Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1949, p. 14

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22 1049 WW IAII MINER LLLVAIUR ulturcd laccine to Protect tattle 114 GRENFEL gw Vv ge 131 1gt11 11 draw up and lower 1111111 1111 p11 or shut ff 31111111 13mm 111011112111 141117 the Michal 11111 Thur 11211 ll1l1113 111111111 Federal c1111 111 51111111 Vailtl 11411 111 pallia 1111111 1111 ire 1111 pulm 11111Lc 111 lit11w 51111211b11 l9 1m 51111111 School 11 1111 131111 31111 23 11 lfillhtlI to 3111 11111 311 Walton daughter 5141111111 1111111111 11111 111111 wand 11 11 111111 cunicsl 111 Bar lI1I1I l1 1121111aiy 15111 111131111 1111111111 11 111 lit11111114111111 11111 11111 1111 1111211111 of 111 11 11 1111111111 Spaduni 11111 11111 111111111 labor I1i1 Written for 1110 Barm lI1n11n1r iI 111 11 11111 BY ALAN DUNNIJJJI Campbcii Lid1 11111111111 111 IlltV Canadian lllss Stu Itlltr llrgislutllic I111 1111111111 Ontarids Libcinls arc 111115112 1111 new leachr onto hwyz said 111 11 111111 ask Farquhar Oliver 17141311141111 111 111 sinful for 1111 11111111p 1111 Grey County 111111111 111111 1111 111111 11111 consultrial the provincial 11111 111 11111 512115 Mr 111111 11111 111111111 1111 and 0111 1111111111 11111111 111 ins 1gt1111111c 111311 Man 11 111 gt 51141121111111 11st 11i111 111111 1111 11 1cplcs11111111111 Zic 111111 1111 Ontario lillzclal gtlt111111111I 111111 lucis 11f 11111l11 agcmcni 11111111111111 11131 11111 111 1111 I11 111 11 London 0111 01 1o 11111sz1i11 11 111I1wc11 511111111 llc 11111111111111 1111 Vlf llIL 11111111111111 1131111 1111 11 01111 11 11H 15 11111111111 111 1111I 5111111111011 1111 111111L1 111111 clicll 111111111111 1111111111 Mr Olivcr ring11 1111111gt11111 11111 at any 11111 lacW111 mohahlv had the lit111111 11111111 11111111 11 1111 Ontario 111 1111111 1131111211 1111 111 Jrclakrrs Mb 13111111 111111 1s 1111 c210 WWI 1111111 1111111111111 1111111111 Church 1111 fls 111110111 11111111 is micI You may Oblaln 111 111 ss 11 School to lturol in mm or the money you need at 11 11111 1111 Mr 11111 3113 111g 11 IV 1111115111010 lIINVANCI on your own Signalarc lo cndorsers or other bookable sccurity netled HIC will advance money for 1111111111111 111112111111111 lnrv 21111111 mung raw carrots 111 Ila1111 111111111nu 1111 11 piccc 1n lulscs 11111 1211111 ill 11111 Mo was taken to 1111 1111 111111gt 51111111 11V llI11ll1l 131111111 and had two 11111111 11111 111c11 111 War 11111111 111 1111 Hospital for Sick Llllli 111 1111111111 l11 11111111 lc1111rsiiip 11 May 1111 11 1111111 111 1111 111 11111 1111111sl11l 11 111111111 111 Hypo11111111 111111 Too IfMl II WilliLl ml lam111 111c 111111 111 111111l111111 COIIVOIIIIUI l1 1111 gt1111r11l SHIN 11 can lc 111111 1111111 1111111114 Chmhmg III li1c 111111111 1111111111111 11111111l Amunl 111111 1111111 111 111 111 1111 11111111111111 REPAIRS House on CA 1111 um 1111 11111 111 was opcr 35 ll 1ll 101 ILIJUICJHOD Of rinderprst the cattle disease which kills some or for my good purwsc 111111 mass production of rinderpest vaccine is possnilr lt IAtl 11 AF clearly 1111111 1111 11111 11111111 IM II IIIIII 11n 11111111 111 Mrs Wilbur W11 humpcr 11111111 crop 111 19111 1m mm on lly LEWIS MILLIGAN housing 111110 111111111 111 some 1x cum VVVVVVVHV IVIVVHVIVVVV of 11 1L VV 1111 hth 11 Iv1s11 to llollywood 11 sec111s 111111 011 mm 1de ill1 26 lllzubeth Strut 11111 kccp your game in the rough Rub in Mimrds 111 1111110 hose uncle cool rclaxcd ready for the fairway For spraim 1mm mppcr Particulars will be $01 up on thc oppositcVsidcwalkl3 JUD VV 11111111 15 111 511 ll