THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22 tutta tiitunistzitltg and sacrifice Null can be itltxltilitd by her lttxltt id liltl hluljuizi MRS ROBERT llllllllll remarkably lump anti hiltitl llt and llill4cl wliu st warn hearted and tipitcltt tit clztttacttz Mis RULMX tiltttidgt illtkl Fit lay Sip it till li iigtttj illiiess Sitter her marriage oiiJaiitiaty lQIlV she Willi lict husband had made their home and the fourth concession of Simcoe County Born at Malvetn Scatboro lwp she was tli daughter of the lltle litiin and lillcii Johnston As girl the family moved to Wanam ster Mcdonte Twp while for El years prior to her iiiariiage slu lived in Toronto Au tlllllllllL and willing worker for tier fairiin and home the late irsttlctl mi lonzsftt Winter Have Your Screens Taken Windows Washed Storm Sash Put On also Storm DUNE Prepare for FLOORS CLEANED WAXED POLISHED with large electric Polishers CAusoNs Window Cleaners Call 3107 For Quick Service For Iowicost hatig satisfaction TER Youre going to live the be furnace you buy this year50 miteitd good buy Be sure to see and investigate the wonderful 1950 NEW 1949 of Hlipa hit Llaltlctg Lellt with uccy gratitua and pzluc tier tllictetcy and cute in tl pie attoa of loud anti he dc ll 1tlvzlli to family and and iitcittorits lit llcl yum tvl health flowcis unit lltttl ttliilit were uiie of tl tititita lllltlktl Ulilll jvcai lit1 lStIl jLtilltoilitlJltlJ lot lite Bottle tttttlllct lot good store of year tSltc also as former member of Ll lllLttld Iilttltttt tiliil ltiltt Ult iiteu tltticii loilottuig izt Llhii ttltttusl ililcg sciies of iilllttl iat Match ltl loioztto llllbjlllill an opiiation littlltctl litt llu oecltititaz laatit meant auxtcty and stiticitztg lint during her lpiolotgd llllltra litis was cross to beat Rev lloggctt of Thornton Ulltlttl Lhuich trrlslttl Roi jA labls if VCiirikslmvtt Ullllctl Church concocted the funeral ttlVltt lliilil litr late residence oii lotoiioay pt 12 till intciinint jlll lliorntoii tetttetery Two of ityzmts Itll as am LlTlL ttt licl tittili hll ll illtiiit of llilltl talr ago it tievloped and Western was pci past year her her lavottti llltulll tte tlra and My Faith Looks tip to TLee were read which bore worthy testimony to her humble tiusttiit faith in Gods care ller fivent hope and die sire to be well again weiie signi ficant keynotes tVLll in her last lttliililll of great pain untilthe day before her passtitg when she spoke of having her callplict Masters call Acting pallheaiers were George Squibb McMasler Dalton Banting tallauglicr Viau and ll lalmer llouorary pallbearxis were Master Rodger llcive Gary laliner Douglas Viati and Bernard lillllC llesitles the numerous floral trilt bales of sympathy front relatives friends and neighbors there was also one from limisfil Council and on from the teaching staff at Givens school Toronto Surviving to sadly miss her are her husband and one daughter Marjorie at home and in Toronto also brother George Johnston Warminster Relatives and the funeral Orillia Shanty ronto friends attended from Wariiiinster Bay Barrie lo Cooksvil le Rockwood and Joe Maw TVRoyRubert of Edenvzilc and Mrs Arthur Ross of Antlers Sask st years of your life with the IDEA furnaces They have every new feature and styling Many of these have been developed by and are exclusive with NEW IDEA and have many months Ask about saves dollars Examine the gloss finishes Note the very been tested and proved over FuelMixer construction that new hardasiron metallic pleasing new designthe all over trim clean appearance that adds beauty to your basement Now is the time to Buy For cottage or mansionfor any fuelcoal gas oil NEWIDEA is youribest buy iug Choose winter aircondition with blower fan to circulate clean ltered and humidied airor standard gravity