Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1949, p. 3

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MONDAY EPIEMBER 26 1949 ROXY HOUSE OF HITS First With The Best In Barrie TONIGHT TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Rare Feature Attraction 1111 Big Hit Warner Mickey Wallace llftllll1111161580111 SLAVE SHIP 20m oratoryFor Enron Iliumpbl Owing To The Length Of This Pogra SLAVE SHIP Will Be Shown Once Only Each Eve 840 pm STARTS THURSDAY SEPT 29 Another Big Fun Special Ray Milland and Paul Douglas lN It Happens Every Spring GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEE WED 230 pm All Star Features UNIVERSALINTERNATIONAL presents GENE llEllNEY Rttilbll tiAfllllblR lAIlNlCli WEI 230 DJ live Shows At and 840 pm lllS OLOIC CARTOON viii ciliiirw lltiliiil tiliiifs lpi I4 is ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 2nd Added Feature IIMMYILYDON PENNY EDWARDS uscon FUN PACKED MUSIC FILLED RODEO ROUND UP Eve Shows and 840 pm Note Tuscon Showing Once Only Each Evening 840 pm An ancient remedy for fever was The socallcd fairy rings to wash the water over the patient dark green circle on lever was supposed to pass growth in the soil Notice Re Garboge Collection Barrie Council Wishes to announce that they have maderarrangements with Mr Dennis Moran to make two collections per Week of kitchen garbage and ashes from both houses and places of business The amount of garbage to be collected not to exceed twenty ordinary house cans per week Any parties requiring more service than mentioned above can make arrangements with Mr Moran for the extra service SMITH Town Clerk Aiairwauviodge gtgt0n Highway 11 milesnorth of Barrie OFFERS THE BEST IN FOOD AND SERVICE in delightful surroundings CATERING FOR rARTIESZGRoors Ere SAT0CT 1194o IOE McNEILLIEdnd Hrs ORCHESTRA DANCING 1101200 pm MILDRED menson STUDIO OF DANCING Classes Now In The Library Hall on Tuesdgyrilernoons yrs pro to 345pm 56 yrs4445 pm 710 yrs 56pm 11 and up 6307730 pm lawns or zmd on to frog to which the meadows is caused by fungus Hundred Head of Cattle Upset Into Bay in 1884 By RIill GRANT Miilliv if itlzlll trig Iv ii IN lt of iflld 3231 Mam bf will llt to Add i2ltIIlLi to the it tfxntninct on tornwr nuts nus llu it llizc 1xl lllvllt1ll v1 if 1311 litrur Il til lower pluttt At our litnc there were lucnhstbrec hutch operuling herr from the lrrcn Bush 41 the ms Illi of Blake strcct to Allsndslr Amt unon tbmc old time innkccpcrs Htr Irssrs virldrum Miscimpbcll Mnrks Frdstr Huihilt ltrhcr lurkon liv inxstunc Suninicrsct Fuljdmcs liigchm Kemp ltrownfiddlrv ton lluinliu lruliiru llcvti Iripll Shun llsnmcr Kidd New Webb KennedyHinglmtn ctking Striub firmcs Len ltfl McGowan toflcy Keirnry lrovscll llubbert Dunn John son ollins Aslile Kelsey Leltuy lc1ibc Hutch ll Lntozi had lc 1l11nt my 1ni fzitlot Mniystistf jtlti lulu nine in iltllltfl lit hurl pzcviotnly bccn Ullf til Until przutuielici For short period trains mine into the Barrie Northern Railway station over Ll flirtcrJil tuck with tbc extra rail sh inches inside to urcommodutc running equipment from another connecting railway with different gauge The Lirrariennmt lttstcd only short time when the frond Trunk tllsnrbcrl both lines with the regular standard gouge l1 vus about lot when hutct lnizlid 1111ch 1mm from thc Wcst was coming into the slutlon oid tlzlitllh litll xtsirrfniccirctl the truin and dumped liltl or inorc culzlc the lilk1liltl info the flu directly in front of thc rdwn lulidt now cullcd lli1cw Pork 11 win hours before most of llltlll fll rounded up plum tlu shortlint from liziyfxchl sircit Mint15 loinl win1c they had paddled to szifcly sleep itctfront cnrbuukirctit prcvcnlcd llltltl from rmch in fund in the nnnicdiufc vicinity few yfzlrs previous to thztt surprisineg llt1 visitation of gmsslioppcrs covered the surface of 1110 Buy and they finally rcuchcd the shore it the sawmill district and covcrcd the rail road trucks so thickly that trains between Allundulc rind llurric wcre stallcrl on account of lack of traction An unusually heavy ruminll or clomlburs in 121116 wuslicd out