H1im11 lZvcnts Mrs larr read lilcctric cablcs wcrc laid looscly SIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIS IIIIIIII IIIII MIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIS I11 card of thanks for Elowcrs A1101 across 1111 surface of the strcct ll requircs gicat deal of bold achcs and pJIIIS munchis quick 111111 1111 11111 havc 11V storauc proh Mama 1051151 InnUmle along which momr 55 and mum to qu0 Urn drying no unpleasant lom A1111 root111 111115 havo li1111 VVVMM WNW Vc was passing to and meV Tm mch and whvn you have not odor pasturcs 111s11 111 many scctions Hmctw of thepiclu10Vfcmilm may it 10in mm as much wit iIIIIIIIIIIIm IIIIISIINII IfIHIIlIIIII IIII IIIlI Tam the currcnt might be aflcctcd by to kccp it illl lllltl Ullt1lllE the constant jar of the traflic suc Kestcd that the carpenters who were standing by should lay planks Siptmnhm 19 on cithcr side of the cable 1111 1111111111d 111 Toronto viSil After some consultation the car Im AIIlmIII Iccmuy pcntcrs decided that according 111 lITEVXEERIVIVILIQVIIIIIIIIII33 IYLIE111 VVFKi VVVJWliulltwining union rules it was not their job to 111m told I11 diIrcctors lunchcmi on 5mg Ilimizvr E116 Ihm attended lay the planks that was the prop Saturday 111111 1111 city plans 111I ll LEWIS MILLIGAN member 111 laruc famin and 111110 114m Cllldllenzq 10b 50 lht 51100111115 11 build civic auditorium on 1111 Tm Manama 10315 father of four V111 pansio 11111111111115 11110101110 the inc111erth to beheld up until 101111115 thill Wild 110 illillllllllc rcccn1lv convicted in Ontario of Part111s of coursc am not cliHlhlhl Will 1101 IVilltnl VV the DOICIU men lClVC P10112111 101111 lVlIllll VlSlltd with his and the planks duly laid In posi 111 0111 10111111 5111111111 22 pmts 111 11101 1111111 11111 11spongt1blt 1111 111m 1111 Bt fV local 1111111 kllC put 1111 suspended children turn out As Mr Micaw llllhlfjlf VV15VVVVV1VV Vulth VllViV VLVM WVI lleeVJVillVlnIilod 1L T110 705111111110 lIllflnCIle 1111115 scntcncc with an order to their ber viscly rcmarkcd Accidents$11klftwhk mm HVTmax15V WV andSVVWIVCVVIOSVCV VOLVN lndtd 0n Mlllldil Will Blillll fathers that they administer 10 will occur in 1111 bcstrcgulalcd MES harm0f California Sued FVjsxtioVnt V2 10Hch Pilllnll DC0 1115111 500110 111 strokcs with 11 111111 to their crring families and in familics not roan111 JHSV harm5V 1805 id VVCVYVlIllgTIV chcqucV lht lhltilt 0f Clllltlmit $351013 offspring Thc fathers at first 10 fated by that pervading influchC Mrs I11111Ir visited with her SPIVCSV Vd 10V DIOPVLVEI 10point 21112le BlililiIlIS llll fused to carry out 1111 order but which sanctifics while it enhances daughter Mrs Henry Truax 39 OWCVCL 5V VtVthV E131 811C131itllllblCSJVWktd 011 b1101 Iatcr ngrccd 10 do so and avoid 1111 lnflucncc of Woman in the Mr and Mrs Lloyd Reynolds VHVlnflV W35 V3 3381 013 JVOVd lallkini Ullittd 5111105 81111511 Nd 01131111 11111 for defying the court lofty character of Wife and they nd Domm 11f Sllllhmllllc film Willem ISRPSCMC Canadian cabinet ministers 11s Thwe are wide differences 0V1 must be expected Wm condenceVllll Vvchktnd zilVVOlqlVClFGlVVIElVZOSVV 0V Vile 1VnVVedkrVitane tdeyha tonVVt announced as assuring BIitalns motion as to the ctlectivcness of 9m WHO With Philosophy hlirrIRIIIIIIII t11JCICpC1IgItc Irwin gugdlxl afh 01 fan prompt rccovcry from its current wwmm punmmcm but the Chic awher himself was Somewhat of an VVVilVlVllttVVVllm ay 13 00 mg 1e pic dollar crisis and also promising ture proceeded ovv 1111111111 Noun to Or by appohlmmf loom mudota nildvnlr ofnowbytovnl HUNG HIE UELE 1711879 