system properly installed to give abundant heat Decide n0w Youll get prompt attentionthebest of service When the first cold days arriveLyoull be glad stalled early by your NEW your NEW IDEA neuter Yes youll be pleased ou went to him because IDEA dealers are carefully your heating System was in lDEA dealer The New Idea wlnlsi otMondltlonlng on The New Idea gruvlfy uylo heating unit selected and know their Lob est Yon are assured of the value in heating equipment and the best heating plan installatioii workmanship Again we soyiee burNEW IDEA dealer to ay Dont delay Get the real facts Remember expert advice and estimates on the cost of your heating system will be given cheer Vobligationto you fully dourlpllvo literature motlsd EREEon request Write teddy uEw insh Eumncss INGERsotE Hreunder are listed dealers serving this suiroundingCommunity Wolfnden Plumbing and Heating lly and without oNEAiro it New Idea authorized 177Byeld St Barrie Hcrrrrmrtumsw 96 ColbomeSt W0rillia Ontario iGtehcm Pliubinq and Heating Collingwood WsthglandtBurner thdiio VV Bcrtha Mrs Charles Masont of Al landale Fred oi Whitefish also two ilate Wediicsday Sept at pti fol wing ii The colors are paraded as five hundred persons representln the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Serttie ltttlll and aitozis American ptii lt totlt march down liith Atentie New York City The parade marked the opening of the thud annual tttllcllllll of the Middle Atlantic States Command of the Ltiitlll llrautfortl lieuiii and tteatliy vtlla hutz MRS OLIVER thtAl illiwtoii oridt Mrs livcr MiQttzy who had been It poor lealtli ltd the pat eight yeziis ltiigttl ll tii llcctott on Sunday Scptcntbcr Al ltlll llori tll Vaughan township llll May ltitii she was the daugliiri Vof the late Mr and Mrs loltn Maw Altcr her inatriage to lltt Mc Quay on February 13 1903 sh jlived in Essa township until mov ing to south half lot cotttcsioilt tt Tecttrnseth where she resided foul1 years lltll years ago she and hi husband moved to llecion avhere she had since lived The late Mrs McQuay was member of the Anglican Church tand was of quiet nature and lriendly disposition Surviving besides her husband are eight daughters and tottr stirs Irene Mrs llarold Shaiinoiit of Kitchener Beatrice ers iarlield Halli of ookstown Vernon ol Beeton Florence iMrs Nelson Bodent of Weston Jack of Wood bridge Dorothy iMrs Douglas Ber ardt of Toronto Edna tfrlrs Jack Mitchelli of Alliston Mildred tMrs Roy Hoagt of Malton Mor lcy of Kitchener llclen Mrs Ron Icrt llameswoithl of hitclicner Ibrothers and three sisters Albert of Minesing Mrs Jacobs of Victoria BC Mrs short service was held at lter residence Main Street on lowed by serviCc in St Pauls Church Rev Cooke officiat ting The pallbearers were Norman Ford McCague Thomas Rutledge Robcrt Gould Gordon Hawtoii Roy Coleman tlowcrbcar crs William Gray Walter Fish Claiencc Vareoe Jas Mcltllurray Clayton Hetichan Roy Dcvall Spence McCullough Friends from adistancc who at tended the fuucral were present from Guelph Mincsing Barrie lvy Thornton Brcmwood Crec morc Schomberg and Toronto BOND HEAD September 19 Miss May Mchan and several of the Barber family of Toronto spent the weekend at Geo Gummersons Next Sunday will be Rally Sun day at the United church That means kindly get all the children out Davidson and wife of Tor onto visited at Mr and MrsJas Smiths last Sunday also Mr and Mrs Edgar Whitcsidcs of Alliston It Engineers Convert T771 BuildingTSS Marked ForAlterations Also cw From The lCamp Borden Citizen conversion of Spider Wing T71 in the RCS of linestrom Emer gency Married Quarters to Etcl cruit Accommodation vi This extensive raltcration has meant complete renovation of the buildings including rcpairs to the foundations joists and sills which were in very poor condition