PAGE TEN Museum Exhibits Supplied by Show county Womens lintitutrs WWW MmWWi N0 287 Piece of Bennlngton lottrn stitped Illlllilttl twinwt tl ytl pm plate in tin Ei iitl ct ileiiiaziqt x3 potter no list iratlc it llittliJlJ ton Vermont betwtczi 3837 In 1649 Fcisluzt littltl Eli all program lleriiiineton took out tiiitttziamrfled iv of tttltertit lXlltll shaped or nce lho ch it ltul lt llli it gt that day ftz many ltv txpoztett lieu debts it zitv2 llilillll ic tattiitiat tc tt oi the lltlii mitith ilEtl unusual jtttigt arttr lth allmil zlt illlt out titi litvl always rimsit Elc ptiiiltlil Saul the ye attic rut tlic Stu itittery llttlt hunt on fire pump tt Let gratitltatluds tllti tiagg llt 315 ll ltllilCl sltll lu bril lit the same purpose llttxlltl show more lcltntnttnt ip Canada among cltddrtn ot litr tish parentage than among tlztld ltIl with parttits txorn li clsewhcic in thi aita world wonderlulll wv conventM SO whispetqulel umuntll allW44 TIMKEN Wzdmac 01L HEAT WALLFLAME METHOD This famoquallFlame Oil Burner easily converts your prsent heating plant from coal to oil Thousands report it saves up to 25 or more on all costs too Phone us today Oll BOILERS Olt FURNACES WATER HEATERS Theres Timken Silent Auto matic of the right type and size tomeet your homeheat ing need Free surveys and cost estimatesliberal terms Phone us today unison Eiiis cursor in 65 Bradford St PHONE 3855 Halonch for Softnss ViStrength Noth soft never harsh Iialhncod for Blfllgtlh Two North Simcoe Girls Were Among CNE Guests Nttil Jtll fie 3gb in lctl list Llulikil lixlztl it Illtrllll tt tl tic tif lltl tr fUZlLi Nccchi Sewing Machine ui tni vvvwvvvtnvx xixif awwwxwmwo mm nun tlon tll tlt piece baiti e=i latt twtcjt Tlitlttgt Eli tt liillll Neccit tlt all the lltti titii tint tl ill lc attach it lt illl jGIZCLDDCCCT lllllliSllIIllVllJJi lite Sotziinentile home was the ihtlilii ot quiet bttt pretty wed illltlt on Sept ll ttlttl when Jean iQLlllitl inc daughter of Mr and Mrs lt Soiiimcrvtlle lowassan became Ethe bride of Edward lraiicis llil luclt Milt of Mr atid Mrs llil lock ookstown Rev Emerson Kiiowles officiated The bride given in marriage by her father looked lovely iii astreel llcitgtlitliess of peach crepe with llace trimmed bodice and sweet lteart neckline flower headdress held her shoulder length veil in place and she wore corsage of mauve gladioli with forgetme iiot and fern Attending the bride was her sist er Grace wearing matching dress of bltie crepe aitd eorsagc of red caught ill by pearlbeaded cutl gladioli with and fern Rest man was William brotheritilaw of the groom After the ceremony the wedding supper was served to the immedi ate relatives The brides mother wearing light blue silk dress and tltc grooms mother wearing navy blue crepe both with Corsages of red roses received the guests Later in the afternoon the bride and groom left on their wedding trip to North Bay llamilton and Niagara For travelling the bride wore winter white hat with navy blue coat and accessories The newlyweds will reside at Cookstown Out of town guests were Mr and forgetincnot Akcrs CONDENSED Great to stoma meol De licious in sauces and casserole dishes Sl ple ton Barrie Milli BIRTHDAY MINORS livxii Hiltsl Uni MzK lllil lazm ltlll oi llcktozii Nuriiza linens lll Georgi cttill hit it lul Manning Jltch Mr il it ll cll leiii and Mt atol ilr citce Nblilll Saul Sti Bitch and Mt lidttit llt Sault Ste Maiic tth itaztiig thi tt mug ltl our of lost was lllttllltll Osborn by the Woman littlt Following llit itttirnetl lt dz witeie pleasant ctciiiii toyed lla lliv dinner the tlsliiii lib Mrs zlilloclt and Mr and Zlt llrc tiraiiatii of Loolirttvvat ilr ttittl Mis William Ahtis and lit of Churchill Mr and Mrs ktnson liitrliata and lttcliai Elatczietvati Mr and M15 Cooper Kay and llontite of and Miss ylaiit ttgtil til lltt ville if things iiitiuowiii Decorated vllll iil gladioli St latitcltr Stayiiei was lll setting and claw liti ll marriage of lhtrtsa latte lttaulzt eldest daughter of Mr and Matthew Howling of Edward Eugene Marion only of Mr and Mrs Alfred liarzott Barrie Rev Father tlcttcol officiated Miss Margaret Mie was organist ist was Miss Jeanette Barrie ii tarttso the bride wore an original of white slipper satin with iiglt fitting bodice the round iiccklut giro It an Inset yoke of net the ltli skirt and long circular train lth tfroni drain pepltttii