fhc yurd and loft twistcd trucks at the llillKlJlk liuilwny station and if was some titnc lltfffllt conditions bccuniv normal It in lilllll Unit 11 big flood and vusbout on 11ppcrtoii strcct occurrctl h1c scvcrul pictures of both of these happenings in my collccfion Burrir was at that time and in previous years the centre of lurge business of shipping livestock and grain by railway to the south when sometimes whole block of llunlop strcct or liliznbctli street was packed from sidewalk to sidluulk with lrovcs of cattle sheep or pigs on their way to the sheds and loading cliutcs to the cars on the sidings back of Simpsons chain it thw rt lfit tin 1111 Ii In Brewery at the foot of Mary street Messrs Cameron Inuvlor and Brennan were the most important shippers The railway freight sheds flour mills and two brcwcric czicli would have long rows of gossiping fuiiticis with i1ons or slci is woiting thcir turn to unload grain The residue of lllt mulled buflcy known Eus grains wus hnulcd back from ihc browcrics by the farmers on ithc return trip to fccd their livcstock pretty much us the modern Itllllltl docs with the splashing cons of sour milk from his chccsc fqu tory Revival and camp meetings in the former days shook up filings in town life to ll far greater degree than does it sixcur motor and truck collision nowadays or nights should we suy The Cedars was it dense clump of stunted trees llulluSltlt thc railway truck and just below the Judge Gownn home now vcndcn Collcgcl and which is now an entirely cleared and puvcd through slrect Pre trumps or hobocs passing through this district by foot or merely dropping off passing freight ruins which always slncltcncd speed on account of the grade entering or leaving Btirric station Many of us small boys widcmoutlied to wonderful tales of travel from those grimy toughs as they sat around the small fire enjoying their mulligzm stow which was cooked in square fivegallon coal oil can of makings collected from nearby vegetable gardens and poultry sheds Later thc some can was used for laundering their wardrobe mid otter locating some ultimately driedvouf by the gentle breezes off the Buy Perhaps thats where this writer was inspired for his lzitcr ramblings all over the country factories in Barrie of the days when whiskey was fifty ccnts gallon and of the times when 15 crowded excursion trains would come to Barrie on the Queens birthday ESSA TWP ROAD VOUCHER SEPT Essa township road voucher No as made out on September 13 in cluded $228608 to Spencer Vernon for crushing graveland $2500 to Irwin Brothers of Difndallt on ac count The road tVOtincliCiTasceitiflecl by Dcmpster superintendent follows Wm Elliott gasoline for truck $1475 Barrie Hardware hose for sprayer $2565 Simcoe Dist Coop chemicals for sprayer $9396 Shell Oil Co Ltd chemicals for sprayer $8507 MEagleson re Bates 1948 acct $15 Thomas Excll vari eus invoice $7560 Daugherty blacksmithing $2 Crothersl Ltd invoice No 58620 $10904 Morgan Murphy sprayer repairs $250 Cities Service Oil Ltd In voices 307243 and 307355 $8575 Ont Dept Highways gas tax 490 gallons $5390 Jennett acct in full to date $42860 Arnold haul sprayer $150 hr $13350 Patton haul sprayer hrs $12 Patton gal gas sprayer $320 Art Coxworth gravel l$22310 Lloyd Robson fill $40 Sarjeant Co Ltd 1000 bags cem ent $81250 Irwin Bres Dundalk acct on job No $2500 Spencer Vernon crushing gravel $228608 John Hanlon $4 Patton $5607 Jas McDermott $48 Geo Vozch $98 Dempster $20250 Thos Exell $2625 Whiteside $20250 Banting $8775 Banting $90 MEASLES STATISTICS MOOSE JAW Sask CP Nearly 2000 localresidents had measles this year according to report from the health region of fice Germ measles cases are falling off ith1276 cases report redgwhilered measles are on the increase with 566 cases Hearty Hons gagsWA NOTICE TO IMPERIAL VETERANS All Imperial Veterans who have CKBB Listen gusterff Eapplied for pensions and turned down before 11946 are reminded thatllt eir ap ipeals for pensions must be in the hands of the War Pensions Spec lial Review Tribunal beforeNovJ 30 1949 Application may be made through Bibby ChlefPensions