In SITIURISE Inst run fricnd cave 11 package of 11111111 111111 sued to Mai1111 Pierzchalski of Mount11 Ilc 111211111311 1hm 211111 l1 soon started to grow and grow and crow 111111 511111111111 11 111111 now has reached the 10 1ch inches mark is $1111 11 1111 lhc 711111 Canadian Nalional lx Llllbl 11111111 111st Sa1urday 111c1V attracting 211711000 pcrsons through 1115 1111ns11lcs And alrcady officials largo Economical Sin 6512 mum1111s 51111111111 PortraitsWedding Groups Commercial Passports Amateur Photo Finishing HOUR SERVICE 63 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 5440 BARBIE OVERDUE BIllS 1111111111 l1111111111 l1c11 1111 DOCVOR 0R DENTIST BILLS IIII WI II IM inn 2000000 farm animals every ltar is now practical possibility Youmayrpminconvenimt 11 111 11 1s succus 11 m1 the Food and Agricunure Organlzzmon of VIM 33mm monthlyanmhmlmsmungvd to 11 111111111111 llc is dump discovered that by growing the virus 11151111 htllS PRES WU prompt wd friendly ttllilaiixizil will 1gt 4111M dintH 11111 1111gtgtllgtlV VV nlciunis stcn larvcslngeg memuanesrlc In no crpcs vrus filVlIllll l111illtl111 11 511 who ip 111111 and 11 mltf IELhWV 7H AAA no lVWI 111111111 mu 11111 111 11111 1111111 names 11111 1111111111111111 11 flWll 1mm TM 111 54 Mm 1m 11 111111 Jll prcscllt Mrs Wilbur $20 55190 11111111 111111111 1111 11110111111 with 13 10168 is 32 11111111 1111111u1 could pour out 11V 111111111115111111211111 111111 111111111 12 20 21579 36 1111111111511 lltlllllp 111 11111111111 WMS RW Bum 111 111 hmvinu with 1111 fricnd who had just 11111111111 115V leV1V5VVll ill 11 11 Im 11 1111 ltLldll to buv tllrI fr 1111 11 11111101 tour in 1111 Unilcdf 111 11 15 THUR mum NM mum 11 VV VVV i11 11111 closcd 1111 WMS 111111111Ht he had quwssod during ms 11s 111111 upon any 1111111 bodicd 11 11 11 111 1111111115 Nil 111 Ill lNHlllllllllnlHHl Md 11ml 11lll I111 13 NHI VWtFlI 1111 MIS pan of mom picture was bun 111111111111111 lhcro is no finer fccl sound om phon 5539 1111111111111 all 11p111l 1111 11111111511 1n h1l1lt11r vlccprcslt11111 took Staged no Side of VV StVVVVVVVV and in at 0nd day Wm ARRVEVOMVVV 11111111134 lllcv 11111111011 for 11111111M1111111 s11111111111 1111111111s11o MVHVMW SVVEVVVVQVVVHWVPMM SEASONAl EXPENSES I1l1 li VII mI INIIII 11111cp11rts During the war American11111101111111111111 sen1111515 iiiyourinm3 pgSscwiceb provinchd 1111111111111 111111 is 1111 pm WU rm and W318 Of lf 1111 1111l ls 14111111 1111 11111111sctl VVWM Wm 1mm WNW HOUSEHOLD gt1ulil 1111111 111111 1111 1111d1 book slate mld m0 of Hummu imd1 111111 111111 1111111111111111111111111 111111 fall 11111 as last 111 11111 11 1111111 atwnws 111111 11 1111 11111111ss put of 1111 he CVVVVVCVVVVS and ng mm bVV mm has 10 Romp hm onVuVABRANmV her more securc economic fut lIIC Considered important among the 10 points were the American decis ions to give Britain more freedom in spending Marshall Plan dOIIars especially for wheat in Canada to permit easier acccss to American markets by United Kingdom ex porters and to increase US buying of such items as rubber and tin from British colonial possessions Britains Foreign Minister Erna1 Bevin in welcoming these meas ures threw political light on the objcction seems to be on humani tarian grounds In the old days it was carried to the extreme in flog ging at the public whipping post and Confinement in the stocks and schoolmastcrs freely and stronu 011st administered the rod to pre scrvc discipline Doctor Samuel Johnson referring to his old school master said VHc beat me well and admitted he was lazy and would never have learned