bordered iii lace ller fingertip veil was onct and she carried cascade of red roses Miss Evelyn Dowhng was maid of honor for her sister in gown of old rose taffeta atid Miss nes Dowling was bridesmaid fin her sister inapple green taffefa Both worc matching hats and mi tons and carried nosegtys if mums Armand Marion of Midland wa gioomsmun for his cousin The ushers were Tom Marion and John Dowling At the wedding breakfast aitd reception which were held at the home of the brides parents the brides mother received in dress of navy crepe withV navy and white accessories and lovely or chid Assisting her was the grooms mother in grey creps with black accessories with cor sage of pink roses VGuests attended from Regina Detroit Toronto Midland Pent tang Barrie and Crccmore For wedding trip to the Mus koka district and Ottawa the with grey accessories and cor sage of Talisman roses On their return the couple will reside in Barrie ASTRIDGEMcDONALD Miss Helen McDonald RegN daughter of Mrs William McDon ald and the late Mr McDonald of Bradford was married in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie on Sat urday Sept 17 1949 at 730 pm to Emerson CharlesAstridge son of Mr and Mrs Charles Astridgc of Barrie Rev deP Wright performed the doublering ccre mony The church was decorated twith gladioli for the occasion Mrs Roberts church or ganist played the wedding music and Mrs Kenneth Taylor was solo ist Given in marriage by her bro therinlaw FMcMann of To ronto the bride wore gown of ivpry satin fashioned witha yoke of French lace long pointed sleeves and fitted bodice with the skirt falling into circular train Her ivory fingertip veil washeld in place by avcoronetrof matching iFrench lace and she carried acas cade of pink and white gladioli The matron of honor Mrs Bur ton Carr of Painswick sister of the bride wore gown of orchid taffeta with matching headdress and carried bouquet offyelloiv Carnations Two of tth brides maids Miss Norma Banting Reg gold taffeta andcarried bouquets of pink carnations The third bridesmaid Miss Freda Astridge of Barrie wore nilc greenftafieta and carried bouquet of pink carnations Harvey Astridge of Gait Was groom5man and the Ushers were Heppleston Barrie Doggart Toronto and Andrews Brad ford At the reception which followed at Robindale Inn Barrie and the home of Mr and Mrs John Hep the mother of the tbri received the guests wearing ra navy dress with black aceessor ies and corsagc of white cam ations The grooms mother as sisted wearing navy dress with matching accessories and cor sage of white carnations Outoflown guests came from Toronto Gait Orono Bradford and Midland Fol her wedding trip to the Un ited Stateb the bride wore navy gobardlne suit withmatching ac tessories and corsage of white donations On their return the bride and groom wl11make their home inVBarriVe It thtitir Sllllltl vi bride chose wine gabardine suit of Thornton and Miss Gwenl dolyn Astridgc of Barrie were in Itlclxinnoii and the sol Given in marriage by her father appliqued wrth guipure lace and BARRIE EXAM BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA llt AND MRS VERNON JOSEPH BLUCHER were married in St Marys Roman atholic Church Barrie on September 12 The bride is the former Mary McBride daughter of Mr and Mrs Eugene McBride Oti Worsley Street Barrie The bride and groom will make their home in Detroit Michigan ms NEW PACK IS AT YOUR moms ill lt Slut at ifni To ltj ilitinattli ltitl imi titiutl all tl ir itl tati all it trl tin ltttl it iitya il lc Ilt til ltu enema ctli iitd gttiii tttlil lt lxiip lulllllf lltJtl attci Stadium rxtziantrt 1ti llaist chth Silll Ill lt laittti ii tlit igt lli tt1iitt littan nd luv itzalw zll Were it not tor tltittt in the fail tietlitidc Allen Elect Norma Hinton Publicity Convener For Beta Sigma Phi Miss Norma iliidoi was elected publicity lrlllitl of the thin Sigma llit Sorority at llitil tiist lltltlli of the hall ill tciiiiestiay ttll lll Miss litiitoii replaces an ltaie lwynttui who has been ltlltlF llllll to Montreal lhe iiiectini was home of the president littott Theresa Sttcct Kidd and Mass Mariory llztrrts oft held at lll hlhS Antit evening following tlic lines of the Barrie chapters cutrent book llf study ing program at llti meeting includ rd an evening party an afternoon tea and tormal diiiiicr Miss Beatrice McQuade was clcctcd committee chairman of In