due to dry rot this groupwas insuchpoor con ij ditiOIlthat if has been necessary to shore up all four walls in order to get underneath it The final re sult ofthe workon thisvonegwing has been that the building was literally suspendcdjrom skyhooks Includedin thisalteration is the construction of large boiler room from which it is intended toheat Building T71 as well as building T68 audT69V When the job is completed the huts Will be divided into twoman rooms with linoleum floors shelv ing and individual wall plugs for radios bed lamps etc The centre of the group will contain modern ablation facilities includ ing wall lavatories Installation of these wash basins will obviate the need for the old galvanized iron lined ablutlon tables This accommodation will be oc copied by General Military Train ing Wingof the RCS of which has been located in temporary quarters in 23 Transport Company Lines north of the Camp Admin istration Building As Soon as sufficient permanent married quarters are available it is intended to clear out building T68 which isalso in useat the present time as an EMQ This group of hats will beiconverted to use as Quartermaster and Tech and lllllllsitl application has been platcd at the favor onto spent few days Sept 17 Oro on Sept 14 Mrs Cairns Work is now inprOgress on the One ofthe wings ol CENTRAL 0R0 IV SeplcztiIot hll llllll rctttiiicd to his shirt at Queens Mtiiical ollegiz litiiggj stun Sevciai lrum this coiniuuttt titl tciidtd licarcrton Fair on Sattztvl day Mr and Mrs lhos Sllllllili lorotiio treholtdaytnq with tentch ll Paisley and othsr rem live and friends The sympathy of the coinmi ttt is extended to the Fraser for and rclativrs of Miss Fraser Whose Idtulll occitiici lll week Mr and Mrs Will Day lltt ict Mrs ll llcwitt ol Atteilny visited Mr and Mrs Dan hlti tlitir and Mr and Mrs ll Ztlcv uaig last week while attending Oro lair Final Service by Mr Iloyal Sept the final itllltl service by Mr Royal as student for the summer montix good coiiurcgation was in attendl anec and appreciated very litttll the lovely solo by Mrs Royal Au was last meeting of the Presbytery to have Mr Royals appointment tended through the winter inontnsl It is hoped that the Mission Board in Toronto will consider this with CLOWES vr Mtatid Mrs ll Hartley of lcr last ck with Mr and Mrs Bidwcll Mrs Cairns and Mrs tvtiu Cairns of Midliuist visited with Bouncy during the weekend Mr arid Mrs Home attendel lit1 ceptioii in MooreShelswell Ori ia wed int oii Saturd Mrs Bethune and VVHectoi Bethune of Turtle Lake and Mrs Jonas of Rosscau are spendingl few days with Mr and Mrs Fraser This community was also well represented at the Worlds Fair won some first prizes with her pet cil drawings and paintings Belly Bidwcll was fourth in the iiaitI driving contest Baby Contest Winner Nearly everyone in this commonl ity enjoyed the generous hospitah ity of the Barrie Chamber of nml theme on Thursday Sept 13 ltatutl crs Day Myrna Simpson datutttl tor of Mr and Mrs Chas Simpsonl was first in the 12 year baby coir test it spent Sunday at that home Our two genial policemen Carl Krcugcr and James Murphy atel being moved to Alhston We will miss themthey are pair of free young men LTCOL BUELL ps0 44 of Brockville has been appointed PAGE ONTARIO CANADA ss an LvAA Iv Ml ltnr tlal Aliaii ilt tilitl tttitt rt lllllltl Fast AV N1 n1 letcpltclic mans spoken ult here silt you taida tzitdti Ilial ll tii ltaorito VJ 73 Im LitIthn VtiniVVllVti VV VV rm Eczema lion VVVAgVOVVVV Fat or Wmlizt llltt tc Wu la tt lilttll tltiiLlL it the titeutoiial iltt til tl wm TRY AN EXAMINER ACE TAXI lllatSSSS or5556 ilow in it Meltend will Ilt Pltlull li lillil ili lir tw son iotoiito riall tiaittta ltawns Rex and tlll llHliltli few day titllltit llll retito Mr and Mt ltilllti Slttlll tlr Ella