anything if he had not been spanked into attention to his studies Indiscrim male and cruel whipping on the part of parents or schoolmasters accident and he took his duties as husband and father with 11 too cosy1 going philosophy lieprofessed to adore his longs11ering wife and he gave some sound advicc to hisV son who proted by it in 1111111 vears Dickens blamed his parents tor not giving him higher educa t1on and for sending him to work 1n blacking factory But lhcrcV was strong strain of pride in him and if he had been sent to Oxford he might have turned 0111 11 $1101 and the world would have lost great novelist and social re former Mr and Mrs Edwards and family of Viiscy spent Sunday at John Millers Congratulations to Wlictham and Orvillc the United Church Waverley Mr and Mrs Cecil Kclls of Tor onto spcnt the weekend with rela tives here Mr and Mrs CliflordIBrown and family of Lansing spent the week end at Mrs Browns Madeline Edwards who vcrc innrricd on Saturday 111 It is apity that this little incid ent was not included in the pic ture as it might have provided comic interlude But my friend says that such incidents are quite common Vat Hollywood and that the above example of strict union rules for studio employees is not as ridiculous as some others that occur in the process of making picture The idea of course is to Mr and Mrs Morley French and spread outthe work and provide girls of Braniford spent the week end at Chas Frenchs employment for as many people as possible even though it means that Mr and Mrs Willis Mcwauels for the most part thespecialists VALLEY TAXI Trucking Service LOCAL LONG DISTANCE Tnucxmc eeonomic decisions of Toronto visited with Mrs are Standing around idleV He viewed them as securing the IS to be condemned but it 15 still chkens was thrown out on tliclcorbett and MFSV Elmer French PCV CLASS 61 24 HOUR SERVICE true that if parents do not chastise world at an early age and made ChasV French had the misfortune But such examples of 1nflex1ble economic basis for Britains active and disci the plme then ch11dren the to shift for himself as be depleted of havmg the end of one of hs imon ru es are no con ne 01 1010 as Partner Vllh the WM world will do it more drastically David Copperfield In contrast ngers 0m motion picture industry In hisI 513165 and 91hIesmmcuunm5 in later years be depicted Steerforth the libcri Mr and Mrs Lawson and M1 chatty weekly columns appearing in thchonmCt Wlh Russ and Disobedience was the original line as the pampered son of vcal and Mrs Fred Elliott spent Sun in the orillia Packet Hale 1h drive for greatCrIweStem Sec sin of our rst parents and it has thy parents Coppereld was the day at Mrs Elliotts referring to retired local brick urlty been inherited by their children victim of parental neglect and Mr and Mrs DIIAdamSn 391 layer Wliltsl And Wllh the Close 0f lhe nan Every child is more or less of Steerforth of parental indulgence daughter 0f Buttermuk Falls vmI Things Cial talksv Bevm and US State little rebel and some are so per The two characters reprcsent theedVifSlVIilteorigs ahtmIewlashwghnisterS Leonard wainman was actiVe in his secretary Dean Acheson began verse that they seem to take dc extremes of birth and parentage Perce Delon of Saskatoon trade He 15 now over eighty Chartmg newWesmm moves the light in disobedience Like MlstIand the moral of the story is one vhfeand METSV 59mgch of Shanty his day heV or any other good 10c per mile DRIVEURSELF 12 TON STAKE AND PANEL TRUCKS per mile LARGE TRUCKS 15c per mile Dial 2433 or 2222 have changed since afar17 Its real treat to