tciitational Niulitavliicli will lv celebrated on October One of the most important functions of the sorority year International Night is celebrated on the same night by over ttlltlmembers in Itillerciit parts of the world At that time sorority members reaf lirm their belief iii international friendship and their lesire to help the less fortunate people in other parts of the world Plans were also made for an af ternoon tea and sale of baby clothes to be held on Saturday October at 17 Owen Street CANADAS HEALTH DRINK OUT OF FREE Rcutly 390 grocers madba consumer pref erence res in 390 Canada In V81 stotes Libbys Gentle Press Tomato Juice and the neg most popular brand were offered at the shrub price In four out of ve instances tin shopperisahded Libby The reason for this outstandingjprefereoce is orgy to understand Libbys Tomatojoke is processed by Libbys patented Gentle Press method which extracts only the purest svveetest juice from fancy eldripened condom40mm which are thinskinned and heavy with juice the result of 37 years of seed selectionabytlibby experts It talcng more tuningsstains min the rodug is grodery stores across In 309chsuybmdlnss merchandiselemon juice prlcoto cloutqu dlsploycd to competition with Ni out shoppers preferred lebys GGentlePress Libby way and you can taste the delectable dierenceV Libbys has that smell90ftheignrdcn freshness because the juice is packed the same dayzthe ti ittil new no toiimliiizit tti Miss Molly fered lllt cultural program for the llatis made for tlte current rtisii Over the Reefs by Refitit tl Sitsik iitie ilt ttltt 15gt tti at 11 tcf 11min tg iiiti suit ttttilp SJHAX lltigl jtfll1lfl4ltiltl tit Rods liiilcrgroutzd nipping pram Etllls lilvtrjl igt71 and lte iiii llt llttsrld its itii tticti wonttrtial It fr list ltuwtui illti lt titisuttt tt magma litteztj llelow Suspicion to lttltl Hick3 on ltvwidnc llt tiitlttn Ft wi apparently tittittitti trlrtzlll lit setting of the Wit upon my tillllr llaul bet Sony to tipni lilt ttlllllltl at lzttl ll lll gullyat lltl lltttc tlt ltc no service in th licsbtittitttt church on Sunday Vthpt 21 outfit to St illilliis atati ttar Wtlls Meeting The Scpttiztltir lttiS was held at leoiaii trt ill hamlet and vtsuiiis present Mrs 1C lltll of oitlsoits llill liSllltl lktjliA dciit it present also Mrs llllli of llnivale Both brought mtls and iiltl il ltltitllliltttltlt ill Mn il Sinclair had cliarttc Vot the Study llnok Missrs Milltlti laud lIlianoi towait delighted all ittilli 3t loVrl tltltl lls tl lSutltctlaud read paper oit Vom ennui the llible lolloitig the tclroe of the meeting trienilly ltottt Iot fellowship was peiil tltl lllttlllltl ot the liozite of Mr liti cclc lril BER 22 1949 moving our and llunimel Their True mil Scandalous History by ll t2 story of two lawyers ill the jay Nllltllts llalllllllt Lillian htttlzttill cele iiitcitcd lli and camping handbook Ltbthllg Itilm lulull ly ndr Il iii ttig etiitsciciz ixp ttciices trans izt tlttiia for the tlirrrtptutii of tin ti2 mile ltljt ll tzucks ltit titstteiit ti SAINTAH and SWISH ml SOUEIIE llii itca cups delicious ltllWKihnd YW VlY hand served because youre going through the menopause Are you going through trying cliange of life Does this func tional disturbance make you stiller from hot flashes nervous and clammy feelings titklteas arid sense of being irritable and hide strung Then do try Lydia Pink litims Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms Many wise women take Llllk hiiins Compound regularly to help btiild resistance against this lis tress inkharns Compound acts on one of womans most important organs and has such grand llllllIBtEJllllSllllllll Milli liin itlett In addition ills great medicine Is line stomaihic tonic real blessing for women who suffer this way Ntllliz Or you may prefer Lydln l2 lIlllsllillllw IZIS lllLllllL1tl irun MOST POPULAR NAN 10min tomatoes are picked and nothing is added except little salt If youve everwalked intoa garden and enjoyedthe sunripened goodness or the reddestjuiciest tomato outhe vineyou know the unsurpassed avour of Libbys Gentle Press3 Tomato Juice YoulgVrocer has just received the 1949 pack of Libbys fresh from the garden Order your supply and serv it regularly Libbys is Canadas favourite health drinkeconomical and as gdod gs it is good forlyou gt Lydia Pinkhinls VEGETABlE COMPOUND EXCELLENT DIETARY SOURCE OF VITAMINS AND