and li llwlilxti Mr and lift fdaitglttcr tlis SUV ll Monday lll lotiittu Mrs taitiltcad Tliltitl t7 ultt Twit littts tat clr llvt ilu with hits aztutltti and ti ily also Mi Matti lltlttli lliursday CHURCHILL Sipiiitlnz Mr and lli llttn ltw Ihoiiiton weir isitot at Stutgcons or Sunday fli Ale Satttiti ts ld liiL after holidaying with lltl iiltl Miss lltibbert Itl lltithy Miss Joy htisttau lim lillitllll to lhatinacy tolicge alter ltot dav Willi litl tnotlui Mrs Adams of Toronto nt ile week with Mr and ll Stat Viitot Mutphy who wcie Itastied mo Vltllfv Mrs liailer ltct inri ttl ll littlihms and Door lcll itiiMottdav to lllIlli ltHlt orvtl ac VV VV ctilttliitlllttl bi ttct ithll and air with her pilltlll it Implant in Mr and Mr ll Sloan and it and Mrs Albert Dryden made business tttp to Leatniiiutoti aqu spent the weekend lll rawtitan Detroit over the weekend and Ullmutiin Mr and Mrs Ray Adan Illil VM ttithMrs family accompanied by Mr lltl Sloan ut lotonto uric Sundt Mrs Al llillicr spent the tliiltfll 01 ill 11 ll bVlmlHV with lrieiitls llt Leanilneton tndf Nb and Mrs lilirbtll Stewart Windsor to attend the wedding ofV ll bliWllt Jittttlilid tll their vl lit it mum September ltlt oil ontzratiilattons to hlr fllltl and to be polished gentleman use NUGGET every day BLACK OXBLOOD AND ALL SHADES Ol BROWNI lltli and l11 it laiiitotii accompanied by Annie ircenaway are visiting with Mr and Mrs Henry Robbins andl Mr and Mrs Wm Henderson Mrs irceiiway is sister of Mr and Miwzllcliry Robbins WATER NlAMlNAlll llllGlNA tl Several cases of water supply contamination by chlordane have been reported to Pamela Jane dauuhtct the Saskatchewan health departl nittit Chlordane is the poison used in fighting grasshoppers in this province It is feared milk supplies may also be endangered LAFFgADAY GINGERALES soouucs BOTTLES 15c PLUSLDEPOSIT Distribuloi for Barrie andj0rillia District GeorgePhone V0E01 mu rim What has eyes and cant see WIN 15 litcHElll0 for CarcIuI Courteous Driving NEW HEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE for best driver in Ontario cities iiiaw reunite EEEEILEADER DEEUXESPORTt COUPEI forbeSt drivr in Ontario towns andruralareas 1IHUNDREDSLOE OTHERBIG Pitt These 1949 GM dream cars and many other vvho merit it and whose vehicV lfwearsi Vthe valuable prizes will be awarded to the winners Kiwanis Safety Emblem will reported to of the Kiwanis Safety Campaign Care and Hadquartors by the Official Observers and Courtesy Competition awarded points for their good drivmg habitsL All you have to do is display 19 49 Kiwanis Thosemost often reported will be the winners to the general staff in the Direc torate he will be responsible for the gen eral direction and training of the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps DDay veteran be com manded the North Shore NB Regt in the invasion of Normandy and was later severely wounded at Falaise Until recently he coni manded the Royal Canadian School of Infantry at Camp Borden CANADIANV ARMY PHOTO nical Stores for the RCS of ITwo wihgs will be centrally heated from the new T71 boiler room this yearawith the balance of the wing installed with steam heating jpext year Of Military Training at Army Headquarters Ottawa where Safety Emblemon the rearvision window of ydttr mime nth the mgllathm car and dEiVe carefully and churteously Drivers Freebase yourEmblem randy You moywln valuable prize Vi fond you will help makeOntorlo SulorV for dll Kiwanis Safety Emblems cost $1 each and may be purchased from Kiwanians Campaign Representatives or direct from Kiwanis Safety Campaign Heiadquarters Room 1508 330 Bay Street Toronto Telephone PL 7176 lawn is shEErv citMirna allowing If c49 carbonate scrum SHOES cousms lrma iags lll St Mr and Mrs Laiiii llilililllVVt Church SVVVVVVVViVVVV MORNNG Matl4 it