Advo cute for Barrie or tbeSecretaiys office of CanadianLegion Owen or Barrie coon rm BARRiE ERAMLNRMEARRIE oursmo CANADA viously it used to boo popular hangout for gIQuI many of the roving after our swimming sessions at the nearby Deep Shallow listened suitable tree limb they unblushingly hum out their flimsy undies to he lln next weeks article lVlr Grunt will tell about the four cigar reasons rARM EQoigMRNr DISPLAst write Secretary BOX187 or 41 Dunlop St For Prize List Will Make Home In British Columbia lrs Angus Mcllougnll 108 lcmtung Street Barrie The bride groom will make their home in hilllwack ll GOOD TURN FOR BLIND MAN If SHOULD PLAN lROlHClION At the request of the Ottawa Brunch of lot ll Boy Scouts of thc tlth Ottawa Troop supply Scouts partition for the days llltfltl int regular lllftlVlllS to read to was easy to form when the ch llull blind mun The fill Ottnwu mund for farm products was gltill lroop is jointly sponsored by er than the supply but is soon is Cuslimzln Ircsbytcrinn and St Inmcs Anglican Churches in llull picture is entirely different cl CCC Qu HA ERSVII Ll Out 885 an wwmm tumultIll QC mmmvw mmmu Victorian Order Of Nurses Campaign CAMPAIGN OCT T0 OCT 17 llicAnnuzll Membership Campaign and zmvass for funds for the Victorian Order of Nurses in Barrie will be held the next two wetks Oct 3rd to 17th It will be conducted as usual in the form of liousctohouse canvass and we would urge you to give generously The Victorian Order Nurse will call at the home of anyone in llnrric where Sick person is needing attention The Nurse who answers the cull is graduate and Specialist in Home Nursinsf mcl she works under the direction of the family physician The Service includes general core of the patient and special the physician BARRIE EXHIBITION llt AND MRS YRIL BOUTIIJER arc secn signing the register fol louin their wedding in St Marys Roman utholic liurtIi lizirrlc Mrs ltontilicr ls the former Eleanor Mellougnll daughter of Mr undi and Farmers generally would do vcll to study production costs in pre ll the supply outruns the demand llic treatments such as dressings compresses or iirigzitions ildtlcd by Money for HorSes Farm Stack Etc potato Show with Storage PAGITHRXI MonTues Wed IMPERIAI Barrie Fair Special New Americnr moo Oldling days come all ai ghting heart and ashing hoof of the great Dun hatch bring bark the color 11w thrills the udvonturlt that brougbl entire generation cheerlng to its full Slum DENNIS OKIHE GAIIRUSSEII RUIH WARRICK n11 Hllfl 1111 11m in into Chute Muse Inuitml INDIANS TAKE TO BOATS PRODUCTION UP MONTHS Britains industrial production is normally hunters now nearly 30 per cent above the twill ship their first catch of sea prewar levclund it is still ris ICli Lab aillnul this year from Okkak BM ing Whereas output in the first ST JOHNS Nfld rzidor Indians iIhc Indians were moved lost year five months of fins your was on an gm Hn Lanmpm mm 1piKzierige six 1110 half per cent hunling grounds at Davis 1mm above the some piriocl of 1948 the Oklmk 250 figure for the fifth monthMay The Victorian Order Nurse mudc 2394 visits in Barrie lisf Bib mles IhVCl year including 159 cancer patients along the Labrador coast They Showed =0 0f 1910 If 10 901 laid cotnplnincd that the hunting cent 1948 thlmim uh 1w Lmmmmmmxm Lilmlntls tcrc exhausted cm 1055 SEPT 27 WED SEPT 28 NEW LARGE GROUNDS Highway 27 Near ClovergifLeaf ENTRANCEESSA no ALLMDALE sotrrm HORSE RACINGON no murmur Backed and Conipletely Fenced FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Regional Hereford Show Ys ID es Beef cattle Sheep HUBER17f WEDNESDAYEP light Horses Dairy Cattle smite 033 Racing 22234151 WW Ttrs1r Sher7 and Marketa Demmam rummam JUNIOR PARMERS Examgig yw ll pm Daily except Sunday to lam RadioBroadCcrst olExhibition Highlights Turn EARRIEALLANDAbE nus LINESStaringgipm Tuesday and ww nesday will leave corner of Muldaster and Dunlop Sitston 15 minute schedule direct tonxnibition Grounds silencernachosnrrnbrrou sure to aippi sufficient tickets to supptyyoorr pupilsy Town Wednesday

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