath Articles suitable for Christmas gifts Mrs Gordon Strath Mrsi Geo Roe Buffet set pct crochet or tat ting Mrs McKinnon Mrs11 John Colyn Buffet set pcs emb Mrs McKinnon Mrs Gordon Strath Bed spread crochet or knit Gordon Strath Tablecloth crochet Mrs Gordon Strath Centre piece crochet or tatted Mrs John Colyn Mrs Chas Thur low Centre piece emb Mrs Gordon Strath Mrs Hugh Friel Childs Dress smocked Mrs Gordon Strath Babys dress dainty shbrtx Mrs Childs Coat made from an old garment Mrs Gordon Strath Mrs Chas Thurlow Childs dress from Mans old shirt Mrs Chas Thurlow Mrs Cai Best Quilted Quilt Mrs Clar ence Ritchie Mrs Gordon Strath Comforter Wool filled Mrs Len Booth Darned Stocking ers Clarence Ritchie Mrs McKinnon 31 Elected President of CWNA ior 194950 Strath non Mrs Hugh Fuel 1101 one flour liilfi Mrs iordon Stratlr Booth Mrs Gordon Struth Roe Mrs iordnn Stralh Thurlow Mrs cnce Ritchie ROY DEAN age 31 has been elected president of the Canadian Weekly cspapcrs Association The ccrtrrioriy was held at Juspcrl Park Lodge Albcrta last week Mr Bean is publisher of the Waterloo Chronicle HtRI newspaper that has been in the same tainin since 1856 Wallace ii Cantu in illolt Valley lursu art1o tilesir trlii McKlw 81 McKinnon Afghan any kind Mrs lowel fancy 1i el Mrs Towel tea Mrs Mrs Chas llrurlow Best artrchs each made from Melirnnon Mrs Iaiting Bordon Strath lll Woollen mitts double Mrs Len 111 ll Slicers handmade iirrltitlll Stialh Mrs lirtclilc lied Sheets fancy and to match Mrs Rumor lltc Woollen mitts single Mrs Geo mks kind Mrs Chas Gloves liitclr ic any made with shells Gloves leather Mrs llrurlow Pr Window curtains lt Mrs Claru iordon Slratli 511 Stlit RIIS Pillow cases cutwbrk emb Mrsf McKinnbn Mrs Gordonz Cross Stitch eriib Mrs McKinnon Mrs Gordon Strath Luncheon Set Mrs Mc Kinnon Mrs Gordon Strath Runner and four place mats Mrs McKinnOn Mat hooked from old material Mrs Geo Roe Mrs Hugh Friel Button holes on Garment Mrs McKinnon Mrs Gordon Stratii Ladys Fancy Sweater Mrs John Colyn Patch on garment for wear Mrs Pieced Quilt Mrs Clarence Rit Best pr Pillow cases any kind Mrs McKinnon Mrslugh Friel Socks plain Booth Mrs Gordon Strath Sofa Pillow any other kind Mrs McKinnon Mrs Svrieatet kiiitv mania or boys MrsfGordon Strath ns Sleeping vgamrent Mrs GordODStrattiz Mrs AIDZL McKinnon Knitting Bag pea lash Mrs Towel rbath any woollen Mrs Len 83359 Elizabeth 51 MR knitted or creclred outfit Chas Thur Gordon Synlama liliin Iltlllslllillllll lco Mrs pillow Mc Miss lxxrn Wood Mrs Ilorutlry Wood fury other handicraft Mrs Bes orcns CHEVROLETii vuCHEV Specials It 51 101mm Frll the dies pr oi H111 sucks core in fiarrc stitcr Mrs Gordon Strain Desi pad cl lrcli rniis kin iii 151113 with enlozcd pidlim Mr Crras By Ciusslid Woaans U1 the but Irrsttiie Caosslalst Ilit1e 11 It AIA lii law Lis New bios IFI IitrsitL 1e ir 1l1 For llzc st d2gttrIi o1 sr quilts New Flos Butler Tarts lIIlIClllc Mrs Chris Leonard Burrdsail Crab Apple Jcliy Mrs John 121 rick Mrs Clarence Rutlire Grape Jelly Mrs Clarence RH chre Mrs Gordon Stiirth Currant Jelly Mrs iRitchie Mrs Len Rooth Var Niitiyc Fruit Marmalade llis Clarence Ritchi Canned lonurtoes Mrs tuition Stratlr Mrs Itll Booth Canned Peas Mrs Mrs Leonard Beardsall Canned drn Mrs Leonard Ifezrrdsall Mrs Gordon Smith Canned Pears Mrs lareirecl Ritchie Mrs Leonard Beardsall Canned Plums Mrs Lcn Ilorh Mrs Clarence Ritchie Canned Raspberries Mrs Meir in Edwards Mrs Leonard IlearlE sail Canned Strawbrrries Mrs Clar tiltt Ritchie Mrs Gordon Silurllr Canned lrtrries Mrs iortiorrl Stiiitlr Mrs Mcrrin lidwards fanned Rhubarb Mrs Clarence Ritchie Mrs IIail Trace Canned Peaches Mrs Clarence Ritchie Mrs IIarl Trace Raspberry lanr Mrs Mervin Edwards Mrs Gordon Strath Black Currant Jam Mrs Gui i011 Stratli Mrs Clarence Iiiltlll Pickled Cucumbers Sweet Mrs Clarence Ritchie Mrs Leonard Beardsall Mustard Pickle Mrs lotdon Stratlr Mrs Clarence Ritchie Chili Sauce Mrs John Illlicii Mrs Mervin Edwards Pickled Onions Mrs iordon Stiatlr Mrs Clarence Ritchie Pepper Rclisli Mrs iordon Stratlr Mrs Lerr Booth SPECIALS By Alice Smith Collection or Jams Jellies and llIamralades Mrs Len Booth Mrs Iiarcic Fallt lis Mrs Joe Strath By Standard Brands Best Frosted Iayer Cake lwhitcr Mrs Chas Thurlow Mrs Clarence Rit Mrs Clarcncn llzirrluw Mi Clairre Iiwhz In chic Amrru tion we hopeyoull make it point Imro visitsthe elthibibt of Generoi Motorsicorsi Ond Tfrrlcllt$ There youll beoble tp appreciate the derful beauty of every line youllvbe Oblero see forvyOuiseli the comfort Oldipledsmg QPPointmenrs of the interiors Islv rrlivmiir llcll stotk lrrc increased by nearly one hundred million dollars THE BELL TELEPHONE By Pure Gold Mfg Co One half 102 Tea Biscuits Mrs Gor don Strath Mrs Clarence Ritchie Len Booth youre at the Barrie Exhibi Ond driving comfort MO Over 54000 shareholders own thc Bell and put up much of the money needed to give you telephone service There are more than twice as many of them as ten years ago Shire the war their aunurulalcd imcslrncrrls With thousands ol applitants lill wailing lot lclcplrone scryite many million llllldh more ill be needed tor new onstllution nd this money must onlinuc to conic horn these and other Canadians who are ready to Illtst lllcit swings in the telephone business COMPANY OF CANADA Mrs Mcrvrn IZdwards By Aurora Belle Childs Brrthoay Cake Mrs Gordon Stratli Mrs is ayaf Each car you see is the leader inits class the leader in beauty the leaderVin performance and riding if you wont further information on the Operating economyof anyCor or truck ask one Of the attendants Or get in toDCh with your GenerolyMof torsDecilers in Barrie St