sit back and take it easy 10 enioy closeup picture of Ontarios favored countryside as trim farmlands rugged hills sparkling lakes busy tOwns and villages rollby in scenes of everchanging inter est Thats iust one of You wont need atow truck to pull you out if you have Goodyear Studded SureGrips on your can 1011111111 11101011 They began 0nfernFesVn Tues contrary and will do the very OpIis happy medium in the bringing wyebridge Barbara Preston of dayV He would think there was Day 10 deal Wlm BrmSh and Am posite to what they are told Such up of children but the strictest Parry Sound something wrong if he laid Vany many Titos split with the Kremlin ten very shrewd and intelligent overindulgence er am told lays 250 bucks the development at an Atlanm de but If they are not CheCkd 111W The refusal of those fathers to FiITIIe times 250 is 1250 In other Trealy and Otherlssles vitally Con their parents and everybody else lawless sons would seem to indi days to do dayvs work For the comingboth countr1esV The fault often lies in division cate that they had neglected that The anniversary services 6f the ve days in Toronto he gets $75V weStem GermanyIS StIIongeIt when the child will play one off in IS not enough and there should 1seived Sunday Sept 25 at 11 aim not an wonder that budmg costs Pomlcal gure 131 Komad Adel agalnst the other This occurs par belittle necessity for it where par land pm The morning servrce lot Vtese days Other trdes ale less similar 115 appomtmcnt as Chanceuor child for where there are many onsibilit for the 111 ml nd MCCOImaCk 0f 51 JOhlS Churfl more or the countrys new fEd1I81 IGDUbliC children in family the palem giritual aming of theo Child lAlliston and the evening servrce showed clipping of the above VVVVV 51 tion at Bonn Germany of Pro eVrintendent of the Fred Victor Mis him what hewthought aboutht He fessor Theodor Heuss astresident 22362113 IS Ilium to pamper bemany fathers 01 mOIhCIS IOday put 810 Toronto and ms orChesua said the gures were not qurte cor th 11 ent Heuss was expected to name lics parliament say playels Ind 5mg N0 Angus cm at law enIces to me that there any brick Dr Adenaur leader of the Chris The electionof chss was Vic1 Wm man will lay around 400 bricks Va cellorship His party is the strOrrg socialist opposition which support1 day This means that w1th 1115 est in the threeparty rightwing ed its leaders Dr Kurt SchumachV VV helper They Found Solution cold war ress Mary they go by the rules of of parental responsibility There BayV MrSV presto and Elaine of bricklayen would lay 1200 bricks erican poncy the FarIEaSt Ger children are strong willed and of discipline is to be preferred to 31 lessV Today in Toronto brick fence sySIem under the AIIamIC become WP and nuisance to administer spanking to their words bricklayer today takes of authority between the parentslauty in the rst place Blllspank AngUS United Church W111 be ob which is quite good sumV It is 311 SeemEd assured Monday Oi ticularly in the case of an only ems are united in sense of re will beconducted byRv This fact was seen in the 6186 have to distribute their affection they bring into the World HOW by the Rev Hunmsett Sup Toronto archltect and asked of Western Germany As presid Speak as aIther Children to bed toad them to SPeCial mus Will be given by the rect but he added Its wonder the day is over as our parents ey Imy AN EXAMINER me An building 1n these days umon tian Democratic Union to the chan tony Ki the rightWing parties over cost of materialsbrick coalition which controls the repub er Portal etlcV ya 11 hmid at ouse or ess an cen It isnot that they cannot lay more bricks for know of cases where tBowmanville Stalesman burgh has its city style oodlit bricklayers have taken on jobs by Speaking of baseball The Caif park and district farmers can private contract Vafter hours when iadian Press which has better1ish their chores before settingVout they will lay bricks far above Vthe 51111reasonsrymrNemoyf QoIing dnyWhere ny with the possible exception of the There are close to 61300110 wk audit is only right 1V Incom Tax Depaftmet dug up librariebjn Canada serving about taii that theVmenVshould beid II busgVVj VV VV story IIlmich is an outstanding ex 90 of the peoplein big cities and bwages in order to make up for VQV II 11 wows iample of cooperation between farm about 40 of the people mama mac ho work permda But folk andVV theV citizens 13511131 communities VV 11 least they might rendera good Whenever someone does you his boss and insisted on 31211 days workforagood daysvpay dd IIownI and thus get on withthe job or MONTREAL $1650 wrongyou can makegmaiters deal Hillsburgh Ontario is com VV wovidihg VreasonablypricedVVVhomes DETROIT v$l400 better or Worse by you own nt 400 20 mu DEISOIISI OIII for themselves and all other work dunno $521 VV So It Is whenever anyone iidea of what goes on in Canada for the games Prescribw union limitIII lexicklaylng of course1s season him anyone else in the countr 2I 1H Sharp strong studs set in angular bar arrangement like tract0r cleats provide the gt ereittest longwearing trac tron tread ever built Or cars or light trucks Throughsnow 11111an 511 gumbo conditions Iwiisyedglieybgetmmgh farmers in the surrounding dis trict liked to watch baseball but could not get to town early enough to see the games while the games could not be started any later on account ofdarkness Farmers and businessmen work wrongs in our stride or get at ed together to provide oodlights the root of the trouble and try for the baseball park The Hills to correct it burgh Businessmens Association arranged for 60 farmers and host nessmen to back notes at the bank Farmers and merchants donated anon ago the life insurance llabor and materials Power conv agent was sometimes denied pally crews did thEilI Dart by work hearing He took thistreatment ingas quickly as possible Insev Vworkjurers in his stride however and per Weeks the 31115131111311 baseball sistedin his efforts Today Park had BTtiClal llghtinEw I1 H0 Nd betterit Would be everyone realizesthat life in To Pay my the lights teams are Hillfy refused be upset by surance is necessity And the Ming Chargei small percentage these incidents Orifhetalked modern agent is welcomed as 01 the gates for lhe Hillsbmgh 13 hmgs 0W1 franle with Al 011 helpful naiicial advisor games Plus the 0051 Of the Dowel me me used Other Htllsburgh Organiza 19 33 81111118 tions will Dtty small rental 111111113 my sent us1nc111111 Bought Virul Sold For Bgtter Prices Call miles northeast of Guelph The ers VIf therveas no shortage of Rom mu Harry and VAlwork at the offendsus We cannot live hap SImien c533 same job But when theres exrraworkV to be done Al al ways has some exCuSe for not staying Overtime He leavesI Harrer nish up pily and do goodwork while smoldering with resentment We must learn to take these Naturally Harr rcsents be mg chus imposedyum But he nourishes his resentment and Vsoon becomes grouchy with eVeryoneeven his own famil Because of his irritation his Scarcer more than gener am IV MOTORS comm IONDRY MOTORS 49111 SNEllnbeth 51 Open 1111119 21 MARY ST PHONE 2449 DANGLRHELO

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